Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Magium Book 1 - Average Joe walkthrough (VERY EXTENSIVE GUIDE)

 This is a complete guide to getting the Average Joe achievement (the quickest path in this book) in Chapter 11. Remember that you will not spend any points in the whole book, and since you will fail the last stat check, Rose will die. 

If there is no choice in bold letters, it means there is no effect of what you choose.

Again this is massively different from my previous walkthroughs, since some of the choices involving stats will be omitted. The goal is to survive to the very end without spending a stat point. Let's begin!

Chapter 1

Choice 1

Choice 2
Stay silent
Show myself 
“I see no reason to show myself to you.”

Choice 3
Give him until the count of ten to retreat  (You die.)
Imply that I’m the one who destroyed the city of Olmnar

Choice 4
Tell him I’m actually an ordinary human (Choice 4.1) 
Tell him my parents had a weird sense of humor

Choice 4.1
Tell him the truth 
Tell him I was forced into it
Tell him I’m looking for a cure for my sick sister

Chapter 2

Choice 1
Her looks
Deciding which one should make a pass at her 
Just finishing our discussion from earlier
Discussing whether she is a banshee or not

Choice 2
Ask her what she has against me
Ask her why the two of us should trust her
Ask why she’s so quick to trust Daren and not me

Choice 3
Invest points now
Invest points later

Choice 4
Hide behind Daren and let him handle them both 
Draw the younger mage away from Daren and focus on avoiding his attacks

Fight the younger mage myself

Choice 5
Ask Kate for help
Draw the younger mage away from Daren and focus on avoiding his attacks
Fight the younger mage myself

Choice 6
“Don’t worry, I always pay my dents.”
“Yes, we’re clear.”
“I don’t owe you anything.”

Chapter 3

Choice 1
Focus on avoiding attacks and baiting opponents
Focus on fighting the enemies head on
Focus on observing the battlefield and providing tactical information

Choice 2
“I was just busy thinking of how to stay alive at the time
“I felt sorry for them, but I didn’t let it affect me.”
“I was almost about to puke.”

Choice 3
“I’m not trying to seduce her, Daren.”
“She still hasn’t given in to my charms.”
“She’s eating out of the palm of my hand!”

Choice 4
Invest points now
Invest points later

Choice 5
Ask her how come she knows how the stat device works
Ask her what she wanted to discuss with me in private

Choice 6
“Why not?”
“Oh? Are you suggesting he can defend himself while asleep?”
“Damn you! I’m not leaving my friend behind!”

Choice 7
Go and call for Daren
Ask Kate for an ice dagger, and deal with the attackers myself

Choice 8
"She wanted to ask me in private why we didn’t try to purify her.” (Choice 8.1)
“We thought we could handle it.”
“Kate cast a barrier that prevents enemies from approaching our cave.”

Choice 8.1
“She never said that she’s a banshee. Just that the evidence pointed that way.”
“Actually she was born human, but became a mage afterwards.”

Chapter 4

Choice 1
“Maybe there are no objectives.”
“Maybe they encountered some unexpected technical difficulties.”
“Maybe they’re waiting for our numbers to decrease.”

Choice 2
“What’s the Beacon of Hope?”
“Why is she a survivor? Did the Beacon of Hope burn down?”

Choice 3
Accept the trade (You die)
Propose a different trade

Choice 4 - It doesn't really matter what you choose, since Eiden will save you if you fail the stat checks. DO NOT LIE TO HIM. 
Good. Fewer enemies for us to worry about (Choice 5 Path A)
Nobody deserves such a gruesome fate, not even Cutthroat Dave. (Choice 5 Path B)

Choice 5 Path A
Tell the truth 
Make up a lie (Eiden kills you)

Choice 5 Path B
Try to keep Cutthroat Dave busy while Daren defeats the others
Try to defeat Cutthroat Dave

Choice 5 B1
Try to persuade Daren to kill him instead (Choice 5 B1A)
Agree to spare Dave's life (Dave escapes)

Choice 5 B1A
Kill him
Spare him (Dave escapes)

Choice 5 B2
Attempt to kill him 
Attempt to knock him out

Chapter 5

Choice 1
“Maybe he has some artifact that’s helping him?”
“Maybe he’s older than he looks?”
“Maybe he made a pact with some god?”

Choice 2
“It sounds like a threat.”
“It sounds like a coded message.”

Choice 3
Ignore her (Path A)
Call Daren and head for the rescue (Path B)

Choice 3 Path A
“Daren is the one you should thank, not us.”
“We only did what anyone else would have done in our stead.” 

Choice 3 Path B
“All in the day’s work!”
“You were lucky that we managed to make it in time.”
“No problem. We love helping people. But we also accept donations!”

Choice 4
“Why did the Creator disappear?”
“How did the Creator live so long?”

Choice 5
“That sounds like a great idea.”
“Don’t you think you should consult us before making such a decision?”

Choice 6
“Really? Because to me it just seemed reckless and stupid.”
“Since when do you appreciate bravery and heroism?”

Chapter 6

Choice 1
“Maybe a little.”
“Of course not. Daren was just joking earlier. Don’t worry about it.”

Choice 2
“Yeah, Kate was just about to profess her love for me.”
“No, you’re right, we should get going.”

Choice 3
Secure the backpack
Do not secure the backpack

Choice 4
“Don’t worry, that wasn’t what our discussion was about.”
“Actually, I prefer women with larger breasts like yourself.” (Choice 4.1)
“I’m still available, if that’s what you’re asking.” (Choice 4.2)
“You’ve got it all wrong! My only feelings are for you." (Choice 4.3)
“Don’t worry, we got to say all we needed before you interrupted.”
”Actually, you’re the one that stunned me with your beauty when I first saw you.”

Choice 4.1
"Every single time."
"Not really."

Choice 4.2
"Of course."
"I want my answer now!"

Choice 4.3
"Maybe you're right. I'm sorry for getting ahead of myself."
"I cannot wait any longer. My heart burns with passion for you!"

Choice 5
“Are monster raids frequent in your area?”
“Why aren’t the people rebelling against the nobles?”

Choice 6
Invest points now
Invest points later

Choice 7
“If you’re talking about Eiden, he left this morning.”
“We’re not working with him, we only met him a few hours ago.”
“Why are you looking for him.”

Choice 8
“Where have you been hiding all this time?”
“What did you do?”
“What did you save us?”

