Thursday, July 26, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Zombie High 6

Zombie High Volume 6

There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

Starting stats - Life:5, Infection:0, Cool:0, Humanity: 6
Be careful not to let your life points or humanity points reach 0.

Choice 1
“LOL, what are you talking about?” (Cool +1)
“Ha, what a nerd!” (Cool +2)
“Stop looking at my butt!”

Choice 2
Ask Tommy to avert his eyes.
Flirt with Tommy (Cool -1)
Just take off your shirt (Cool +1)

Life +3

Choice 3
Wink at him (Cool +1)
“You heard the man.” (Cool +1)
Turn your head.

Choice 4
“Life will be good, Mr. Fernando.” (Cool +1)
“Leave your shirt off.”
“Nice pecks.” (Cool +1)

Choice 5
Go along for now (Infection +20) (You have lost your mind.)
Shove him back (Infection +10) (Achievement unlocked: Become a Zombie)
Tell him “no thanks.” (Infection +10, Life -3)

Choice 6
Eat the medic (Cool -2, Humanity -2, Life +6)
Talk to Tommy (Humanity +1)
Call your dad (Cool +1)

Choice 7
Put up your hands.
Push through them (Life -3)
Start a feast! (Humanity -4, Life +4)

Choice 8
Make a sarcastic remark (Cool +1)
Go along without comment.

Choice 9
Ask what he’ll do.
Just go up the stairs.

Choice 10
You are happy to be alive.
Use some humor (Cool +1)
Thank Gloria for her intro.

Choice 11
“They can wait for my book.” (Cool +2) (Choice 11.1)
“Truth is stranger than fiction.”
“I’ll tell the story from the start.” (Cool -2)
“Can we get on with this?” (Cool +1)

Choice 11.1
Challenge the accusation (Cool -1)
Move along (Cool +1)

Choice 12
“We mustn’t tarnish their memory.” (Humanity +1)
“We will root them out.”
“Let’s focus on retaking the surface.” (Cool -1)

Choice 13
Destroy him (Humanity -1) (Skip to Choice 17)
Keep him captive (Cool +1, Humanity +1)
Make a deal with him (Cool -1)

Choice 14
Sure (Humanity -1)

Choice 15
“You have time to take a poll?” (Cool +1)
“I changed my mind.” (Cool -1) (Skip Choice 16)
“I still don’t agree.”

Choice 16
Shoot him (Humanity -6)
Not yet

Choice 17
Play it cool.
Tell her this is nonsense (Cool +2)
Run (Skip to Choice 18)

Choice 17.1
Attack the soldier. (Life -6)
Knock the scanner aside.
Run (Life -2) (Skip to Choice 18)
See where this goes (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 17.2
Take Gloria as a hostage (Life -3)

Choice 18
Run through the audience (Life -2) (Skip to sprint)
Run to the back curtain (Life -2) (Life -2) (Skip to sprint)
The two options becomes Life -4 if you had taken Gloria hostage.

Life -4

Choice 19
Sprint forward.
Dive behind the crowd (Life -4)

Choice 20
Slow down and talk to him.
Pour on the speed! (Life -4)
Run another direction. (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 21
Just got back from the surface (Cool -1)     
Taking care of the wounded.
You were in a skit (Cool +1)

Choice 22
Chow down (Humanity -3, Life +5)

Choice 23
Call your mom.
Call your dad.
Call Tommy (Life -3)
Don’t call anyone yet (Cool +1) (Skip Choice 24)
Life -4

Choice 24
Dive to the ground.
Face the direction of the attack (Life -4)
Run (Life -2)

Choice 25
Toxifarian apartment. (Choice 25.1)
The alleyway.
Sven’s house (Life -4)

Choice 25.1
Attack (Life +2, Humanity -1)

Choice 26
Try to eat them (Life +1)
Leave them.

Choice 27
Play a joke (Life -2) (Achievement unlocked: Joker!)
Call out to him. (Choice 27.1)

Choice 27.1
Hug him (Cool -1)
Keep your distance (Humanity +1)

Choice 28
Find Ava (Cool +2)
Find your mom and dad.
Find out why you were infected.

Choice 29
“I meant sexy.” (Cool +1)
“I meant intelligent.”
“I meant you look delicious.” (Cool +1)

Choice 30
Climb now (Life -3)

Choice 31
Eat the body (Life +4, Humanity -1)
Leave it.


Choice 32
Talk to a soldier. (Path A)
Go to the sound of battle (Humanity +1) (Path B)
Look for a way out (Path C)

Choice 32 Path A
Go with him (Cool +1) (Choice 32.1 Path A)
Go find O’Boyle. (To Choice 32.3)

Choice 32.1 Path A
Engage close up (Humanity +1, Life -6)
Keep using Opal (Cool +1) (Choice 32.2 Path A)

Choice 32.2 Path A
Go to the sound of battle (To Path B)
Look for a way out (To Path C)
Go see O’Boyle

Choice 32.3 Path A
Slip past him. (Choice 32.4)
Leave (Choice 32.5)

Choice 32.4 Path A
Try to explain (Life-100) (You have died.)

Choice 32.5
Go to the sound of battle (Humanity +1) (Path B)
Look for a way out (Path C)

Choice 32 Path B
Start shooting (Humanity -1, Life +2) (Redirected to options below)
Rush forward with knife (Life -3, Cool +1)
Charge the breach (Life -4) (To Choice 32.2)
Climb onto the wall (Cool +2)

Choice 32.1 Path B
Defend the top of the wall (Cool +2, Life -2) (Redirect to options below)
Go on the offensive (Life -2, Cool +1)
Attempt to repair the breach.

Choice 32.2 Path B
Work to raise the net (Life -4)
Throw debris into the opening (Cool +1, Humanity +1)

Choice 32.3 Path B (Skipped if you had chosen Path A before Path B)
Leave now.
Stay for a bit longer

Choice 32 Path C
Shout an excuse and keep climbing. (To Choice 33)
Come down (Life -5)

Choice 32. 1 Path C
Find another weak point (Life -100) (You have died.)
Go to where the action is (To Path B)

Choice 33
Sneak up behind. (Humanity -2, Life +2) (Path A)
Get closer and hail them. (Path B)
Set up an ambush. (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 33 Path A
Dive and pull Opal (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 33 Path B
Out scouting the area. (Life -3)
Got separated from your party. (Life -3)
Hunting the undead (Cool +1) (Skip Choice 34)

Choice 34
Only grazed you.
You’re wearing body armor (Cool -1)
You’re an HVFM (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 35
Question them (Cool +1)
Accept their story for now.
Get in closer for a sniff (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 36
Be upfront about it. (Life -4)

Choice 37
“I’ll take care of it.” (Cool +1)
“Yeah, come along.” (Life -4)

Choice 38
Tell the women to climb (Cool +2, Humanity +1)
Go for the gate. (Cool -1)


I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.

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