Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Oregon Trail 5

Hi! I've noticed that there are a few walkthroughs for CYOA stories of Delight Games. I think this may help someone who has little patience in starting the games over and over just to survive to the end of the book or to earn highest rank.
I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of the authors or its developers. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.

Oregon Trail Chapter 5 – Hard Choices on The Final Push
At the end of the game, life points are multiplied by 10, moxie by 20 and morale by 30. You need to have 750+ points to achieve highest rank.

There are many ways to achieve the highest rank. You can choose to prioritize Moxie points or Morale points as long as you reach the required score. I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.
Starting stats - Life:10    Morale:4            Moxie: 0
Be careful. If your life or morale points reach 0, you will die.

NB: I played this game/book over 2 years ago and I swear I wanted to choose Caleb over Simon so I played it over and over. I was heartbroken when I couldn't. But it seems they changed it now. 

Choice 1
Give him optimism. (Morale -1)
Give him the realistic response.
Let him keep talking—it’s probably rhetorical. (Morale +1)

Choice 2
“Has the Doctor had other concerns?” (Achievement unlocked: Strategist)
“I’m not sure all Lucy needs is rest…”
“I’m worried about Lucy, for more than her headaches.” (Moxie +1, Morale -1) (Achievement unlocked: Best Friends Forever!)

Choice 3
Keep pushing. (Morale -1)
Stop talking.

Choice 4
Find the Doctor.
Ask Eliza for advice. (Morale +1)

Choice 5
Barge right in—they have no right to talk about you. (Moxie +1)
Hang back and keep listening. (To Choice 5.1)

Choice 5.1
That you wish to marry me. (Moxie +2)
You mentioned a woman named Ruthie. (Choice 5.2)

Choice 5.2
I heard you talking about marrying me. (Moxie +1)
No, that was all I heard. (Skip Choice 6)

Choice 6
Immediately take care of Ranger and Lightning.
Smile, then take care of the mules. (Morale +1)
Tell him I’ve enjoyed our time together too. (Morale +1, Moxie +1)

Choice 7
Remind her I want to teach. (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Eye on the prize!)
Agree with her—there might be something with Caleb. (Achievement unlocked: Team Caleb)
Tell her about my conversation with Simon. (Achievement unlocked: Team Simon)

Choice 8
Tease him. (Morale +1)
Try flirting with him. (Achievement unlocked: Awk! Awk! Awkward.)
Ask him about the hunt. (Morale -1)
Tell him about my afternoon with Agatha. (Morale +2)

Choice 9
“I think we should take Columbia River.” (Morale -1)
“I think we should take Barlow Road.”

Choice 10
Wake up Jack. (Achievement unlocked: Reasonable)
Grab his rifle and investigate myself. (Moxie +2) (To Choice 10.1) (Achievement unlocked: Confident much?)
Hunger causes hallucinations, doesn’t it? (Morale -100) (You died.)

Choice 10.1 (If you investigate by yourself)
Fire a warning shot. (Moxie +1)
Run after him. (Moxie +2)

Morale +1 if you ran after the thief.
Morale +2 if you fired a warning shot

Choice 11
Caleb (Morale +1)
Mr. Kendall (Morale -2)

Morale -1

Choice 12
Her spirit. (Morale +1)
Her family. (Morale -1)
Her new opportunities. (Morale -2)

Choice 13
Yes.  (Moxie +1, Morale -1)
No. (Achievement unlocked: Hardened Pioneer)
Either way, you will not be able to keep the dress.

Choice 14
Everyone leaves things they love. (Way of the Trail.)
He should keep them—I’ll even carry them. (Morale +1)
Simon will keep a single figurine no matter what you say.

Choice 15
Horse (Morale +1)

Choice 16
No—it’s mine now. (Moxie +2) (Achievement unlocked: Sneaky)
Absolutely! It’s his private property. (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Manners matter!)
Yes—after I read some of it… (Moxie +1)
You will read Caleb’s journal no matter what you choose.

