Friday, November 25, 2022

Delight Games Walkthrough - The Paladins Book 3: The Old Ways (Chapters 65 - 81)

The Paladins Book 3: The Old Ways (Chapters 65 - 81)

Note: At the end of each chapter, the ranks will be displayed, but for the sake of conciseness, the methods of calculating points will not. Points are calculated as follows:

Life x 10 except in Chapter 100

Life x 20 only in Chapter 100

Morale x 30 for All Chapters

Favor x 10 for Jerico

Favor x 20 for Darius & Valessa

Favor x 30 for Cyric

(Favor is N/A for Robert, Kaide, Daniel, Sandra, & Gregane)

Although the top rank is called "Top Rank! Perfect Choices!", it is possible in many chapters to achieve this rank with suboptimal choices. For example, in Chapter 101, the maximum score is 510 points, but this rank is achieved at 360 points - there a variety of non-perfect ways to achieve this

Also, for the bottom rank in each chapter, it says in-game that you get this rank with 0+ points. However, getting a negative score will still give you this rank, and the scores shown below for each rank have been edited to reflect this

Note 2: A chapter labeled “CUT-SCENE” is a chapter where no choices are required. Out of the 39 chapters in this book, only 21 have any choices at all, and some only have one or two choices, so this is definitely more of a novel than a CYOA story. Fair enough, as it was originally a no-choices novel anyways

Chapter 65 (Jerico)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale, 5 Favor

Choice 1

“Livestock.” (Morale +1) (Achievement Unlocked: Funny for a Paladin (third book))

“I Don’t Have One”

“Eternity.” (Favor +1)

Choice 2

Guilt Them For Their Betrayal

Reason With Them (Morale -1)

Intimidate Them (Favor -1, Morale -1)

Choice 3

Defend Darius (Morale +1) (Achievement Unlocked: Best Friends Forever!)

Gold Won’t Buy Happiness (Favor +1)

Life -1

Choice 4

Outrun Them (Morale -1) (Favor -1)

Blind Them (Favor -1)

Warn Them (Favor -1, Morale -2)

Choice 5

Reprimand Darius (Favor +1, Morale -1)

Remind Darius He Serves Ashhur (Favor +1, Morale -2)

Let It Slide This Time

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 160+

Not bad - 120+

Kinda lame - <120

Chapter 66 (Robert)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale

Choice 1

Have One More Drink (Morale -1)

Don’t Drink (Morale +1)

Choice 2

Ask Cyric How He Knows

Thank Cyric (Morale -1)

Say That He Was Not Sure It Was Right (Morale +1)

Choice 3

Learn More First

Decline to Hand Over Darius (Morale +1)

Choice 4

Say It Was A Mistake (Morale -1)

Give Luther What He Wants (Morale -1)

Try to Negotiate (Morale +1) (Morale +1)

Tell Luther to Be Quick (Morale +1) (To Choice 4.1)

Choice 4.1

Back Off

Stand His Ground (Life -100) (You Have Died) (Achievement Unlocked: Tragic hero (and way dead)!)

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 220+

Not bad - 160+

Kinda lame - <160

Chapter 67 (Valessa)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale, 2 Favor

Choice 1

Seduce Him (Morale -2) (Achievement Unlocked: Seduction Failure!)

Beg Him (Morale +1) (Achievement Unlocked: Pragmatic)

Kill Him (Favor +2)

Choice 2

Blessing (Favor +1)

Curse (Favor -1)

Choice 3 (Skip unless you picked “Beg Him” in Choice 1)

Eat Now (Morale -2)

Return The Food (Morale -1)

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 160+

Not bad - 140+

Kinda lame - <140

Chapter 68 (Jerico) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 69 (Darius)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale, 1 Favor

Choice 1

Offer to Change The Lion (Favor +1, Morale +1)

Ask Jerico What He Wants (Favor +1)

Mention The Contrast

Choice 2

Warn Jerico (Morale +1)

Pretend Not To Notice (Morale -1)

