Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Mahad Selak, Mahad Maktar

I'm writing about Magium. 

If you are a fan of the book/game, then I suppose you've heard about it.

If you're just hearing about this now, then you were like me ten minutes ago.

I was randomly browsing Reddit and I saw a post in the Magium sub. 

I couldn't believe it.

The author has passed away, as confirmed by his mother and his brother on Reddit.

I picked up Magium late 2010s, I think? I'm not really sure on the exact date. I had it downloaded months prior when I was on a mood just playing CYOA games. Once I started during the pandemic I couldn't stop, and then I had the idea of making a walkthrough because the ones I found on the Internet were a little fragmented. 

I'm an Eiden girl and I disliked Barry at times. I liked how the universe was built... and I also had an idea what the nature of the Magium was before it was explained. 

I liked spinning Arraka's chain. Did it multiple times because it was just so fun.

I had actually worked on the rest of the walkthroughs for Book 3, but I was stuck on a couple of achievements, which is why I haven't published them yet. I promise I will finish them soon after my current project is done.

RIP Cristian. Thank you for the wonderful universe you gave us. 

- Lexi

P.S. His mom had access to some of his earlier work and she's posting them on the Magium subreddit so I suggest you check it out here.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Delight Games Walkthrough - Ranger's Choice 8

 Ranger’s Choice 8 – The Lost Daughter

This story is a part of the universe that includes The Wizard’s Choice, The Demon’s Choice and The Rogue’s Choice. You don’t have to read any of those for this book. (Highly encouraged that you do.)

There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

NB: The achievements may differ based on what app you're playing (the separate apps for each story or the collection one). If you don't get it, don't worry. ;) 

Life: 10                Morale: 0

Choice 1
Kobek (Morale +1)
The Twins (Morale -1)

Choice 2
“We will tell the gatekeepers that you abandoned us.”
“The gatekeepers will know you are afraid.” (Morale +1)

Choice 3
Do as she commands
Resist and stay where you are (Morale +1, Life -2)

Choice 4
“Say “Guess what I am, Lucian!”  (Morale +1)
Attack Lucian with the candelabra (Life -2)
Attack Nyxara with the candelabra (Morale +1)

Choice 5
Punch him (Life -1)
Go for the candelabra (Morale +1)

Choice 6
The Twins (Morale -1)
Miribelle (Morale +1)

Choice 7
Shout at Nyxara (Life -1)
Throw the goblet at her (Morale +1)

Life +1

Choice 8
 “Show me your true form.” (Morale -1, Life -2)
“I reject you and your filthy lies!”  (Morale +2) (Life -100) (You have died.)
“Was I promised to you?” (Morale +1)

Choice 9
Your body (Life -2)
The Dawnshard (Morale +1)

Choice 10
Use the Dawnshard as a weapon (Morale +2, Life -3)
Strangle her with her necklace (Morale +2) (Life -4)
Punch her in the throat  (Morale +2, Life -1)

Choice 11
 “I was too much for her.”
“I ought to kill you for your treachery.”
“Where are my companions?” (Morale +1)


Choice 12
Go for her whip (Life -2)
Go for the bowl (Morale +1)
Attack from behind (Morale +1) (Life -2)

Choice 13
Whirl around (Life -2)
Leap to the side

Choice 14
Hurry! (Life -100) (You have died.)
Pause (Morale +1)

Choice 15
Try to distract Miribelle (Morale +1) (Life -2)
Ask the incubus how to get out (Morale +2)
Let Miribelle take the lead (Life -2)

Choice 16
Throw the Dawnshard yourself (Morale +1)
Give the Dawnshard to Miribelle (Life -3)

Life +1

Choice 17
“How can you murder a man?” (Life -2)
“I look forward to properly meeting the Lost Daughter.” (Morale +1)
“You have turned from the Twins. You are a disgrace!” (Life -2)

Choice 18
Pretend you are still frozen (Morale +1)
Retreat into the hole (Life -1)
Close in with your swords (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 19
Prepare your bow (Morale +1) (Life -1)

Choice 20
Take a look around (Life -2)
Sneak over to the rubble (Morale +1) (Life -1)
Stay still and listen (Morale +1)

Choice 21
Strike Kobek with Althaeban
Push Kobek into the water (Life -3, Morale +3)

Choice 22
“I will return and slay the Lost Daughter.” (Morale +1)
“What do you want?” (Life -3)

Disclaimer: I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers/contributing authors. I do not own the game/app, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience. And no, I am not earning from this blog (ask Google). I just like doing this. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Delight Games Walkthrough - Ranger's Choice 7

 Ranger’s Choice 7 – The Abyss

First of all, I am so sorry. 😓 I only got the notification for Chapter 7 like a few days ago. I was on vacation so I thought I'll do this when I get back. Only to see your comments 😕😕
When I checked the updates on the app, apparently this chapter has been live since March. I don't know why I didn't see it, nor your comments. To be fair I have a lot of emails I still have to sort but I would think I would be able to see your comments. Oh well. 

Now back to our regular program. 

This story is a part of the universe that includes The Wizard’s Choice, The Demon’s Choice and The Rogue’s Choice. You don’t have to read any of those for this book. (Highly encouraged that you do.)

There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

NB: The achievements may differ based on what app you're playing (the separate apps for each story or the collection one). If you don't get it, don't worry. ;) 

Life: 10                Morale: 0

Choice 1
“I cannot feel the Twins.” (Life -2)
“I suggest we take cover.” (Morale +1)

Choice 2
Skill in violence
Ability to adapt (Morale +1)
Patience and observation

Choice 3
Stab with your long sword (Morale +2)
Slash with your long sword (Morale +1, Life -2)
Dive to the side

Choice 4
“How can you trust the Lost Daughter?”
“What do you require of me here?” (Morale +1)

Choice 5
Clear your mind and shoot (Morale +1)
Run and shoot (Life -2)

Choice 6
Use a fire arrow (Life -3)
Use a penetration arrow (Morale +1) (Life -3)
Use an accuracy arrow (Morale +2)

Choice 7
Switch to your swords (Morale +3, Life -4)
Retreat and fire (Morale +1)

Choice 8
Intimidate using your “sword dance” (Morale +2)
Shoot one of them (Life -100) (You have died.)
Shoot a fire arrow into the midst of them (Morale +1) (Life -2)

Choice 9
Accept the flask (Morale +1)
Turn it down (Life -3)

Choice 10
Leader of the Skraags
The Lost Daughter (Morale -1)
Your guide (Morale +1)

Life +2


Choice 11
Tell about Grulog (Morale +1)
Tell about Vrasell (Life -2)

Choice 12
Jarin (Morale +1)
Miribelle (Morale +1)
Eclixara (Morale -1)

Life +1

Choice 13
The ferryman will make good on the deal (Morale +1)
Kobek is right. The devil will slay you all

Choice 14
Slash his arm (Morale +2, Life -3)
Warn him (Game over.)

Choice 15
Shoot it with your bow (Morale +2) (Life -4)
Urge the party to run (Morale +1)
Tell Eclixara to speak to it (Life -2)

Choice 16
Seek a higher vantage point (Morale +2)
Start moving in a consistent direction
Try to use clues like sound and smell (Morale +2, Life -2)

Life +1

Choice 17
Propose climbing down
Try to convince everyone to trust Eclixara (Morale +1)

Choice 18
Coordinated attack (Morale +2) (Life -100) (You have died.)
One of you distract it (Morale +1)
Run and hide (Life -3)

Disclaimer: I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers/contributing authors. I do not own the game/app, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience. And no, I am not earning from this blog (ask Google). I just like doing this.