Sunday, October 30, 2022

Updates from the second author - some community help requested

(TL;DR at the bottom)

Hiya guys!

Well, I know I haven't said much around here, so I'll make my introduction brief. I'm Yolo (or Theo, I don't really mind), and I've been writing for this site since December 2021. Before that, I'd occasionally comment when I found typos, unlisted Achievements, or people asking questions that Lexi noticed, but it took me a while to work up the courage to ask if community submissions were accepted. I started out with Witch Saga because that was the big non-premium series that was missing walkthroughs, and I worked my way from 8 back to 1. Why? Because I'm a little crazy, and I figured they'd get easier to write if I did them in that order. Boy, was I wrong xD

If anyone's wondering, btw, community submissions and assistance is always accepted. We like help, even if it's just mentioning typos or missing achievements (both of which are probably plentiful)

Now, for the two big things I wanted to address in this post:

1. Site Popularity

A lot of you will remember that there was a domain change on this blog. Until December 2021, it had the domain Then, Lexi changed it to, which does make more sense as a domain. One slight problem, however, comes from Google's search algorithms. Before the domain change, if you searched "Wizard's Choice Walkthrough", this blog was one of the top 5 results to appear, because we had stacks of visitors in late 2019 & early 2020. Now, the site doesn't appear at all, because we've not had nearly as many people passing through since changing domains. If you're reading this & you can share this site around, it'd be a massive help for the site

And for all the cynics (much like myself) out there, remember that this is not a cash grab, as this blog is 100% advertisement free. We hate ads too :)

2. Posting Frequency & What's Left To Do

There's no denying that stuff hasn't been posted in a while. A lot can be said about this, but it won't change the fact, so I won't bother saying anything. Anything more, anyways

Here's the way I see it. Below is a list of absolutely everything that doesn't have a finished walkthrough, effective 30th October 2022:

  • Bionic Bikini 2
  • Monster Myths 1
  • Apprentice Musketeers 1
  • Paladins (Book 3)
  • Alice in Demonland (Parts 1, 2, & 3)
There are roughly 100 walkthroughs required for the whole game to be documented. Currently, we have a grand total of 7 walkthroughs that aren't done, or 8 if you consider that the first two Paladins books were split into two separate walkthroughs each. What's more, everything in Ring City is done, and only 3 non-premium books remain incomplete - something I believe Lexi should be commended for, as she put a lot of work into doing the majority of that. Ranger's Choice 3 is expected to come out around the start of December, so that will make 9 walkthroughs needed in the near future. Hopefully. We all remember what happened to Ranger's Choice 2 having an expected release date of December 2021, and while I hope it doesn't happen, a repeat isn't out of the question

Of these 9 walkthroughs, the only one that can be considered as for a "popular story" is Ranger's Choice 3. That and Paladins Book 3 are the only walkthroughs not for series that were discontinued due to a lack of popularity (if memory serves, that's near word-for-word from the reply to an email I sent Sam Landstrom last year). Really, we're at the stage where what's left is just for the sake of being able to say "we've done them all" (and by we, I really mean Lexi. Even if I do everything that's left, I'll have done roughly 20% of the stuff on this site)

I'll be attempting to produce 2 walkthroughs a month for the next three or four months, as I recently graduated from Year 12 (woohoo!) and I'm now in the interim period between Y12 and University. I'll talk to Lexi about her situation (because yes, I wrote this before I remembered to send an email to the person who owns the blog xD), but for now I won't presume if she will or won't also start updating again. I'm happy either way tbh. My immediate priority is Apprentice Musketeers, as that's my favourite out of the remaining ones. After that, I'm open to suggestions (please leave comments)

In my mind, however, the big thing left isn't walkthroughs. Yes, some of the older ones could use a bit of refinement, but there's a much bigger thing left to do. You guessed it: achievements

Most chapters have between 10 and 20 achievements that are unlocked based on the choices you make. That sounds like a lot, but a lot of those achievements were probably found during Wizard's Choice, meaning that your job get's much easier. Finish Rogue's Choice too, and you've gotten probably 75% of the achievements in the game. Which is great if you want to get all the achievements in the game as quickly as possible. And less great if you're playing the books out of order and you want that one last pesky achievement in Zombie High 1 that everyone else just found in Wizard's Choice 2

At some point in the distant future, I'd like to do two things with achievements, and both would benefit greatly from community input & assistance
  1. The first is for every story to have all possible achievements found in all places they can be
    (e.g. in the walkthrough for Rogue's Choice 7, 5 achievements have already been found, but there's 9 achievements possible in that chapter. I'd like all to be found in everything)
  2. The second is something I believe currently doesn't exist anywhere - I'd like to have a list of every achievement in the game along with every possible place to get that achievement. I think we've all been through the pain of clicking "view all achievements in series" and seeing that there's one achievement missing, and this would help a lot for anyone experiencing this pain
Anyways...... man, that turned out longer than I expected. If you've read this far, I respect you already, and I don't even know you xD

Cheers for reading this, and have a good one,
Theo / Yolo

  1. Share the site so eventually people can actually google this site again
  2. Walkthroughs will start coming out again. Not necessarily frequently, but I'm aiming for 2 a month
  3. If you find achievements in any story that we haven't found, let us know! If it's in a story we haven't done a walkthrough for yet, just comment it here, and I'll make sure it ends up on the walkthrough once we do it
  4. I don't know how to talk concisely, but I'm working on it. Somewhat

P.S. If anyone's wondering how long it took me to write this, check the timestamps on this and the Frost Walkthrough. I started writing this as soon as I posted Frost, so that makes it.... basically 2 hours. No breaks. If only I wrote walkthroughs this quickly

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