Friday, November 25, 2022

Delight Games Walkthrough - The Paladins Book 3: The Old Ways (Chapters 82 - Epilogue)

The Paladins Book 3: The Old Ways (Chapters 82 - Epilogue)

Note: At the end of each chapter, the ranks will be displayed, but for the sake of conciseness, the methods of calculating points will not. Points are calculated as follows:

Life x 10 except in Chapter 100

Life x 20 only in Chapter 100

Morale x 30 for All Chapters

Favor x 10 for Jerico

Favor x 20 for Darius & Valessa

Favor x 30 for Cyric

(Favor is N/A for Robert, Kaide, Daniel, Sandra, & Gregane)

Although the top rank is called "Top Rank! Perfect Choices!", it is possible in many chapters to achieve this rank with suboptimal choices. For example, in Chapter 101, the maximum score is 510 points, but this rank is achieved at 360 points - there a variety of non-perfect ways to achieve this

Also, for the bottom rank in each chapter, it says in-game that you get this rank with 0+ points. However, getting a negative score will still give you this rank, and the scores shown below for each rank have been edited to reflect this

Note 2: A chapter labeled “CUT-SCENE” is a chapter where no choices are required. Out of the 39 chapters in this book, only 21 have any choices at all, and some only have one or two choices, so this is definitely more of a novel than a CYOA story. Fair enough, as it was originally a no-choices novel anyways

Chapter 82 (Darius)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale, 2 Favor

Choice 1

“Sure, Although I’d Prefer We Talk First” (Morale -1)

“Apologies, But I Need To Purchase Supplies” (Morale +1)

“Not Until We Have Had Words”

Choice 2

“You Running A Butcher Shop On Wheels?” (Morale +2)

“So, What Are You Selling?” (Morale +1)

“Are You And Gacy Brothers?” (Morale +1)

Choice 3

Draw His Sword And Parry (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Fight Hand-To-Hand

Choice 4

Brace His Sword

Swing At Gacy (Favor -1, Morale -1, Life -1)

Retreat At Gacy (Favor +1)

Morale -1

Choice 5

Untie Grick (Morale +1)

Leave Grick Bound (Morale -1)

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 200+

Not bad - 130+

Kinda lame - <130

Chapter 83 (Robert) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 84 (Jerico) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 85 (Darius)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale, 2 Favor

Choice 1

Bait Valessa By The River (Morale +2) (Achievement Unlocked: Sneaky)

Bait Valessa By The Forest (Morale +1, Life -4)

Call Valessa Out

Choice 2

“I Am A Paladin Of Ashhur” (Morale -1, Favor +1) (Life -2)

“Not A Paladin Of Karak”

“I Am Darius, Paladin Of Ashhur” (Morale +1)

Choice 3

“I Was A Fool”

“I Never Turned On Them” (Morale +1)
“I Was A Follower Of Karak Then” (Morale -1)

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 230+

Not bad - 180+

Kinda lame - <180

Chapter 86 (Jerico)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale, 5 Favor

Choice 1

“Two Against The Entire Stronghold? I Pity Them” (Morale +1)

“Indeed. And Would You Stop Them?”

“I Think You Might Try” (Morale -1)

Choice 2

Kiss Her Back (Morale +1)

Lay Her Down Into The Grass (Morale +2)

Start Taking Off His Armor (Morale +3) (Achievement Unlocked: You Cad!)

Choice 3

Ignore Them (Morale +1)

Try To Listen To Their Conversation

Shout At Them (Morale +2)

Choice 4

“Seems Like It”

“Better Give Them Another Moan For Good Measure” (Morale +1) (Achievement Unlocked: Funny for a paladin)*

*Note: This is the Book 1 version of the achievement, which I presume is a bug (as it probably should be the Book 3 version). Either way, the immature humor is still worth laughing at :)

Choice 5

Target The Leaders (Favor -1) (Redirected To Other Options)

Break The Wagon Axles (Morale -1)

Spook The Oxen

Burn Supply Wagons (Morale +1)

Choice 6

Sneak In (Skip Choice 7)

Try To Pass As One Of Them

Choice 7

“To The Women Left Behind And The Women Ahead!” (Morale +1)

“May You Win More Often Than You Lose!” (Morale +2)

“May Our Fight Be Righteous!”

“To Karak And Order, Above All!” (Morale -1)

Choice 8

Pray To Ashhur (Favor -2, Life -2, Morale +2)


Muster His Will And Fight (Life -100) (You Have Died) (Achievement Unlocked: Tragic hero (and way dead)!)

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 430+

Not bad - 300+

Kinda lame - <300

Chapter 87 (Darius) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 88 (Jerico) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 89 (Valessa) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 90 (Sandra) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 91 (Darius) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 92 (Jerico)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale, 5 Favor

Choice 1

Look For The Entrance Now (Morale +1) (Favor -2, Morale +1)

Wait Until Darkness (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Choice 2

Find The Tunnel By Using Ashhur's Guidance (Life +1, Favor +1) (Favor -1) (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Signal To Arthur's Men (Morale +1) (Life +1, Favor +1) (Favor -2)

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 210+

Not bad - 180+

Kinda lame - <180

Chapter 93 (Valessa) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 94 (Sandra) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 95 (Gregane) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 96 (Darius)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale, 2 Favor

Choice 1

Grin Along With The Others

Caution Them That Karak Might Favor Cyric (Morale -1)

Choice 2

“Kill Them And Hide The Bodies” (Morale -1) (Redirected To Other Options)

