Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Delight Games Walkthrough - Ranger's Choice 6

 Ranger’s Choice 6 – Demon & Dragon

This story is a part of the universe that includes The Wizard’s Choice, The Demon’s Choice and The Rogue’s Choice. You don’t have to read any of those for this book. (Highly encouraged that you do.)

There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

NB: The achievements may differ based on what app you're playing (the separate apps for each story or the collection one). If you don't get it, don't worry. ;) 

P.S. If you got any other achievements, lemme know. I only got one in this chapter :) 

Life: 10                 Morale: 0                           Favor: 10

Choice 1
Obscure your scent
Get supplies (Morale +1)
Urge ideas on how to remove the mark (Morale +2)

Choice 2
Go alone
Go with just Miribelle (Morale +1)
Take both of them

Life -1

Choice 3
Longsword (Life -2)
Two-handed sword (Morale +1)
Military pike (Life -1)

Choice 4
Attack the snake (Favor -2)
Approach the snake (Morale +1)

Choice 5
Krisfina (Morale -1) (redirected to other options)
A lizardfolk shaman (Morale +1)

Favor -1

Choice 6
Attack the shaman (Life -2)
Use Aether to beseech the shaman to let them go (Life -1) (Redirected to other options)
Run over and cut the vines free of your companions (Life -2, Morale +1)
Attempt to commune with the python

Favor -4

Life +1, Favor +1

Choice 7
Retreat (Morale +1)
Commune with an animal (Favor -2, Morale +2)
Prepare to cast entangle (Favor -2, Morale +1)

Choice 8
“The going would be slow offroad and we might be caught.”
“The dragon is the direction you wish to go.” (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Dishonest for a ranger!)
“We’ll be in the swamp longer if we travel back.”

Life +1


Choice 9
The dragon (Morale +2)
Lizardfolk (Morale +1)

Choice 10
Frog (Favor -1, Morale +1) (Favor -2) (Life -1)
Heron (Favor -1, Morale +1) (Favor -2) (Life -1)
Otter (Favor -1) (Favor -2) (Life -1)
Crocodile (Favor -2, Morale +2)

Choice 11
Signal for them to retreat (Morale +1)
Signal for them to prepare for battle (Life -3)

Choice 12
Pick up Althaeban (Morale +1) (Life -3)
Use Morphos (Choice 12.1)

Choice 12.1
Spear (Morale +2)
Two-handed sword (Morale +2, Life -2)

Life -2

Life -1

Choice 13
Retreat to rejoin your companions (Life -1)
Go for your bow (Morale +2)

Choice 14
“You are wounded, and I am protected from your acid.” (Life -2) (Morale +1)
“Do not waste your time on me while Draco robs you.” (Morale +1)

Choice 15
Jarin (Morale +1)

Choice 16
Say “You have it.”
Say “It is somewhere safe.”
Shoot him with your bow. (Morale +1)

Life -2

Disclaimer: I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers/contributing authors. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience. And no, I am not earning from this blog. I just like doing this. 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Delight Games Walkthrough - MetaGame (A Cyberpunk Story) 2

 MetaGame (A Cyberpunk Story) Chapter 2

Life: 10                Morale: 0                           Credits: 300

Choice 1
Get a downer (Credits -30, Morale +1)
Nothing for now (Morale +1)

Choice 2
Funeral outfit (Credits -60, Morale +1)
Outfit from the comedy you were going to see (Credits -30) (Redirected to other choices)
Wear what you wore for the date (Credits -30)

Choice 3
Observe personally (Morale +1) (Credits -40)
Use Smorgeous (Morale +1)

Credits -25

Credits +20

Choice 4
Keep it conventional (Credits +70, Morale +1)
Bold (Credits +130, Morale +2)

Choice 5
Slower dancing (Life -2, Credits +20)
Stick to your current speed (Credits +30, Life -1)
Faster (Credits +40)

Choice 6
AI generated speech (Credits +80)
Focus on dropping products (Credits +150)
Pay homage to Fael (Morale +2, Credits +30)

Choice 7
“I’m sorry about Fael. I was fond of her.” (Credits -30)
“I’m sorry about Fael. It’s just part of the game.”

