Monday, November 15, 2021

I'M BACK (AGAIN) (temporarily)

 Oh wow. I logged in and oh wow there are so many comments and suggestions.

I can't thank you guys enough for that. I also apologize if I cannot integrate all of your comments into the walkthroughs seeing as there are a lot of them. 

I'm back... temporarily. Work has been busy, and partial disclosure, I am in healthcare, so this pandemic has got all of us on our toes for the past 2 years. Thankfully things are starting to improve and I also have free time... here and then. Can't say a definite time. But I missed reading and playing definitely.

So... the one on the agenda is the finale for Demon's Choice. I know there are probably walkthroughs in other blogs and other gaming sites and that's totally awesome. But as I have said before, I hate to leave things unfinished, so I'm doing my own walkthrough for that.

Also a lot have been asking for the Witch Saga. To be honest, I started it and then for some reason I couldn't finish it no matter what I did so if someone could help me with that, that would also be highly appreciated.

You guys are awesome! Keep the comments coming! I might not be able to reply to all of those but our fellow readers might appreciate it so... thanks in advance! 



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