Choice 9
“Good then maybe you can finish off that dragon for us.”
“What’s a time weaver?”
“What’s so special about being a stat device wielder?”

Choice 10
No time to think. I’ll improvise.
Make a plan before engaging the dragon.

Choice 11
Cast just protection from fire. No time for anything else.
Cast protection from fire, wind and physical damage 
Freeze time, then cast all of the protection spells I know, just to be sure

Choice 12
Use elemental magic
Ask Daren for his sword
Hit the dragon with the big spells

Choice 13
“What just happened?”
“Who are the Iessathi?”

Choice 14
“Yeah, Daren, you should be ashamed of yourself!”
“Calm down, Rose, it’s not as simple as that.”
“Ask Kate to freeze the whole area to make sure Eiden isn’t around anymore.”

Choice 15
“Actually, it doesn’t look that bad. More like a tattoo, than anything else.”
Say nothing
“Damn, that’s ugly. I’d be using a mask from now on if I were you.”

Chapter 7

Choice 1
“If you wanted to borrow some money from me, you could have just asked nicely.”
Tap the magical transceiver three times, without letting her notice. (to Path B)

Choice 2 Path A (Did not call Daren)
“Because I’m in love with you!”
“Because I helped you when we were attacked by the crossbowmen.”

Choice 2 Path A1
“There’s no need to apologize.”
“Are we still friends, then?”

Choice 2 Path B (Called Daren)
“I didn’t call him here to kill you.”
“Please, calm down. We can still talk things through.”

Choice 2 Path B1
“So, are you going to tell me why you put a knife to my throat, then?”
“This isn’t really what I imagined saving a damsel in distress would be like.”
Offer her some biscuits

Choice 3
“Does this have anything to do with the Beacon of Hope?”
“Can you first tell me who these Iessathi are, exactly?”

Choice 4
“I’m really sorry…”
“What happened to the other rejects?”

Choice 5
“I’m not going to tell him anything.”
*”Don’t worry, I’ll find a way to make him drop the subject.”
“I’m going to tell him the truth.”
*If you called Daren in Choice 1

Choice 6
Agree with Kate
Agree with Daren
Disagree with both

Choice 7
“Rose can wait until we’re safely out of here.”
“Okay, I’m on it.”

Choice 8
“Actually, I think we should watch the fight too.”
“Alright, let’s go.”

Choice 9
Help Kate
Don’t help Kate

Choice 10
“Why are you helping us?”
“You’ve got it all wrong, we’re not with her!” 

Choice 11
“Illusion? Don’t you mean smoke bomb?”
“Wait, are you saying that those mages are still hiding around here, invisibly?”

Choice 12
“We’ve only just met yesterday, so I guess you could say we are acquaintances.”
“I see her as a friend.”
“Oh, we’re not actually in a relationship just yet, but we’re getting there!”

Choice 13
Accept the challenge (Choice 13.1)
Refuse the challenge

Choice 13.1
“How about a rematch?”
“I was just caught off guard by your speed. Normally, I’m not so weak.”

Choice 14
Tell him everything I know
Give him a vague answer that doesn’t tell him anything useful

Choice 15
“Why did you rush to defend Kate earlier in the clearing?”
“How did you and Kate’s friend meet?”
“Do all dwarves really have ale running through their veins instead of blood?”

Choice 16
“What are the spirits of the forest?”
“What are sacred woods?”
“Not allowed by whom?

Chapter 8

Choice 1
Invest points now
Invest points later

Choice 2
“Perfect! Then let’s not waste any more time here.”
“Wait, I think we should try to talk things through with their leader, first.” (Choice 2A)

Choice 2 A (If you waited for Eleya)
“We didn’t know that we were on sacred grounds.”
“We meant to leave, but we were attacked and left there unconscious.”

Choice 3
Tell him that I don’t have enough available points to level it up
Tell him that my points are limited and that I’m saving them for later
Decipher the glyphs (You can't use this choice)

Choice 4
“Maybe she’s an animal in disguise.”
“Maybe she’s also participating in the tournament”
“Maybe she’s a prisoner here too, and the organizers don’t know about her.”

Choice 5
Tell Hadrik to ignore Kate and Flower and to smash through the wall
Try to convince Hadrik to wait a little longer for Flower

Choice 6
Examine the surface more closely
Try to identify the source of the sound

Choice 7
Try to help her shake off the fear
Leave her alone
“Are you seriously going to do this every time we fight a big monster?”

Choice 8
“Sure. It’s not like we have a better alternative at this point.”
“Please, tell me that you at least have a vague idea of where we are headed.”

Choice 9
“Why? Did the Iessathi ask you to?”
“Wait, did you just say twenty years ago? How old are you, exactly?”

Choice 10
Suggest taking the path marked with a dragonfly
Suggest taking the path marked with a beetle

Suggest taking the path marked with a wasp

Choice 11
Ask her about the ogre stronghold
Ask her about the sacred chalice

Chapter 9

Choice 1
Introduce myself to Flower as well
Keep my silence for now

Choice 2
“Live inside your own mind? You mean to say that you space out a lot?”
“Talk about an active imagination!”
“I know a good doctor in the Western Continent, if you are interested.”

Choice 3
“Then why are you always acting like a ten-year-old?”
“You do realize that your brain technically never developed past the age of ten, right?”

Choice 4
“Speaking of Petal, how have you two been getting along these past twenty years?”
“So, what’s life with Arraka like?”
“Would you say that Petal is the smartest of your group?”

Choice 5
“I’m not calm, it’s just that I’m very good at hiding fear.”
“It’s because I’m carrying this stat device with me.”
“I guess I’ve always been a little crazy.”

Choice 6
“I find her a bit annoying, to be frank.”
“I just can’t bring myself to trust her.”
“I was just thinking about what Daren said this morning.”
“I think she’s pretty fun too. I was just curious to see if you thought the same.”

Choice 7
Tell her what I just noticed about Flower and Petal
Tell her to go on ahead because I need to do an inventory of my backpack’s contents

Choice 8
“Yeah, that’s about right.”
“No, I just wanted to get to know you!”
“Actually, I just wanted to talk about the weather.”

Choice 9
“Hey now, let’s all calm down! We’re all on the same team here, right?”
“Actually, their souls are fused, so Flower didn’t technically lie yesterday.”
“You’re not seriously going to start a fight here, are you?”

Chocie 10
“Relax, I only wanted to make sure we don’t lose our only guide.”
“I didn’t do this for you. I did it for Flower’s sake.”
“Love you too, Illuna!”

