Sunday, December 4, 2022

Delight Games Walkthrough - Bionic Bikini 2

Bionic Bikini 2 Walkthrough

Starting Stats: 12 Life, 0 Cool

Choice 1

"Sure, A Time Machine. Now Go Away" (Cool -1)

"Forget The Time Machine!"

Choice 2

Challenge HARV On His Behaviour (Cool +1)

Let It Slide For Now

Choice 3

Hide The Car

No Time. Park Near Hole (Cool +1)

Drive Around Building (Cool -1)

Choice 4

Amplify Hearing (Cool -1)

Look For Heat Signatures (Cool +2) (Achievement Unlocked: Nice deduction)

Just Concentrate On What You Can See

Choice 5

HARV Hack Lab Robots

Search Floors One By One (Cool -1)

Search Elevator For Signatures (Cool +2)

Choice 6

Insist On Cloaking (To Choice 6.1)

Do Not Cloak (Life -2) (To Choice 7B)

Choice 6.1

Shoot Him Now (To Choice 7A)

Drop Cloak And Confront Him (Life -2) (To Choice 7B)

Choice 7A

Electric Charge (Cool +1)

Neurotoxin (Life -2)

Choice 7B

Electric Charge

Neurotoxin (Life -3)

Choice 8

Stun Her (Life -2)

Tackle Her (Life -3, Cool +1)

Reason With Her

Choice 9

Force Him To Lie (Life -3)

Try To Deceive Him (Cool +2)

Choice 10

Involve Police (Cool -1)

Leave Them Out For Now

Choice 11

Stun Them (Life -3, Cool -1)

Sneak In

Entertain Them (Cool +1) (Achievement Unlocked: Joker!)

Try To Get Them To Relate To You

Choice 12

Threaten With Gun (Skip Choice 13)

Shock Him

Reason With Him (Life -1)

Choice 13

Start Out Light

Jolt Him Good! (Cool -1)

Choice 14

"The Bionic Bikini Needs To Be Found!" (Cool -1) (Cool +1)

"She'll Go Away For A Looong Time" (Cool +1)

"Have You Met My Friend Colt-45000?" (Life -2)

Choice 15

Convince Her

Shock Her (Life -2)

Stealth Mode (Cool -1) (Life -2)

Rev-Up Suit (Life -3) (Life -2)

Choice 16

Tell Her The Truth

Make Up A Lie (Cool +2)

Choice 17

Use Randy As Bait (Cool -2)

Look For Romantic Partner

Visit Modelling Agency (Cool +2)


Choice 18

Get Carol

Disguise HARV (Cool -1)

Sneak In (Life -2)

Life +5

Choice 19

Convince Elevator (Life -2, Cool -1)

Tell HARV To Hack It

Choice 20

Prepare To Fire (Life -3) (To Choice 21A)

Pretend You’re Under Her Control (Cool +1) (To Choice 21B)

Play It Cool (Cool +1) (Life -3) (To Choice 21A)

Choice 21A

Gun (Life -4, Cool -1)

Knife (Life -5)

Play Possum (Cool +1) (To Choice 21.1A)

Talk To Her (Life -3)

Choice 21.1A

Knife (Life -4, Cool +2)

Gun (Life -4, Cool -1)

Act Like A Fan (To Choice 21.1B)

Choice 21B

Take The Shot (Life -4) (To Choice 21A)

Get In Closer (Cool +2) (To Choice 21.1B)

Choice 21.1B

Pull The Trigger Again (Life -3)

Charge Her (Life -1, Cool +2)

Turn To The Others

Choice 22

Electrify Suit (Life -3)

Stealth Mode (Cool +1, Life -3)

Choice 23

Stun Her With Gun (Life -3) (Cool +2)

Shock Her With Suit (Life -3)

Ask For Help From HARV (Cool +2)

Choice 24

Sexy Sprocket (Cool -1)

Helena Gevada

Choice 25

Send Message About Bionic Bikini (Cool -1)

Impersonate Electra

Choice 26

World News Now (Cool +1)

Reality Network (Cool -1)

Choice 27

Shoot Her With GUS

Pretend To Be A Fan (Life -2)

Pretend To Make A Deal (Cool +2)

Life -2

Choice 28

Taunt Her (Life -3)

Compliment Her

Shoot Something (Cool +3, Life -2)

Final Points:

Cool x 30

100 Points if Deaths = 0

Final Ranks: (No Bonus Received / Bonus Received)

Smokin’ mind, smokin’ bod! - 700+ (24 Cool / 20 Cool)

Expensive, but worth every credit! - 450+ (15 Cool / 12 Cool)

Old fashioned, but capable - 250+ (9 Cool / 5 Cool)

Electra could do better - 150+ (5 Cool / 2 Cool)

HARV’s dumb sidekick - <150 (4 or less Cool / 1 or less Cool)

Postscript Note: The only choices that don’t have an objectively correct option are Choice 8, Choice 21.1B, and Choice 28. If you take the “no stats change” option in each of these choices and follow the emboldened choices for all other choices, you finish with 12 Life & 24 Cool. While this is technically enough to get the top rank, the maximum score of 900 (or 1000, if you have the bonus) is only achieved by trading Life for Cool in each of these choices, as this nets you an extra 6 Cool at the cost of 6 Life

As always, however, I do encourage picking non-emboldened options for reading pleasure, as there’s a lot of cool stuff written in ‘worse’ choices. Whenever Zach manages to utterly screw everything up, HARV’s sarcastic nature makes for some pretty funny moments

Hope you found this useful,


Achievements Note: This story only has two achievements: Nice deduction & Joker!. Normally when I scout for achievements, I use existing information (either a walkthrough, like on this site or Text Game Guides, or personal notes from before I last reset all my progress, because I'm a nerd who keeps notes when they get achievements) to see where the known achievement locations are so I can skip over those choices. However, I may have forgotten to do that for the Nice deduction achievement, so I can’t guarantee that Choice 4 is the only place you can get it. If someone else could check the rest of the book for this achievement, it'd take a good chunk of work off my hands, and I’d greatly appreciate it. If you’ve done this (and you’re 100% sure you don’t already have the achievement), please just leave a comment, and I’ll make sure that’s reflected in the above. Cheers