Friday, July 20, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - The Paladins Book 1: Night of Wolves (Chapter 1-15)

The Paladins Book 1 – Night of Wolves (Chapter 1-15)
There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.
For this series, I played the separate app, not the one from the Delight Games library.

Chapter 1 (Jerico)
Choice 1
Step out boldly to face him (Favor +2, Morale +1)
Prepare for an ambush
Prepare to backstab (Favor -1)

Choice 2
Use his shield (Favor 3) (Favor -3, Morale +2)
Twist his wrist (Life -4, Favor -1, Morale +1)
Punch (Life -3, Morale +1, Favor -1)

Life -4

Choice 3
Suggest they cross now (Favor +1, Morale -1)
Take the wolf-man body back (Morale +1)

Choice 4
Chastise Darius (Favor +1)
Let it be

Choice 5
“Yes, vengeance is ours!” (Favor -1)
“No, not for vengeance.” (Favor +1)
“Yes, but to protect, not for revenge.” (Morale +1)

Choice 6
Offer condolences (Favor +1)
Support his desire for revenge (Favor -1)
Discourage path to revenge (Favor -1, Morale +1)

Chapter 2 (Gary)
Choice 1
Cheer (Morale +1)
Say nothing
Morale +1

Choice 2
Shout up to Darius (Morale -1)
Ask Jerico
Think about it himself (Morale +1)

Choice 3
Run for the river (Life -100) (Achievement unlocked: Cowardly retreat)
Hold there

Choice 4
Charge the wolf-man (Life -3, Morale +3)
Throw his sword (Life -3, Morale +1)

Choice 5
Distract the wolf-man (Life -6, Morale +2)
Attack (Morale +3, Life -4)

Choice 6
Retreat with Dirk (Achievement unlocked: Wise retreat)
Stay to fight (Morale +2, Life -3) (Achievement unlocked: Suicidal tendencies)

Choice 7
Wait (Morale +2)

Chapter 3 (Jerico)
Choice 1
“Darius was a fool to say that.” (Morale -1)
“He speaks out of hurt.” (Morale +1)
“Karak is an evil god.” (Favor +1, Morale -1)

Choice 2
Bobby and his memory (Favor +1, Morale +1)
Comforting the people

Choice 3
Cheer him up (Achievement unlocked: Joker)
Suggest he move on (Morale +1)
Instruct about vengeance (Morale -1) (Achievement unlocked: Revenge!)

Choice 4
Gently chastise him about that sermon (Morale +1)
Leave it

Choice 5
Agree to scout it out (Favor -1)
Request aid (Morale +1)
Bolster defenses (Favor -1)

Chapter 4 (Redclaw)
Choice 1
“Whenever we fight, we must win.” (Leadership +1)
“Never question me!”
“We should always strike in the day.” (Leadership -1)

Choice 2
Attack from both sides (Leadership +1)
Charge together right now (Leadership -1)

Choice 3
Pause on the wall (Life -3)
Attack (Leadership +1)

Choice 4
Attack them without hesitation (Leadership +2, Life -5)
Surround them (Leadership +1) (Achievement unlocked: Strategist) (Life -3, Leadership +1)
Strike with a column (Leadership +2, Life -3)

Choice 5
Slay him to make an example (Leadership -1)
Spare his life, but punish him

Chapter 5 (Sir Robert Godley) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 6 (Jerico)
Choice 1
Make a joke (Achievement unlocked: Awk! Awk! Awkward.)
Keep it formal

Choice 2
His dream
His friendship with Darius (Morale +1)
The defilement of the wolf corpse (Morale -1)

Choice 3
Allow a comparison of doctrines (Morale -1)
Darius is an ally (Morale -1)
Say nothing

Choice 4
Yes (Morale +1)
Stay silent

Choice 5
Tell him (Favor +1, Morale +1)
Keep it secret

Chapter 7 (Daniel)
Choice 1
Make him row the boat (Leadership +1)
Give him a good verbal lashing
Whip him (Leadership -2) (Achievement unlocked: Harsh discipline!)

