Saturday, July 21, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - The Paladins Book 1: Night of Wolves (Chapter 16 - Epilogue)

The Paladins Book 1 – Night of Wolves (Chapter 16 – Epilogue)
There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.
Chapter 16 (Jessie)

Chapter 17 (Jerico)
Choice 1
“Thank the gods, Jessie lived.” (Morale -1)
“A shame others were not so lucky.” (Favor +1)
“Our lookouts should be more vigilant.”

Choice 2
Compliment Daniel
Condemn this torture (Favor +2)

Choice 3
Leave (Favor -2, Morale -2) (Achievement unlocked: Breaking bad) (Skip choice 4)
Use kindness on the wolf (Favor 2) (Favor -2)

Choice 4
Ask Ashhur (Favor 1) (Favor -1) (Morale +1)
Do not ask

Chapter 18 (Redclaw)
Choice 1
Reinforce his superiority
A message of hope (Leadership +2) (Achievement unlocked: Superstar)
A message of pride (Leadership +1)

Choice 2
Attack (Life -1)
Do not attack (Life -4)

Choice 3
Leap over Bloodfang (Life -4)
Jump to the side (Life -2)
Dive under Bloodfang (Life -1)

Choice 4
Rip out his throat with his teeth
Keep holding him down (Life -3, Leadership +1)

Chapter 19 (Jerico)
Choice 1
Defend against their ability to leap (Morale +1, Favor +1)
Defend against their strength (Morale +1)
Defend against their sense of smell
Defend against their night vision (Morale +2, Favor +1)

Choice 2
Pray as though alone (Favor +1)
Pray to boost their confidence (Morale +1)

Chapter 20 (Darius) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 21 (Redclaw) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 22 (Jerico)
Choice 1
Pray to Ashhur (Favor +2)
Check in again with Daniel (Morale +1)
Recheck his armor

Choice 2
Prepare to use his shield (Favor 3) (Favor -3, Morale +1)
Hold where he is and wait (Life -3)
Charge forward with his mace (Morale +1)

Choice 3
Charge with mace (Morale +2, Favor -1, Life -3)
Retreat to inside the doorway (Morale +2, Favor -1)
Pray to Ashhur for help (Favor 3) (Morale +2, Favor -3)

Choice 4
Taunt the wolf-men (Morale +2)
Stay silent (Favor +1)

Favor -1, Life -2

Choice 5
Stand firm where he is (Life -2, Morale +1)
Climb atop the bodies (Morale +1, Favor +1, Life -4)

Morale +2, Life -1

Choice 6
Taunt them to fight him here (Morale +1)
Go hunt them (Life -3, Favor -2, Morale +2)

Choice 7
Challenge them from atop the mound (Morale +2, Favor +2)
Challenge them from the doorway
Challenge and retreat (Morale +1) (Skip Choice 8)

Choice 8
Call upon Ashhur for help (Favor 3) (Favor -3, Morale +2, Life -2)
Save his power (Life -100) (You have died.)

Chapter 23 (Daniel)

Life -3

Choice 1
Fall back
Wipe the blood away and fight (Morale +2, Life -4)

Choice 2
Rejoin the fight now (Morale +1, Life -2)
Stay back and issue commands

Choice 3
Give orders (Life -100) (You have died.)
Join the farmer in defense (Morale +1)

Choice 4
Say “You run, I cut you down.”
Be silent. (Life -2)

Chapter 24 (Darius)
Choice 1
Call upon Karak to smite it (Favor 3) (Favor -3)
Stab with his dagger (Life -2)

Choice 2
Power up his sword (Favor 2) (Favor -2, Morale +2)
Power up his hand (Favor 3) (Favor -3, Morale +2)
Save his favor (Life -3, Morale +1)

Choice 3
Stand firm (Morale -1)
Go help another defender

Choice 4
Pray to his god for aid (Favor 3) (Favor -3, Morale +4) (Achievement unlocked: Crushing move!)
Just fight (Morale +3, Life -4)

Chapter 25 (Redclaw)
Choice 1
Attack Jerico (Life -3)
Attack Darius (Life -2, Morale +1)
Climb up the wall for the archer

Morale +2

Choice 2
Go inside this house to kill (Morale +1)
Charge Darius and Jerico (Life -100) (You have died.)
Wait (Morale -1)

Choice 3
Overwhelm his tired opponent (Life -5)
Try to trick him with a feint (Morale +2, Life -2)
Taunt him (Morale -1) (Redirected to other two options)

Choice 4
Attack the legs (Life -3)
Go inside to kill (Morale +1)

Chapter 26 (Gregory) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 27 (Jerico)
Choice 1
Wait (Morale +1, Favor -2, Life -3)
Charge (Morale +2, Favor -2, Life -3)
Throw his mace (Morale +2, Favor -2)

Choice 2
Charge and use his shield (Favor 3) (Favor -3, Morale +4)
Charge with his mace (Morale -2, Life -3)
Taunt Redclaw (Morale +3)

Choice 3
Ready his shield (Favor 1) (Favor -1, Morale +1)
Throw his mace (Favor +2, Life -3) (Choice 3.1)
Charge (Life -3)

Choice 3.1
Throw the mace again (Favor +1) (Achievement unlocked: Funny for a paladin)
Prepare for battle

Choice 4
“After we have attended to the wounded.” (Favor +2)

Chapter 28 (Jerico) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 29 (Darius)
Choice 1
Out of respect, keep his attention on Lars (Morale +1)
Divide his attention between all three

Choice 2
Betrayal is not the way of Karak (Life -100) (You have died.)
Chaos is not the way of Karak (Morale +1)
He felt a prompting to stop him

Choice 3
Say Jerico was a friend (Morale +2)
Leave that unsaid

Choice 4
Have faith that Karak will intervene (Life -100) (Achievement unlocked: Blind faith!)
Try to kill them

Choice 5
Nevek (Life -4)
Lars (Morale +1)

Choice 6
Surprise attack (Morale +1, Life -4)
Do not attack (Life -2)


I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.

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