Monday, January 24, 2022

Delight Games Walkthrough - Witch's Saga 1

Witch's Saga 1 

Starting Stats: 10 Life, 10 Sanity, 0 Mana, 0 Cool

Choice 1


Look Into The Well (Sanity -1)

Try to Speak To It (Cool +1)

Choice 2

Check The Mail (Redirected to Other Choices)

Explore Outside (Choice 2.1)

Go Inside

Choice 2.1

Examine The Markings (Sanity -1)

Leave Them

Choice 3

Talk to Him (Choice 3.1)


Choice 3.1

Unlock The Door (Choice 3.2)

Knock (Sanity -1)


Choice 3.2

Break Window (Life -1)


Choice 4

Confront Him (Cool +1) (Choice 4.1)

Ignore Him

Choice 4.1

Keep Walking

Insult Him (Life -1)

Choice 5

Truth (Choice 5.1)

Lie (Cool +1)

Choice 5.1

Question Him (Choice 5.2)


Choice 5.2

Question Further (Life -1)


Choice 6

Read It (Sanity -1, Mana +1)

Leave It

Choice 7

Barricade Door (Choice 8A)

Hide (Choice 8B)

Find Exit (Choice 8C) (Skip Choice 9)

Mana +7

Choice 8A

Attack (Mana -2)

Defend (Mana -3, Cool +1)

Run (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Choice 8B

Blast Them And Run (Mana -2)

Wait (Life -2)

Run For It (Life -1)

Choice 8C

Attack (Choice 8.1C)

Defend (Mana -3) (Choice 8.2C)

Choice 8.1C

Mob (Mana -2, Life -4)

Librarian (Mana -2, Life -2)

Ceiling (Mana -2, Life -3)

Choice 8.2C

Hold Out (Mana -1)

Run (Life -3)

Choice 9

Attack (Mana -2) (Choice 9.1)

Defend (Mana -3) (Choice 9.2)

Run For The Alley

Choice 9.1

Shockwave (Mana -2, Life -2)

Defend (Mana -3)

Run For The Alley

Choice 9.2

Hold Out (Mana -2)


Attack (Life -2)

Choice 10

Climb Ladder (Choice 11A)

Hide (Choice 11B)

Fight (Life -3) (Skip Choices 11 & 12)

Choice 11A

Kick Ladder (Choice 11.1A)

Run (Choice 11.2A)

Choice 11.1A

Jump Gap (Life -4)

Drop Down (Life -1)

Choice 11.2A

Fast Path (Choice 11.1A)

Safe Path (Cool +1)

Choice 11B

Leave (Choice 11.1B) (Skip Choice 12)


Choice 11.1B

Talk to Him (Choice 11.2B)

Shockwave (Choice 11.3B)

Escape (Choice 11.4B)

Choice 11.2B

Crates (Mana -1, Cool +1) (Choice 11.4B)

Men (Mana -2) (Choice 11.4B)

Choice 11.3B

Councilman (Mana -2, Life -1)

Bulky Man (Mana -2, Cool +1)

Crates (Mana -1, Cool +2) (Choice 11.4B)

Choice 11.4B

Ladder (Life -1)


Choice 12

Go With Her (Cool +1)

Ask Her Questions First (Life -2)

Life +1, Mana +1, Sanity +1


Choice 13

Hide With Magic (Choice 13.1)

Hide Behind Barrels (Cool +1)

Run (Life -2)

Shockwave (Life -3, Mana -2, Cool +1)

Choice 13.1

Become Transparent (Mana -2, Life -3)

Difficult to Notice (Mana -2, Cool +2)

Choice 14

Slide Down Rope (Life -3)

Scale Wall (Life -1)

Search Yard (Cool +1)

Choice 15

Freeze (Life -3)

Creep Back (Cool +2)

Rush Past Grate (Life -2)

Choice 16

Explore Cavern (Path A)

Keep Moving (Path B)

Choice 17 (Path A)

Back Away (Sanity -2)

