Sunday, December 23, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Demon's Choice 5

Demon's Choice 5 – Ring City

There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

NB: The achievements may differ based on what app you're playing (the separate apps for each story or the collection one). If you don't get it, don't worry. ;) 

NB2: I'm replaying the whole library. So far there are some choices that have changed the last time I have played it. I might not be able to update all of the choices so I apologize in advance. I appreciate your comments though. :)

Mana -2

Choice 1
Shape change (Choice 1.1)
Save your mana for now.

Choice 1.1
A different human female (Mana -2)
A female goblin (Morale +2, Mana -2)
An ogthrax demon (Mana -2, Life -2, Morale -1)

Choice 2
Say you are a servant of Slaar (Morale +1)
Try to seduce him. (Morale -1, Life -1)

Choice 3
Speak of Kre Uzzaz (Morale +1)
Speak of Gaalmagus (Life -1)
Speak of Slaar and his handsomeness (Morale -1, Life -1)

Choice 4
Proper clothing (Morale +1)
Information about Ring City (Morale +1)
Information on where to find Inuxius (Morale +2) (Achievement unlocked: Strategist!)

Choice 5
“Do not touch my nectar!” (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Never trust a demon!)
“Please give me a drink. (Morale -1, Life -2)

Morale +2

Mana -2

Life +4, Mana +5

Mana -2

Mana -1, Morale +1

Choice 6
Tell the foot soldiers to keep away. (Mana -1)
Attack the foot soldiers (Morale +1) (Mana -2)
Fling your rider off your back (Morale +1)

Choice 7
Tell Izrath you are here to watch. (Mana -100) (Game over.)
Attack the priest (Mana -1) (Mana -3, Morale +1)
Attack the witch doctor (Morale +1)
Attack the goblin with the crossbow (Mana -2)

Mana -2

Mana -1

Choice 8
Shove past him (Life -3)
Talk to him.

Choice 9
Head toward the priests (Morale +1)
Hide in the crowd (Mana -2) (Life -4)

Choice 10
Summon Jack (Mana -5, Morale +3)
Focus on speed (Choice 10.1)

Choice 10.1
Use a charm spell (Mana -2)
Rely on your own charm (Life -4)
Try to push past (Morale +1)

Choice 11
Alathian priests (Morale +1)
Dwarves (Achievement unlocked: Strange Choice)

Choice 12
Change your appearance (Mana -2)
Keep on as you are (Morale -1, Life -4)

Choice 13
A man.
A woman (Morale +1)

Choice 14
Go in for a hug (Morale +2) (Achievement unlocked: Seducer!)
Bow your head to her (Morale -1) (Achievement unlocked: Low Self Esteem) (Morale +2)
Nod at her (Morale +1)

Choice 15
“I left him at home.” (Morale +2) (Morale +1)
“I don’t know. Where is the nearest wine cellar?” (Morale +1) (Morale +1)
“I am currently unattended.”

Choice 16
“The leprechaun blood has given me power.” (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Nice deduction) (Morale +1, Mana +1)
“Your secret is safe with me.” (Morale +1)
“I can provide you with a distraction.”

Choice 17
Take him up on his offer (Morale +1)
Attempt to possess him (Mana -2) (Achievement unlocked: Puppet Master) (Morale +3)
Threaten him (Morale +1) (Life -1)

Choice 18
“Yet they do not come to his aid.”
“Do not fret, I will tell him of you.” (Morale +1)


I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of the authors or its developers. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.

Delight Games Walkthrough - Demon's Choice 4

Demon’s Choice 4 – The Fool

There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.
For this series, I have played the separate app from the Delight Games library. The achievements may not be the same.

Choice 1
“I fear nothing!” (Morale -1)
“Merely checking its quality.” (Morale +1)
“One cannot be too careful.”

Warning: No kiddies. This choice allows you to choose how to… ‘enjoy your bath’. Points or reading pleasure… up to you.

Choice 2
“Then join me.” (Path A)
“Send me your most handsome and least dull incubus.” (Morale +1) (Path B)
“I shall bathe alone.” (Morale +2, Life +10, Mana +5)

Choice 2 Path A
Shape change into a Zolveth demon (Mana -2) (Morale +3, Life +7, Mana +3)
Enter the bath as you are (Morale +1, Life +3, Mana +1) (Morale +4, Life +5, Mana +2) (Achievement unlocked: Hedonist!)

