Sunday, February 20, 2022

Delight Games Walkthrough - Superhero's Choice

Superhero's Choice

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 250 Money, 3 Fuel, 0 Heroism

Choice 1

Help The Old Man (Choice 1.1)

Try to Save Future Man (Fuel -1) (Heroism +1)

Choice 1.1

Leave The Old Man (Heroism -1)

Reassure The Old Man (Heroism +2, Life -1)

Pick Up The Old Man And Run (Heroism +1)

Choice 2

Help The Police (Heroism +1)

Vanish Into The Night

Choice 3

Go After The Silver Squirrel (Choice 4A)

Stop The Muggers (Choice 4B)

Choice 4A

Fire Your Sticky-Grapnel (Life -2) (Heroism +1)

Tell The Squirrel You Want to Talk (Choice 4.1A)

Order The Squirrel to Stop (Life -2) (Heroism +1)

Attack The Squirrel (Fuel -2) (Life -2) (Heroism +1)

Choice 4.1A

Ask What’s In Her Pack (Choice 4.2A)

Ask About The Vanquishers (Heroism +1)

Ask Where She’s Been Lately (Choice 4.3A)

Choice 4.2A

Sure, Sounds Fair (Money +100, Heroism -4)

Sure But I’m Taking It All (Money +200, Heroism -4)

Nice Try, Squirrel (Heroism +1) (Heroism +1)

Choice 4.3A

Not If You Tell Me Something (Heroism +1)

Sorry, Gotta Take You In

Choice 4B

Use Revinginator (Fuel -2) (Choice 4.1B)

Use Tranq-Dart (Fuel -1) (Heroism +2)

Stealth Attack The Muggers (Life -1) (Heroism +2)

Use A Sonic Bomb (Fuel -1) (Heroism +2)

Choice 4.1B

Let The Mugger Go

Fire A Tranq-Dart At The Mugger

Choice 5

Go to The Warehouse District (Skip Choice 6)

Go to The Stockyard (If You Stopped The Muggers OR You Took Squirrel’s Bribe)

Choice 6

Help Catch Crybaby (Heroism +1) (Choice 6.1)

Let Serpent Teen Handle Crybaby

Choice 6.1

Jump On The Car (Heroism +1) (Choice 6.2)

Toss Caltrops (Heroism +1) (Choice 6.3)

Throw A Smoke Bomb (Fuel -1) (Heroism -1)

Choice 6.2

Toss Smoke Bomb Into Car (Fuel -1, Life -3, Heroism +1) (Choice 6.3)

Jump Off The Car (Life -3) (Heroism -1)

Choice 6.3 (All to Choice 6.4)

Dive Under The Car

Roll To The Right (Life -2) 

Choice 6.4

Rush Crybaby (Life -2, Heroism +1) (Heroism +1)

Attack With Revenginator (Fuel -2, Heroism +2)

Attack With Tranq-Dart (Fuel -1, Heroism +1)

Choice 7

OK, I’ll Take Care Of Opossum (Choice 7.1)

Just Give Me The Bill (Money -200) (Skip Choice 8)

Choice 7.1

Call Out The Opossum (Choice 7.2)

Take A Seat And Be Cool (Choice 7.3)

Get Out Of There (Heroism -1, Money -200) (Skip Choice 8)

Choice 7.2

Rush The Thug (Heroism +1) (Heroism +1) 

Wait For The Thug (Life -2, Heroism +1) (Heroism +1)

Choice 7.3

Describe Opossum to The Bartender (Choice 7.2)

Bribe The Bartender (Money -50) (Heroism +1)

Threaten Bartender (Life -2) (Choice 7.2)

Choice 8

Ask For Jack’s Money (Money +300) (Money -300)

Ask About The Vanquishers (Heroism +1) (Money -200)

Choice 9

Follow The Fuzz And War Frog (Choice 10A)

Follow The Sedan (Heroism +1) (Skip Choice 10)

