Sunday, December 23, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Demon's Choice 5

Demon's Choice 5 – Ring City

There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

NB: The achievements may differ based on what app you're playing (the separate apps for each story or the collection one). If you don't get it, don't worry. ;) 

NB2: I'm replaying the whole library. So far there are some choices that have changed the last time I have played it. I might not be able to update all of the choices so I apologize in advance. I appreciate your comments though. :)

Mana -2

Choice 1
Shape change (Choice 1.1)
Save your mana for now.

Choice 1.1
A different human female (Mana -2)
A female goblin (Morale +2, Mana -2)
An ogthrax demon (Mana -2, Life -2, Morale -1)

Choice 2
Say you are a servant of Slaar (Morale +1)
Try to seduce him. (Morale -1, Life -1)

Choice 3
Speak of Kre Uzzaz (Morale +1)
Speak of Gaalmagus (Life -1)
Speak of Slaar and his handsomeness (Morale -1, Life -1)

Choice 4
Proper clothing (Morale +1)
Information about Ring City (Morale +1)
Information on where to find Inuxius (Morale +2) (Achievement unlocked: Strategist!)

Choice 5
“Do not touch my nectar!” (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Never trust a demon!)
“Please give me a drink. (Morale -1, Life -2)

Morale +2

Mana -2

Life +4, Mana +5

Mana -2

Mana -1, Morale +1

Choice 6
Tell the foot soldiers to keep away. (Mana -1)
Attack the foot soldiers (Morale +1) (Mana -2)
Fling your rider off your back (Morale +1)

Choice 7
Tell Izrath you are here to watch. (Mana -100) (Game over.)
Attack the priest (Mana -1) (Mana -3, Morale +1)
Attack the witch doctor (Morale +1)
Attack the goblin with the crossbow (Mana -2)

Mana -2

Mana -1

Choice 8
Shove past him (Life -3)
Talk to him.

Choice 9
Head toward the priests (Morale +1)
Hide in the crowd (Mana -2) (Life -4)

Choice 10
Summon Jack (Mana -5, Morale +3)
Focus on speed (Choice 10.1)

Choice 10.1
Use a charm spell (Mana -2)
Rely on your own charm (Life -4)
Try to push past (Morale +1)

Choice 11
Alathian priests (Morale +1)
Dwarves (Achievement unlocked: Strange Choice)

Choice 12
Change your appearance (Mana -2)
Keep on as you are (Morale -1, Life -4)

Choice 13
A man.
A woman (Morale +1)

Choice 14
Go in for a hug (Morale +2) (Achievement unlocked: Seducer!)
Bow your head to her (Morale -1) (Achievement unlocked: Low Self Esteem) (Morale +2)
Nod at her (Morale +1)

Choice 15
“I left him at home.” (Morale +2) (Morale +1)
“I don’t know. Where is the nearest wine cellar?” (Morale +1) (Morale +1)
“I am currently unattended.”

Choice 16
“The leprechaun blood has given me power.” (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Nice deduction) (Morale +1, Mana +1)
“Your secret is safe with me.” (Morale +1)
“I can provide you with a distraction.”

Choice 17
Take him up on his offer (Morale +1)
Attempt to possess him (Mana -2) (Achievement unlocked: Puppet Master) (Morale +3)
Threaten him (Morale +1) (Life -1)

Choice 18
“Yet they do not come to his aid.”
“Do not fret, I will tell him of you.” (Morale +1)


I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of the authors or its developers. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry if i bother you but when can you post the chapter 6?