Choice 2 Path B
Stop and make him leave (Morale +1) (Morale +2, Life +10, Mana +5)
Keep going (Morale +2) (Morale -1, Life +8, Mana +4)

Choice 3
Call for an assistant (Morale +2)
Continue to study on your own (Morale +1)

Mana +1, Life +3

Choice 4
Engage Vhessha in conversation.
Focus on your surroundings (Morale +1)

Choice 5
Help him clean (Morale -1) (Achievement unlocked: Nice for a demon) (Life -1, Morale +1)
Smile and shake your head. (Choice 5.1)
Take the brush and hit him with it (Life -1, Morale +1)

Choice 5.1
Kick him (Morale +1)
Leave him to his work.

Choice 6
Inspect your sword (Morale +1)
Ask about your armor (Morale +2)
Press them to give you a whip.

Choice 7
His strength (Morale +2)
His speed.

Choice 8
Say “As useless as you’re proving to be?” (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: You’re not gonna take it!)
Say “Enough of what you don’t know. What do you know?”
Squeeze Gaalmagus’s arm (Morale +2) (Achievement unlocked: Suicidal tendencies)
Be silent and tap your foot in impatience.

Choice 9
Stay still and allow them to crawl on you (Life -1)
Use flame fan (Mana -2, Morale +2)
Take flight (Morale +1)


Choice 10
“Very well, I will do it myself, then.”
“Pentora, how does it feel to betray the sisterhood?” (Life -1)

Choice 11
“This is all so disgusting and unnecessary.” (Morale -1)
“Admittedly, I am a little bored.” (Morale +1)
“How can you stand by and watch your sisters treated so?”

Choice 12
“I wish to travel to the material plane.”
“I heard you know how to show a lady a good time.” (Life -2)

Choice 13
“I will help you eliminate a rival.”
“I will show you unimaginable pleasure.” (Life -2)
“You tell me. The Molgoth brothers referred me to you.” (Life -2)

Choice 14
Vogloth (Life -1) (Redirected to other options)
The Lost Daughter (Morale +1)

Choice 15
Confident (Life -2)
Afraid (Morale +1)

Choice 16
Twist his wrist (Morale +2)
Break his hold and punch him in the throat (Morale +1, Life -2)
Break his hold and head-butt him in the face (Morale +1, Life -1)
Knee him in the crotch (Life -3) (Achievement unlocked: Groin Pains!)

Choice 17
Grapple and fly with him (Morale +1, Life -2)
Knee him in the face (Morale +1) (Life -3)
Smash him into the floor (Morale +2) (Life -3)

Choice 18
Fight the minions with your sword (Life -3)
Leap over the minions (Morale +1, Life -3) (Life -1, Morale +1)
Throw your sword and engage in hand-to-hand (Morale +2) (Life -3)

Life -2

Choice 19
Free some succubi (Life -2)
Throw large objects (Morale +2)
Look for other weapons (Morale +3)
Use your flame fan spell (Mana -2) (Life -3) (Redirected to other options)

Choice 20
Charge (Achievement unlocked: Seize the initiative!) (Life -1)
Wait to see what happens (Morale +1) (Life -3)

Choice 21
Look for loot and an escape (Morale +1)
Crush the Fool’s soul (Achievement unlocked: Greedy) (Game over.)

Choice 22
Fly to the door (Life -3)
Quickly inspect the other succubi (Morale +1)
Look for secret doors and illusions (Life -1)

Choice 23
Burn the moss (Mana -2, Life -1, Morale +2)
Flee now.

Choice 24
Attack with your demon slayer sword (Life -1, Morale +2) (Choice 24.1)
Summon Jack (Mana -5, Life -1, Morale +2)
Act like one of the other succubi (Life -1) (Life -3, Morale +2)

Choice 24.1
Cast flame fan (Mana -2, Life -1)
Get the whip (Morale +3, Life -3)


Saturday, December 22, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Demon's Choice 3

Demon’s Choice 3 - City of Kre Uzzaz
There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.
For this series, I have played the separate app from the Delight Games library. The achievements may not be the same.

Highest rank: 650+

Life: 7        Mana: 8        Morale: 0

Choice 1
Step onto the ferryboat and let him pass (Life -2)
Hurry past him. (Life -3, Morale +2)
Point to something in the water (Life -2, Morale +2)
Intimidate him (Morale +1)

Choice 2
Similar to the one you just saw (Mana -1, Morale -1) (Redirected to other options)
Mhyranya (Mana -1)
A unique succubus. (Choice 2.1)

Choice 2.1
“You are a goat, not a lady.” (Morale +1)
“Very well, how might you look out for me?”

