Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 1 - Chapter 9

 Chapter 9

There is no one and only correct path for this book. You can read the story through several options but you need to avoid certain death. I will not be telling you what path to choose, I will only presenting all of the options and their effects so you can choose wisely. 

Achievements: The achievements are listed below and how to get them. You might need to restart the chapter several times or the game itself several times to get the achievements. According to the author, the achievements are designed to showcase most of the important variations in the story. There is a minimum 25 achievements to move on to the next book or you can pay to get the next book. 

Choice 1
Introduce myself to Flower as well
Keep my silence for now

Choice 2
“Live inside your own mind? You mean to say that you space out a lot?”
“Talk about an active imagination!”
“I know a good doctor in the Western Continent, if you are interested.”

Choice 3
“Then why are you always acting like a ten-year-old?”
“You do realize that your brain technically never developed past the age of ten, right?”

Choice 4
“Speaking of Petal, how have you two been getting along these past twenty years?”
“So, what’s life with Arraka like?”
“Would you say that Petal is the smartest of your group?”

Choice 5
“I’m not calm, it’s just that I’m very good at hiding fear.”
“It’s because I’m carrying this stat device with me.”
“I guess I’ve always been a little crazy.”

Choice 6
“I find her a bit annoying, to be frank.”
“I just can’t bring myself to trust her.”
“I was just thinking about what Daren said this morning.”
“I think she’s pretty fun too. I was just curious to see if you thought the same.”

Choice 7
Tell her what I just noticed about Flower and Petal
Tell her to go on ahead because I need to do an inventory of my backpack’s contents

Choice 8
“Yeah, that’s about right.”
“No, I just wanted to get to know you!”
“Actually, I just wanted to talk about the weather.”

Choice 9
“Hey now, let’s all calm down! We’re all on the same team here, right?”
“Actually, their souls are fused, so Flower didn’t technically lie yesterday.”
“You’re not seriously going to start a fight here, are you?”

Chocie 10
“Relax, I only wanted to make sure we don’t lose our only guide.”
“I didn’t do this for you. I did it for Flower’s sake.”
“Love you too, Illuna!”

Choice 11
Try to convince them that it’s safer to take Rose with us
Agree with Kate’s plan

Choice 12
“Maybe they’re onto us and want to lure us into a trap.” (Achievement unlocked: Keen observer) “Maybe we caught them during their lunch break?”
“Maybe they abandoned the fort and moved elsewhere?”

Hearing check level 2
Observation check level 1

Choice 13
Try to convince Flower to open the amulet
Ignore Arraka

Choice 14
“There’s no reason for us to explain ourselves to you, monster!”
“We came here seeking the sacred chalice.”
“We came here because we’d like to join your merry group!”

Choice 15 - You get this choice if you agreed with Kate's plan in Choice 11 and failed the stat check before choice 13
Throw down my weapons (Achievement unlocked: A wise decision)
Shoot the two ogres holding Kate and Rose with my crossbow (You die)

Achievements in this chapter:

Keen observer - When inside enemy territory, you should always mind your surroundings.

A wise decision - Throwing your pride is never easy, but sometimes there is no other way.


I am not associated with Magium Games. All I own is my phone and a truckload of patience. 

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