Friday, July 27, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Wizard's Choice 2

Wizard’s Choice 2
There are many ways to earn highest rank. You need 750+ points to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

Choice 1
Run! (Life -1, Mana -1) (Choice 1.1)
Charm the guard (Mana -2) (Choice 1.1)
Defend your innocence (Choice 1.2) (Achievement unlocked: Worth a shot...)

Choice 1.1
Charm guard (Mana -2, Life -3)
Run! (Life -3)
Throw firebolt at guard (Morale -3, Mana -2)

Choice 1.2 (Path B) (Defend your innocence)
Charm the guard (Mana -3)
Run! (Life -1, Mana -1)

Choice 2
Run for the gate (Back to choice 1.1)
Disguise yourself
Turn yourself in (Life -7)

Choice 3
Use illusion on yourself (Mana -2, Gold -2, Morale +1) (Path A)
Buy a disguise (Path B)

Choice 3.1 (Path B) (Buy a disguise)
Fork over the coin (Gold -2)
Haggle for a lower price (Gold -1, Morale +1)

Choice 3.2 (Path B) (Buy a disguise)
Buy another cloak (Gold -1, Morale +2)
Leave the market now.

Choice 3.3 (Path B) (If you chose ‘leave the market now’)
Firebolt guard (Mana -2, Morale -3)
Cast sleep spell (Mana -4, Morale +1)
Cast an illusion (Mana -2Morale +2)

Choice 4
Sneak past candlemaker. (Life -2, Mana -3)
Ask the candlemaker to see her. (Choice 4.1) (Achievement unlocked: Diplomat)
Charm candlemaker (Mana -2, Morale +1)

Choice 4.1
Say who you are. (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Super honest!)
Lie. (Mana -4) (Choice 5)

Choice 4.2
Try to calm her.
Charm her (Mana -3)
Subdue her (Life -3) (Choice 5)

Choice 4.3
Stop him in the hall (Choice 4.4)
Cover her with a blanket (Life -1)

Choice 4.4
Make up a lie. (Morale -1, Life -2)
Cast charm spell. (Mana -3, Life -1)

Choice 5
Question her more. (Life -1) (Achievement unlocked: Push your luck)
Hit her with firebolt (Mana -2, Life -1)

Choice 6
Snatch the book in the crowd. (Life -4)
Cast an illusion (Choice 6.1)

Choice 6.1
Impersonate a guard (Mana -3, Life -3)
Impersonate Reginold (Mana -3, Morale +2)
A double of yourself (Mana -3, Morale +2)
Gang of violent thugs (Mana -4, Life -3)

Choice 7
Attempt to talk to Malah.
Go back to kill Kalaak/Uxeul. (Life -8, Morale -3)

Choice 8
Flousen, your honest friend (Life -3)
Tawn the corrupt (Choice 8.1)
Selaphas the incompetent (Choice 8.2)

Choice 8.1 (Tawn)
Attempt a bribe (Gold -5, Morale +1)
Flousen (Life -3)

Choice 8.2 (Selaphas)
Go through gate with a woman (Morale +2, Mana -1)
Keep some distance (Life -3, Morale +1)

Choice 9
Rely on your cloak (Gold -4)
Pose as Darkenel (Gold -4, Mana -2)

Choice 10
Keep the cloak on (Life -2/-1)
Reveal yourself (Life -2 if you pose as Darkenel)

Choice 11
Threaten her (Life -3, Morale -1)
Bribe her (Gold -15)
Charm her (Mana -2)

Choice 12
Rest (Mana +3, Life +2, Morale +2)
Hurry to find Gorgon.


Choice 13
Spider climb spell. (Mana -2, Morale +1) (Skip to Choice 15)
Stride forward assertively. (Choice 13.1) (Achievement unlocked: Confident much?)