Choice 3
Gate in Jackal (Mana -5, Morale +2) (Mana -1)
Possess Leffna (Mana -2) (Life -3, Morale +3) (Mana -1)

Choice 4
“Keep your eyes on my face, then.” (Morale +1)
“Me either, yet you are handsome for a cave pixie.” (Life -2) (Achievement unlocked: Trouble Maker)

Choice 5
“Agreed on the little one. Wits and speed are always a good bet.”
“In my experience, the largest skraag wins.” (Morale +1) (Life +1, Mana +2, Morale +1)
“The arm-wielding one seems creative.” (Morale +1)
“The one-eyed one is the least injured… well, other than his eye.” (Morale +1) (Life +3, Mana +4, Morale +2)
“A dark elf has no business wagering on skraags.”

Choice 6
“Seeking Azizella.”
“On private business on behalf of Vogloth.” (Life -2) (Redirected to other options)
“I wish to leave this layer of the abyss.” (Mana -2) (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 7
“I followed her.” (Morale +1)
“A guess. Azizella would prefer a city over the wilderness.”
“Why should I explain myself to you?” (Life -2) (Achievement unlocked: Snarky!) (Redirected to other options)

Choice 8
See where this goes (Life -100)
Gate in Jack (Mana -5) (Choice 8.1)
Flee. (Choice 8.3)

Choice 8.1
Climb higher (Life -100) (You have died.)
Dive down into the city (Life +1) (Mana -2)

Choice 8.2
“A wizard.”  (Morale +2)
“A back-stabbing assassin.” (Morale -1)
“You’re not a man, but a shape-shifting demon.”

Choice 8.3
Fly away (To Choice 8.1)
Stay on foot (Life -3)


Mana -1

Choice 9
Let the ‘rider’ into your mind. (Life -1)
Resist (Mana -2, Morale +1) (Life -1)

Life +4, Mana +3

Choice 10
“She did not say.”
“She said he escaped.” (Morale +1)
“She said he perished.” (Morale -1)

Choice 11
Use your life-draining power (Achievement unlocked: Act like a succubus!) (Life -100) (You have died.)
Gate Jack in above (Mana -5) (Life -2, Morale +2)
Trick him to drink from your waterskin (Morale +1) (Choice 11.1)

Choice 11.1
Try to convince him (Life -2, Mana -2) (Choice 11.2)
Charm him (Mana -3) (Life -2, Mana -2)
Possess him (Mana -2) (Achievement unlocked: Crushing move!) (Morale +2)

Choice 11.2
Keep pushing (Mana -3, Morale +2)
Attack physically. (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 12
Insult him and walk away.
Threaten him (Morale -1)
Gate Jack in to attack (Mana -5, Morale +1)
Attempt to possess the quasit (Mana -2, Morale +1)

Choice 13
Allow her to possess you.
Try to bribe her (Life -1, Morale -1) (Redirected to other options)
Try to go through the doors (Life -2) (To Choice 12.1)

Choice 13.1
Let her into your mind (Morale -2) (Life -4, Morale +3)
Grapple her soul (Mana -2, Morale -1) (Choice 13.2)
Push her back to her body (Mana -2, Life -5, Morale +3)

Choice 13.2
Let her go (Life -3, Morale +3)
Hold on! (Mana -3, Morale +5, Life -1)

Choice 14
Help eliminate a rival (Morale +1)
Tell some half-truths about Nerul’s destruction. (Life -100) (You have died.)
Pledge to pass on information from the material plane.


Delight Games Walkthrough - Demon's Choice 2

Demon’s Choice 2 - The Abyss
There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.
For this series, I have played the separate app from the Delight Games library. The achievements may not be the same.

Choice 1
Speak briefly of your past together (Morale +2) (Achievement unlocked: Trust, but verify)
Ask him about his masters (Morale +1)
Ask him what his masters know of you.

Choice 2
How to escape from your enemies (Morale +1)
How to slay Vogloth.
How to take the place of Nerul, your previous mistress (Achievement unlocked: Confident much?)

Life +1, Mana +1

Choice 3
Rip off your dress and cast it aside.
Keep it on for now (Morale +1)

Choice 4
Investigate closer. (Choice 4.1)
Just keep going (Morale +1)

Choice 4.1
Fly away.
Attack (Choice 4.2)

Choice 4.2
Claw his throat. (Choice 4.3)
Pick him up (Morale +2) (Life +2, Mana +3)

Choice 4.3
Wait for him to bleed out (Life -100) (You have died.)
Fly off with dretch now (Life -3) (Life +2, Mana +3)

Choice 5
Travel through the jungle. (Life -4)
Take flight (Morale +1, Life -1)

Choice 6
Follow the skraag (Path A) (Achievement unlocked: Terrible Choice!)
Decline (Path B)

Choice 6 Path A
Gate in Jack (Mana -5, Life -1)
Try to possess Blezz (Mana -2) (Achievement unlocked: Respect my Authoritah!) (Life -3)
Fight your way out (Life -100) (Achievement unlocked: A Terrible Ending) (You have died.)

