Friday, July 27, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Wizard's Choice 4

Wizard’s Choice 4
There are many ways to earn highest rank. You need 950+ points to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

Starting stats - Life: 30, Mana: 19, Morale:11
Do not let your life or morale points reach 0.

Choice 1
Fly down and enter (Life -8, Mana -6)
Fly down invisibly (Mana -6)
Wait (Morale -2) (Mana -6)

Choice 2
Kill them (Morale -3, Life +8) (Life -8)
Keep following. (Choice 2.1)

Choice 2.1
Portal spell (Mana -2, Life -8) (Morale -1, Life +6)
Charm him (Mana -3)
Drain him (Morale -1, Life +6)

Choice 3
Rely on your cloak (Mana -3)
Disguise yourself as a guard.

Choice 4
Talk to a slave.
Find someone else (Morale +1)

Choice 5
Nod and hurry along. (Path A)
Initiate conversation (Morale +1) (Path B)

Choice 5 Path A
Sleep spell (Mana -4) (Choice 5.1)
Use an illusion (Mana -3) (Choice 5.2)
Attack them now! (Morale -3) (Morale -1) (To Choice 6)

Choice 5.1
Drain them to near death (Life +5, Morale -1)
Stage their deaths (Morale -2) (Morale -1)

Choice 5.2
A guard (Morale -2)
A knight (Morale +1)

Choice 5 Path B
“I wish to catch a glance of her.”
“We are old friends.” (To Choice 5 Path A)
“I have a message for her.” (Morale +2)
“I am to guard her.” (To Choice 5 Path A)

Choice 6
Convince her to help you (Life -8)
Cast charm on her (Mana -4, Life -10) 
Make her a vampire.

Life +5, Morale -3

Choice 7
Call for Mallezus.
Call for another demon (Life -6)

Choice 8
Suppress Thantos (Life -6, Morale -2)
Allow Thantos control (Morale -3)

Choice 9
Cast charm on one (Mana -3)
Attack (Morale -2) (Life -5, Morale -1) (Skip Choice 10)
Cast sleep (Mana -4, Morale +1)/(Mana -3 if you allowed Thantos control)
Talk your way out of it (Choice 9.1) (Skip Choice 10)

Choice 9.1
Attack guards (Morale -3) (Life -5, Morale -1)
Cast sleep (Life -8, Mana -4)

Choice 10
Knock and make something up (Choice 10.1)
Drain them (Life +10, Morale -3) (Redirected to other options)
Feed, but do not kill (Life +5, Morale -1)
Sneak into room (Life -5, Mana -2, Morale -1)

Choice 10.1
Rely on wit (Morale +1)
Charm spell (Mana -3, Morale +1)

Mana +3, Life +3

Choice 11
Lightning bolt (Mana -4, Morale +2, Life -5)
Firebolt (Mana -2, Life -5)
Do not attack.

Choice 12
Insist he leave (Morale +3)
Tolerate him for now (Morale +1)


Mana +4, Life +6

Choice 13
Take shelter in the water mill. (Path A)
Set up an ambush here. (Path B)

Choice 13 Path A
Wait (Life -100) (You have died.)
Distraction illusion (Mana -3) (Choice 13.3 Path A)

Choice 13.1 Path A
Sleep spell (Mana -4, Life -12)
Lightning bolt spell (Mana -4, Life -8)
Straight attack (Life -20)

Choice 13.2 Path A
Just finish them.
Feed on them (Life +6, Morale -1)/Life +12 Morale -2 if you Chose Option 3)

Choice 13.3 Path A
Stay on the ground (Life -100) (You have died.)
Make it fly (Morale +2) (To Choice 14)

Choice 13 Path B
Hide in tree (Life -4)
Hide underground (Life -8)
Submerge in water.

