Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Oregon Trail 2

Hi! I've noticed that there are a few walkthroughs for CYOA stories of Delight Games. I think this may help someone who has little patience in starting the games over and over just to survive to the end of the book or to earn highest rank.
I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of the authors or its developers. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.

Oregon Trail Chapter 2: Death on the Trail

At the end of the game, your Moxie score is multiplied by 20 and your Morale score multiplied by 30. You need 330+ to reach the highest rank (Pioneering legend!) There are many ways to achieve the highest rank. You can choose to prioritize Moxie points or Morale points as long as you reach the required score. I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.
Starting stats – Morale: 3             Moxie:0

Starting stats – Morale: 3             Moxie:0
Be careful not to let your morale score reach zero – you will catch dysentery and die.

Choice 1:
“Are you insane? It could be Indians.”
“Okay, if you say so.” (Moxie -1) (Achievement unlocked: Butt kisser)
“I think the upper ladies would hang back and let everyone else handle it.”

Choice 2:
Join the search party. (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Humanitarian)
Leave and get to the river in time. (Morale -1) (Achievement unlocked: Hardened Pioneer)

Choice 2.1 (If you chose ‘Join the search party’)
“What if it were your daughter?”
“What about being a Good Samaritan?” (Morale +1)

Choice 3:
“I think you should tell him how you feel.” (Moxie +1)
“If he thinks you’re ungrateful, he’s ungrateful.” (Moxie +2)
“It’s probably best to keep quiet. No one wants to hear what we have to say, anyway.” (Moxie -1) (Achievement unlocked: Low Self Esteem)

Choice 4:
To go to school to become a teacher, then board. (Morale +1)
To wait until I got to Oregon to worry about marriage.
To live with Jack, Eliza, and Ma indefinitely. (Moxie -1)

Choice 5
Try for cheaper fare. (Moxie +1) (Choice 5.1)
Look for shallower water to ford the river. (Morale -1) (Redirects you to the other two options)
Caulk and float across. (Moxie +1) (Go to Choice 6)

Choice 5.1 (If you chose ‘Try for cheaper fare’)
Go for it. (Choice 5.2)
No way, make Jack barter. (To Choice 6)

Choice 5.2 (If you chose ‘Go for it’)
“Hiya, handsome!” (Morale -1) (Achievement unlocked: Awk! Awk! Awkward.)
“I see you’re a busy man.” (Choice 6)

Choice 6:
Ride in the wagon. (Morale -1, Moxie -1) (Redirects you to the other two options)
Swim the oxen. (Morale +1) (To choice 7)
Help row the wagon. (Morale +2) (Skip choice 7)

Choice 7
Collect the oxen and move them away. (Morale -1)
Try to save the supplies. (Go to Choice 9) (Achievement unlocked: Suicidal tendencies)
Grab the oar and help Jack move the wagons apart. (Achievement unlocked: Know Thyself)

Choice 8:
Jump in and try to unstick the wheels. (Morale +1)
Use the oar to push the boats apart.

Choice 9:
Jump in and save Ma. (You died.) (Achievement unlocked: Dead hero!)
Row my wagon away from Lucy’s. (Morale +1(Achievement unlocked: Know Thyself)
Jump in and save Lucy.

Choice 10:
Tell Jack we should listen to Ma. (Morale +1) (Path A)
Tell Ma we should listen to Jack. (Path B)

Choice 10.1 (Path A)
Because we’d want them to do the same for us.
If we pool resources, we can use their mules. (Morale +1)
What if we need a favor from them in the future?

Choice 10.2 (Path B)
“We’re in this mess because of them.” (Morale -1)
“We don’t have enough resources to pool together.”
“Their daughter is too much of a princess to be of help.” (Morale -1) (Achievement unlocked: Terrible friend)

Choice 11:
“If none of them could’ve saved you, you’d have drowned.” (Morale +1)
“Caleb was busy helping us with our oxen.”
“It almost sounds like you jumped in on purpose.” (Moxie +1) (Achievement unlocked: Trouble Maker)

Choice 12:
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t.” (Moxie +1)
“I hate it when you say that.”
“Maybe it’d be better to talk to Simon about this.” (Moxie +2)
“You want to try again then?” (Moxie +1)

Morale -2

Choice 13:
Mess with them. (Achievement unlocked: Joker!)
Talk about how unfair it is. (Moxie +1)
Deny pouting.

Morale +1

Choice 14:
Tell the truth. (Achievement unlocked: Super honest!)

Choice 15
Blame the mule. (Moxie +1) (Achievement unlocked: Animal Blamer!)
Admit my mistake. (You only get this choice if you chose to lie in Choice 14)
Beg for a second chance. (Moxie -1)

Choice 16
The apricot preserves. (Morale +1)
The bolt of fabric. (Achievement unlocked: Allegiance to the kinfolk)
The leather journal. (Later leads to Achievement unlocked: Team Caleb)
The whittler’s knife. (Later leads to Achievement unlocked: Team Simon)
Save the money.

Choice 17
Use the knife. (Moxie +1)
Knee him in the groin. (Moxie +1) (Achievement unlocked: Groin Pains!)
Scream for help. (Moxie -1)

Choice 17.1 (If you chose ‘Use the knife’)
Go for it! (Achievement unlocked: Suffer no fools!)
You only need to scare him. (Moxie +1)

Morale -3


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