Choice 2
Alert the boat
Try to be discreet (Morale +1)

Choice 3
Order crew to put on armor (Leadership -2)
Order crew to arm themselves (Morale +1, Leadership +1)

Choice 4
Hack at them with his sword (Morale +2, Life -3)
Take a pair of oars and maneuver the boat (Life -5)
Stand in the middle and give orders (Leadership +1)

Choice 5
Use the lantern (Morale +3, Life -2)
Charge with his sword (Life -3, Morale +2)
Charge with sword and call for help (Life -3, Morale +1)

Choice 6
Use the oars (Leadership -1, Life -3)
Use the poles (Leadership +2)
Hack at them with swords (Morale +1, Life -3)

Chapter 8 (Jerico)
Choice 1
“I fear not.” (Favor +1)
“Of course.” (Favor -1)

Choice 2
“Ashhur will always remain.” (Morale +1)
“You had best find a new god.” (Favor -2, Morale -1) (Achievement unlocked: Terrible choice!)
“Perhaps you could become a priest someday.” (Favor +2)

Choice 3
Tell Darius about the dream
Keep the dream to himself for now (Favor +1)

Chapter 9 (Daniel) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 10 (Redclaw)
Choice 1
The humans were greater fighters
He sent scouts to do a warrior’s job (Leadership +2)
The water gave the humans too much advantage (Leadership +1)

Choice 2
Put Dirtyhide in his place (Leadership +1)
Leave it for now (Skip choice 3)

Choice 3
Yes, he howls (Leadership -1) (Achievement unlocked: Low Self Esteem)
No, he does now (Leadership +2)

Choice 4
Howl to try to panic them (Life -5)
Climb into the boat (Leadership +2, Life -3)

Life -3

Choice 5
Retreat a step
Press his attack (Leadership -2, Life -4) (You will most likely die.)

Chapter 11 (Jerico)
Choice 1
Their scent (Morale +1)
The noise they make
Getting spotted

Choice 2
Find their tracks (Morale +1) (Redirected to other two options)
Listen and watch for them (Morale +1)
Ask for guidance from Ashhur (Favor -1) (Morale +1)

Choice 3
Return to town now
Continue the scouting mission (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: I’m an adventurer, dammit!)

Choice 4
Appeal to Darius’s sense of reason
Appeal to Darius’s pride (Achievement unlocked: Clever move)
Do not use words. Just lead the way (Morale +1, Favor +1)

Choice 5
Suggest they leave
Stay and watch (Morale +1)

Choice 6
Leave now
Stay and watch (Morale +1) (Life -100) (You have died.)

Chapter 12 (Redclaw) (CUT-SCENE)

Chapter 13 (Darius)
Choice 1
With some bawdy humor (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: You Cad!)
Comfort her

Choice 2
Lie (Favor -1, Morale -1)
Offer no excuse (Favor +1)

Choice 3
“No, we need him against the wolf-men.”
“Yes, but after the threat is gone.” (Morale -1)
“Yes, I will catch him unaware.” (Morale -1, Favor -1)

Chapter 14 (Jacob)
Choice 1
Use the wheelbarrow (Morale +2)
Climb the tree (Morale +1, Life -2)
Keep running (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 2
Grab the hoe (Life -3)
Use the squash
Hide under the wheelbarrow (Morale +1)

Choice 3
In the eye (Morale +1, Life -3)
In the nose  (Morale +2)

Choice 4
Keep running (Life -4)
Dive and curl into a ball (Life -3, Morale +1)

Chapter 15 (Jerico) (CUT-SCENE)

I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.


  1. I thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for the walkthrough! I really enjoy the Delight games library application, and with the walkthroughs it is even more enjoyable, thanks man!

  2. Chapter 11, choice 4, picking 'Appeal to Darius’s pride' will unlock achivement 'a clever move!'