Choice 13 Path B
Surface with sleep spell (Mana -4, Life -8) (Choice 13.1)
Start pulling them into the water. (Choice 13.2)
Surface with flamefan (Mana -4, Life -4)

Choice 13.1
Feed on them both (Morale -3, Life +12)
Question them. (To Choice 13.4)
Kill them both quickly.

Choice 13.2
Push them in (Life -4) (Choice 13.3)
Gout of fire (Mana -4, Life -3)

Choice 13.3 
Feed on him (Life +6, Morale -2)
Kill him quickly.
Subdue him and rescue others (To Choice 13.1)

Choice 13.4
Feed on him (Life +6, Morale -2)
Kill him quickly.

Mana +2, Life +2

Choice 14
Go together (Morale -4)
Only one of you.

Choice 15
Crawl toward the tower (Morale -1)
Attack the imp (Morale +1, Life -5)
Continue to walk.

Choice 16
Blackmail her now (Life -6)
Cast charm on her (Life -8) (Life -6)
Beg (Life -8) (Life -6)
Flatter her. (Choice 16.1)

Choice 16.1
Her appearance. (Choice 16.2)
Her power (Life -8) (Life -6)

Choice 16.2
General gushing about her beauty (Life -8) (Life -6)
Specific to her figure (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Suave) (Life -6)

Choice 17
Clarify your threat.
Lightning bolt her (Life -10)
Apologize (Life -2, Morale -1)
Cast an illusion (Mana -3, Morale +1)

Choice 18
Break free and run (Life -4)
Attack with fire (Life -12, Mana -4)
Go with them.

Choice 19
For passion.
For knowledge (Life -5)
I’d rather leave (Life -5)
Don’t know, I was dragged here! (Life -5)

Choice 20
Run for Narissa (Life -4)
Let things take their course (Life -100) (You have died.)
Convince them to take you to her.

Choice 21
Take Narissa by the hand (Life -8)
Play along with the demons (Morale -2, Life -8)
Try to get Narissa’s help (Morale +2)

Choice 22
Urge Narissa to escape now.
Follow Narissa (Morale +2, Life -7)

Choice 23
Use an illusion (Mana -1)
Describe where you are.
Do not tell her (Morale +3) (Achievement unlocked: Nice deduction) (Skip Choice 24)

Choice 24
Flee (Life -100) (You have died.)
Try to meet with Narissa (Life -4)

Choice 25
Prepare to fight (Life -4)
Retreat. (Skip Choice 26)
Give her a loving embrace (Life -3, Morale +1)

Choice 26
Use feather fall (Mana -1)
Don’t have the mana (Life -9)


Choice 27
Sleep under the mud.
Find a thick bush (Life -100) (You have died.)
Move on and search (Life -8)
Turn back. (Choice 27.1)

Choice 27.1
Attack (Life -10)
Cast sleep (Mana -4) (Life +8)

Mana +3, Life +3

Choice 28
Attack. (Choice 28.1)
Move on. (Choice 28.2)
Wait and watch. (Choice 28.3)

Choice 28.1
Cast sleep (Life -10, Mana -4)
Straight attack (Life -14) (Life +8)

Choice 28.2
Jump spell (Life -2, Mana -1)
Firefan them (Life -14, Mana -4)
Fight (Life -10)

Choice 28.3
Straight attack (Life -8)  (To Choice 28.2)
Use an illusion (Mana -3, Life -3, Morale +1)
Firebolt one sentry (Life -8, Mana -2)
Sleep (Mana -4)

Life +8

Choice 29
Help Narissa (Achievement unlocked: Best Friends Forever!)
Leap out of ruins (Life -100) (Mana -2) (You have died.)
Fight your way out of ruins (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 30
Lightning bolt (Mana -4, Morale +2) (Repeat Choice)
Leaps (Morale +6, Life -8, Mana -2)
Fight your way to her (Life -8)


I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.


  1. I would be happy. Your article has inspired me to become a better writer.The informational content here proves that things aren't so black and white.chice

  2. Thanks a lot for this. This was extremely helpful.
