Sunday, August 6, 2023

Delight Games Walkthrough - MetaGame (A Cyberpunk Story) 1

MetaGame (A Cyberpunk Story) Chapter 1 – The Date

You play a man named D_Light in a world set in the future. All of civilization - work, play, and family, is organized around The Game and those that win gain immortality.

Life: 10                 Morale: 0            Credits: 600

Choice 1
Formal and dashing (Credits -45)
Playful and fun (Credits -30)
Experimental high fashion (Credits -50, Morale +1) (Credits -10) (Credits -30)

Choice 2
Say ‘A lovely suit for a lovely woman.”
Touch her sleeve (Morale +1)

Choice 3
Luminamoths (Morale +1, Credits +3)
Bearsuit (Credits +60)
Runway (Credits +100)

Choice 4
A minimal skin (Morale +1)
Advertising skin (Credits +1) (Credits -30)
Entertainment skin

Choice 5
About your project (Credits +23)

Choice 6
Send her SeaGuy (Morale +2)
Send her GiggleGoo

Choice 7
Admit your addiction (Morale +1)
Say that spanking isn’t for you

Credits +2

Choice 8
“You decide!”
“My place. It is closer. Follow me!” (Morale +1)

Choice 9
Send your familiar forward as a scout
Do not (Life -3, Credits -50)

Choice 10
Check her out (Morale +1)
Play it cool

Choice 11
Sex (Morale +1)
A gift (Credits -70, Morale +2)
An advertisement

Choice 12
Offer to pay the whole cost (Credits -225)
Ask her to pay a portion (Credits -180)
Gently tease her (Morale +1, Credits -90)

Choice 13
Hidden weapon(s) (Credits -50, Morale +1) (Credits -60)
Poison (Morale +1, Credits -60)
Hand-to-hand (Credits -70) (Credits -60)

Choice 14
Ask her about her poisons (Life -4, Credits -100)
Ask her to strip fast (Morale +1)
Take her wrists

Choice 15
Throw your disc
Kick her (Life -3, Credits -150)
Go for your crossbow (Credits -150, Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 16
Attack Fael (Life -5, Credits -100)
Attack Paxos (Morale +1)

Choice 17
Throw the chair (Life -2, Credits -100)
Use the vase as a weapon (Morale +1) (Life -2, Credits -100)
Throw another disc

A/N: I'm a little lukewarm about this series but I'm willing to give it a chance. What did you guys think?

Disclaimer: I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers/contributing authors. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.

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