Choice 17
Yes (Moxie +1) (Choice 17.1)
No (Morale +1)

Choice 17.1 (If you choose to keep reading)
Keep going. (Caleb will see you have his journal in the morning) (Morale -1)
Stop here.

Choice 18
Tell Caleb to go first. (You do not get this choice if you chose ‘Keep going’)
Talk to him about his initial opinion of me. (Moxie +1)
Talk to him about his ‘equals’ comment. (You do not get this choice if you choose No in Choice 17) (Moxie +2, Morale +1)
Ask about his promise to Lucy. (You get this choice if you chose Keep going in Choice 17.1) (Moxie +3) (To Choice 19)

Choice 19 (You get this choice if you ‘ask about his promise to Lucy’)
Express happiness. (Morale +1)
Ask him to reconsider (Morale -3)

Choice 20 
Joke about his ego.
Ask him what he’d do if I was upset.
Tell him I’m happy for him.
Ask him to reconsider. (Morale -3, Moxie +1) (Choice 20.1)

Choice 20.1 (You don't get this choice if you chose not to keep reading Caleb's journal)
Take one more chance
Bow out gracefully (Achievement unlocked: Good Sport!)

Choice 21
Be honest.
Say she’s doing perfectly. (Morale +1)

Choice 22
Tease him for having a daughter who might give him trouble. (Moxie +1)
Have a heart-to-heart about our relationship. (Morale +2)
Have a heart-to-heart about his potential relationship with his daughter. (Morale -1, Moxie +2)

Choice 23 (You chose Caleb)
Tell him about your betrothal.
Let Caleb tell him (Achievement unlocked: Chicken!) (Choice 23.1)

Choice 23.1
"From the very beginning." (Moxie +1)
"I only just allowed myself to feel them." (Morale +1)
"They've been growing over time."

Choice 23 (This choice determines your relationship with Simon.)
Ask him to stay with me. (Morale +4)
Wish him all the best. (Morale -1)
Ask if I can go with him. (Moxie +1, Morale +4)

Achievement unlocked: And you lived happily ever after! – If you asked Simon to stay with you. You and Simon will get married and stay in Oregon.

Achievement unlocked: Fierce Independence! – If you let Simon go to California and you stay in Oregon.

Achievement unlocked: Restless Spirit! – If you ask Simon to go with him. You and Simon will get married and go to California.

Achievement unlocked: Steamy Love Ending! - If you asked Caleb to reconsider, you two will get married and Simon will go to California. 


  1. Is there anyway to marry Caleb?

    1. Ask him to reconsider. He will. 2 years ago he doesn't change his mind and implies you are a bad friend.

  2. How do I get the Good Sport achievement?

    1. Pick "Yes" at choice 17, then "Ask to Reconsider" at 20. Bow out gracefully at 20.1, and you should receive it

  3. -talk to Caleb about Agatha after the hunt

    -take the book

    -read until equals comment but don't be spotted(not certain how important beeing spotted is)

    -talk about equals comment

    -ask him to reconsider

    -take a second chance and keep pushing

    -he'll get convinced and when you talk to Simon afterwards not telling him gives you the chicken achievement.

    1. Note that if you go down the path for the Chicken achievement, you lose a morale

  4. But I chose the choice that asked Caleb to reconsider and later married him...

    1. Yes, I replayed it again. 2 years ago when I made this walkthrough I couldn't marry Caleb no matter what I did. Asked him to reconsider and he essentially called me a bad friend. XD I guess they changed it because most of us wanted to marry Caleb. ;)

  5. Might be worth clarifying how to marry Caleb, as I took a bit of trial and error to work it out.

    To anyone that's still confused, you have to pick "Yes" at 17, then you have to ask him to reconsider in 20. By taking another chance in 20.1, you end up marrying him

  6. By the way, this guide has been incredibly useful to me. God knows I never would've found some of the achievements in this series without your help - it must've taken a lot of patience to do this all, and I commend & thank you for your hard work