Watch (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Choice 18 (Path A)

Attack (Life -2, Mana -1) (Choice 18.1)

Run (Life -4, Sanity -1)

Stay Still (Cool +2)

Choice 18.1 (Path A)

Throw Lamp (Cool +2)

Shockwave (Life -2, Mana -2, Cool +2)

Use Pry Bar (Life -4, Cool +2)

Run (Life -4, Sanity -1)

Choice 17 (Path B)

Stop And Turn Around (Sanity -1)

Walk Slowly (Sanity -1, Cool +1) (Skip Choice 18)

Run (Life -5, Sanity -2) (Skip Choice 18)

Choice 18 (Path B)

Shockwave (Mana -2, Cool +1) (Choice 18.1)

Run (Life -5, Sanity -2)

Hold Still (Cool +2)

Choice 18.1 (Path B)

Throw Lamp (Cool +2) (Achievement unlocked: A clever move)

Shockwave (Mana -3, Cool +2)

Run (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Choice 19

Check Outside (Redirected to Other Choices)

Wait And Listen (Redirected to Below Choices)

Use Back Window (Cool +2)

Go Inside Front Door (Life -3)

Choice 20

Examine Corpse (Mana +3, Sanity -1)

Search Outside

Choice 21

Keep Rowing (Choice 22A)

Stop (Choice 22B)

Choice 22A

Row For Shore (Life -1) (Skip Choice 23)

Swim For Shore (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Repair Leak (Mana -2, Cool +2) (Choice 22.1A)

Choice 22.1A

Shore (Skip Choice 23)


Choice 22B

Hit With Oar (Cool +1)

Pull Back (Life -2) (Choice 22.1B)

Shockwave (Mana -2, Cool +2)

Choice 22.1B

Swim (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Row (Choice 22A)

Choice 23

Lie (Choice 23.1)

Shockwave (Mana -2, Sanity -1)

Invisibility (Mana -3, Cool +2)

Tackle (Life -3, Cool +1)

Choice 23.1

Guess (Choice 23.2)

Shockwave (Mana -2, Sanity -1)

Tackle (Life -3, Cool +1)

Choice 23.2

Tackle (Life -5)

Shield (Mana -3, Cool +2)

Shockwave (Mana -2, Sanity -1, Life -2)

Choice 24

Take Torch


Go Inside (Skip Choice 25)

Choice 25

Turn Back (Sanity -1)

Go Forward

Choice 26

Talk to Her

Blast Her (Mana -2)

Try to Get Out (Redirected to Other Options)

Mana +2, Life +2

Choice 27

Green Stone (Life +4, Sanity -1)

Red Stone (Mana +4, Life -1)

Blue Stone (Sanity +4, Mana -1)

Choice 28

Small Trail (Choice 28.1)

Main Path

Choice 28.1

Examine Shrine (Choice 28.2)

Go Back

Choice 28.2

Take Pendant (Life -1, Sanity -2) (Choice 28.3)


Choice 28.3

Blast It (Mana -3, Cool +2)

Trip It (Mana -1, Cool +2)

Run (Life -3)

Choice 29

Tell The Truth

Lie to Him (Life -2) (Choice 29.1)

Choice 29.1

Use Hammer (Life -1) (Choice 29.2)

Disarm Him With Spell (Mana -1)

Explain Yourself

Choice 29.2

Disarm Him With Spell (Mana -1)

Explain Quickly

Mana +3, Life +1

Choice 30

Front Door (Path A)

Around Back (Path B)

This section is a tad confusing, so Yolo made a flowchart. I tried to upload the photo here, but its barely readable if I do, so here's a link to it (Lexi)

Choice 31 (Path A)

Invisibility (Mana -2)


Choice 32 (Path A)

Library (Choice 32.1)

Dining Hall (Choice 33B)

Choice 32.1 (Path A)

Follow Whispers (Choice 32.2)

Leave (Choice 33C, Path C)

Choice 32.2 (Path A) (All to Choice 33A)