Shout At The Archer

Dive Out Of The Way (Morale -1)

Choice 3

Say That It Beats Being Lost (Morale -1)

Make A Joke About Being A Prince (Morale +1)

Look To Jerico

Choice 4

Elusively (Favor -1)


Boldly (Favor +1)

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 220+

Not bad - 170+

Kinda lame - <170

Chapter 70 (Jerico)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale, 5 Favor

Choice 1


Tell Her Kaide Already Hit Him (Morale +1)

Choice 2

Sandra (Morale -1)

Kaide (Morale +1)

Kaide’s Men (Morale -1)

Local Families

Choice 3

Tell Of Travels (Morale +1)

Tell Of Ashhur (Favor +2)

Tell An Embellished Story (Morale +2)

Discuss The Future Of The North (Morale -1)

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 250+

Not bad - 180+

Kinda lame - <180

Chapter 71 (Darius)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale, 2 Favor

Choice 1


Wisdom (Favor +1, Morale +1)

Strength (Favor +2)

Life -3

Choice 2

Ask Ashhur for Speed (Life -3, Favor -1, Morale +3) (Achievement Unlocked: Brute Strength) (Choice 3A)

Ask Ashhur for Strength (Life -2, Favor -1, Morale +1) (Choice 3B)

Fight Without Prayer (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Try to Summon Fire (Life -100) (You Have Died) (Achievement Unlocked: Fun Choice!)

Choice 3A

Get His Sword (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Attack Adam Now (Life -3)

Defend And Wait (Life -2, Morale +1)

Disarm One Of The Bandits (Morale +2) (To Choice 3.1)

Choice 3B

Get His Sword (Morale +2) (Favor +1) (Skip Choice 4)

Attack Adam Now (Morale +2) (To Choice 3.1)

Defend And Wait (Life -3)

Disarm One Of The Bandits (Life -2)

Choice 3.1

Beat Adam Severely (Favor -5) (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Try To Reach His Sword (Favor +1)

Choice 4

Get His Sword First 

Just Talk To Kaide (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Life +5

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 260+

Not bad - 190+

Kinda lame - <190

Chapter 72 (Valessa) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 73 (Jerico)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale, 6 Favor

Choice 1

“Not Even A Goodbye To Your Brother?”

“Won’t Kaide Pursue You?”

“It’s Too Dangerous” (Favor +1)

“Alright Then, Off We Go” (Morale +1) (Achievement Unlocked: Unpredictable!)

Choice 2

Blind Valessa With Holy Light (Favor -1, Morale +2, Life -1)

Block Valessa’s Attack With His Shield (Morale +1)

Dodge Valessa’s Attack (Life -4, Morale -1)

Choice 3

Use One Large Attack (Favor -3, Morale +2)

Blind Valessa With Hold Light (Favor -1, Morale +1) (Life -2, Morale +1)

Hit Valessa With His Shield (Life -3, Morale +1) (Life -2, Morale +1)

Fall Back And Collect Himself (Life -2) (Redirected To Other Options)

Favor -2

Choice 4

“Someone With A Grudge”

“A Sore Loser” (Favor +1)

“An Old Lover” (Achievement Unlocked: Funny for a Paladin (third book))

“No One Important” (Morale -1)

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 220+

Not bad - 170+

Kinda lame - <170

Chapter 74 (Kaide) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 75 (Daniel)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale

Choice 1 

Agree With Cyric (Lie) (Morale -1)

Disagree With Cyric (Morale +1)

Say It’s Possible Darius Acted Alone

Choice 2

Say He Will Attend (Lie)

Say “The Abyss Will Freeze Over First” (Morale +1)

Tell Cyric To Move (Morale -1) (Redirected To Other Options)

Choice 3

Apologize To Luther

Pull Again And Remind Luther That He Is A Guest (Morale -2) (Achievement Unlocked: Push your luck)

Choice 4

Back To The Stronghold (Morale -1)

Castle Of Caves (Morale +1)

