Saturday, December 22, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Demon's Choice 3

Demon’s Choice 3 - City of Kre Uzzaz
There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.
For this series, I have played the separate app from the Delight Games library. The achievements may not be the same.

Highest rank: 650+

Life: 7        Mana: 8        Morale: 0

Choice 1
Step onto the ferryboat and let him pass (Life -2)
Hurry past him. (Life -3, Morale +2)
Point to something in the water (Life -2, Morale +2)
Intimidate him (Morale +1)

Choice 2
Similar to the one you just saw (Mana -1, Morale -1) (Redirected to other options)
Mhyranya (Mana -1)
A unique succubus. (Choice 2.1)

Choice 2.1
“You are a goat, not a lady.” (Morale +1)
“Very well, how might you look out for me?”

Choice 3
Gate in Jackal (Mana -5, Morale +2) (Mana -1)
Possess Leffna (Mana -2) (Life -3, Morale +3) (Mana -1)

Choice 4
“Keep your eyes on my face, then.” (Morale +1)
“Me either, yet you are handsome for a cave pixie.” (Life -2) (Achievement unlocked: Trouble Maker)

Choice 5
“Agreed on the little one. Wits and speed are always a good bet.”
“In my experience, the largest skraag wins.” (Morale +1) (Life +1, Mana +2, Morale +1)
“The arm-wielding one seems creative.” (Morale +1)
“The one-eyed one is the least injured… well, other than his eye.” (Morale +1) (Life +3, Mana +4, Morale +2)
“A dark elf has no business wagering on skraags.”

Choice 6
“Seeking Azizella.”
“On private business on behalf of Vogloth.” (Life -2) (Redirected to other options)
“I wish to leave this layer of the abyss.” (Mana -2) (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 7
“I followed her.” (Morale +1)
“A guess. Azizella would prefer a city over the wilderness.”
“Why should I explain myself to you?” (Life -2) (Achievement unlocked: Snarky!) (Redirected to other options)

Choice 8
See where this goes (Life -100)
Gate in Jack (Mana -5) (Choice 8.1)
Flee. (Choice 8.3)

Choice 8.1
Climb higher (Life -100) (You have died.)
Dive down into the city (Life +1) (Mana -2)

Choice 8.2
“A wizard.”  (Morale +2)
“A back-stabbing assassin.” (Morale -1)
“You’re not a man, but a shape-shifting demon.”

Choice 8.3
Fly away (To Choice 8.1)
Stay on foot (Life -3)


Mana -1

Choice 9
Let the ‘rider’ into your mind. (Life -1)
Resist (Mana -2, Morale +1) (Life -1)

Life +4, Mana +3

Choice 10
“She did not say.”
“She said he escaped.” (Morale +1)
“She said he perished.” (Morale -1)

Choice 11
Use your life-draining power (Achievement unlocked: Act like a succubus!) (Life -100) (You have died.)
Gate Jack in above (Mana -5) (Life -2, Morale +2)
Trick him to drink from your waterskin (Morale +1) (Choice 11.1)

Choice 11.1
Try to convince him (Life -2, Mana -2) (Choice 11.2)
Charm him (Mana -3) (Life -2, Mana -2)
Possess him (Mana -2) (Achievement unlocked: Crushing move!) (Morale +2)

Choice 11.2
Keep pushing (Mana -3, Morale +2)
Attack physically. (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 12
Insult him and walk away.
Threaten him (Morale -1)
Gate Jack in to attack (Mana -5, Morale +1)
Attempt to possess the quasit (Mana -2, Morale +1)

Choice 13
Allow her to possess you.
Try to bribe her (Life -1, Morale -1) (Redirected to other options)
Try to go through the doors (Life -2) (To Choice 12.1)

Choice 13.1
Let her into your mind (Morale -2) (Life -4, Morale +3)
Grapple her soul (Mana -2, Morale -1) (Choice 13.2)
Push her back to her body (Mana -2, Life -5, Morale +3)

Choice 13.2
Let her go (Life -3, Morale +3)
Hold on! (Mana -3, Morale +5, Life -1)

Choice 14
Help eliminate a rival (Morale +1)
Tell some half-truths about Nerul’s destruction. (Life -100) (You have died.)
Pledge to pass on information from the material plane.


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