Sunday, January 9, 2022

Delight Games Walkthrough - Witch's Saga 5

Witch's Saga 5

Again, a huge thank you to #DJYOLO for this guide!

Starting Stats: 8 Life, 4 Sanity, 9 Mana, 0 Cool

Note 1: After the checkpoint, there is only one choice (Choice 18) that requires you to lose Life, and there is only one guaranteed Sanity loss (at the very end). As a result, finishing Choice 13 with a low Life stat is recommended, and trades between Sanity & Cool are encouraged throughout

Note 2: When you reach the checkpoint, aim to have at least 2 mana (exactly, if possible). The guaranteed bonuses will give you the mana to go past Choice 17, but Choice 16 has the best mana/cool ratio out of any choice in the chapter - ideally you’ll want to pick Energy Blast there

Choice 1

Try to Trick Him (Cool +1) (Achievement unlocked: Sneaky)

Try to Use A Spell

Try to Appeal to His Morality (Cool -1)

Choice 2

“It Could Be”

“No, I Doubt It” (Cool +1)

Choice 3

Search The Bookshelf (Life -6) (Life +3)

Search Elsewhere In The Room (Cool +1) (Skip Choice 4)

Wait (Life -6) (Life +3)

Keep Asking Eli (Life -6) (Life +3)

Choice 4

Check The Bookshelf

Check The Room For Clues (Cool +1)

Ask Eli (Cool -1)

Choice 5

Question Him (Sanity -1)

Reassure Him

Crack A Joke (Sanity +1)

Choice 6

Press Them (Sanity -1)

Go Talk to Eli (Cool +1)

Choice 7

Warn Everyone (Cool +1, Sanity -1)

Be Quiet

Choice 8

Cast Invisibility (Mana -3) 

Catch Up to The Others (Skip Choices 9 & 10)

Choice 9

Sneak Toward The Noise (Cool +2) (Life -3) (Achievement unlocked: I'm an adventurer, dammit!)

Stay Where You Are

Choice 10

Concentrated Blast It (Mana -2, Cool +1)

Burn It (Mana -3, Cool +1)

Mana +2

Choice 11

Escape The Dream (Sanity +1, Mana -2)

Do Not Attempt to Leave Yet

Mana +2, Life +1

Choice 12

Put Up A Shield (Mana -3, Life -2)

Cast Strength to Leap (Mana -2)

Go Invisible (Mana -3, Life -100) (You have died)

Burn A Path (Mana -3, Cool +1, Life -2)

Choice 13

Large Shield Over Everyone (Mana -6, Cool +3) (Life -2)

Shield Over Lavinia (Mana -3, Cool +1, Life -3)

Blast Them With Fire (Cool +2, Mana -3, Life -2)

Energy Blast In All Directions (Mana -3, Life -5)

Fight Them Hand-To-Hand (Choice 13.1)

Choice 13.1

Use Your Strength Spell (Mana -3, Life -4, Cool +2)

Fight Without It (Life -7, Cool +1)


Choice 14

Search Alone

Ask Lavinia to Help Search

Ask Thomas to Help Search (Sanity -1, Cool +1)

Ask Uncle John to Help Search (Cool +1)

Mana +1

Choice 15

Investigate (Cool +1)

Keep Your Distance

Life +1, Mana +2

Choice 16

Pull Him Out Using Strength (Mana -2, Life -3, Cool +2)

Energy Blast (Mana -2, Cool +3)

Shield (Mana -3, Cool +3)

Let Someone Else Handle It

Choice 17

Cast Shield (Mana -3)

Energy Blast (Mana -2, Life -3) (Redirected to Other Choices)

Leap to The Side (Life -100) (You have died)

Choice 18

Hit It With An Energy Blast (Life -2)

Have Eli Pull You Out (Life -6)

Give Them Time (Cool +1, Life -1)

Choice 19

Keep Quiet

Open Up to Him (Sanity +1, Cool +1)

Confront Him

Choice 20

Tell Him (Cool +1, Sanity -1)

Do Not Tell Him

Choice 21

The Crown (Cool +1) (Sanity -2)


Bjorn Ironside (Cool +1) (Sanity +1)

No One. Just Try to Rest (Sanity +1)

Choice 22

What Was In Thomas’s Vision?

Who Are You Really? (Choice 22.1)

Choice 22.1

“You Are Lying” (Cool +1)

“Oh. What Do You, Er, I Want?” (Sanity -1)

Choice 23

Fight Her (Cool +1)

Go Along With Her

Sanity -1

Final Points:

Cool x 30

Sanity x 10

No deaths = 100 bonus points

Final Ranks:

Unstoppable, crusher of evil! - 600+

Spell casting prodigy - 400+

A very promising witch - 200+

Apprentice - 100+

Not much talent, but alive - <100

Postscript Note: I (#DJYOLO) attempted to do an optimised playthrough on this chapter, and I had the following stats. Please leave a comment if you’re able to find a way to achieve a better score than this (my score ignores the “No Death” bonus)

At Checkpoint - 2 Life, 4 Sanity, 2 Mana, 11 Cool

At Finish - 2 Life, 4 Sanity, 0 Mana, 22 Cool (700 Points)

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