Choice 11
Try to convince them that it’s safer to take Rose with us
Agree with Kate’s plan

Choice 12
“Maybe they’re onto us and want to lure us into a trap.” 
“Maybe we caught them during their lunch break?”
“Maybe they abandoned the fort and moved elsewhere?”

Choice 13
Try to convince Flower to open the amulet
Ignore Arraka

Choice 14
“There’s no reason for us to explain ourselves to you, monster!”
“We came here seeking the sacred chalice.”
“We came here because we’d like to join your merry group!”

Choice 15 - You get this choice if you agreed with Kate's plan in Choice 11 
Throw down my weapons 
Shoot the two ogres holding Kate and Rose with my crossbow (You die)

Choice 10

Choice 1
Yeah, she sure did a number on us
Actually, I’m not so sure that she really betrayed us.

Choice 2
Give him the sword
Only give him the sword if he swears to not attack Illuna with it

Choice 3
“Why do the dots have different colors?”
“Can’t Arraka maintain the hologram if you close the amulet?”

Choice 4
Take the gems
Don’t touch anything

Choice 5
Rush over to Illuna’s position. There is no time to waste.
Tell Rose and Kate that we need to maintain our position.

Choice 6
“How do you know that the caverns below us won’t lead to a dead end?”
“How are we going to get all the way down there with the scaffolding broken?”

Choice 7
“We could at least wait until the ogres reach the cave floor.”
“Screw Arraka! We can’t afford to waste any more time here.”

Choice 8
“So, what’s happening in the real world, right now?”
“How do we get out of here?”

Choice 9
Volunteer to go after the shaman
Let someone else volunteer for the job

Choice 10
Give Kate my dagger
Keep my dagger and fight the wolves myself
Give Kate my dagger and help her by throwing rocks at the wolves

Choice 11
Let them be
Go kill them

Choice 12
Offer to share a drink with Hadrik before taking the first shift (Achievement unlocked: A toast) (Choice 12.1)
Leave the toast for some other time

Choice 12.1
“Not at all. What makes you say that?”
“I guess you could say that.”
“We have been getting closer, but not in the way you might think.”

Choice 12.2
“I want to start going on adventures!”
“I want to gain fame and glory!”
“I want to use my magic to help people.”
“I want to conquer the world!”
“I’m just in it for the money.”
“I haven’t really thought about that yet.”

Choice 13
“A lot of things are wrong with you, Daren.”
“Maybe you’ve been subconsciously resenting her for proving you wrong.”
“Maybe you’ll feel better if you apologize to her.”

Choice 14
Tell Flower the reason why Illuna changed her mind
Keep quiet in order to spare Illuna the embarrassment

Choice 15
Tell her about how Diane defended us from the two Iessathi, to help ease Kate’s mind
Ask her if she’s still going to look for Diane after what happened

Choice 16
“That’s mighty generous of you.”
“I see it didn’t take you long to turn into an ass again.”
“As tempting as that sounds, I think I’d rather go see if Flower is taking orders.”

Choice 17
“I was unconscious at the time. I never even got to see the Iessathi.”
“I’m sorry, I was barely even able to talk at that point. I’d just been electrocuted.

Choice 11

Choice 1
“Oh, yes, you definitely look fine to me!”
“Maybe we should take a small break before we enter the city.”
“She says she’s fine, so let’s leave her alone for now.”

Choice 2
“Their families? Aren’t there laws against this sort of thing?”
“Your nobles are starting to sound less like nobles, and more like a gang of thugs.”

Choice 3
Ask Eiden to give me the power instead, so I can save the girl
Say nothing (Choice 3.1)

Choice 3.1
Ask Eiden for the power to attack the noble, so I can save the girl.
Stay silent

Path A - Saving Ella (All choices with A are from this path)
Path B - Did not save Ella (All choices with B are from this path)

Choice 4 
Kill the noble and be done with it
Tell him to get out of here and to leave the slave with us

Choice 5 A
“Yes, I’m going to save them all.”
“Do I look like a mage to you? Why don’t you save them all if you care so much?”
“Should I just ignore everyone who needs help, because I can’t save the whole world?”

Choice 6 A
“Sure thing! I guess you can start by shining my boots! They’re a little dirty.”
“Wait, I didn’t mean to become your new master. I only meant to set you free!”
“Uh, okay. How about coming with us to Rose’s house, for the time being?”

Choice 7
Ask Suzie if I can borrow her toy for a second to take a look at it 
Leave Suzie alone

Choice 8 A
Ask Kate if there’s anything we can do to make the girl less suspicious of us
Order Ella to go trim the bushes from the garden, in order to ease her fears

Choice 8 B
"It was none of our business."
"It would have been too risky."

Choice 9 A
Try to comfort Suzie
Let someone else deal with Suzie and go call for Daren

Choice 10
Invest points now
Invest points later

Choice 11 A 
“Of course not! I like you a lot more now than I did back then!”
“No, that was just a spur of the moment thing. Don’t worry about it!”

Choice 12
“Hostages? Has the spell protecting you from outsiders malfunctioned before now?”
“How does the king of the people get along with the nobles?”

Choice 13
Ask Kate if she can freeze the whole area around us, to take care of the clones
Try to concentrate on finding the originals, and ignore the clones for now

Choice 14
“How do you know that we’re irredeemable?”
“Wasn’t your friend a heathen too, though?”
“So how do you become a follower of Ulruk, anyway? Do they hold interviews for that?”

Choice 15
Take out my dagger and attack Arraka
“I’m not going to give you that satisfaction.” (You die.)

Choice 16
Fight the skeletons alone (Choice 16.1)
Fight the skeletons as a team (Choice 16.2)

Choice 16.1
Ignore the civilians. Cast all of my strongest spells.
Only cast the spells that would not run the risk of hurting civilians.

Choice 16.2
Try to buy time until the spells runs out
Try to eliminate the stillwaters directly

Choice 17
“Put her down, Hadrik. It’s not worth the bother.”
“I suppose she does deserve this after all she’s done.”
“Can I spin her next?”

Achievement unlocked: Average Joe

Magium Walkthrough Book 1 - Chapter 11

 Chapter 11 - Book Finale

There is no one and only correct path for this book. You can read the story through several options but you need to avoid certain death. I will not be telling you what path to choose, I will only presenting all of the options and their effects so you can choose wisely. 

