Sunday, November 28, 2021


 Hey everyone!

I would just like to take the time to again thank everyone for their comments, regardless if I replied or not. I just want you guys to know I appreciate all comments -- whether they are of thanks, corrections, things I have missed, complaining, asking for updates, and asking for Witch Saga. Thanks thanksss

First, for the Witch Saga, one of our readers offered to help me with it. No dates when but hopefully we can figure something out. If anyone else wants to help, that would be much appreciated. Leave me a comment down below. If not, no problem since not all of us have free time AND the insanity to make walkthroughs XD

Second, I am currently working on a new project... Magium. This game is much more complex to navigate than the Delight Games books sooo this will take me muuuch longer. But that's what I am up to now. To those who wanted to play, who played before and want to play it again, keep an eye out. I might be bringing it out this week or next week.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Heya, great work you have been doing here. Love the effort you put in. I am also willing to help out if you'd like. I love the paladins series for instance and am already at chapter 77 and i might be able to find some older notes that could help. Let me know if your interested and keep up the great work!

    1. Yes of course! I always appreciate every help I get! You can contact me at and we can talk about your notes :) I have to warn you in advance, it takes me a while to reply to messages or comments since I work weird times. But thank you for reaching out!

