Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 3 - Chapter 10

 Chapter 10

Yaaay! All caught up. 

Choices from the path when you sided with rebels will be marked by U.
Choices from the path when you sided with the Overseer will be marked by O.

Choice 1
Accept to spin Arraka's amulet.
Don't spin Arraka's amulet.

Choice 2 U
"You may be right."
"Nah, I think he was lying through his teeth about not planning to kill us."
"I don't really care if we were right or wrong. I still don't like the guy."

Choice 2 O
"Yes, your majesty."
"Yes, my king."
"I hope you're joking."

Choice 3
"Hey, that's not a bad idea. I've actually been meaning to ask about this too!"
"I really couldn't care any less about those puzzle pieces right now."

Choice 3.1 - If you slept with Melindra and did not promise Leila
Accept Melindra's proposition (Achievement unlocked: Friends with benefits)
Decline Melindra's proposition

Choice 4
Tell Kate the truth about what's happening to me.
Tell Kate that it's just a normal headache and that she shouldn't worry about it. (You die)

Choice 5
Open my eyes. (You die.)
Ask Flower to check the whole surface of the cube, in case there are more shadows.

Observation check level 2
Reflexes check level 3
If you passed: Achievement unlocked: Third piece of the puzzle
If you fail: you die

Choice 6
Ask Flower if she can also check the inside of my sanctuary for shades before she leaves.
Let Flower leave

Choice 7
Offer Leila a biscuit.
Ask Leila if she knows the joke about the rock golem and the three-legged trampler.

Choice 8 - If you promised Leila in Chapter 8
Tell Leila that there's no need to apologize because she didn't do anything inappropriate.
Tell Leila that even though it was a little out of the blue, it wasn't a problem.
Kiss Leila out of the blue as well, and then tell her that now we are even. 

Choice 9
"I think you want me to absorb your soul and steal all you powers."
"I think you want me to use your technique to absorb the Magium."
"I'm getting the feeling that the soul absorption is not the thing you wanted to teach me."

Choice 10
"Maybe you're right. Maybe I should just concentrate on the God of Time."
"I just can't bring myself to trust him. He is too unpredictable."
"If I want to win this tournament, I will need to beat Eiden too, since he is a participant."
"I'm just trying to be extra careful. You never know what might happen."

Choice 11
"Don't worry, we're all his friends. Your husband is in good hands."
"Don't listen to him, he is delusional. He's just paying us to say we're his friends."

Choice 12
"Wouldn't it be a bad thing if they knew you, considering your history there?"
"Wait, shouldn't we at least decide what we're going to say to them beforehand?"

Choice 13
"Hey, we're not primitive creatures. Your face is a primitive creature!"
"Just to be clear, are you calling only Daren a primitive creature, or the rest of us too?"
"Hey, that's not a very nice thing to say. You should try being more polite."

Choice **
Invest points now
Invest points later

Choice 14
"So, am I to understand that we have Arraka to thank for our world not being destroyed?"
"Why are you assuming that the earthen races would lose against the banshees?"
"Why do you think that there are so few banshees out there right now?"

Choice 15
"I used the power of love and friendship."
"By talking things through, in a rational manner."
"I didn't need to. She figured it out on her own, eventually."

Choice 16
"Actually, I think Flower is right. Hadrik will be the one to lose, not Daren."
"I'm with Kate on this one. I just can't see Hadrik losing this battle."
"Are we all watching the same fight? It feels like it'll end in a draw to me."

Choice 17 
"I think he will be a great leader." (If Kelrim is alive - Achievement unlocked: No man left behind)
"I don't really care that much about him, to be honest."
"I think he was the least bad choice available at the time."

Choice 18 N
Try to reason with the revenant. (Achievement unlocked: Let's be reasonable!)
Threaten the revenant.

Choice 19 
Tell Kate that it's too dangerous to go there alone.
Say nothing, and wait to see how the team reacts to Kate's proposal.

Choice 20
"Yeah, she's just joking. Don't worry about it."
"Actually, believe it or not, she's telling the truth."

Choice 21
"Wait, so does that make me a Iessathi prince?"
"I thought my real parents were supposed to have fled Varathia before I was born."

Choice 22
Tell Meridith that everything began after the king of Ollendor blew up the caves.
Don't tell Meridith anything about the crystals.

Choice 23
Touch the Magium node. (Achievement unlocked: Forbidden knowledge)
Back away from the Magium node. 

Choice 24
"I think it would be better to mention it to Meridith."
"We should probably avoid mentioning any of this to Meridith, for now."

Achievements in this chapter:

Friends with benefits - Agree to enter a relationship with no strings attached with Melindra after the tournament.

Third piece of the puzzle - Find the third piece of the puzzle made by Varathia's greatest continent.

No man left behind - Receive confirmation that every prisoner in the seredium towers has been rescued, including Alice's father.

Let's be reasonable! - Defuse a hostage situation by remaining calm and collected.

Forbidden knowledge - Find out the true nature of the Magium.

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