Achievements: The achievements are listed below and how to get them. You might need to restart the chapter several times or the game itself several times to get the achievements. According to the author, the achievements are designed to showcase most of the important variations in the story. There is a minimum 25 achievements to move on to the next book or you can pay to get the next book. 

Choice 1
“Oh, yes, you definitely look fine to me!”
“Maybe we should take a small break before we enter the city.”
“She says she’s fine, so let’s leave her alone for now.”

Choice 2
“Their families? Aren’t there laws against this sort of thing?”
“Your nobles are starting to sound less like nobles, and more like a gang of thugs.”

Choice 3
Ask Eiden to give me the power instead, so I can save the girl
Say nothing (Choice 3.1)

Choice 3.1
Ask Eiden for the power to attack the noble, so I can save the girl.
Stay silent

Path A - Saving Ella (All choices with A are from this path)
Path B - Did not save Ella (All choices with B are from this path)

Choice 4 
Kill the noble and be done with it
Tell him to get out of here and to leave the slave with us

Choice 5 A
“Yes, I’m going to save them all.”
“Do I look like a mage to you? Why don’t you save them all if you care so much?”
“Should I just ignore everyone who needs help, because I can’t save the whole world?”

Choice 6 A
“Sure thing! I guess you can start by shining my boots! They’re a little dirty.”
“Wait, I didn’t mean to become your new master. I only meant to set you free!”
“Uh, okay. How about coming with us to Rose’s house, for the time being?”

Choice 7
Ask Suzie if I can borrow her toy for a second to take a look at it (Achievement unlocked: A mysterious symbol)
Leave Suzie alone

Choice 8 A
Ask Kate if there’s anything we can do to make the girl less suspicious of us
Order Ella to go trim the bushes from the garden, in order to ease her fears

Choice 8 B
"It was none of our business."
"It would have been too risky."

Choice 9 A
Try to comfort Suzie
Let someone else deal with Suzie and go call for Daren

Choice 10
Invest points now
Invest points later

Choice 11 A 
“Of course not! I like you a lot more now than I did back then!”
“No, that was just a spur of the moment thing. Don’t worry about it!”

Choice 12
“Hostages? Has the spell protecting you from outsiders malfunctioned before now?”
“How does the king of the people get along with the nobles?”

Choice 13
Ask Kate if she can freeze the whole area around us, to take care of the clones
    Premonition check level 4
    If you fail: you die
Try to concentrate on finding the originals, and ignore the clones for now

Choice 14
“How do you know that we’re irredeemable?”
“Wasn’t your friend a heathen too, though?”
“So how do you become a follower of Ulruk, anyway? Do they hold interviews for that?”

Choice 15
Take out my dagger and attack Arraka
“I’m not going to give you that satisfaction.” (You die.)

Choice 16
Fight the skeletons alone (Choice 16.1)
Fight the skeletons as a team (Choice 16.2)

Choice 16.1
Ignore the civilians. Cast all of my strongest spells. 
(Achievement unlocked: Stillwater slayer)
Only cast the spells that would not run the risk of hurting civilians. 
    Observation check level 2
    Hearing check level 3
    If you fail: you die

Choice 16.2
Try to buy time until the spells runs out
Try to eliminate the stillwaters directly

Choice 17
“Put her down, Hadrik. It’s not worth the bother.”
“I suppose she does deserve this after all she’s done.”
“Can I spin her next?”

Hearing check level 4
Observation level 4
Speed level 4
If you pass: Rose lives
If you fail: Rose dies

Achievements in this chapter:

A mysterious symbol - Discover a strange marking engraved on the side of a harmless toy.

Stillwater slayer - Defeated five stillwaters all by yourself.

No casualties - No members of your group died in the first book.
You get this achievement if you pass the final stat check and Rose lives.

Average Joe - Finished the first book without leveling up a single stat
I will be putting a separate walkthrough to get this achievement. 


I am not associated with Magium Games. All I own is my phone and a truckload of patience. 

Magium Walkthrough Book 1 - Chapter 10

 Chapter 10

There is no one and only correct path for this book. You can read the story through several options but you need to avoid certain death. I will not be telling you what path to choose, I will only presenting all of the options and their effects so you can choose wisely. 

Achievements: The achievements are listed below and how to get them. You might need to restart the chapter several times or the game itself several times to get the achievements. According to the author, the achievements are designed to showcase most of the important variations in the story. There is a minimum 25 achievements to move on to the next book or you can pay to get the next book. 

Choice 1
Yeah, she sure did a number on us
Actually, I’m not so sure that she really betrayed us.

Choice 2
Give him the sword
Only give him the sword if he swears to not attack Illuna with it

Choice 3
“Why do the dots have different colors?”
“Can’t Arraka maintain the hologram if you close the amulet?”

Choice 4
Take the gems
Don’t touch anything

Choice 5
Rush over to Illuna’s position. There is no time to waste.
    Premonition check level 2
    Observatioon check level 2
    If you fail: you die

Tell Rose and Kate that we need to maintain our position.

Choice 6
“How do you know that the caverns below us won’t lead to a dead end?”
“How are we going to get all the way down there with the scaffolding broken?”

Choice 7
“We could at least wait until the ogres reach the cave floor.”
“Screw Arraka! We can’t afford to waste any more time here.”
    Premonition check level 3
    If failed: You die

Choice 8
“So, what’s happening in the real world, right now?”
“How do we get out of here?”

Choice 9
Volunteer to go after the shaman
    Observation check level 3
    Speed check level 2
    Strength check level 3
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: Defeated ogre shaman
    If failed: you die

Let someone else volunteer for the job
    Speed check level 3

Choice 10
Give Kate my dagger
Keep my dagger and fight the wolves myself
    Speed check level 3
Give Kate my dagger and help her by throwing rocks at the wolves

Choice 11
Let them be
Go kill them

Choice 12
Offer to share a drink with Hadrik before taking the first shift (Achievement unlocked: A toast) (Choice 12.1)
Leave the toast for some other time

Choice 12.1
“Not at all. What makes you say that?”
“I guess you could say that.”
“We have been getting closer, but not in the way you might think.”

Choice 12.2
“I want to start going on adventures!”
“I want to gain fame and glory!”
“I want to use my magic to help people.”
“I want to conquer the world!”
“I’m just in it for the money.”
“I haven’t really thought about that yet.”

Choice 13
“A lot of things are wrong with you, Daren.”
“Maybe you’ve been subconsciously resenting her for proving you wrong.”
“Maybe you’ll feel better if you apologize to her.”

