Saturday, July 28, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Wizard's Choice 5

Wizard’s Choice 5
There are many ways to earn highest rank. You need 950+ points to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

Starting stats - Life: 35, Mana: 21, Morale: 10
Do not let your life or morale points reach 0.

Choice 1
Take the road. (Choice 1.1)
Climb (Mana -1, Morale +1) (Choice 1.1)
Fly up mountain. (Choice 1.5)

Choice 1.1
Lightning bolt (Mana -4) (Life -10)
Continue as you are. (Choice 1.2)
Take cover. (Choice 1.3)

Choice 1.2
Get close and then pounce (Life -8) (Life -10)
Lightning bolt (Mana -4, Life -6) (Life -10)

Choice 1.3
Disguise both of you (Mana -4) (Choice 1.4)
Lightning bolt (Mana -4) (Life -10)
Get close and then pounce (Life -8)

Choice 1.4
Continue your ruse (Morale +2)
Draw him in and attack. (Life -10)

Choice 1.5
Fight in the air! (Mana -8, Life -16)
Take cover (Life -8, Mana -8)

Choice 2
Travel along cliffs. (Life -17, Morale -2) (Choice 2.1)
Swim the river.
Stay on the road (Mana -6, Morale +1)

Choice 2.1
Leap at troll (Life -10, Morale +2)
Attack with fire bolt (Mana -2, Morale +3) (Life +6)
Flame fan (Mana -4) (Life +6)
Distract troll (Life -14, Morale +2)

Choice 3
Strip (Morale +1)
Swim in your clothing.

Life -7

Choice 4
Grab Narissa (Morale -1, Life -9)
Handle it alone (Mana -1)

Choice 5
Investigate shepherd house. (Choice 5.1)
Attempt to make a den (Morale -2, Mana +5, Life -3)
Drain a few goats (Life +4) (Redirected to first two options)
Bleed a few goats (Life +1) (Redirected to other options)

Choice 5.1
Go dig a den (Morale -2, Mana +5, Life -3)
Attack (Morale -5, Life +12) (Life +4)
Try to pay for lodging (Mana -6, Morale +1) (Mana +5, Life +2, Morale -2)

Choice 6
Simple disguise (Life -9, Morale -1) (Choice 6.1)
Illusion (Mana -6, Morale +1)
Fly in. (Choice 6.3)

Choice 6.1
Simple disguise (Life -9, Morale -1)
Illusion (To Choice 7)

Choice 6.2
Use disguises at front gate
Invisibility (Mana -6)
Just go for the wall (Morale +2) (To Choice 7)

Choice 6.3
Flight over the wall.
Drop from the sky (Morale -2, Life -4) (To Choice 7)

Choice 7
Use your cloaks to conceal (Life -100) (You have died.)
Illusion disguises


Choice 8
Wealthy merchants (Mana -6)
Old couple (Morale +2, Mana -4) (Skip Choice 9)

Choice 9
Charm her (Mana -3)
Feed on her (Life +10, Morale -4) (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 10
Put her to sleep (Mana -4)
Drain the bath girl (Life +7, Morale -3) (Life -100) (You have died.)
Send her away.
Charm her (Mana -3) (Choice 10.1)

Choice 10.1
Put her to sleep (Mana -3)
Seduce her
Kill her (Life +7, Morale -3) (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 10.2
Her neck (Life +5, Morale -1) (Life -100) (You have died.)
Her breast (Morale -1, Life +5)
Her back (Morale -1, Life +7)

Life +2, Mana +6, Morale -2

Choice 11
Leave with cloaks.
Leap from the window (Life -8)
Illusionary disguise (Mana -4)

Choice 12
Jump the wall (Morale +1)
Go through the gate. (Choice 12.1)
Swim out via the river (Morale -1)

Choice 12.1
Use charm spell (Mana -3, Morale +1)
Leave town without a spell (Morale -2)

Life -5

Choice 13
Let Narissa handle this fight (Morale -2)
Throw a firebolt (Mana -2, Morale -1)
Lightning bolt (Mana -4, Morale +1) (Choice 13.1)

Choice 13.1
Feed on him (Life +7, Morale -3)
Kill him (Morale -1)

Choice 14
Head into rougher terrain.
Travel by air (Morale +1)
Keep on the road (Life -10)

Choice 15
Attack the elves.
Explore the cave. (Skip Choice 16)
Find a place to sleep in cave (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 16
Run back to the cave.
Sneak back to the cave (Life -6) (Achievement unlocked: Wise retreat)
Keep approaching the fire (Life -20)

Choice 17
Throw a fire bolt (Mana -2) (Life -14)
Spring at it. (Life -14)
Put it to sleep (Mana -4, Life +3, Morale +1)
Charm it (Mana -3, Morale +2)

Choice 18
Use invisibility.
Attack (Life -100) (You have died.)
Disguise as goblin (Mana -3, Morale +1) (Skip to Choice 21)

Choice 19
Both of you (Mana -6)
Just yourself (Mana -4, Life -9) (Skip Choice 20)

Choice 20
Sneak attack.
Sneak by.