Choice 6 Path B
“Later. It is not time for me to sleep yet.”
“That hole stinks.” (Morale +1) (Life -2)
“Are you trying to trick me?” (Life -2)

Choice 7
Let him go. (Life -3)
Make him take you to the shore.

Choice 8
Try to possess her (Mana -2) (Choice 8.1)
Try to charm her (Mana -3, Life -2) (Redirected to other options)
Tell her to hurry after the skraags.
Gate Jack in (Mana -5) (Life -2) (Morale +2, Mana +6, Life +3)

Choice 8.1
Expend more power (Mana -2, Morale +2)
Return to your original body (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 9
He is an impostor (Morale -1)
The river Lethe is neutral territory.
A devil makes a better ferryman than a demon (Morale +1)

Choice 10
Lure the ferryman into an ambush (Morale -1) (Redirected to other choices)
Cast a charm spell on him (Mana -3) (Morale -1) (If chosen after the first choice, you die.)
Offer information on the skraags.

Choice 11
“And you will get a reward?” (Morale +1)
“For a devil that never leaves his boat, you know a lot about city residents.”
“Well met, Longbone, my name is Mhyranya.” (Life -2)


Friday, December 21, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Demon's Choice 1

Demon’s Choice 1: Fiendishly Free
There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

NB: The achievements may differ based on what app you're playing (the separate apps for each story or the collection one). If you don't get it, don't worry. ;) 

NB2: I'm replaying the whole library. So far there are some choices that have changed the last time I have played it. I might not be able to update all of the choices so I apologize in advance. I appreciate your comments though. :)

At the end of the game, your Morale score is multiplied by 30 and your Life and Mana scores multiplied by 10. You need 1100+ to reach the highest rank.

Choice 1
Make a joke (Morale +1)
Ask why he does not smell like a dragon (Morale +2)

Choice 2
 “Are you here to frighten me, then?” (Morale+1)
“What have you seen that is so terrible?” (Choice 2.1)
“You should write a book of beasts!” (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Inspiration for the Monster Manual!)
“My, what an important job you have!”

Choice 2.1
“Of course!” (Morale -2) (Achievement unlocked: Insatiable curiosity)
“Perhaps not.”

Choice 3
His mind is enslaved (Morale +1)
He is baiting you to attack.

Choice 4
Tell the truth (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Honest for a demon)
Lie (Morale +2) (Achievement unlocked: Sneaky)
Dodge the question.

Mana -1

Choice 5
Get out of his way.
Insult him (Morale +1) (Life -2) (Choice 5.1)
Block his path (Morale +2) (Life -2) (Choice 5.1)
Attempt to trip him (Morale +2) (Choice 5.6)

Choice 5.1
Go for the contract. (Choice 5.2)
Go for his sword (Life -1, Morale -1) (Achievement unlocked: Should have worked)
Insult him for being smitten (Morale +1)

Choice 5.2
Make him grovel and then give it to him (Morale +2) (Choice 5.3)
Rip up the contract (Morale +2, Life -3)
Try to negotiate (Morale +1) (Choice 5.4)

Choice 5.3
Give him his contract (Morale +1)
Rip up the contract (Morale +2) (Achievement unlocked: Never trust a demon!) (Life -3)

Choice 5.4
Offer to take three vials (Morale +3, Mana +12) (Achievement unlocked: Windfall)
Hold out for four (Morale +1) (Choice 5.5)
Raise it to five (Life -3, Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Push your luck)

Choice 5.5
Make the deal. (Morale +3, Mana +12)
Hold out for four (Life -3, Morale +1)

Choice 5.6
Insult the devil for his clumsiness  (Morale +1)
Go for the contract (Life -2, Morale +2) (To contract)

Choice 6
Count steps and look for patterns (Morale -1) (Achievement unlocked: Pretty nerdy for a demon)
Fly. (Mana -1)
Move slower and more carefully. (Morale +1) (Morale +1)

Choice 7
“I have not seen them.”
“Yes, I saw them!” (Morale +1)
“It would be wise for you to turn back.” (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: A clever move!)


Choice 8
 “Yes. Let us save your sister!” (Achievement unlocked: I’m an adventurer, dammit!) (Skip Choice 9)
“You scout it out first.”
“No, I will stay here.” (Morale +1)

Choice 9
Contemplate and plan.
Inspect your surroundings (Morale +2) (To attack)

Choice 10
Say “after you.”
Take his hand. (Life -100) (You have died.) (Achievement unlocked: Sucka!)