Follow The Woman (Heroism +1) (Choice 10B)

Choice 10A

Set Up Directional Mic (Choice 10.1A)

Follow More Closely (Choice 10.2A)

Run Back to Revenger-Cycle (Heroism +1)

Choice 10.1A

Leap Onto The SUV (Choice 10.3A)

Let Them Get Away

Choice 10.2A

Freeze (Choice 10.1A)

Dive Behind A Bush (Choice 10.3A)

Run Like Crazy (Heroism -1)

Attack With Revenginator (Life -3, Fuel -2, Heroism +2)

Rush The Fuzz And War Frog (Life -5, Heroism +2)

Choice 10.3A

Attack With Revenginator (Life -3, Fuel -2, Heroism +2)

Rush The Fuzz And War Frog (Life -5, Heroism +2)

Choice 10B

Confront Doctor Density (Heroism +1) (Choice 10.1B)

Attack Doctor Density (Fuel -2, Heroism +3) (Life -2)

Let Doctor Density Go

Choice 10.1B

Fire Revenginator (Heroism +1, Fuel -2) (Life -2)

Run Away (Heroism -1)

Choice 11

Meet The Supplier For Nano-Fuel (Money -50, Fuel +1) (Choice 11.1)

Don’t Meet The Supplier

Choice 11.1

Buy 1 Unit (Money -50, Fuel +1) (Redirected to Same Choice)

You’re Done

Life +1, Money +100

Choice 12

The Fuzz And War Frog

Crybaby (Heroism -1)

Doctor Density (Heroism +2)

Opossum (Heroism -1)

Adder And Penny Pincher (Heroism +1)

Choice 13

Say Yes (Choice 14A)

Say No (Choice 14B)

Choice 14A

Team Up With Overreactor (Choice 14.1A)

Go It Alone (Skip Choice 15)

Choice 14.1A

Ask Him What He’s Talking About (Choice 14.2A)

Go After The Punks (Skip Choice 15)

Choice 14.2A

Threaten Overreactor

Ask Overreactor Nicely (Skip Choice 15)

Try to Trick Overreactor (Heroism +1) (Skip Choice 15)

Choice 14B

Follow Warbler And Tightrope (Heroism +1) (Skip to Choice 19)

Follow Serpent Teen & Captain Jingo (Heroism +1) (Skip to Choice 19)

Follow Overreactor (Choice 14.1B)

Choice 14.1B

Confront Overreactor

Stop Following Overreactor (Skip Choice 15)

Choice 15

Run! (Heroism -1)

Attack With A Roundhouse Kick (Life -2, Heroism +1) (Choice 15.1)

Punch Overreactor In The Stomach (Life -5, Heroism +1) (Heroism -1)

Attack With Revenginator (Fuel -2) (Choice 15.2)

Choice 15.1

Run! (Heroism -1)

Attack With Revenginator (Fuel -2) (Choice 15.2)

Choice 15.2

Run! (Heroism -1)

Keep Fighting (Life -5, Heroism +1) (Heroism -1)

Choice 16 

Use Your Sticky-Grapnel On The Boys (Heroism +2, Life -1)

Stealth Attack The Punks (Heroism +1)

Smoke Bomb The Punks (Heroism +2, Fuel -1)

Choice 17

Try to Slip Through The Barrier (Skip Choice 18)

Ask The Police What’s Happening

Ask The Police to Let You Through

Choice 18

Just Somebody Trying To Help (Choice 18.1)

I’m The Revenger (If You Have 10+ Heroism) (Heroism +1)

Choice 18.1

Run Past The Cop

Try to Sneak In (Choice 18.2)

Choice 18.2

Keep Going

Give Yourself Up (Heroism -1) (You Are Jailed) (Game Over)

Choice 19

Join In The Fight (Choice 19.1)

Stay Out Of It For Now (Choice 19.2)

