Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Oregon Trail 4

Hi! I've noticed that there are a few walkthroughs for CYOA stories of Delight Games. I think this may help someone who has little patience in starting the games over and over just to survive to the end of the book or to earn highest rank.
I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of the authors or its developers. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.

Oregon Trail Chapter 4 – Blood is Our Only Currency

At the end of the game, life points are multiplied by 10, moxie by 20 and morale by 30. You need to have 550+ points to achieve highest rank.

There are many ways to achieve the highest rank. You can choose to prioritize Moxie points or Morale points as long as you reach the required score. I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.
Starting stats - Life:10    Morale:4            Moxie: 0
Be careful. If your life or morale points reach 0, you will die.

Choice 1
“I don’t do well with blood.”
“Reminds me of when my Pa died.” (Moxie +1, Morale -1)
“I’d like to get dressed now.”
“Focus on Simon, not me.” (Morale +1)

Choice 2
Apologize profusely. (Morale -1)
Tell him about Simon and Lucy right away. (Moxie +1)
Let him speak. (Moxie -1)

Choice 3
Volunteer. (Moxie +1, Morale -1)
Stand aside.
Go outside. (Moxie -1)

Choice 4
Tell her I wasn’t asking for his permission. (Moxie +2)
Try to make him feel guilty. (To Choice 4.1)
Try to reason with him. (Moxie +1) (To Choice 4.1)

Choice 4.1
Use your Ma.
Use your responsibility. (Morale +1)

Choice 5
Ask him to reconsider. (Morale +1)
Beg him to reconsider. (Moxie -1)
Leave quietly.
Leave—but not without comment. (Morale -2, Moxie +1) (Achievement unlocked: Burn the Boats Behind You)

Choice 6
No, he’s a jerk.
Just thank him. (Morale +1)
Sure—he is kind of funny.

Choice 7
Tell her I helped. (To Choice 7.1)
Stay quiet.
Jokingly gush about Caleb. (Morale +1)

Choice 7.1
Tell her my role. (Morale -1)
Tell her about my warnings beforehand. (Moxie +1, Morale -2)
Let it go.

Choice 8
Do it myself. (Moxie +1, Morale -1)
Ask him to show me. (Choice 8.1) (Achievement unlocked: Pragmatic)

Choice 8.1
“I shouldn’t have to rely on you.” (Achievement unlocked: Independent Woman!)
“I need a break from you, sometimes.” (Morale -1)
“Wouldn’t want Mrs. Kendall worried about you helping me.”

Choice 9
Be firm with him. (Moxie +1)
Ignore his suggestion.

Choice 10
Mention the kiss. (Moxie +1) (Choice 10.1)
Just call him out. (Moxie +1) (Achievement unlocked: Nosey) (Choice 10.2)
Drop it. (Moxie -1)

Choice 10.1
“It worked, didn’t it?”
“I’m not a real nurse, am I?” (Morale +1)
“I wanted to.” (Moxie +1)

Choice 10.2
Try bringing up the kiss. (Moxie +1) (To Choice 10.1)
Try a little light begging. (Moxie +1) (To Choice 10.1)
Let it go.

Choice 11
We should rejoin the main party—safety in numbers. (Morale +1)
They should go back and fight for that buffalo. (Morale -1)
We should just be more vigilant and guarded. (Moxie +1) (Skip Choice 12)

Choice 12 (You do not get this choice if you chose Option 3 in Choice 11)
Push it up to a gruelling pace. (Moxie +1, Morale -3)
Hang back at the normal pace.

Choice 13
Stay out of it. (Moxie -1)
Suggest a small group—minus Caleb—goes to the Indian camp. (Moxie +2, Morale -1)
Back Caleb up—if anything, it might get me back on his good side again. (Morale -1)

Choice 14
Robinson Crusoe. (Achievement unlocked: Strange Choice) (You will be redirected to the other three options.)
Simon’s whittling knife. (Morale -1)
Animal figurines. (Morale -1)
Coffee, flour and sugar.

Choice 15
Ask Caleb to go with you. (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Push your luck) (Path A)
Go alone. (Moxie +2) (Path B)
Choice 15 Path A (If you ask Caleb to go with you)
Yes, do it. (Morale -1)
Probably not, don’t tell her.

Choice 15 (Path A)
“You’re sorry you almost made things worse?” (Morale -1, Moxie +1)
“I know you have a lot going on.”

Choice 15 (Path B)
“You could’ve gone with me, you know.” (Morale +1)
“I didn’t need you to worry about me, obviously.” (Moxie +1)
Nothing, just let him finish. (Morale +2)

Choice 16
Set the pace to gruelling. (Morale -100) (You died.)
Send someone ahead. (Morale +1)



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. (In case anyone wonders what this said, I had "corrected" something on this page, but I quickly realised I was actually wrong. Didn't want the author to change it to what I thought was right)