Choice 11
Attack him from behind (Morale +1) (Life -4) (Life -1)
Possess him (Mana -3) (Choice 11.1)
Charm him (Mana -3) (Life -2) (Life -4) (Life -1)
Follow Diggory for now. (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 11.1
Continue to grapple (Mana -2) (Life -3) (Life -1)
Go back to your body and attack. (Life -3) (Life -1)

Mana +3, Morale +2, Life +2

Choice 12
Combat him with a trick (Morale +2) (Life -3) (Mana -2)
Attempt a charm spell (Mana -4, Life -4) (Mana -2)
Attempt possession (Mana -2, Morale +1)

Choice 13
Kill and crush Mhyranya (Achievement unlocked: Revenge!) (Life -100) (You have died.)
Take a quick bath (Mana +2, Morale +1) (Mana -2) (Mana -1)
Question Mhyranya. (Choice 13.1)

Choice 13.1
“Bath for me?” (Morale +1) (Mana -1)
“Where is Spider?” (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Pragmatic) (Mana -1)
“Why we betray Azizella?” (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 14
“I think she better stay still.” (Mana -1) (Achievement unlocked: Know Your Audience)
“Crush her.” (Morale +1)
“Allow me to crush her.” (Achievement unlocked: Worth a Shot…)
“Free her.” (Morale -1)

Choice 15
Brute strength (Achievement unlocked: Brute Strength) (Mana -2, Morale +1) (Life -1)
Go for the halberd. (Choice 15.1)
Use fan of flame (Mana -3, Morale +2) (Life -1) (Achievement unlocked: Area of effect spell!)

Choice 15.1
Slash the flies (Life -100) (You have died.)
Go straight for Vogloth (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Eye on the prize!) (Mana -2, Morale +1) (Life -1)

Choice 16
Aid Mhyranya with the flies (Life -1, Morale +1) (Morale +1)
Take a quick dip in the vat (Life +3, Mana +2, Morale +1) (Morale +1)
Escape. (Achievement unlocked: Wise retreat) (Morale +1)

Choice 17
Summon your slave (Mana -5, Morale +1)
Push past Mhyranya. (Life -2) (Life -3)
Draw in close to her, but keep your distance (Life -3)

Choice 18
Go into the cave.
Search a little (Morale +1)

Choice 19
Attack (Life -2) (Mana +6, Life +4)
Gate in Jack (Mana -5, Morale +1) (Mana +6, Life +4)
Talk to her (Morale +1) (Morale +1) (Life -1) (Skip below)

Choice 20
Go into the cave. (Life -100) (You have died.)
Fly toward the acid storm (Morale +1) (Life -1)


Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Noble Man (Part II)

Noble Man (Part II) - Chapters 26 to Epilogue

There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.
In every chapter the starting stats would be: Life:10 and Cool:0. I will indicate in the chapter if the stats are different. Do not let your life points reach zero. Some choices also lead to a game over.

Chapter 26 (Noble)
Choice 1
Go for the kiss (Cool +3) (Achievement unlocked: Seducer!)
Ask her what she meant.
Ignore it.

Choice 2
“Why would it offend me?” (Achievement unlocked: Snarky!)
“I believe in Smith and Wesson.” (Achievement unlocked: Redneck)
“You sound like my mother.”

Choice 3
Send her home (Cool -1)
Tell her to convince him (Cool +1)
Keep her around.

Choice 4
Tease Sam (Cool +1)
Assure Sam.

Choice 5
“No, we’re fine.”
“Start praying.” (Cool +1)

Choice 6
Land at the island (Cool +2, Life -4)
Climb and coast (Life -100) (You have died.)
Set down in the water (Cool -1, Life -3)

Choice 7
Get himself and Samantha out of there! (Cool +1)
Check for injuries.

Choice 8
“We are borrowing it, that’s all.” (Cool +1)
“This is for Bati. Break a few eggs and all that.”
“Where’s your spirit of adventure?”

Choice 9
Tell Sam to wear the bikini (Cool +2)
Look for other women’s clothing (Cool -1)
Don’t worry about Sam’s clothes (Cool +1)

Choice 10
Tourist outfit (Cool +1)

Chapter 27 (Krakouer)
Choice 1
Stake out the place.
Get inside to spy (Cool +1)

Choice 2
Pay (Cool +1)
Tell him to move it (Cool +1, Life -3)

Choice 3
Record from where he is (Cool +2) (Achievement unlocked: Pragmatic)
Join Tiger’s table.
Leave his phone under Tiger’s table.

Chapter 28 (Noble)
Choice 1
Touch her leg (Cool -1)
Make small talk.
Talk about Bati (Cool +1)

Choice 2
Wait (Cool +1)
Sam’s plan (Cool -2)

Choice 3
Buy a ticket (Cool -2)
Jump the turnstiles (Cool +1)
Race to the next stop (Cool -5) (Sam dies. Game over.)