**If you befriended Elaria and Molan in Chapter 2, you get Achievement: A touching reunion

Choice 14
Tell Flower the reason why Illuna changed her mind
Keep quiet in order to spare Illuna the embarrassment

Choice 15
Tell her about how Diane defended us from the two Iessathi, to help ease Kate’s mind
Ask her if she’s still going to look for Diane after what happened

Choice 16
“That’s mighty generous of you.”
“I see it didn’t take you long to turn into an ass again.”
“As tempting as that sounds, I think I’d rather go see if Flower is taking orders.”

Choice 17
“I was unconscious at the time. I never even got to see the Iessathi.”
“I’m sorry, I was barely even able to talk at that point. I’d just been electrocuted.

Achievements in this chapter:

Defeated ogre shaman - Won a duel against the shaman from the ogre stronghold

A toast! - Shared a drink with Hadrik to celebrate your most recent victory.

A touching reunion - Helped Rose make up with an old friend


I am not associated with Magium Games. All I own is my phone and a truckload of patience. 

Magium Walkthrough Book 1 - Chapter 9

 Chapter 9

There is no one and only correct path for this book. You can read the story through several options but you need to avoid certain death. I will not be telling you what path to choose, I will only presenting all of the options and their effects so you can choose wisely. 

Achievements: The achievements are listed below and how to get them. You might need to restart the chapter several times or the game itself several times to get the achievements. According to the author, the achievements are designed to showcase most of the important variations in the story. There is a minimum 25 achievements to move on to the next book or you can pay to get the next book. 

Choice 1
Introduce myself to Flower as well
Keep my silence for now

Choice 2
“Live inside your own mind? You mean to say that you space out a lot?”
“Talk about an active imagination!”
“I know a good doctor in the Western Continent, if you are interested.”

Choice 3
“Then why are you always acting like a ten-year-old?”
“You do realize that your brain technically never developed past the age of ten, right?”

Choice 4
“Speaking of Petal, how have you two been getting along these past twenty years?”
“So, what’s life with Arraka like?”
“Would you say that Petal is the smartest of your group?”

Choice 5
“I’m not calm, it’s just that I’m very good at hiding fear.”
“It’s because I’m carrying this stat device with me.”
“I guess I’ve always been a little crazy.”

Choice 6
“I find her a bit annoying, to be frank.”
“I just can’t bring myself to trust her.”
“I was just thinking about what Daren said this morning.”
“I think she’s pretty fun too. I was just curious to see if you thought the same.”

Choice 7
Tell her what I just noticed about Flower and Petal
Tell her to go on ahead because I need to do an inventory of my backpack’s contents

Choice 8
“Yeah, that’s about right.”
“No, I just wanted to get to know you!”
“Actually, I just wanted to talk about the weather.”

Choice 9
“Hey now, let’s all calm down! We’re all on the same team here, right?”
“Actually, their souls are fused, so Flower didn’t technically lie yesterday.”
“You’re not seriously going to start a fight here, are you?”

Chocie 10
“Relax, I only wanted to make sure we don’t lose our only guide.”
“I didn’t do this for you. I did it for Flower’s sake.”
“Love you too, Illuna!”

Choice 11
Try to convince them that it’s safer to take Rose with us
Agree with Kate’s plan

Choice 12
“Maybe they’re onto us and want to lure us into a trap.” (Achievement unlocked: Keen observer) “Maybe we caught them during their lunch break?”
“Maybe they abandoned the fort and moved elsewhere?”

Hearing check level 2
Observation check level 1

Choice 13
Try to convince Flower to open the amulet
Ignore Arraka

Choice 14
“There’s no reason for us to explain ourselves to you, monster!”
“We came here seeking the sacred chalice.”
“We came here because we’d like to join your merry group!”

Choice 15 - You get this choice if you agreed with Kate's plan in Choice 11 and failed the stat check before choice 13
Throw down my weapons (Achievement unlocked: A wise decision)
Shoot the two ogres holding Kate and Rose with my crossbow (You die)

Achievements in this chapter:

Keen observer - When inside enemy territory, you should always mind your surroundings.

A wise decision - Throwing your pride is never easy, but sometimes there is no other way.


I am not associated with Magium Games. All I own is my phone and a truckload of patience. 

Monday, November 29, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 1 - Chapter 8

 Chapter 8

There is no one and only correct path for this book. You can read the story through several options but you need to avoid certain death. I will not be telling you what path to choose, I will only presenting all of the options and their effects so you can choose wisely. 

Achievements: The achievements are listed below and how to get them. You might need to restart the chapter several times or the game itself several times to get the achievements. According to the author, the achievements are designed to showcase most of the important variations in the story. There is a minimum 25 achievements to move on to the next book or you can pay to get the next book. 

Choice 1
Invest points now
Invest points later

Choice 2
“Perfect! Then let’s not waste any more time here.”
“Wait, I think we should try to talk things through with their leader, first.” (Achievement unlocked: Vive le democratie!) (Choice 2A)

Choice 2 A (If you waited for Eleya)
“We didn’t know that we were on sacred grounds.”
“We meant to leave, but we were attacked and left there unconscious.”

Ancient languages check level 3

Choice 3 A - If you failed the stat check
Tell him that I don’t have enough available points to level it up
Tell him that my points are limited and that I’m saving them for later
Decipher the glyphs

Choice 3 B - If you passed the stat check
Follow the instructions written on the wall (Achievement unlocked: First piece of the puzzle)
Translate the phrase to Daren, but don’t touch the glyphs
Tell Daren it’s some cryptic warning, and don’t touch the glyphs

Choice 4
“Maybe she’s an animal in disguise.”
“Maybe she’s also participating in the tournament”
“Maybe she’s a prisoner here too, and the organizers don’t know about her.”

Choice 5
Tell Hadrik to ignore Kate and Flower and to smash through the wall
    Reflexes check level 2
    If you fail, you die
Try to convince Hadrik to wait a little longer for Flower

Choice 6
Examine the surface more closely
Try to identify the source of the sound

Hearing check level 4

Choice 7
If you pass:
Use this opportunity to rush towards the hydra and cut off its heart
    Speed check level 3
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: Hydra slayer
Tell Daren about the hydra's weak spot

If you fail:
Try to help her shake off the fear
Leave her alone
“Are you seriously going to do this every time we fight a big monster?”