Log Book (Sanity -1, Mana +1)

Dusty Tome (Sanity -1, Mana +1)

Grimoire (Sanity -1, Mana +1)

Choice 33A (Path A) - There are always two options that say "read [xxx]" - both have the same result

Read [xxx] (Sanity -2, Mana +1) (Choice 33.1A)


Choice 33.1A (Path A)

Read Third Book (Sanity -3)


Choice 33B (Path A)

Eat Cake (Sanity -1, Mana +3) (Choice 33.1B)


Choice 33.1B (Path A)

Eat Cake (Sanity -1, Life -1, Mana +3) (Choice 33.2B)


Choice 33.2B (Path A)

Eat Cake (Life -3, Mana +3, Sanity -1)


Choice 31 (Path B)

Cellar (Choice 31.1)

Window (Choice 32, Path C)

Choice 31.1 (Path B)


Red Door (Skip Choices 32 & 33)

Choice 32 (Path B)

Shockwave (Mana -2) (Choice 32.1)

Run (Life -1) (Choice 32.1)

Attack With Your Hammer (Life -3) (Skip Choice 33)

Hold Still (Choice 33B)

Choice 32.1 (Path B) (All to Choice 32.2)


Create Light (Mana -1)

Follow Sound

Choice 32.2 (Path B) (All to Choice 33A)

About Thomas 

About Reshketh

About Sacrifice

Choice 33A (Path B)

Ask About Reshketh (Life -1, Mana +1) (Choice 33.1A)

Ask About Sacrifice (Life -1) (Choice 33.1A) 

Ask Who They Are (Life -1, Mana +1) (Choice 33.2A)

Follow Uncle’s Voice

Choice 33.1A (Path B)

Ask: Who Are You? (Life -2, Sanity -1) (Choice 33.2A)

Follow Uncle’s Voice

Choice 33.2A (Path B)

Follow Uncle’s Voice

Ask (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Choice 33B (Path B)

Move Slowly (Choice 33.1B)

Shockwave (Mana -1, Life -1)

Wait (Sanity -1) (Choice 32.1, Path B)

Choice 33.1B (Path B)

Extinguish Lantern (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Set Lantern Down (Cool +1)

Dash (Life -2)

Choice 32 (Path C)

Blast Wall (Mana -3) (Choice 32.1) 

Search Room (Choice 33A)

Choice 32.1 (Path C)

Go Through Hole (Choice 32.2)

Search Room (Choice 33A)

Choice 32.2 (Path C)

Window (Choice 33B)

Door (Choice 33C)

Choice 33A (Path C)

Light (Mana -1) (Choice 33.1A)

Stay Still (Choice 33.2A)

Move Away (Choice 31, Path A)

Choice 33.1A (Path C)

Light Flash (Mana -1, Cool +2) (Choice 31, Path A)

Run (Life -1) (Choice 32.1, Path B)

Hammer (Life -1) (Choice 32.1, Path B)

Shockwave (Mana -1, Life -3) (Choice 31, Path A)

Choice 33.2A (Path C)

Wait (Sanity -1) (Choice 32.1, Path B)

Light (Mana -1) (Choice 32.1, Path B)

Shockwave (Mana -1, Life -3) (Choice 31, Path A)

Choice 33B (Path C)

Climb In (Choice 33C)

Climb Down


Choice 33C (Path C)

Sneak (Cool +2)

Quiet Spell (Mana -1, Sanity -1) (Life -3) (Choice 33.1C)

Kill Priest (Sanity -1) (Life -3) (Choice 33.1C)

Choice 33.1C (Path C)


Shockwave (Mana -2, Life -3)

Hammer (Life -3)


Choice 34

Walk Toward Staircase (Life -1, Sanity -1)

Run Toward Staircase (Life -3, Sanity -1)

Try to Communicate

Choice 35

Blast Her (Mana -2)

Attack With Hammer (Life -100) (You Have Died)

Put Up Shield And Run (Mana -2) (Redirected to Below Options)