Choice 19.1

Attack With Revenginator (Fuel -2, Heroism +2)

Attack With A Flying Kick (Heroism +1, Life -1)

Attack With Tranq-Dart (Heroism +1, Fuel -1)

Choice 19.2

Stay Out Of It (Skip Choice 20)

Attack With Revenginator (Fuel -2, Heroism +2)

Attack With Tranq-Dart (Heroism +1, Fuel -1)

Choice 20

Back Off Doctor Density

Fire Revenginator (Fuel -2, Heroism +1)

Try to Tackle Doctor Density (Life -3, Heroism +1)

Attack With A Flying Kick (Life -1, Heroism +1)

Attack With Tranq-Dart (Life -3, Heroism +1, Fuel -1)

Choice 21

Stay With The Other Heroes // Tail The Heroes (Choice 22A)

Follow The Prisoner Transport (Heroism +2) (Skip Choice 22)

Stay Behind At The Wharf (Choice 22B)

Choice 22A

Follow Serpent Teen (Choice 22.1A)

Follow Tightrope (Choice 22.2A)

Follow Captain Jingo (Choice 22.3A)

Choice 22.1A

Let Serpent Teen Go

Plead With Serpent Teen (Heroism +1)

Threaten Serpent Teen (Choice 22.1.1A)

Choice 22.1.1A

Leave Serpent Teen Alone

Fight Serpent Teen (Life -1) (Choice 22.1.2A)

Apologise to Serpent Teen

Choice 22.1.2A

Attack With Revenginator (Fuel -2) (Life -2) (Choice 22.1.3A)

Attack With Tranq-Dart (Fuel -1, Heroism +1)

Keep Fighting Hand-To-Hand (Life -2) (Choice 22.1.3A)

Choice 22.1.3A

Attack With A Roundhouse Kick (Heroism +1) (Heroism +1)

Throw Another Punch (Life -1, Heroism +1) (Heroism +1)

Choice 22.2A

Fire Revenginator (Fuel -2) (Choice 22.2.1A)

Try to Tackle Tightrope (Heroism +1) (Choice 22.2.2A)

Try to Convince Her to Stay (Heroism +1) (Choice 22.2.2A)

Choice 22.2.1A

Jump After Tightrope (Heroism +1) (Heroism +1) (Choice 22.2.2A)

Let Tightrope Go

Choice 22.2.2A

Have Tightrope Call (If You Have 10+ Heroism) (To Choice 22.2B)

Forget It, Tightrope

Choice 22.3A

Let Captain Jingo Go

Plead With Captain Jingo (Redirected to Other Choices)

Threaten Captain Jingo (Choice 22.3.1A)

Choice 22.3.1A

Leave Captain Jingo Alone

Fight Captain Jingo (Choice 22.3.2A)

Apologise to Captain Jingo

Choice 22.3.2A

Attack With Revenginator (Fuel -2, Heroism +2) (Choice 22.3.3A)

Attack With Tranq-Dart (Fuel -1)

Keep Fighting Hand-To-Hand (Life -3) (Choice 22.3.3A)

Choice 22.3.3A

Squeeze Captain Jingo’s Throat (Heroism -1)

Let Captain Jingo Go

Choice 22B

Talk to Vince Radigan (Choice 22.1B)

Inspect The Crate (Heroism +1)

Choice 22.1B

Take Out The AngelCorp Guards (Life -3, Heroism +1)

Try to Intimidate Radigan

Impress Him (If You Have 10+ Heroism) (Choice 22.2B)

Choice 22.2B

Keep Pressing For Answers

Ask Him About Nano-Fuel (Choice 22.3B)

Choice 22.3B

Sure, Why Not? (Fuel +1) ((Fuel +3) if Tightrope Called)

Not A Chance (Heroism +1)

I’ll Think About It

Choice 23

Ask If Charlie Has More Fuel (Choice 23.1)

Ask About AngelCorp (Skip Choice 24)