Choice 8
“Sure. It’s not like we have a better alternative at this point.”
“Please, tell me that you at least have a vague idea of where we are headed.”

Choice 9
“Why? Did the Iessathi ask you to?”
“Wait, did you just say twenty years ago? How old are you, exactly?”

Choice 10
Suggest taking the path marked with a dragonfly
Suggest taking the path marked with a beetle
Suggest taking the path marked with a wasp
    Premonition check level 4
    If failed: you die

Choice 11
Ask her about the ogre stronghold
Ask her about the sacred chalice

Achievements in this chapter:

Vive la democratie! - Win a democratic vote by a small margin.

First piece of the puzzle - Find the first piece of the puzzle made by Varathia's greatest architect.

Hydra slayer - Kill a hydra with your own hands


I am not associated with Magium Games. All I own is my phone and a truckload of patience. 

Magium Walkthrough Book 1 - Chapter 7

 Chapter 7

There is no one and only correct path for this book. You can read the story through several options but you need to avoid certain death. I will not be telling you what path to choose, I will only presenting all of the options and their effects so you can choose wisely. 

Achievements: You might need to restart the chapter several times or the game itself several times to get the achievements. According to the author, the achievements are designed to showcase most of the important variations in the story. There is a minimum 25 achievements to move on to the next book or you can pay to get the next book. 

Choice 1
“If you wanted to borrow some money from me, you could have just asked nicely.”
Tap the magical transceiver three times, without letting her notice. (to Path B)

Choice 2 Path A (Did not call Daren)
“Because I’m in love with you!”
“Because I helped you when we were attacked by the crossbowmen.”

Choice 2 Path A1
“There’s no need to apologize.”
“Are we still friends, then?”

Choice 2 Path B (Called Daren)
“I didn’t call him here to kill you.”
“Please, calm down. We can still talk things through.”

Choice 2 Path B1
“So, are you going to tell me why you put a knife to my throat, then?”
“This isn’t really what I imagined saving a damsel in distress would be like.”
Offer her some biscuits

Choice 3
“Does this have anything to do with the Beacon of Hope?”
“Can you first tell me who these Iessathi are, exactly?”

Choice 4
“I’m really sorry…”
“What happened to the other rejects?”

Choice 5
“I’m not going to tell him anything.”
*”Don’t worry, I’ll find a way to make him drop the subject.”
“I’m going to tell him the truth.”
*If you called Daren in Choice 1

Choice 6
Agree with Kate
Agree with Daren
Disagree with both

Choice 7
“Rose can wait until we’re safely out of here.”
“Okay, I’m on it.”

Choice 8
“Actually, I think we should watch the fight too.”
“Alright, let’s go.”

Choice 9 Path A (Watched the fight or did not call Rose)
Try to convince them I’m a stillwater
Tell them I’m not actually a stillwater

Choice 9 Path A1
“Are you willing to bet your life on that, white mage?”
Walk up to him casually and attempt to intimidate him (Achievement unlocked: Violence is not the answer) (Skip choice below)

Choice 9 Path A2
Assist Daren by shooting the henchmen in their heads with my crossbow
Try to take the healer by surprise with my speed and stab him in the heart

Choice 9 Path A3
Try to fight the golems head on
    Strength check level 3
    Toughness check level 4
    Combat technique check level 3

    If passed at least two: Achievement unlocked: Golem crusher
Try to avoid getting hit as long as possible
    Speed check level 1

Choice 9 Path B (You only get this choice if you called Rose and did not watch the fight)
Help Kate
Don’t help Kate

Choice 10
“Why are you helping us?”
“You’ve got it all wrong, we’re not with her!” 
*You’ve got this all wrong, we’re not allied with the banshee!” (If Rose busted you)

Choice 11
“Illusion? Don’t you mean smoke bomb?”
“Wait, are you saying that those mages are still hiding around here, invisibly?”

Choice 12
“We’ve only just met yesterday, so I guess you could say we are acquaintances.”
“I see her as a friend.”
“Oh, we’re not actually in a relationship just yet, but we’re getting there!”

Choice 13
Accept the challenge
Refuse the challenge

Reflexes check level 3
Combat technique check level 4
Strength check level 2

Choice 13 A - If you fought Hadrik and won (Achievement unlocked: Defeated Hadrik)
"You're welcome."
"No need to thank me. I was just looking for an opportunity to test my skills."

Choice 13 B - If you fought Hadrik and lost:
“How about a rematch?”
“I was just caught off guard by your speed. Normally, I’m not so weak.”

Choice 14
Tell him everything I know
Give him a vague answer that doesn’t tell him anything useful

Choice 15
“Why did you rush to defend Kate earlier in the clearing?”
“How did you and Kate’s friend meet?”
“Do all dwarves really have ale running through their veins instead of blood?”

Choice 16
“What are the spirits of the forest?”
“What are sacred woods?”
“Not allowed by whom?

Achievements in this chapter: 

Violence is not the answer - Why bother to fight, if you can just bluff your way to victory?

Golem crusher - Destroy at least one rock golem by yourself in a fight

Defeated Hadrik - Won a duel against Hadrik


I am not associated with Magium Games. All I own is my phone and a truckload of patience. 

Magium Walkthrough Book 1 - Chapter 6

 Chapter 6

There is no one and only correct path for this book. You can read the story through several options but you need to avoid certain death. I will not be telling you what path to choose, I will only presenting all of the options and their effects so you can choose wisely. 

Achievements: You might need to restart the chapter several times or the game itself several times to get the achievements. According to the author, the achievements are designed to showcase most of the important variations in the story. There is a minimum 25 achievements to move on to the next book or you can pay to get the next book. 

Choice 1
“Maybe a little.”
“Of course not. Daren was just joking earlier. Don’t worry about it.”

Choice 2
“Yeah, Kate was just about to profess her love for me.”
“No, you’re right, we should get going.”

**If you have befriended Elaria and Molan in Chapter 3:
Leave her alone (Skip to Choice 3)
Ask her how she met Elaria
Ask her if something happened between her and Elaria

"It wasn't your fault."
"That's stupid. You weren't the one who killed him." (Skip to Choice 3)
"Elaria didn't seem to mind your presence." (Skip to Choice 3)

"You're only making things worse by deciding not to visit them."
"Maybe it would indeed be better to keep your distance for now."

