Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Delight Games Walkthrough - Rogue’s Choice 21

Rogue’s Choice 21 – An Unexpected Journey

There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

NB: The achievements may differ based on what app you're playing (the separate apps for each story or the collection one). If you don't get it, don't worry. ;) 

NB2: I'm replaying the whole library. So far there are some choices that have changed the last time I have played it. I might not be able to update all of the choices so I apologize in advance. I appreciate your comments though. :)

Life: 8    Morale: 0             Favor: 10

Choice 1
“Kalaak is dead?” (Morale +2)
“Why did you kill all those elves?”
“Maybe I should buy you a cape next time?” (Achievement unlocked: Humor at ALL TIMES!) 
“Thank you for your aid earlier.” (Morale +1)

Choice 2
“I can walk in the daytime.” (Morale +1)
“My sword and charm are useful to any woman.” (Life -1)

Choice 3
Gaalmagus (Morale -1)
Azizella (Morale +2)
The Lich, Milleos (Morale +1)
House Vru’dahir (Morale +1)

Choice 4
Draw your sword and prepare for battle (Life -1)
Peek around the table (Morale +1)

Choice 5
“Yes, I am with you!” (Achievement unlocked: Heroically endowed!) (Morale +2, Favor +20, Life +11)
“It depends on what is in it for me.” (Life -2) (Favor +20, Life +11, Morale +2(Achievement unlocked: Greedy)

Choice 6
Feather fall down onto the battlefield (Favor -1)
Fly over the battlefield (Favor -4, Morale +2) (Life -2)

Choice 7
Transform into a giant (Favor -4, Morale +3) (Life -2(Achievement unlocked: Brute Strength)
Cast an illusion of soldiers for distraction (Favor -3, Morale +1) (Life -3)
Slippery spell (Favor -2) (Achievement unlocked: Bang for the buck!)

Choice 8
Lightning bolt! (Favor -4, Morale +2(Achievement unlocked: Area of effect spell (AOE!)
Transform into an Ogthrax demon (Favor -4, Morale +1) (Life -3)
Transform into a centaur (Favor -4, Morale +3) (Life -2)


Choice 9
“For eternity I will fight!” (Morale -1)
“I forgive you.” (Morale +2) (Achievement unlocked: Unpredictable!)
“None of you are real.”

Life -2

Morale +2

Life -2, Favor -4

Choice 10
Swing for his legs to disable him (Life -1, Morale +1)
Go for a decapitation (Life -2, Morale +1)
Stab him in the dent of his breastplate (Life -3)
Run from him (Morale +1)

Choice 11
Throw a fireball at Xelva (Favor -4, Morale +1)
Transform into Azizella to confuse Xelva (Favor -4) (Life -100) (You have died.)
Run over and drag Azizella away (Morale +1, Life -1)

Choice 12
Follow the balor (Favor -3)
Run into the thick of battle (Life -2) (Favor -3)

Choice 13
Fly (Favor -4)
Find cover (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 14
Fly straight at Xelva (Morale +2, Favor -5, Life -2)
Zig-zag low over the battlefield (Morale +1) (Life -3, Favor -4)
Fly toward the temple of Eternal Love (Life -2) (Life -3, Favor -4)

Life -3

Choice 15
Draw your holy sword and issue a challenge (Life -100) (You have died.)
Ask Egra to taunt him (Favor +18, Morale +3) (Favor -6) (Favor -3)

Choice 16
Groltreit (Morale +2, Life +60) (Life -160) (You have died.)
Drala (Life +5, Favor -10, Morale +2) (Choice 16.1)
Slaar the Handsome (Favor -12, Life +150, Morale +3) (Choice 16.2)
Asmodeus, Lord of Hell (Favor -15, Life +199, Morale +4) (
Choice 16.3)

Choice 16.1
Raise a shield (Morale +2) (Life -5)
Large lightning bolt (Favor -2) (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 16.2
“Leave them to me!” (Favor -4, Morale +3) (Life -150)
“Bow to your prince!” (Life -250) (You have died.)

Choice 16.3
Use your staff (Morale +4(Life -199)
Summon and command devils (Morale +2) (Life -199) (Morale -1)

(Life -100) Achievement unlocked: You died... but not really!


Choice 17
Strut up to the bar (Game over.)
Stay in the shadows (Choice 17.1)
Dance naked to the music (Morale +2) (Morale -3)

Choice 17.1
Run for the door (Game over.)
Go to Rohesia (Game over.)
Go to Krea and the guard (Morale +2) Choice 17.2

Choice 17.2
Culthuld, god of scoundrels (Morale +2)
Nysa, god of merriment and wine (Morale +1)

Achievement unlocked: Become a zombie


  1. I am not able to do anything past 16, any choices. The only option I have is to "Continue" which just brings up the redo menu. so I can not finish the chapter. What am I doing wrong?

    1. Hi there! In Choice 16, choosing Asmodeus is the straight correct path and Slaar has one correct choice. Make sure your stats are still high enough, especially your favor points, as reaching zero when the initial points are subtracted will end the book. For example, having a favor of 15 or 20 but choosing Asmodeus will end the game as it will subtract 25 favor points.

  2. Ahh!! Thank you very much! I will try this as soon as I can. I've been banging my head on my tablet for the last couple days.

  3. Asmodeus is only 15 favour, not 25. Ngl I freaked out for a second when I saw 25