Choice 23.1

Buy 1 Unit (Money -50, Fuel +1)

Buy 2 Units (Money -100, Fuel +2)

Buy 3 Units (Money -150, Fuel +3)

Buy 4 Units (Money -200, Fuel +2)

Choice 24

Leave Now (Skip Choice 25)

Ask Charlie What’s Wrong

Ask Charlie About AngelCorp

Choice 25

Press Charlie For More Info (Life -3)

Tell Charlie to Get On The Cycle

Leave Now

Life +1

Choice 26

Nope. Not Me (Choice 26.1)

I Had No Choice! (Choice 26.2)

Choice 26.1

I Swear, I Never Made A Deal (Heroism +1) (Works Even If You’re Lying)

Ok! I Made A Deal With AngelCorp! (Choice 26.2)

Choice 26.2

Promise Man-Spider

Go It Alone (Man-Spider Traps You) (Game Over)


Choice 27

Glide Down To The Roof (Path A)

Sneak Through The Sewers (Heroism +2) (Path B)

Keep Watching The Building (Choice 27.1)

Choice 27.1

Follow Doctor Density (Heroism +1) (To Choice 29, Path A)

Keep Casing The Warehouse (Choice 27.2)

Choice 27.2

Jump Onto Truck (Heroism +2) (Path B)

Stay On The Roof Until Dark (Choice 27.3)

Choice 27.3

Land On The Roof (Heroism +2) (Path B)

Sneak Through The Sewer (Heroism +2) (Path B)

Choice 28 (Path A)

Land In The Alley (Back To Choice 27.1)

Keep Going Toward The Roof (Choice 28.1)

Choice 28.1 (Path A)

Pick The Lock (Choice 28.2)

Keep Running (Heroism +1)

Turn Around And Fire Sticky-Grapnel (Life -1) (Heroism +1)

Choice 28.2 (Path A)

Run From The Guards (Life -3) (Heroism +1)

Fight The Guards (Heroism +2, Life -2) (Heroism +1)

Choice 29 (Path A) (See Footnotes For A Game-Breaking Bug Here)

Seek Out Serpent Teen

Seek Out Captain Jingo (If You Didn’t Just Choose Him) (Choice 29.1)

Seek Out Tightrope (If You Didn’t Just Choose Her) (Choice 29.2)

Choice 29.1 (Path A)

Challenge Jingo to A Fight (Life -2, Heroism +1) (Choice 29.1.1)

Give Up On Jingo (Back To Choice 29)

Tell Jingo About AngelCorp (Heroism +2)

Choice 29.1.1 (Path A)

Try to Wiggle Free (Life -2) (Heroism +2)

Tell Jingo About AngelCorp (Heroism +2)

Choice 29.2 (Path A) 

Promise Tightrope Not To Tell (Choice 29.2.1)

No Way, Tightrope (Heroism +1) (Choice 29.2.2)

Choice 29.2.1 (Path A) (All Back To Choice 29)

Fire A Sticky-Grapnel Line (Life -3, Heroism +1)

Fight Off Tightrope (Heroism +1)

Try To Land (Life -3, Heroism +1)

Choice 29.2.2 (Path A)

Try to Stop Tightrope (Choice 29.2.3)

Focus On Stopping Doctor Density (Back To Choice 29)

Choice 29.2.3 (Path A)

Try Talking to Overreactor (Choice 29.2.4)

Fire A Sticky-Grapnel To Escape (Life -1) (Back To Choice 29)

Attack With A Flying Kick (Heroism +1) (Choice 29.2.5)

Attack With Revenginator (Fuel -2, Heroism +1) (Choice 29.2.5)

Choice 29.2.4 (Path A)

Fire A Sticky-Grapnel To Escape (Life -1) (Back To Choice 29)

Keep Fighting Overreactor (Life -5, Heroism +1) (Heroism -1) (Back To Choice 16) (Bug?)