Choice 4
Sprint up to the walkway (Cool +1)
Climb up on the statue (Achievement unlocked: Make a Scene!)

Choice 5
Pretend he was shot (Cool -1) (Achievement unlocked: Nice Guy)
Shove past him (Cool +1)
Smash his fake rifle (Cool -1)

Chapter 29 (Samantha)
Choice 1
Text Jake (Cool -1)
Just cool it (Cool +1)

Choice 2
Run the red (Cool +2)
Wait for the green (Cool -5) (Bati dies. Game over.)

Choice 3
Sneak abroad (Life -100) (You have died.)
Wait for Jake (Cool +2)

Chapter 30 (Noble)
Life: 9                  Cool:0
Choice 1
Go outside (Life -100) (You have died.)
Hold his ground (Cool +1)

Choice 2
Plead with the dancer (Cool +2)
Keep talking.

Choice 3
Go for the .22 (Life -100) (You have died.)
Draw his own pistol (Life -3)
Press his advantage hand-to-hand (Life -1, Cool +1)

Choice 4
“Nothing is going to go wrong.” (Cool -1) (Redirected to other options)
“Give me 30 minutes, then call the police.” (Cool +1)
“Give me 30 minutes, then come after me.”

Choice 5
Hold still (Cool +1)
Hang and shoot (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 6
Keep breathing (Cool +1)
Hold his breath. (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 7
Use the axe (Cool +2)
Use his gun (Cool -1, Life -3)
Sneak around the deck (Cool +2)

Choice 8
Hide and wait (Cool +2)
Seek and destroy (Cool -1)
Make noise.

Choice 9
Charge in and fight (Cool +2, Life -3)
Retreat to the engine (Life -3)
Bargain (Life -5) (Life -3)

Choice 10
Call for women to rat out Tiger (Cool -1, Life -3)
Just keep silently stalking Tiger (Cool +2)

Chapter 31 (Bati)
Life: 6    Cool: 0

Choice 1
Kick and run (Cool +2, Life -3)
Hide (Life -2)

Choice 32 (Noble)
Life: 6    Cool:0

Choice 1
Crack a joke (Cool -1)
Set her straight.

Choice 2
Hold her back.
Let her have at it (Cool +1)

Choice 3
Retreat back to the ship (Cool -1, Life -4)
Jump to the dock (Cool +2)
Hands up (Life -100) (You have died.)

Chapter 33 (Krakouer)

Chapter 34 (Noble)
Choice 1
Crash the car through the windows (Cool -2)
Use the tire iron (Cool +1)
Look for a back door (Cool -1) (Redirected to other options)

Chapter 35 (Tsang)

Chapter 36 (Noble)
Choice 1
Warn Sam about snakes.
Stay silent (Cool +1)

Choice 2
“Then I die and so does Bati.” (Cool +1)
“You can do it.”

Choice 3
Let Sam pray (Cool +1)

Chapter 37 (Bati)

Chapter 38 (Noble)
Choice 1
Off switch (Life -100) (You have died.)
Pull the wires.
Dump the fuel (Cool +2)

Choice 2
Hunker down where he is (Life -4)
Return fire underneath the car (Life -6)
Take cover behind the wheel.

Chapter 39 (Samantha)
Choice 1
Shoot from here (Cool -2) (Skip Choice 2)
Sneak over (Cool +2)

Choice 2
Kill him.
Give him a chance (Cool +2) (Achievement unlocked: Humanitarian)

Choice 3
Use the rifle (Cool +2)
Wait (Cool -2)

Chapter 40 (Noble)
Life: 6    Cool:0
Choice 1
Go for the rifle (Cool +2, Life -3)
Use the handgun (Cool -2) (Life -5)

Choice 2
Make a run for it (Life -5)
Shoot and then run (Life -100) (You have died.)
Hold where he is.

Chapter 41 (Bati)
Life:3     Cool:0

Choice 1
Use tin snips (Cool +1)
Use box cutter (Life -1)

Chapter 42 (Noble)
Choice 1
Run to the back of the car (Life -4)
Jump inside the car (Cool +3)
Kick the grenade (Life -100) (You have died.)

