Sunday, February 20, 2022

Delight Games Walkthrough - Deep Space Huntress

Deep Space Huntress

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Cool, 60 Money, 15 Fuel

Note: If your Life reaches 0, you die. If your Fuel reaches 0, you become stranded in the middle of space. Money reaching 0 won’t kill you, but this happening is rare

Note 2: You should only have to get Fuel in two places out of Choices 1, 6.1, & 13

Choice 1

Head Towards Vlaxis Seven (Fuel -10) (Choice 1.1 If You Didn’t Already Get Fuel)

Go Get Fuel (Money -30, Fuel +30) (Redirected to Other Choices)

Check Out Distress Call

Choice 1.1

I’ll Pay You For The Zontonium (Money -40, Fuel +20)

I Won’t Rat You Out (Choice 1.2)

Offer Information (Fuel +30, Money -30, Cool +1)

Choice 1.2

“Give Me The Fuel Or Else, Krake” (You Are Stranded) (Game Over)

Apologise to Krake (Fuel +15, Money -45)

Fuel -10

Choice 2

Return to Bad Little Kitty (Cool +1)

Continue Inside The Freighter

Choice 3

“OK, Let’s Go” (Cool +1) (Skip Choice 4)

“No Way, Don’t Need The Hassle”

“Tell Me More About The Captain”

Choice 4

“OK, Let’s Go Get Sasha”
“No, Let’s Get The Zontonium First” (Cool -1) (Choice 4.1)

Choice 4.1

Help Rex Get Sasha

Go Get The Zontonium Alone (Life -1) (Skip Choice 5)

Choice 5

“Let’s Inspect Sasha For Juicers” (Choice 5.1)

“Can We Lure The Juicers Away?” (Cool +1) (Choice 5.2)

“OK, Let’s Go” (Life -3)

Choice 5.1

“No, Let’s Keep Looking” (Cool +1)

“You’re Right. Let’s Get Out Of Here” (Life -3)

Choice 5.2

“Come On, There’s Something!” (Cool +1) (Choice 5.3)

“OK, Forget It. Let’s Get Out Of Here” (Life -3)

Choice 5.3

Program Them to Load Each Other (Cool +1)

Just One Loads The Other

Choice 6

Get Fuel From The Freighter (Choice 6.1)

Undock And Get Out Of Here

Choice 6.1

Undock And Jetpack Over (Fuel +30, Cool +1)

Just Go (Fuel +30) (Life -3)

Fuel -15

Choice 7

Look For Ship With Rex And Sasha (Path A)

Look For Q’Reel With Rex And Sasha (Path A) (Skip Choice 8)

Look For Q’Reel On Your Own (Path B)

Choice 8 (Path A)

Run (Life -1)

Talk To Them (Life -3)

Use Your Lazegun (Life -4, Cool +1)

Choice 9 (Path A)

Pay The Fare (Money -10)

Stop The Cab (Life -2)

Choice 8 (Path B)

Threaten Charthan (Choice 8.1)

Give Charthan Twenty Credits (Money -20) (Cool +2) (Skip Choice 9)


Choice 8.1 (Path B)

Reason With Charthan (Choice 8.2)

Do As Charthan Says

Shoot Charthan (Life -4)

Choice 8.2 (Path B)

Pay Forty Credits (Money -40) (Cool +2) (Skip Choice 9)


Choice 9 (Path B)

Give Money (Money -5) (Choice 9.1)

Go Left (Choice 9.1)

Go Right (Choice 9.2) (All Choices Cause Game Over)

Choice 9.1 (Path B)

Hail A Hovercab (To Choice 9, Path A)

Keep Walking (Q’Reel Escaped) (Game Over)

Choice 9.2 (Path B)

Take A Hovercab to Bar District (Money -10) (Q’Reel Escaped) (Game Over)

Walk Back to Bar District (Cool -1) (Q’Reel Escaped) (Game Over)

Choice 10

“Yeah, They’re With Me” (Cool +1)

“Never Seen ‘Em In My Life” (Life -1)

“I Brought Them To You As A Present” (Life -1)

Choice 11

Ask For Money (Choice 11.1)

Just Go

Choice 11.1

“You Almost Got Me There!” (Money +20, Life -1)

“Fair Enough, I’ll Take It” (Money +20)


Choice 12

Take A Hovercab (Money -10, Cool +2) (Choice 12.1)

Take Hoverrail (Money -5)

Walk to The Spaceport (Q’Reel Escaped) (Game Over)

Choice 12.1

Fire At Q’Reel (Choice 12.2)

Run After Q’Reel (Choice 12.3)

Talk To Security

Choice 12.2

Shoot The Security Guard (Q’Reel Escaped) (Game Over)

Shoot Q’Reel Again (Life -2)

Put Down Your Gun

Choice 12.3

Use Your Lazegun (Life -2)

Knee Him Where It Counts (Cool +2, Life -2)

Jump Back (Cool +1, Life -3)

Choice 13

Buy Fuel (Money -25, Fuel +25)

Go Now! (Life +2, Fuel -20)

Choice 14

Keep Vlaak Talking (Cool +2)

Dive Into The Atmosphere (Cool +1)

Fire Lazecannons At Vlaak (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Life -1

Choice 15

Run To The Creek (Choice 16A)

Run Away From Vlaak (Life -1) (Choice 16B)

Choice 16A

Get Closer to Workers (Choice 16.1A)

Follow Vlaak (Life -2) (Choice 17A)

Choice 16.1A

Approach Workers (Choice 16.1B)

Follow Vlaak (Life -2) (Choice 17A)

Choice 16B

Watch Vlaak (Choice 16A)

Approach The Workers (Choice 16.1B)

Choice 16.1B

Go To The Camp (Choice 17B)

Follow Vlaak (Life -2) (Choice 17A)

Life +2

Choice 17A

Attack Svetlana (Life -2)

Try to Trick Svetlana (Cool +1)

Ask The Other Workers For Help (Cool +1)

Choice 17B

Tell Svetlana The Truth (Choice 17.1B)

Lie to Svetlana (Life +1, Cool +1)

Choice 17.1B

Take Off Your Belt And Gun (Life +2) (Choice 17A)

Refuse Svetlana’s Help

Choice 18

Sneak Down to The Huts (Life -2)

Wait And Watch (Cool +1) (Choice 18.1)

Choice 18.1

Shoot Quinn Q’Reel (Life -3)

Run After Q’Reel (Cool +2)

Choice 19

Draw Your Lazegun (Life -2)

Drop To The Floor (Life -1, Cool +1)

Launch Yourself Backwards Into Him (Cool +2)

Choice 20

Try to Reason With Q’Reel (Cool +2)

Run For The Controls (Life -2)

Try to Subdue Q’Reel (Life -1, Cool +1)

Choice 21

Attack Vlaak’s Ship (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Dive Into Chicolini’s Atmosphere (Life -3) (Redirected to Other Choices)

Stall For Time (Cool +2)

Choice 22

A HIgh-Powered Lazerifle (Life -100) (You Have Died)

A Plasma Bomb (Life -100) (You Have Died)

A Rocket-Powered Distress Beacon

Final Points:

Cool x 30

Money x 1

100 Bonus Points if Deaths = 0

Final Ranks:

Smokin’ mind, smokin’ bod! - 600+

Formidable bounter hunter! - 400+

Huntress - 200+

Alive… Surprisingly - 100+

Wetter of the cat suit - <100

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