Choice 3
Secure the backpack
Do not secure the backpack

Choice 4
“Don’t worry, that wasn’t what our discussion was about.”
“Actually, I prefer women with larger breasts like yourself.” (Choice 4.1)
“I’m still available, if that’s what you’re asking.” (Choice 4.2)
“You’ve got it all wrong! My only feelings are for you." (Choice 4.3)
“Don’t worry, we got to say all we needed before you interrupted.”
”Actually, you’re the one that stunned me with your beauty when I first saw you.”

Choice 4.1
"Every single time."
"Not really."

Choice 4.2
"Of course."
"I want my answer now!"

Choice 4.3
"Maybe you're right. I'm sorry for getting ahead of myself."
"I cannot wait any longer. My heart burns with passion for you!"

Choice 5
“Are monster raids frequent in your area?”
“Why aren’t the people rebelling against the nobles?”

Choice 6
Invest points now
Invest points later

Choice 7
“If you’re talking about Eiden, he left this morning.”
“We’re not working with him, we only met him a few hours ago.”
“Why are you looking for him.”

Choice 8
“Where have you been hiding all this time?”
“What did you do?”
“What did you save us?”

Choice 9
“Good then maybe you can finish off that dragon for us.”
“What’s a time weaver?”
“What’s so special about being a stat device wielder?”

Choice 10
No time to think. I’ll improvise.
Make a plan before engaging the dragon. (Choice 10 A)

Choice 10 A
Cast just protection from fire. No time for anything else.
Cast protection from fire, wind and physical damage (Choice 10 A2)
Freeze time, then cast all of the protection spells I know, just to be sure

Choice 10 A1
Use elemental magic
Ask Daren for his sword
Hit the dragon with the big spells

Observation check level 4

Choice 11
Continue fighting with safe spells (Achievement unlocked: Berserker mode activated) (to Path A)
Start fighting with bigger spells (Achievement unlocked: Defeated Tyrath) (to Path B)

Choice 11 Path A
“I don’t know what that means.”
“I didn’t activate anything.”
“Why do you keep saving me?”

“What did you do to him?”
“Who are the Iessathi?”

Choice 11 Path B
“What just happened?”
“Who are the Iessathi?”

Choice 12
“Yeah, Daren, you should be ashamed of yourself!”
“Calm down, Rose, it’s not as simple as that.”
“Ask Kate to freeze the whole area to make sure Eiden isn’t around anymore.”

Choice 13
“Actually, it doesn’t look that bad. More like a tattoo, than anything else.”
Say nothing
“Damn, that’s ugly. I’d be using a mask from now on if I were you.”

Achievements in this chapter:

Defeated Tyrath - Won a duel against Tyron, the king of all dragons.

Berserker mode activated - Accidentally maximized all of your stats in a fit of rage.

Full immersion - Experience what your in-game character sees, first hand.
How to get this:
Activate Berserker mode in Choice 11. 
While talking to Eiden, go to stats screen. Do it FAST.
You will see increased stats that are decreasing per second and will unlock this achievement.


I am not associated with Magium Games. All I own is my phone and a truckload of patience. 

Magium Walkthrough Book 1 - Chapter 5

 Chapter 5

I know there is a fan page for Magium, and several other walkthroughs. I'm doing this game my way, which means a very extensive guide. I will be showing you every choice and every path there is in this game. It makes reading fun. 

There is no one and only correct path for this book. You can read the story through several options but you need to avoid certain death. I will not be telling you what path to choose, I will only presenting all of the options and their effects so you can choose wisely. 

Achievements: You might need to restart the chapter several times or the game itself several times to get the achievements. According to the author, the achievements are designed to showcase most of the important variations in the story. There is a minimum 25 achievements to move on to the next book or you can pay to get the next book. 

Choice 1
“Maybe he has some artifact that’s helping him?”
“Maybe he’s older than he looks?”
“Maybe he made a pact with some god?”

Choice 2
“It sounds like a threat.”
“It sounds like a coded message.”

Choice 2.1 - If you lied to Daren about your motives in the previous chapters:
Tell Daren the truth (Achievement unlocked: Admitted liar)
Don’t say anything to Daren

Choice 3
Ignore her (Path A)
Call Daren and head for the rescue (Path B)

Ancient languages check level 3

**If you pass the stat check:
Give them the two copper pieces (Achievement unlocked: A good deed)
Don't give them anything and send them on their way

Choice 3 Path A
“Daren is the one you should thank, not us.”
“We only did what anyone else would have done in our stead.” (Achievement unlocked: Shameless)

Choice 3 Path B
“All in the day’s work!”
“You were lucky that we managed to make it in time.”
“No problem. We love helping people. But we also accept donations!”

Choice 4
“Why did the Creator disappear?”
“How did the Creator live so long?”

Choice 5
“That sounds like a great idea.”
“Don’t you think you should consult us before making such a decision?”

Choice 6
“Really? Because to me it just seemed reckless and stupid.”
“Since when do you appreciate bravery and heroism?”

Achievements in this chapter:

Stat device wielder - Upon lending the stat device to Daren, you make an unexpected discovery.
How to get this:
Take the path in Chapter 3 to leave Kate and go call for Daren,
Take the path in Chapter 4 to defeat Cutthroat Dave. 
When you go to the next chapter, this achievement is automatically unlocked and Daren will borrow your stat booster. 

Admitted liar - Sometimes you just have to grab the bull by the horns.

A good deed - Even a small act of selflessness can go a long way.

Shameless - Take the credit for someone else's deeds, without any shame. 


I am not associated with Magium Games. All I own is my phone and a truckload of patience. 

Magium Walkthrough Book 1 - Chapter 4

 Chapter 4

I know there is a fan page for Magium, and several other walkthroughs. I'm doing this game my way, which means a very extensive guide. I will be showing you every choice and every path there is in this game. It makes reading fun. 

There is no one and only correct path for this book. You can read the story through several options but you need to avoid certain death. I will not be telling you what path to choose, I will only presenting all of the options and their effects so you can choose wisely. 

Achievements: You might need to restart the chapter several times or the game itself several times to get the achievements. According to the author, the achievements are designed to showcase most of the important variations in the story. There is a minimum 25 achievements to move on to the next book or you can pay to get the next book. 

Choice 1
“Maybe there are no objectives.”
“Maybe they encountered some unexpected technical difficulties.”
“Maybe they’re waiting for our numbers to decrease.”

Choice 2
“What’s the Beacon of Hope?”
“Why is she a survivor? Did the Beacon of Hope burn down?”