Chapter 43 (Henries)

Chapter 44 (Noble)
Life: 5    Cool: 0

Choice 1
Go for the side building (Cool +2)
Direct assault (Life -4)

Choice 2
Take the shot (Cool -1, Life -1)
Wait for a better shot (Cool +1)
Silent kill (Cool +2, Life -2)

Chapter 45 (Bati)

Chapter 46 (Noble)
Life: 5    Cool:0

Choice 1
Take the shot.
Sneak up (Cool +2)

Chapter 47 (Sam)
Life: 8    Cool:0

Choice 1
Roll over and shoot (Life -3)
Put rifle down (Cool +3)

Chapter 48 (Noble)
Life: 10 Cool:0

Choice 1
Shoot Krakouer (Cool +3)
Don’t shoot (Life -100) (You have died.)



Sunday, December 16, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Noble Man (Part I)

Noble Man 
(Part 1 – Chapters 1 to 25)

There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

In every chapter the starting stats would be: Life:10 and Cool:0. I will indicate in the chapter if the stats are different. Do not let your life points reach zero. Some choices also lead to a game over.

Chapter 1 (Noble)
Choice 1
Give the real codename.
Give a bad codename (Life -1, Cool -2)
Tell a joke (Cool -1) (Achievement unlocked: Joker!)

Choice 2
Change the op (Cool -2)
Abort the op (Cool -3)
Stick to the plan (Cool +1)

Choice 3
Stand down (Cool -2)
Wait for more intel.
Go now (Cool +1)

Choice 4
Send Torres and Lucas in (Cool -2)
Cover the door (Cool -3, Life -3)
Charge in (Cool +1)

Choice 5
Wait and see (Cool +2)
Tackle him (Cool +1)
Pull the trigger.

Choice 6
Torch the building (Cool -3) (Achievement unlocked: Breaking Bad)
Take the body (Cool -2)
Plant a weapon on him (Achievement unlocked: Corrupt!)
Admit you killed him (Cool +1) (Achievement unlocked: Super honest!)

Choice 7
Assure her (Cool +1)

Chapter 2 (Bati)
Choice 1
Ask for help (Cool +1)
“Drop the attitude, mister!” (Cool +2) (Achievement unlocked: You’re not gonna take it!)

Choice 2
Push Diego (Cool +2, Life -3)
Jump clear (Achievement unlocked: Forget that chump!)

Chapter 3 (Samantha)

Chapter 4 (Bati)
Life: 7                  Cool: 0
Choice 1
Crash the van (Cool +2, Life -2)
Jump out of the back (Cool -2)

Choice 2
Roll (Cool +1)
Curl up (Life -2)

Chapter 5 (Shiva/Ramos)

Chapter 6 (Noble)
Choice 1
Swim around (Cool +1)
Swim at the shark (Cool -1) (Redirected to other options)
Wait (Cool -1) (Cool +1)

Choice 2
Deal with the shark (Life -3) (Achievement unlocked: Suicidal tendencies)
Surface now (Cool +1)

Choice 3
Rush the cabin (Cool -1)
Belly crawl (Cool +1)

Choice 4
Slug Burke (Life -2, Cool +1) (Achievement unlocked: Revenge!)
Business approach.
Scare Burke (Cool +1)

Choice 5
Say he’s not an errand boy (Cool +2)
Take the job.

Choice 6
Pay up.
Plead (Cool -1)

Choice 7
Deny (Cool -1)
Tell her the truth (Cool +1)

Chapter 7 (Krakouer)
Choice 1
Tell him to leave (Cool +1)
Clobber him (Cool +2)

Choice 2
Pay Gage. (Skip Choice 3)
Get a little physical

Choice 3
Elbow him in the face (Achievement unlocked: Bully)
Grab his crotch and squeeze hard (Cool +1)
Chop his throat (Cool -1)

Chapter 8 (Bati)

Chapter 9 (Noble)
Choice 1
Walk over.
Circle the plaza (Cool +1)
Wave Manny over (Cool -1)

Choice 2
Teach the mugger a lesson (Cool +2)
Play it cool (Cool +1) (Achievement unlocked: Eye on the prize!)

Choice 3
Go in the front (Cool -2)
Look around back (Cool +1)

Choice 4
Help her (Cool +2)
Stay on mission. (Skip choice below)

Choice 5
Hit him with something (Achievement unlocked: Crushing move!)
Tell him to back off (Life -1)
Threaten him with his pistol (Life -100) (You have died.)
Shoot him with the pistol (Life -100) (You have died.) (Achievement unlocked: Shoot first, ask questions later!)

