Saturday, March 12, 2022

Delight Games Walkthrough - Blood and Snow (Parts 3 & 4)

Blood and Snow - Parts 3 & 4

Precursory Note #1: Going back at any point will reset your Cool to 0. You have been warned

Precursory Note #2: The only choices that allow you to lose Life are in Part 4, so it’s effectively a pointless statistic elsewhere. The only purpose it serves in earlier parts is to give you 100 extra points at the end of the chapter

Part 3: The Vampire Christopher

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Cool

Choice 1



Choice 2

Never Mind Dorian, Fix Your Scarf (Cool -1)

Never Mind Your Scarf, Fix Dorian (Cool -1)

Go For The Combo Move – If You Think You’re Smooth Enough (Cool +1)

Choice 3

Slam My Book Down to Get Their Attention

Act Like It Doesn’t Bother Me

Give Chace The Cold Shoulder (Cool +1)

Choice 4

Admit The Scarf is Covering Up Hickeys (Cool +1)

Change The Subject to Something – Anything (Cool -1)

Choice 5

Tell Him to Pay Attention to The Lab (Achievement Unlocked: Intellectual)

Keep Talking About What Happened (Cool +1)

Choice 6

Stick Up For Yourself

Make Fun Of Them (Cool +1)

Bring Up Cindy

Choice 7

“Dude, Chill Out. I’m Fine”

“Chace, Thank You, But I’m Really Alright”

Choice 8

Try to Get Him to Stay

Let Him Go Get The Ingredients (Cool +1)

Choice 9

Let Them Help Me (Cool +1)

Decline Their Help Politely

Ask Them More Questions (Choice 9.1)

Choice 9.1

Accept Their Help (Cool +1)

Decline Their Help Politely

Choice 10

Tell Him You Saw Everything

Tell Him You Just Saw The Vampire Queen

Tell Him Nothing

Choice 11

“I’m Just Afraid of The Blade”

“I’m Nervous About Training”

“I’m Nervous About Training With You” (Cool -1)

“Can We Talk Again About Remaining Just Friends?” (Cool -1) (Redirected to Other Choices)

Choice 12

“I’m Definitely Getting The Hang Of It” (Cool +1)

“He Was Just Being Nice”

Final Points:

Cool x 30

Life x 10

Final Ranks:

DAAANG! Top Rank! Nice choices! - 250+ (5 Cool)

Cooler Than Most Princesses - 150+ (2 Cool)

Not Bad - 80+ (0 Cool)

Klutzy Elephant - 30+ (-2 Cool)

Snow Brown Pile of Poo - <30 (-3 or less Cool)

Part 4: Blood-Soaked Promises

Choice 1

“To Annoy You, Of Course” (Cool -1)

“Because I Have More Important Things to Worry About Than What I’m Wearing” (Cool +1)

“Because They’re Comfortable”

Choice 2

Run For The Door (Life -1)

Go To Her

Stand My Ground (Cool +1)

Choice 3

Run (Life -3)

Fight Them (Life -4, Cool +2)

Dodge And Evade (Cool +2)

Life +3

Choice 4

Grab It By Its Tail (Cool +1)

Dive Onto Its Body

Choice 5

Try Hand-to-Hand Combat (Cool +1)

Turn And Run Back Home

Choice 6

Dodge Him

Punch Him

Cool +1

Choice 7

Refuse The Apple (Cool +1)

Take The Apple (Life -100) (You Died)

Choice 8

Just Let It Go

Ask Him For More Details (Cool +1)

Tell Him Outright

Choice 9

“No, I Understand Completely. This is Typical Cindy” (Cool -1)

“You’re Right, I Don’t Understand. Why Don’t You Explain It To Me?”

Choice 10

Go Find Gabe (Cool -1)

Head to The Museum

Choice 11

Tell Her The Truth

Just Forgive Her (Cool +1)

Choice 12

“What About The Other Revenants?” (Cool +1)

“I Didn’t Sign Up For This”
“I Bet You Say That To All The Girls?” (Cool -1)

Choice 13

Say “I Am Fine. Just Teen Angst” (Cool +1)

Say “What Are You Talking About?”

Say Nothing (Cool +1)

Choice 14

“I Agree. What He Did Was Wrong”

“Marking Me Was His Duty. He Didn’t Want To” (Cool -1)

“Seriously Cindy, How Do You Know All This” (Cool +1)

Choice 15

Slap Her (Cool +1)

Ask Her To Leave (Life -2)

Ask Her How I’m Selfish

Life -2

Choice 16

Look For My Necklace (Life -5)

Attack This Impostor! (Cool +1, Life -3)

Choice 17

Run! (Life -4)

Go For Her Legs (Life -3, Cool +1)

Look For A Weapon (Cool +2)

Life -2, Life +2

Choice 18

Go Downstairs (Cool -1)

Search The Room More (Cool +1)

Check Myself For Wounds

Choice 19

“Chicken Cacciatore Isn’t Exactly Vegan” (Cool +1)

“I’m Not Very Hungry”

Choice 20

Make Up An Excuse And Ask Her To Leave (Cool -1)

Agree to Try A Spell

Ask Her If She’s Tried Any Before (Cool +1)

Choice 21

Sleep Spell (Cool -1)

Cat Spell (Cool +1)

Boils Spell

Locator Spell (Cool +1)

Choice 22

Just Ask Her What Happened

Pretend That You Know More (Choice 22.1)

Choice 22.1

“The Part With The Spells”

“The Part Where I Attacked Viv” (Cool -1)

Choice 23

Tell Them They Needed to Lock Me Up (Cool +1)

Run Away From All Of This

Embrace Who I’ve Become And Fight Them (Life -100) (You Died)

Final Points:

Cool x 30

Life x 10

Final Ranks:

DAAANG! Top Rank! Nice choices! - 580+

Cooler Than Most Princesses - 450+

Not Bad - 300+

Klutzy Elephant - 100+

Snow Brown Pile of Poo - <100

End of Book 1:

Achievement Unlocked: Finished the book!

“No Takebacks” Guide:

As you’ll probably have noticed, almost all the choices above have at least one emboldened option. The emboldened choices signal any objective ‘correct’ or ‘best’ choices, as is standard for most of the walkthroughs here. However, they also double as a walkthrough for getting the achievements No Takebacks!, No Takebacks Part 2!, Thoughtful Player!, and Cheater?

I do encourage picking other options for reading pleasure, as there’s a lot of cool stuff written in ‘worse’ choices (I honestly thought Part 4, Choice 23, "Embrace Who I've Become And Fight Them" was awesome, even though it kills you). However, if you’re heavily conscious about achievements, you may want to do a “No Takebacks” playthrough for each chapter before you actually read them, as you only get one shot for each of those achievements. Or maybe you could read the story while doing the “No Takebacks” playthrough & read it again afterwards. Honestly, it’s your reading experience, so it’s your choice :)

Hope you found this useful,


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