Choice 8
“Yes, please.” (Morale +1)
“No, thank you.”
“I only snuffed out one handmaiden.” (Credits -30) (redirected to other choices)

Choice 9
Name drop (Credits +5, Morale -1)
Just say they are the best you’ve had

Choice 10
“Thank you, Mother.” (Credits +40)
“My apologies for what I did. She was a good woman.”

Choice 11
Admit you don’t know and defer to Lyra
Give him your guess as to why Lyra selected you (Morale -1)

Disclaimer: I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers/contributing authors. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Delight Games Walkthrough - MetaGame (A Cyberpunk Story) 1

MetaGame (A Cyberpunk Story) Chapter 1 – The Date

You play a man named D_Light in a world set in the future. All of civilization - work, play, and family, is organized around The Game and those that win gain immortality.

Life: 10                 Morale: 0            Credits: 600

Choice 1
Formal and dashing (Credits -45)
Playful and fun (Credits -30)
Experimental high fashion (Credits -50, Morale +1) (Credits -10) (Credits -30)

Choice 2
Say ‘A lovely suit for a lovely woman.”
Touch her sleeve (Morale +1)

Choice 3
Luminamoths (Morale +1, Credits +3)
Bearsuit (Credits +60)
Runway (Credits +100)

Choice 4
A minimal skin (Morale +1)
Advertising skin (Credits +1) (Credits -30)
Entertainment skin

Choice 5
About your project (Credits +23)

Choice 6
Send her SeaGuy (Morale +2)
Send her GiggleGoo

Choice 7
Admit your addiction (Morale +1)
Say that spanking isn’t for you

Credits +2

Choice 8
“You decide!”
“My place. It is closer. Follow me!” (Morale +1)

Choice 9
Send your familiar forward as a scout
Do not (Life -3, Credits -50)

Choice 10
Check her out (Morale +1)
Play it cool

Choice 11
Sex (Morale +1)
A gift (Credits -70, Morale +2)
An advertisement

Choice 12
Offer to pay the whole cost (Credits -225)
Ask her to pay a portion (Credits -180)
Gently tease her (Morale +1, Credits -90)

Choice 13
Hidden weapon(s) (Credits -50, Morale +1) (Credits -60)
Poison (Morale +1, Credits -60)
Hand-to-hand (Credits -70) (Credits -60)

Choice 14
Ask her about her poisons (Life -4, Credits -100)
Ask her to strip fast (Morale +1)
Take her wrists

Choice 15
Throw your disc
Kick her (Life -3, Credits -150)
Go for your crossbow (Credits -150, Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 16
Attack Fael (Life -5, Credits -100)
Attack Paxos (Morale +1)

Choice 17
Throw the chair (Life -2, Credits -100)
Use the vase as a weapon (Morale +1) (Life -2, Credits -100)
Throw another disc

A/N: I'm a little lukewarm about this series but I'm willing to give it a chance. What did you guys think?

Disclaimer: I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers/contributing authors. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Delight Games Walkthrough - Ranger's Choice 5

 Ranger’s Choice 5 – Gone Wild!

This story is a part of the universe that includes The Wizard’s Choice, The Demon’s Choice and The Rogue’s Choice. You don’t have to read any of those for this book. (Highly encouraged that you do.)

There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

NB: The achievements may differ based on what app you're playing (the separate apps for each story or the collection one). If you don't get it, don't worry. ;) 

P.S. I didn't get any achievements because I already got them from other chapters. If you got any, lemme know. :) 

Life: 8                   Morale: 0                           Favor:8

Choice 1
Rely on camouflage.
Conceal yourself completely behind something (Morale +1)

Choice 2
Offer him a potion of acid resistance (Morale +1)
Offer him a potion of underwater breathing (Morale +2)
Offer him a potion of strength (Morale -1) (Redirected to other choices)

Choice 3
Swim out into deep water (Life -100) (You have died.)
Climb a tall tree (Morale +1)

Choice 4
Use a military pike.
Cast entangle (Favor -2, Morale +2)

Choice 5
“Miribelle, please do not do that.” (Morale –1)
“Yes, Miribelle can control her form now.” (Morale +1)
“Never mind, Draco. I offer the two potions you will need.”