“Talk Our Way In”

“Break In Through The Back” (Morale +1)

Choice 3

Bribe His Way In

Act Like Prisoners Of Durham (Morale +2) (Skip Choice 4)

Choice 4

Offer Gold Now (Morale -1)

Try To Convince Them (Morale +1)

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 200+

Not bad - 150+

Kinda lame - <150

Chapter 97 (Jerico)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale, 5 Favor

Choice 1

“If Not, We Will” (Morale +1)

“The Gates Will Hold” (Morale -1)

“We Shall Build A New Gate Out Of Their Corpses” (Morale +2)

Choice 2

Command Them To Brace The Gates (Life -2)

Tell Them To Prepare For His Blinding Trick (Morale +2, Favor -2)

Bolster Their Morale (Morale +1) (Life -1)

Choice 3

Rush Forward With Ashhur’s Light (Favor -2, Morale +2)

Hold The Line (Life -2, Morale +1)

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 260+

Not bad - 200+

Kinda lame - <200

Chapter 98 (Sandra)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale

Choice 1

Haste (Morale +2) (Achievement Unlocked: Strategist)

Fog (Morale +1)


Choice 2

Get Adam And Griff’s Attention (Morale +1)

Join Adam And Griff In The Fight (Life -1, Morale +1)

Flee (Morale -1)

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 180+

Not bad - 110+

Kinda lame - <110

Chapter 99 (Jerico)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale, 2 Favor

Choice 1

“Still Breathing? Still With Me?” (Morale +1)

“Ashhur Will Protect Us!” (Favor +1)

“The Castle Stands”

Choice 2

Continue To Kill Using His Mace (Life -2, Morale +1)

Focus On Defense (Morale +1)

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 170+

Not bad - 130+

Kinda lame - <130

Chapter 100 (Daniel)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale

Choice 1

Point To The Guard To Warn His Companions

Throw His Dagger At The Guard (Life -100) (You Have Died) (Achievement Unlocked: I got this…)

Choice 2

Knock Them Out (Life -100) (You Have Died) (Achievement Unlocked: Cat Chow!)

Kill Them

Choice 3

Kill Them

Leave Them (Morale -1)

Tie Them Up (Morale -2)

Choice 4

Kill Robert (Morale -2)

Refuse To Do It (Morale -3)

Choice 5

Leave Now (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Wait (Life -3)

Choice 6

Swim Across The River And Escape Into The Wedge (Morale +1)

Swim Downriver (Life -100) (You Have Died) (Achievement Unlocked: Cat Chow!)

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 110+

Not bad - 80+

Kinda lame - <80

Chapter 101 (Darius)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale, 6 Favor

Choice 1

Say "I Ain't Got A Face That's Much To Remember" (Morale +1) (Achievement Unlocked: Impersonator)

Say "Maybe Because You're Too Busy Beating Old Women To Remember A Man" (Life -1)

Shrug And Say Nothing (Morale +1)

Choice 2

Cyric (Morale -1)

The Dark Paladin, Salaul

Valessa (Morale +2)

Kayne, The Lion (Morale +1)

Choice 3


Attack Now (Morale +1)

Choice 4

Attack Valessa (Morale +1, Life -3)

Attack Salaul

Choice 5

Focus On An Overwhelming Attack (Life -4)

Taunt Her (Morale +1)

Try To Sow Doubt In Karak (Morale +2)

Choice 6

Charge Cyric (Life -4)

Taunt Cyric (Favor -1, Life -3, Morale +2)

Pray To Ashhur (Favor -2, Morale +2, Life -4)

Favor -1

Choice 7

Leap To The Side To Dodge

Rely On His Sword To Absorb It (Favor -2, Life -1, Morale +1)

Charge Cyric (Life -1)

Choice 8

Wait To The Last Moment And Dodge (Life -4, Morale +3)

Stand His Ground And Call Upon Ashhur (Morale +5, Favor -3, Life -1)

Charge At The Lion (Morale +5, Life -3)

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 360+

Not bad - 210+

Kinda lame - <210

Chapter 102 (Valessa) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 103 (Epilogue)


Wheeeeeeeeew, that was a long book xD

Achievements Note: In the Premium Library app, there are a small handful of errors in this novel’s achievements menu. I don’t know if these are universal errors, but I figure it’s worth listing them anyways:

  • You Cad! appears in Chapter 86, even though it doesn’t appear in the Book 3 Achievements List

  • Also in Chapter 86, you can obtain the Book 1 variant of Funny for a Paladin

  • Finally, upon receiving Impersonator in Chapter 101, it doesn’t show as marked in the Book 3 Achievements List. However, it does appear as received in the full list of achievements

I believe I’ve found all the achievements in all places they appear inside this book. However, if you find one that’s either missing or erroneous, please leave a comment, and I’ll investigate it as soon as I notice

Huge thanks to the writer of Text Games Guide for letting me use their website to help with finding achievements. I think you helped me find at least 5 or 6 that I wouldn’t otherwise have gotten, and on a separate note, you also helped me spot a few less-than-obvious places where your earlier choices affect your later choices

If you’re stuck getting the Highest Rank achievements, the emboldened options act as a maximum score walkthrough for each chapter. Normally I wouldn’t embolden an option in every choice, as choices that trade one stat for another may not be viable due to your previous choices. However, due to the short length of the chapters in this book, doing so made sense to me. I do encourage picking other options for reading pleasure though, as there’s a lot of cool stuff written in the ‘worse’ choices

Hope you found this useful,