Run (Life -2)

Talk To Her

Choice 36

“Here to Save My Uncle” (Life -2)

“Here to Sacrifice Myself to Reshketh”

“I’m One Of The Cult” (Life -2)

Choice 37

Decline Politely

Pretend to Eat One (Cool +1)

Eat One (Sanity +1, Mana -3)

Choice 38

Excuse Yourself (Life -2)

Engage In Conversation

Choice 39

Talk About Your Family

Tell Her About The City (Life +3, Mana +3, Sanity -1)

Talk About Your Interests (Choice 39.1)

Choice 39.1

Dancing (Life +3, Mana +3, Sanity -1)

Fishing (Life -2) (Life +3, Mana +3, Sanity -1)

Choice 40

Encourage Them to Fight (Cool +2) (Achievement unlocked: Trouble maker)

Stay Out Of It (Life -2)

Blast Afrit (Mana -2, Cool +1)

Choice 41

Untie Him (Life -2) (Choice 42A)

Question Him (Choice 41.1)

Examine Him (Cool +1) (Choice 42B)

Choice 41.1

Release Him (Life -2) (Choice 42A)

Examine Him (Cool +1) (Choice 42B)

Choice 42A

Keep Listening (Choice 42.1A)

Grab Chair (Choice 42.2A)

Invisibility (Mana -2) (Choice 42.1A)

Choice 42.1A (All to Choice 42.2A)


Shockwave (Mana -2)

Shield (Mana -2, Life -3)

Choice 42.2A

Grab Hammer (If You Didn’t Grab The Chair) (Life -2)

Hit Doppelganger (Life -3)

Hit Brazier (Cool +1)

Choice 42B

Strike Him (Life -3) 

Shockwave (Mana -1)

Step Back

Cool +1

Choice 43

Talk To Them

Pick Lock Using Magic (Mana -1)

Blast Door (Mana -2, Life -2)

Choice 44

Attack Them With Your Hammer (Cool +1, Life -2) (Choice 44.1)

Shield Everyone (Mana -3, Cool +2) (Choice 44.2)


Choice 44.1

Strike Him (Life -1, Cool +1)

Sabotage The Gun (Mana -2, Cool +2)

Choice 44.2

Use The Hammer (Life -1, Cool +1)

Sabotage The Gun (Mana -2, Cool +1)

Choice 45

Invisibility (Mana -2, Cool +2)

Distraction Illusion (Mana -4, Cool +3)

Disguise (Life -4, Cool +1)

Choice 46

Charm (Mana -8, Cool +4) (Skip Choice 47)

Shockwave (Mana -4, Cool +3)

Run (Life -3)

Choice 47

Hit Him With Relic (Life -3)

Shockwave (Mana -2, Cool +1)

Choice 48

Shield (Mana -3)

Run Faster (Life -3)

Final Points:

Cool x 30

Sanity x 10

100 Bonus Points if Deaths = 0

Final Ranks:

Unstoppable, crusher of evil! - 850+

Spell casting prodigy - 750+

A very promising witch - 500+

Apprentice - 300+

Not much talent, but alive - <300

1 comment:

  1. My shot at getting the maximum possible score for this:

    Speak / Go Inside / Leave / Confront / Keep Walking / Lie / Leave it / Hide / Run / Run / Ladder / Run / Safe / Go With Her / Hide With Magic / Difficult to Notice / Search / Creep / Keep Moving / Stop / Hold Still / Back Window / Examine / Stop / Shockwave / Invisibility / Go Inside / Talk To Her / Blue Stone / Small Trail / Examine / Take / Trip / Truth / Front Door / Sneak / Library / Leave / Sneak / Communicate / Talk / Sacrifice / Pretend to Eat / Engage / City / Encourage / Examine / Step Back / Talk / Hammer / Sabotage / Invisibility / Shockwave / Shockwave / Run

    I think this is the maximum score (1180 Points), as you finish on 0 Mana, but it's possible I messed it up. Please let me know if you can find a better score