Choice 6
“The plan is simple: we arrive at the battle before it begins!”
“The first plan is to get you a weapon.” (Morale +1)
“We must gain freedom to slay the dragon.” (Morale +2)

Life -1

Favor -3

Life +1, Favor +1

Choice 7
“I bet Aether is not happy with being covered in duckweed.”
“You seem to be feeling better.” (Morale +1)
“You are so beautiful.” (Favor -1)

Choice 8
A hag (Morale +1)
Grulog (Life -2)
This is the real Miribelle (Life -2)

Life -1

Choice 9
Leave it as a dagger (Morale +2, Life -1)
Short sword (Morale +2)
Longsword (Morale +1) (Life -2)
Spear (Life -2)

Life -1


Choice 10
Leap off your mount to take cover.
Pause and hail Vrasell (Life -3)

Choice 11
Charge! (Life -100) (You have died.)
Wait (Morale +1)
Offer to help (Choice 11.1)

Choice 11.1
Say that you are a ranger and ally of Grulog’s (Morale +2)
Say that you are one of Grulog’s werewolves (Morale +2) (Life -2)

Choice 12
Hide in the table (Morale +1)
Hide under the mattress (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 13
Strike at a distance, stabbing with a pike (Life -2, Morale +1, Favor +1)
Leap down with your sword (Morale +2, Favor +1)

Choice 14
The dragon (Life -100) (You have died.)
The demon lord (Life -100) (You have died.)
The archdevil (Morale +1) (Morale +2)
The Lich (Morale +2) (Redirected to other options)

Favor -3, Morale +2

Choice 15
Yourself (Life -2)

Choice 16
Try to skewer him with Morphos (Morale +1) (Life -3)
Try to distract him with Milacron’s Liberation (Morale +2)
Try to knock Shaysana out of the way (Morale +1) (Life -4)

Choice 17
Demons (Morale +1)
House Vru’dahir
The undead

Disclaimer: I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers/contributing authors. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Delight Games Walkthrough - Ranger's Choice 4

 Ranger’s Choice 4 – The Dragon’s Lair

This story is a part of the universe that includes The Wizard’s Choice, The Demon’s Choice and The Rogue’s Choice. You don’t have to read any of those for this book. (Highly encouraged that you do.)

There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

NB: The achievements may differ based on what app you're playing (the separate apps for each story or the collection one). If you don't get it, don't worry. ;) 

P.S. I didn't get any achievements because I already got them from other chapters. If you got any, lemme know. :) 

Life: 10                 Morale: 0            Favor:6

Choice 1
Commune with an animal (Favor -2)
Hold off for now (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 2
Knock down the totem.
Use Miribelle as a distraction (Morale +1)

Choice 3
Wait to see what happens (Life -2)
Shoot the lizardman with the short sword (Morale +1)

Choice 4
Slay the archer (Life -2)
Shoot the lizardmen closest to Miribelle (Life -1)
Use your flame arrow to attempt a distraction (Morale +1)

Life +1

Choice 5
Insist that you are going first (Morale -1)
Follow her lead (Morale +1)

Choice 6
Stand with your hands up
Stand and fire your bow (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 7
“We are your new werewolf guardians.” (Morale +1)
“We have a message from Vrasell.”