Attack With Revenginator (Fuel -2, Heroism +1) (Choice 29.2.5)

Choice 29.2.5 (Path A)

Fire A Sticky-Grapnel To Escape (Life -1) (Back To Choice 29)

Launch Yourself At Overreactor (Life -5, Heroism +1) (Heroism -1) (Back To Choice 16) (Bug?)

Attack With Revinginator (If You Haven’t Already) (Fuel -2, Heroism +1) (Redirected to Other Choices)

Choice 28 (Path B)

Try to Find The Controls (Choice 28.1)

Leave The Warehouse

Choice 28.1 (Path B)

Keep Looking For The Controls (Choice 28.2)

Leave The Warehouse

Choice 28.2 (Path B)

Rush The Guards (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Throw A Sonic Bomb (Fuel -1, Heroism +1) (Choice 28.3)

Leave The Warehouse (Life -3)

Choice 28.3 (Path B)

Keep Going Toward The Panel (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Run From The Warehouse (Life -3)

Choice 29 (Path B)

Help Captain Jingo (Life -1, Heroism +1)

Watch Jingo Fight War Frog

Life +1

Choice 30

Revenginator (Heroism +2, Life -1, Fuel -2)

Tranq-Dart (Heroism +1, Life -3, Fuel -1)

Flying Kick (Heroism +1, Life -5)

Choice 31

Rescue The Cops (Heroism +1) (Choice 32A)

Wait For Doctor Density to Emerge (Choice 32B)

Choice 32A

Revenginator At Dr. Density (Fuel -2)

Revenginator At Vexer (Fuel -2, Heroism +1) (Choice 32.1A)

Sticky-Grapnel At Dr. Density

Sticky Grapnel At Vexer (Heroism +2, Life -2)

Choice 32.1A

Splash Doctor Density (Choice 32.2A)

Dive Underwater

Swim to Doctor Density

Choice 32.2A

Punch Doctor Density (Choice 32.3A)

Grab Doctor Density (Life -4)

Choice 32.3A

Go After Vexer (Choice 32.4A)

Save The Cops In The Truck

Choice 32.4A

Swim Under The Yacht (Choice 32.5A)

Save The Cops In The Truck

Choice 32.5A

Keep Holding On (Life -5)

Let Go Of The Line

Choice 32B

Tackle Doctor Density (Life -2)

Kick Doctor Density (Life -1)

Fire Revenginator (Fuel -2)

Heroism +2 (If You Didn’t Swim Under The The Yacht)

Choice 33

Let Go Of Doctor Density (Life -5)

Save Doctor Density (Heroism +2)

Final Points:

Heroism x 30

Money x 1

100 Bonus Points if Deaths = 0

Final Ranks:

Feared by evil, loved by good! - 900+

Deadly superhero (and hot) - 700+

Superhero - 500+

Alive… Surprisingly - 300+

Wetter of the tights - <300


At Choice 29 (Path A), there is a way to get infinite Heroism. That’s right, infinite (not patched as of the 28th of January 2022). The method is as follows:

  • Pick “Seek Out Captain Jingo”

  • Pick “Give Up On Jingo”

  • Pick “Seek Out Tightrope”

  • Pick “No Way, Tightrope” (Heroism +1)

  • Pick “Focus On Stopping Doctor Density”

  • Pick “Seek Out Captain Jingo”

  • Pick “Give Up On Jingo”

  • …………

This can be repeated infinitely, as the game doesn’t have a built-in way to stop this loop. As far as I know, this is the only story that has such a bug - if anyone knows of another example, please comment below, as I’d be interested to check it out


  1. Apologies for the complexity of the mapping for Choices 22 & 29 - I did my best to make them readable, but both of them subdivide a lot more than I've seen in anything else (possibly excluding the middle of Witch Saga 1). If you're lost at any point throughout, please comment to let Lexi or myself know

    P.S. Infinity is a big number xD
