Sunday, July 29, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Rogue's Choice 1

Rogue’s Choice 1
There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

NB: The achievements may differ based on what app you're playing (the separate apps for each story or the collection one). If you don't get it, don't worry. ;) 

NB2: I'm replaying the whole library. So far there are some choices that have changed the last time I have played it. I might not be able to update all of the choices so I apologize in advance. I appreciate your comments though. :)

Starting stats - Life:10, Gold:3, Morale: 0
Highest rank: 500+

Choice 1
Act as though you did not notice him (Morale +1)
Nod at him in greeting

Choice 2
Buy them a round (Path A)
Just ask to join them (Gold -2) (Path B)

Choice 2 Path A
Buy ale (Gold -1) (Gold +5, Morale +1)
Harder stuff (Gold -2) (Gold +8, Morale +2)

Choice 2 Path B
Buy a round (to Path A)
Cheat (Gold +4) (Gold -1)

Choice 3
Cheat for a little while (Gold +9) (Gold -12, Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Should have worked)
Play straight (Gold +3) (Gold -1)

Choice 4
Buy the best (Gold -3)
Order normal ale (Gold -1)

Choice 5
Call them on it (Morale -1)
Let it slide (Morale +1)

Choice 6
Ask about a theatre
Pay a compliment (Choice 6.1)

Choice 6.1
Compliment the redhead’s voice (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Suave)
Compliment the brunette’s dress

Choice 7
Be honest
Lie (Morale -1)

Choice 8
Give them your feedback (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: You’re not gonna take it!)
Let it slide

Choice 9
Attempt to pickpocket (Choice 9.1)
Do not steal from them (Morale +1)

Choice 9.1
Magic trick (Morale -1)
Try for a duet (Morale +1) (Gold +6, Morale +1)
Fall on her (Gold +6)

Choice 10
Flirt/Light flirting (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Flirt!)
Stay gentlemanly

Choice 11
Red Dragon (Morale -1)
Rooster (Morale +1)
War Horse

Choice 12
You want to talk to a local
Flirt with her (Morale +1)
Be mysterious (Morale -1)

Choice 13
Ask if you can trust her (Morale +1)
Has she raised the dead? (Morale +2)
Is she a powerful wizard?
Do not ask a question (Morale +1)

Choice 14
Fast horse
Luxurious baths (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Joker!)
To save my sister

Choice 15
Decline (Morale +1)

Choice 16
Make the payment (10 Gold)
Ask for a loan from Krea (Morale -2) (Gold +3) (Redirected to other two options)
Do not make the payment (Game over)

I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.


  1. Thanks, will you make a walkthrough for the 2nd chapter???

    1. oh yes, all the other chapters are in the Delight Games Walkthrough tab. :)

  2. How to get "crushed it" Achievement