Choice 8
Fire your bow (Life -2)
Close in/Charge at Draco with your swords (Life -1)

Life -1

Choice 9
Go for his eye slit (Life -2)
Attempt to disarm him (Life -1)
Try to maneuver behind him (Morale +2)

Choice 10
Strike the side of his helm with your longsword (Life -2)
Smash the acid bottles (Life -1, Morale +1)
Attempt to sever the chain (Morale +2)

Choice 11
Sprint to your bow without delay (Life -2)
Throw your sword first (Morale +1)

Choice 12
Surrender (Life -1)
Fire your bow (Morale +1) (Life -2)

Choice 13
“Vrasell also enjoys the use of invisibility.” (Morale +1)
“My respect for Grulog the Just.” (Life -1)
“We have come to make a deal.” (Life -1)

Choice 14
Tell the truth (Life -1, Morale +1)
Give a falsely high number (Morale +1) (Life -1)
Give a falsely low number (Morale +1) (Life -1)
Say that you cannot tell him because of your collar (Morale +1)

Life -2

Choice 15
Propose that you lead Vrasell into an ambush.
Propose that you hunt other dragons (Morale +2)
Offer them more information about the elf (Life -1)
Tell them that you accept your fate (Morale +1) (Morale +1)

Life +3, Favor +1

Life +2

Life +1

Choice 16
“How do you expect to get away with stealing from Grulog?” (Morale -1)
“Why not send a lizardman on this mission?” (Morale +1)
“Why not send one of the undead on this mission?” (Morale -1)
“How will you protect us from the acid water?” (Morale +2)

Life +1

Life -3

Choice 17
Continually call out the password as you go
Continue silently for now and wait to be asked for it (Life -3)

Life -2

Choice 18
A weapon (Morale +1) (Life  -2) (Life +8)
Clothes (Life  -2) (Life +8)
Potions (Life +8, Morale +2)
The chest Draco sent you for (Morale +1) (Life -2) (Life +8)

Choice 19
A robe of knowledge (Morale +2)
A robe of charming (Morale +2)
A robe of regeneration (Morale +1)

Choice 20
“Tell me where the backdoor is.” (Life -100) (You have died.)
“I need a weapon.”

Choice 21
Spear (Morale +1)
Warhammer (Life -4)
Longsword (Life -2)
Keep your two-handed sword (Morale +1) (Life -2)

Choice 22
Attack Draco as he runs by (Morale +1) (Life -2)
Attempt to trip Draco (Morale +1)
Get out of the way.

Choice 23
Spear (Morale +1) (Life -2)
Longsword (Life -4)
Two-handed sword (Morale +1) (Life -2)
Halberd (Morale +2)

Choice 24
Destroy the zombies (Favor +1) (Life -1)
Leave them alone

Morale +1

Choice 25
Longsword (Life -3)
Halberd (Morale +1) (Life -1)
Two-handed sword (Morale +1)

Life -2

Choice 26
Help Miribelle slay the lizardmen (Morale +1) (Life -2)
Seek out Draco to slay him (Morale +2) (Life -2)
Run for the exit.

I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers/contributing authors. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Delight Games Walkthrough - Alice in Demonland (Part 1)

Alice in Demonland (Part 1) - Chapters 1 to 6

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 0 Cool

Chapter 1

Choice 1

Say “The Same Old Thing You Always Say, Peter”, With A Wink (Cool +1)

Recite His Speech About Weapons (Cool +2) (Achievement Unlocked: Intellectual!)

Recite His Speech About The Seven Deadly Sins (Cool -1)

Admit to Focusing On Just Killing Underlings (Cool +2)

Choice 2

Charge with My Katana (Cool +1) (Achievement Unlocked: Got medieval on 'em!)

Use My Pistol On A Few Before They Reach The Group (Cool +2)

Run Through The Crowd, Stabbing Them With My Dagger (Life -2, Cool +1) (Achievement Unlocked: Got medieval on ‘em!)

Choice 3

“I Just Don’t Want Any Of You To Win”

“I’m Not Trying To Win - I’m Just Better Than The Rest Of You” (Achievement Unlocked: Snarky!)

“Maybe I’m Not As Much Of A Queen Of Hearts As You Think” (Cool -1)

“Don’t Worry, If I Win, I Promise I’ll Try To Take All Of You Up There With Me” (Achievement Unlocked: Good Girl!)

