Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - The Paladins Book 2 (Chapter 46 - Epilogue)

The Paladins Book 2 – Clash of Faiths (Chapter 46 - Epilogue)
There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

Chapter 46 (Jerico)
Choice 1
Go for his weapons
Leave them (Favor +1)

Choice 2
Tell the truth (Favor +1)

Chapter 47 (Jerico)

Chapter 48 (Jerico)

Chapter 49 (Darius)
Choice 1
“I spared Jerico’s life here.” (Morale +1)
“Jerico spread his lies here.” (Morale +2)
“I slew the tribunal here.”
“This is where Karak triumphed over the wolves.” (Morale -1)

Choice 2
Warn them of Velixar (Favor +1, Morale -1)
Give them an ultimatum (Favor +2, Morale -1) (Choice 2.1)
Plead with them (Favor -1, Morale +1)

Choice 2.1
“I will do what must be done.” (Life -100) (You have died.) (Achievement unlocked: Fate of fanatics)
“Then you must leave tonight!”

Choice 3
Tell them to bow to Karak (Favor +2, Morale -2)
Tell them to just run (Favor -1, Morale +1)

Choice 4
The world needs order (Morale -2, Favor +3)
We must burn the sick branches (Favor +2)
This is Karak’s will (Morale -2, Favor +2)

Chapter 50 (Jerico)
Choice 1
His weapons are for his god
The world is no longer safe for him (Morale +1)

Choice 2
“Then I ask you, does greed guide you?” (Morale +2)
“If you fear that, then you are not that sort.” (Morale +1)
“Your reputation is a good one.”

Choice 3
The serving girl (Morale +1)
The shadowy corners of the room (Life -100) (You have died.)
Arthur (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 4
Use his shield (Favor -1, Morale +2)
Grab for her wrist (Life -6)

Choice 5
Hold back and defend (Morale +1)
Press his attack (Morale +1, Life -4)

Chapter 51 (Valessa) 

Chapter 52 (Kaide)
Choice 1
Spend time rallying the villagers (Morale +2)
Just push through.

Choice 2
“I don’t know.” (Morale +1)
“That will be up to Arthur.”
“I will take my land back.” (Morale -1)

Choice 3
Sebastian will punish the people.
Sebastian’s evil requires justice.
Do not forget your Citadel. (Morale +2)

Chapter 53 (Jerico)
Choice 1
Follow her to talk (Morale -1)
Leave her for now.

Choice 2
“Of course!”
“I pray he is.” (Favor +1)
“I do not know.” (Morale -1)

Chapter 54 (Gregane)

Chapter 55 (Jerico)
Choice 1
“Spend time digging in.” (Morale +2)
“Rest your soldiers for the fight ahead.”
“Get supplies for winter.”
“Work on getting more troops.”

Choice 2
“I will fight alongside you, Arthur.”
“I will fight alongside Kaide and his men.” (Morale +1)

Chapter 56 (Darius)

Chapter 57 (Jerico)
Choice 1
“Adam and Griff don’t get to carry one.” (Morale +2)
“Keep that chest locked at all times.”
“Everyone practices with normal rocks.” (Morale +1)

Choice 2
“Not with me by your side.” (Morale +1)
“We must agree on a place to regroup.” (Morale -1)

Chapter 58 (Gregane)
Choice 1
Use some knights as scouts (Leadership +2)
Fire a volley of arrows (Leadership +1)
Advance with infantry (Troop Strength -1) (Skip Choice 2)

Choice 2
Charge the knights. (Leadership -1, Troop Strength -3)
Advance the infantry (Leadership +1)

Troop Strength -1

Choice 3
Have the knights charge them (Leadership +1)
Archers fire a volley (Leadership +2)

Troop Strength -2

Choice 4
Fill the trench with bodies (Leadership +1, Troop Strength -3) (Achievement unlocked: Got medieval on ‘em!)
Attack at a single point (Leadership +2, Troop Strength -2)
Break the fire. (Achievement unlocked: Extra crispy!)
The first two options skips Choice 5.

Choice 5 (All options lead to death)
“Fire on the men.” (Life -100)
“See if they wish to talk.” (Life -100)

Troop Strength -1

Choice 6
Spread his infantry now (Troop Strength -2)
Use his knights now (Leadership +1, Troop Strength -1)

Troop Strength -1

Choice 7
Leave them for now. (Troop Strength -20)
Send his knights on foot.

Chapter 59 (Valessa)

Chapter 60 (Jerico)
Choice 1
Make a break for the trench (Morale +2)
Charge them (Favor -3, Morale +3) (Life -100)

Choice 2
Leave them behind (Morale -1)
Stay with them (Morale +2, Favor +1) (Favor -4, Life -4, Morale +2)

Choice 3
Call a halt (Morale -1)
Smash through! (Morale +1)

Choice 4
Use his power now (Favor -3, Morale +2)
Save it (Morale +1, Life -4)

Life -3

Choice 5
Rally the men (Morale +2, Favor -1)
Prepare for battle (Life +3, Favor -2)
Pray (Favor +2)

Choice 6
Hold the line (Morale +1)
Act as a second line of defense (Morale +2, Life -2)
Call for a retreat (Morale -2, Favor +2)

Choice 7
Retreat.  (skip Choice 8)
Hold there (Morale +2, Life -3)

Choice 8
Use his power (Favor -3, Morale +2)
Just fight (Morale +1, Life -2)

Chapter 61 (Darius)
Choice 1
Use a brutal swing (Morale +2)
Stab (Life -2)
Use a feint (Life -3)

Choice 2
Parry (Life -3)

Choice 3
Use his anger (Favor +4)
Hold his anger back (Life -3)

Life -5

Chapter 62 (Valessa)
Choice 1
Wait for a backstab (Morale +1, Life -4)
Throw her dagger (Morale +4) (Achievement unlocked: You’re not supposed to do that!) (Life -100)
Hang back for a while (Morale +1)

Choice 2
Take the shot now (Morale +2, Life -1)
Dodge and wait. (Life -100)

Life -2

Choice 3
Pray to Karak (Favor +5)

Chapter 63 (Jerico)

Chapter 64 (Epilogue)



  1. Thanks for everything, helped me get get through much faster

  2. Fantastic. Any chance of a walkthrough for book three?