Choice 13.1
Shoot firefan upon them all (Mana -4, Morale +2) (Skip to Choice 15)
Charm one of them (Mana -3, Life -4, Morale +1) (Skip to Choice 15)
Run! (Life -2)

Choice 14
Deeper into Gorgon’s territory.
Run out of Gorgon’s territory. (Choice 14.1)

Choice 14.1
Firebolt him (Mana -2, Morale +1)
Bribe him (Morale +1, Life -2)
Fight with dagger (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 15
Burn it! (Mana -4, Morale +3)
Charm it. (Mana -3, Life -5, Morale +2)
Impersonate a thug (Mana -2, Life -2, Morale +2)
Talk your way into Gorgon’s lair (Life -4, Morale +2)

Choice 16
Wait and see. (Choice 16.1)
Impersonate wererat (Mana -2) (Choice 16.2)
Blast them! (Mana -4) (Morale +4) (Choice 16.3)

Choice 16.1
Spring out with your dagger. (Life -6, Morale +3)
Lightning bolt. (Life -2, Mana -4, Morale +3)
Use firebolt (Life -4, Mana -2, Morale +3)

Choice 16.2
Attack with dagger (Life -2, Morale +3)
Firebolt him (Mana -2, Morale +3, Life -1)

Choice 16.3
Cut the man down (Morale +1, Life -2)
Look for the ring on Gorgon (Life -1)

Mana +7, Life +4

Choice 17
Ask for help somewhat pitifully (Life +2) (Achievement unlocked: Butt kisser)
Angrily denounce this injustice! (Achievement unlocked: You're not gonna take it!)

Choice 18
Escape the dungeon!
Stay put. (Life -2)

Choice 19
Go back. (Mana -1, Morale +1) (Choice 19.1)
Leave now.

Choice 19.1
Run down nearest road. (Life -2)
Pause for a moment. (Morale +1)

Choice 20
Attack with dagger (Life -1)
Find help (Morale +1) (Skip Choice 21)
Stay hidden and watch.
Attack with spell (Mana -2)

Choice 21
Go it alone. (Life -2)
Seek help from Lord Renly. (Life -100) (You have died.)
Seek help from Narissa.


Choice 21
Knock on the front door (Life -4) (Skip to Choice 22)
Find a ‘creative’ way in (Choice 21.1)

Choice 21.1
Look for a secret door. (Morale +2)
Climb the ivy. (Life -4) (Redirected to other two options)
Use a spell to climb. (Mana -2)

Choice 21.2
Burn it with flamefan (Mana -3, Morale -1)
Burn it with flamebolt (Mana -2, Morale +1)
Let Narissa handle it (Morale -1)
Scare it with an illusion (Mana -3)

Choice 22
Find a way out now.
Hide in one of the rooms (Choice 22.1)

Choice 22.1
Make a break for it. (Life -2)
Stay hidden a bit longer. (Life -6)

Choice 23
Follow Narissa. (Path A)
Jump through window (Mana 1)/(Mana 2 if you made a break for it) (Life -4, Mana -1, Morale -2) (Path B) (Achievement unlocked: Cowardly retreat!)
Convince her to fight downstairs. (Path C – Skip to Choice 25)

Choice 23 Path A
Blast him with lightning (Mana -4, Life -1, Morale +4)
Blast him with firebolt (Mana -2, Life -6, Morale +4)
Attack with dagger. (Life -100) (You have died.)
Invite him to possess you. (Morale +1) (Choice 23.1)

Choice 23.1
Blast him with lightning (Mana -4, Morale +4)
Blast him with (Mana -2, Life -3, Morale +4)
Cut his throat with your dagger (Life -5, Morale +4)

Choice 24
Fight your way out. (Skip to Choice 26)
Find a way out up here. (Morale +1)

Choice 25
Firebolt her (Mana -2, Life -4, Morale +3)
Cast an illusion (Life -3, Mana -3, Morale +3)
Use fan of flames (Mana -4, Life -2, Morale +3) (Skip Choice 26)
Attack with dagger (Life -5, Morale +3)

Choice 26
Allow her to destroy it. (Life -3)
Convince her to leave.

Choice 27
Ask Narissa to bribe the merchant. (Life -3)
Charm merchant. (Mana -3, Morale +1)
Silliness! Just keep running! (Life -5)

Choice 28
Tell her. (Morale +2)
Remain silent on the matter.

I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.


  1. Choice 23, jump through window unlocks the hidden achievement cowardly retreat

  2. choice5: Question her more. (Life -1) gave me push your luck achievement

  3. Just a few things to add to this brilliant post:

    Choice 1) Defend your innocence unlocks the "Worth a Shot..." achievement.

    Choice 13) Stride forward assertively unlocks the "Confident much?" achievement.

    And choice 17) Angrily denounce this injustice unlocks the "You're not gonna take it!" achievement.