Sebastian’s Castle

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 170+

Not bad - 110+

Kinda lame - <110

Chapter 76 (Valessa) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 77 (Sandra)

Starting Stats: 5 Life, 0 Morale

Life -1

Choice 1

Stay Quiet And Look Around (Life -1, Morale +1)

Peer Over The Grass (Life -100) (You Have Died) (Achievement Unlocked: Should have worked)

Get Closer To Jerico (Life -2)

Ask Jerico About The Archer

Choice 2

Act As A Decoy (Life -2, Morale +2)

Warn Jerico

Throw Something At The Archer (Morale +1)

Choice 3

“You Protected Me. If Not For You, I Would Be Dead” (Morale +1)

“You Won’t Receive Any Judgment From Me” (Morale -1)

“A Dead Paladin Does No One Any Good. You Need To Spread Ashhur’s Light” (Morale +2)

“You Were Right To Do What You Did. I Was Nearly Shot In The Face With That Arrow”

Choice 4

Wait For Jerico To Finish

Thank Jerico For The Prayer (Morale +1)

Kiss Jerico (Morale +2)

Apologize To Jerico

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 210+

Not bad - 140+

Kinda lame - <140

Chapter 78 (Cyric)

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Morale, 5 Favor

Choice 1

Seize Control Of The Blood Tower (Favor +1)

Find The Durham’s Survivors (Morale -1)

Choice 2

Change The Subject (Morale -1)

Decline To Tell Him, But Invite Salaul To Find Out

Choice 3

Admit To Using Ancient Power (Favor +1, Morale +1)

Deny It (Favor -1, Morale -2)

Say Nothing To The Paladin

Favor +5, Morale +2

Life -4

Choice 4

“Strength” (Life -100) (You Have Died)

“Order” (Life -3, Favor +5) (Favor +20, Morale +2) (Correct Choice)

“Power” (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 1250+

Not bad - 1100+

Kinda lame - <1100

Chapter 79 (Darius)

Starting Stats: 10 LIfe, 0 Morale, 2 Favor

Choice 1

Lower His Weapon (Life -100) (You Have Died) (Achievement Unlocked: Sucka!)

Remain Defensive

Call Upon Ashhur And Attack (Favor -2, Morale +1)

Choice 2

Attack Aggressively (Life -4, Morale +1)

Wait For An Opening (Morale +1)

Wait For Valessa To Tire (Life -4, Morale -1)

Call Upon Ashhur (Favor -1, Morale +2, Life -3)

Choice 3

Press The Attack (Life -3, Morale +2) (Achievement Unlocked: Seize the initiative!)

Stay Put And Taunt Valessa

Fall Back And Pray (Favor +1, Life -2)

Choice 4

Try To Bait Valessa (Morale -1) (Redirected To Other Options)

Pray For Protection (Favor +2, Morale +1)

Leave The Forest (Life -3) (Favor +3, Morale +2)

Final Ranks:

Top Rank! Perfect choices! - 220+

Not bad - 150+

Kinda lame - <150

Chapter 80 (Valessa) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 81 (Jerico) (CUT-SCENE)

Achievements Note: I believe I’ve found all the achievements in all places they appear inside this book. However, if you find one that’s either missing or erroneous, please leave a comment, and I’ll investigate it as soon as I notice

Huge thanks to the writer of Text Games Guide for letting me use their website to help with finding achievements. I think you helped me find at least 5 or 6 that I wouldn’t otherwise have gotten, and on a separate note, you also helped me spot a few less-than-obvious places where your earlier choices affect your later choices

If you’re stuck getting the Highest Rank achievements, the emboldened options act as a maximum score walkthrough for each chapter. Normally I wouldn’t embolden an option in every choice, as choices that trade one stat for another may not be viable due to your previous choices. However, due to the short length of the chapters in this book, doing so made sense to me. I do encourage picking other options for reading pleasure though, as there’s a lot of cool stuff written in the ‘worse’ choices

Hope you found this useful,


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