Choice 3
Accept the trade (Achievement unlocked: A noble sacrifice) (You die)
Propose a different trade

Choice 4
Good. Fewer enemies for us to worry about (Choice 5 Path A)
Nobody deserves such a gruesome fate, not even Cutthroat Dave. (Choice 5 Path B)

Choice 5 Path A
Tell the truth (Achievement unlocked: I really kneed a break!)
Make up a lie (Eiden kills you)

Choice 5 Path B
Try to keep Cutthroat Dave busy while Daren defeats the others
    Reflexes check level 3
    Speed check level 3
    Observation check level 3
    If passed: Choice 5 B1
Try to defeat Cutthroat Dave
    Strength check level 3
    Speed check level 3
    Reflexes check level 3
    If passed: Choice 5 B2
    If failed: Eiden kills them.

Choice 5 B1
Try to persuade Daren to kill him instead (Choice 5 B1A)
Agree to spare Dave's life (Dave escapes)

Choice 5 B1A
Kill him
Spare him (Dave escapes)

Choice 5 B2
Attempt to kill him (Achievement unlocked: Defeated Cutthroat Dave)
Attempt to knock him out

Achievements in this chapter:

A noble sacrifice - Gave your own life to save a friend's.

Defeated Cutthroat Dave - Won a duel against Cutthroat Dave

I really kneed a break! - Break both of your knees from a fall


I am not associated with Magium Games. All I own is my phone and a truckload of patience. 

Magium Walkthrough Book 1 - Chapter 3

 Chapter 3

I know there is a fan page for Magium, and several other walkthroughs. I'm doing this game my way, which means a very extensive guide. I will be showing you every choice and every path there is in this game. It makes reading fun. 

There is no one and only correct path for this book. You can read the story through several options but you need to avoid certain death. I will not be telling you what path to choose, I will only presenting all of the options and their effects so you can choose wisely. 

Achievements: You might need to restart the chapter several times or the game itself several times to get the achievements. According to the author, the achievements are designed to showcase most of the important variations in the story. There is a minimum 25 achievements to move on to the next book or you can pay to get the next book. 

If you befriended the deer in Chapter 2:
Ask her how she got the plate
Ask her if they’re cannibals
Call out to see if Molan is still alive

Ask about the golden fox
Ask her what happened to Molan's father

Choice 1
Focus on avoiding attacks and baiting opponents
Focus on fighting the enemies head on
Focus on observing the battlefield and providing tactical information

Observation check level 1
Ancient languages check level 2
Passed: Achievement unlocked: A message in the sky

Choice 2
“I was just busy thinking of how to stay alive at the time
“I felt sorry for them, but I didn’t let it affect me.”
“I was almost about to puke.”

Choice 3
“I’m not trying to seduce her, Daren.”
“She still hasn’t given in to my charms.”
“She’s eating out of the palm of my hand!”

Choice 4
Invest points now
Invest points later

Choice 5
Ask her how come she knows how the stat device works
Ask her what she wanted to discuss with me in private

Choice 6
“Why not?”
“Oh? Are you suggesting he can defend himself while asleep?”
“Damn you! I’m not leaving my friend behind!”

Premonition check level 2

Hearing check level 2
Observation check level 3

If you pass both, you get Achievement unlocked: That was close

If you passed the stat check (Path A)
Choice 7 A
Go with her plan (Choice 7 A1)
Tell her I’d rather fight the enemies head on and ask for an ice dagger (Choice 7 A3)

Choice 7 A1
Take his money and spare his life
Spare his life but don’t take his money
Kill him, and take his money
Kill him, but don’t take his money
Pressure him into telling me where he’s hiding the rest of his gold (Choice 7 A2)

Choice 7 A2
Spare his life
Kill him anyway
*If Kate is with you, Kate kills him if you spare his life.

Choice 7 A3
Kill him with my dagger (Choice 8)
Use the hilt of the dagger to knock him out (Choice 9)

If you failed the stat check and Kate gets injured:
Choice 7 B1
Go and call for Daren
Ask Kate for an ice dagger, and deal with the attackers myself (Choice 7 B4)

Choice 7 B2
“She wanted to ask me in private why we didn’t try to purify her.” (Choice 7 B3)
“We thought we could handle it.”
“Kate cast a barrier that prevents enemies from approaching our cave.”

Choice 7 B3
“She never said that she’s a banshee. Just that the evidence pointed that way.”
“Actually she was born human, but became a mage afterwards.”

Choice 7 B4
Kill him with my dagger (Choice 8)
Use the hilt of the dagger to knock him out (Choice 9)

If you choose to take on the attackers by yourself, regardless if Kate is injured or not:

Choice 8 (if you chose to kill)

Choice 9 (if you chose to knock the man out)
Hide behind a tree, hoping they will leave on their own (You die.)
Use the crossbow, but try not to kill them 
    Combat technique check level 2/
    Reflexes check level 2

Use the crossbow, and aim for the kill 
    Reflexes check level 1
    Combat technique level 1
    Speed check level 1

    Pass: To Choice 8
    Fail: You die

Choice 10
Don’t kill any of them, only incapacitate them
Only kill when there’s no other viable alternative
    Strength check level 1
    Strength check level 3

Prioritize killing, but don’t chase after them if they run away
Kill every single one of the crossbowmen, and leave no survivors
    Strength check level 1

Choice 11
Rely on speed and use melee attacks 
   Speed check level 3 after Choice 12 (Do not use this choice if speed is level 0)
   *You die after choose 12 if you choose not to kill anyone.
Try to aim the crossbow while moving
    Combat technique check level 3
    Pass: to choice 12
Snipe them from a distance
Use fallen trees for throwing and clobbering

Choice 12
Go for the leader, and try to avoid troops on the way
    Combat technique check level 3
    If passed: Go to Choice 7 A1 above
Go for the crossbowmen first
    Observation check level 3
    If fail: return to choice 11

Achievements in this chapter:

A message in the sky - It's a beautiful night for stargazing, don't you think?

One man army - Singlehandedly defeated a small army of one hundred armed men, as well as their leader.
How to get this:
Max combat technique, strength and toughness
(you need to start from chapter 1 and spend your points on them.)
Ask for a dagger from Kate either in path A or B.
In choices 9 or 10, pick the killing options. Kill every single one.
In Choice 12, go for the crossbowmen first. 

That was close! - Saved a friend in the nick of time from an incoming dart.


I am not associated with Magium Games. All I own is my phone and a truckload of patience.