Chapter 2

Choice 1

Gilbert, Since He Was The Only One Wounded - He Could Use A Sympathy Gift (Cool -1)

Eric, Since It’s His Birthday (Cool +2)

Georgia - She Fought Impressively Next To Me And You Could Use A Friend (Cool +1) (Achievement Unlocked: Best Friends Forever!)

No One - Keep It, And Use It To Get More Practice, If I Can

Chapter 3

Choice 1

"Eric's Demon Sire Could Come Kill To Him Tonight" (Cool -1) (Achievement Unlocked: Tactless)

"I Guess It Would Be Nice To Get A Date In Before… You Know" (Cool -2) (Achievement Unlocked: Trouble Maker)

"Aren't You Worried About Things Going Horribly Wrong?"

"It Must Be Tough To Be In Love With Someone Under These… Circumstances" (Cool +1) (Achievement Unlocked: Counselor Troi)

Choice 2

Say "Get A Room" (Cool +1)

Begin Caressing Wendy's Back As They Kiss (Achievement Unlocked: Creepy!)

Stay Silent

Choice 3

Punch His Shoulder

Flirt With Him (Cool +1) (Achievement Unlocked: Flirt!)

Knock Him Down A Notch (Cool +1)

Chapter 4

Choice 1

Flirt With Him (Achievement Unlocked: Flirt!)

Explain That You Don't Fit In

Turn It Back On Him (Achievement Unlocked: Deflector!)

Choice 2

Ask Peter What He Plans To Do (Cool -1)

Say That I'm Going To Stay And Help

Leave Peter Alone And Do As He Says (Cool +1)

Choice 3

Attack The Demon With My Knife (Cool +2) (Achievement Unlocked: Quick thinker!) 

Kick The Table Into Him And Push Peter Behind Me (Cool +1)

Grab Peter And Run (Life -3)

Chapter 5

Choice 1

Follow Him (Life -4, Cool +2)

Find A Car To Hide In

Choice 2

Follow The Stranger

Look For Keys (Life -4) (Achievement Unlocked: Worth a Shot…)

Shout To The Demon To Call Off His Underlings (Achievement Unlocked: Whiner)

Try To Summon My Demon Power

Life -3

Chapter 6

Choice 1

Help The Stranger (Life -3)

Leave Him

Choice 2

Help Peter (Cool +1)

Help The Others With The Underlings (Cool -1)

Help Wendy (Cool +2)

Final Points:

Cool x 30

Life x 10

Final Ranks:

DAAANG! Top Rank! Nice choices! - 400+

Scourge to Demonkind - 250+

Not Just A Pretty Face - 100+

Barely Alive - 30+

Alice of DumbAssland - <30

“No Takebacks” Guide:

If you've seen the other walkthroughs on this site (particularly, if you've seen the walkthroughs for Blood and Snow), you'd probably expect to find a message like this down here:

As you’ll probably have noticed, almost all the choices above have at least one emboldened option. The emboldened choices signal any objective ‘correct’ or ‘best’ choices, as is standard for most of the walkthroughs here. However, they also double as a walkthrough for getting the achievements No Takebacks!, No Takebacks Part 2!, and Thoughtful Player!

You may have noticed that there are no emboldened choices, however. This was an intentional choice, as emboldening is also the signal for an achievement, and the formatting was starting to look pretty messy. I'll quickly note that the only choice where the best option isn't common sense is Chapter 5, Choice 1 - if you can afford to Follow Him, I suggest you do - and I'll leave the rest of it up to you, dear reader

As always, I do encourage picking other options for reading pleasure, as there’s a lot of cool stuff written in ‘worse’ choices. However, if you’re heavily conscious about achievements, you may want to do a “No Takebacks” playthrough for each chapter before you actually read them, as you only get one shot for each of those achievements. Or maybe you could read the story while doing the “No Takebacks” playthrough & read it again afterwards. Honestly, it’s your reading experience, so it’s your choice :)

Hope you found this useful,