Chapter 10 (Bati)
Choice 1
Plead with them.
Put on act (Cool +2) (Achievement unlocked: Impersonator)
Threaten them (Cool +1)

Chapter 11 (Noble)
Choice 1
Kiss Sam (Cool +1) (Achievement unlocked: You Cad!)
Tie his shoe (Cool -2)
Pull her down with him (Cool +1)
Stand still (Cool +2)

Choice 2
Block and punch (Cool +2)
Pull his gun.
Say he only wants to talk (Cool -1, Life -2)

Choice 3
Keep walking (Cool +1)
Run (Cool -1)
Hide in the crowd (Cool +2)

Choice 4
Fight (Life -3) (Achievement unlocked: Brute Strength)
Push through (Life -1) (Achievement unlocked: Wise retreat)
Shoot in the air (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 5
Disarm the guard (Cool +2)
Shoot the guard (Cool -1)

Choice 6
Say “It was not your fault.”
Say “Hey, it happens sometimes.” (Cool -1)
Stay silent. (Cool +1)

Choice 7
Let her help. (Skip Choice 8)
Send her home (Cool +1)

Choice 8
Accompany him into the club (Cool -1) (Redirected to other options)
Rest in the car.
Be a lookout (Cool +2)

Choice 9
Buy her a drink (Cool -1)
Politely decline (Cool +1)

Chapter 12 (Samantha)
Choice 1
Follow him (Cool +1)
Stay put.
Talk to him (Cool +2) (Achievement unlocked: Should have worked)

Chapter 13 (Noble)
Choice 1
Keep the pretense (Cool +1)
Threaten him.

Chapter 14 (Eric Tsang)

Chapter 15 (Noble)
Choice 1
Reassure her (Achievement unlocked: Counselor Troi)
Stay quiet (Cool +1)

Choice 2
Make a play (Cool +3, Life -5)
Shout for help (Cool +1, Life -3)
Wait (Cool +2)

Chapter 16 (Ramos)

Chapter 17 (Noble)

Life -4

Choice 1
Stay quiet.
Make a joke (Cool +2, Life -2)

Life -1

Choice 2
Pound sand (Cool -2)
Start talking.

Chapter 18 (Shiva)

Chapter 19 (Noble)
Choice 1
Resist (Cool +2)

Choice 2
“How can I trust what you say?” (Cool -1)
“Understood. I will not let you down.”
“I am starting to see a pattern.” (Cool +1)

Chapter 20 (Samantha)
Choice 1
Use the brush (Cool +1)
Wheel to the bathroom.
Wait (Cool -1)

Choice 2
Be silent (Cool +1) (Skip Choice 3)
Ask her why she wants Bati

Choice 3
“To use her as a slave.” (Cool -1)
“Because your girls were escaping to our shelter.”
“To get leverage on Bati’s father.” (Cool -2)

Choice 4
“You could sell your paintings.” (Cool +1)
“Certainly, you have enough money.” (Cool -1)
“No, start a new business.”

Chapter 21 (Noble)
Life: 8    Cool: 0
Choice 1
Slap the gun (Cool +2, Life -3)
Knock out Li (Cool -1, Life -100) (You have died.)
Duck and roll (Cool -1, Life -3) (Redirected to other options)

Choice 2
Escaping (Life -3)
Getting the gun (Cool +1)
Knocking out Oscar (Life -3)

Choice 3
Kill him (Cool -5)
Let him live (Cool +1)

Choice 4
Circle around back (Cool -1)
Pretend to be a customer (Cool +1)

Choice 5
Play a tourist (Cool +1)
Do not act too much.

Choice 6
Use the choke hold (Cool -1)
Tie her up.
Encourage her to get high (Cool -1)
Try to bribe her. (Life -100) (You have died.)

Chapter 22 (Samantha)

Chapter 23 (Noble)
Choice 1
Shoot Shiva (Cool -12, Life -100) (You have died.)
Bluff (Cool +2) (Achievement unlocked: P-P-P-Poker Face!)
Bargain with Shiva.

Choice 2
He’s alive.
He’s dead (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 3
“Finding Bati.” (Cool +1)
“Getting the money to save my mother.” (Cool +1)
“Keeping you alive.” (Cool +2)
“Your shapely bottom.”

Choice 4
“That’s me, a regular Casanova.”
“How about a movie?” (Cool -1)
“Just shut up and get in the bed.” (Cool -2) (Achievement unlocked: Terrible Choice!)
Say nothing (Cool +1)

Choice 5
Say “I got it.” (Cool +1)
Say “Thanks and how about a back rub?” (Cool +1)
Say nothing.

Choice 6
Kiss her (Cool +2)
Don’t kiss her (Cool -1)

Chapter 24 (Samantha)

Chapter 25 (Bati)
Life: 5                  Cool: 0
Choice 1
Have to pee.
Seduce him (Cool -2)
Make a deal (Cool +2) (Achievement unlocked: Diplomat)

Life -2

Choice 2
Use the syringe (Cool +2, Life -1)
Go for the gun (Life -3)
Scream as loud as she can (Life -1) (Achievement unlocked: Nice deduction)

I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.