Life +8

Choice 21
Use an illusion. (Choice 21.1)
Slay the leader (Life -12, Morale +2) (Skip to Choice 24)
Sneak past invisibly (Mana -6, Life -11, Morale -1)

Choice 21.1
A troop of elves (Mana -4, Life -100) (You have died.)
A dragon (Morale +2, Mana -4) (Achievement unlocked: Fine spell caster)

Choice 22
Fire bolt (Mana -2, Morale +1)
Close in (Life -9)

Choice 23
Kill the giant (Life -16, Morale +2)
Kill the crowned goblin (Morale +2)
Kill them both (Life +6, Morale +2)
Leave them (Life -12)

Life +5

Achievement unlocked: King of the Goblins

Life +1, Mana +5, Morale -2

Choice 24
Do not feed on them.
Feed on the goblins (Life +8)

Choice 25
Leave the goblins behind (Life +2)
Muster a goblin escort (Life -13)
Use goblins as a decoy (Morale +2) (Achievement unlocked: Strategist)

Choice 26
Cast invisibility (Mana -6, Life -6, Morale +1)
Dodge (Life -18)
Cast lightning bolt (Mana -4, Life -10)
Have Narissa drop you (Mana -1, Life -8)


Choice 27
Offer gold (Life -12, Morale -1)
Offer him Narissa (Life -16, Morale -2) (Achievement unlocked: Terrible friend)
Ask to use the Book of Names (Morale -2) (Redirected to other options)
Offer your service.

Choice 28
Drink from a rabbit (Life +12, Morale -3)
Leave them.

Morale -2, Life +2, Mana +4

Choice 29
Explore the rest of the castle.
Wait (Morale -1)

Choice 30
Try to find another way into tower (Mana -2)
Shout for the dragon (Morale -1) (Mana -2)

Choice 31
Rescue Jillian (Mana -1, Morale +1) (Choice 31.1)
Have a snack, then leave. (Choice 31.2)
Try to learn more from them. (Choice 31.2)
Leave immediately.

Choice 31.1
Drink from her (Morale -1, Life +5)
Bid her farewell.

Choice 31.2
Do not use a spell (Morale -1, Life +6)
Charm her (Mana -3, Morale +2) (Choice 31.3)

Choice 31.3
Just leave.
Drink from Pelena (Life +7, Morale -1)

Life -15
You only get this if you drank from Jillian.

Choice 32
Jump window to flee (Mana -1, Life -2) (Choice 32.1)
Continue talking (Life -100) (You have died.)
Attack (Life -18, Morale +2)
Lightning bolt (Mana -4, Morale +3, Life -12)
Flee (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 32.1
Drop into rabbit courtyard.
Jump to try to clear the wall

Choice 33
Use feather fall (Mana -1) (Life -15 for option 2)
Do not use it (Life -10)

Mana +4, Life +2, Morale -2

Choice 34
Talk to the knight (Path A)
Kill him (Path B)

Choice 34 Path A
Just talk (Life -9)
Charm him (Mana -3, Life +8, Morale -2)

Choice 34 Path B
Lightning bolt (Mana -4, Life -6)
Drain him (Life -4) (Life +9, Morale -3)

Choice 35
Attack (Life -12)
Speak to him.
Lightning bolt (Mana -4) (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 36
Attack dragon in castle. (Life -100) (You have died.)
Ambush on the hill (Morale +2)

Choice 37
Jump on back (Life -7, Mana -2) (Choice 37.1)
Lightning bolt (Mana -4, Life -14, Morale +3)
Go for the sword (Life -33, Morale +6)

Choice 37.1
Use feather fall (Mana -1)
Don’t use it

Choice 38
Go for the sword (Life -14, Morale +3) (Morale +2)
Jump on back (Mana -1, Morale +5, Life -12)
Lightning bolt (Mana -4, Morale +5)

Choice 39
Run for cover (Life -18)
Lightning bolt (Mana -4, Life -12, Morale +4)

Morale +5

Achievement unlocked: Dragon Slayer!

Choice 40
Straight (Life -100) (You have died.)
Left (Morale -3)
Right (Life -100) (You have died.)


I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.


  1. Hey, thanks for taking the time to make this guide. It's been super helpful!

  2. Choice 31.2 has some other spawn choices fyi. Amazing work nonetheless!

    1. Oh, also drinking from Pelena is a -15, also rescuing Jillian even if you don't drink from her is -15
