Friday, July 27, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Wizard's Choice 3

Wizard’s Choice 3

There are many ways to earn highest rank. You need 1050+ points to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

Starting stats - Life: 12, Mana: 14, Morale:0

Choice 1
Point this out to Narissa (Life -2)
Blast curtain with fire (Mana -2, Morale +1)
Open the curtain (Life -3)

Choice 2
Help Narissa kill the woman. (Path A)
Fight the undead. (Path B)

Choice 2 Path A
Burn her with a spell (Life -2, Mana -2, Morale +1)
Physically intercept priestess (Life -1, Morale +1)

Choice 2 Path B
Gouts of fire (Mana -4, Morale +1)
Fire bolt then dagger (Mana -4, Morale +1)

Choice 3
Sprint after her. (Path A)
Follow slower and more cautiously. (Path B)

Choice 3 Path A
Lightning bolt (Mana -4, Morale +1)
Illusion of more clerics (Mana -3, Life -2)
Attempt to charm him (Mana -3, Life -2, Morale +2)

Choice 3 Path B
Firebolt one (Mana -2, Life -4)
Illusion of more clerics (Mana -3, Life -3)
Attempt to charm him (Mana -3, Life -3, Morale +1)

Choice 4
Follow her (Life -2, Morale -1)
Stay put.

Choice 5
Help defend the city (Morale +2)
Convince Narissa to hunt demon. (Skip Choice 6)

Choice 6
Sheets of flame spell (Mana -4, Morale +4)
Fire bolt (Mana -2, Life -3, Morale +1)
Distraction illusion (Mana -3, Morale +3)
Impersonate goblin chief (Mana -3, Life -2) (Achievement unlocked: Should have worked)

Choice 7
Apologize for your stupid remark (Morale +1)
Run your fingers through her hair (Morale -1) (Achievement unlocked: Awk! Awk! Awkward.)
Put a hand on her shoulder (Morale +2)
Do nothing.

Mana +4, Life +4

Choice 8
Attack with dagger (Life -5) (Redirected to other two options)
Fire bolt (Mana -2, Life -3)
Lighting bolt it (Mana -4, Life -1, Morale +3) (Skip below)
Retreat from room.

Choice 9
Go for the front door (Life -5)
Run for the shrine. (Choice 9.1)

Choice 9.1
Throw a bolt of fire (Mana -2, Morale +3)
Retreat further into shrine and pray (Life -3(Achievement unlocked: Should have worked) **Some players got the achievement in this choice.

Mana +2, Life +1


Choice 10
Use captive trick (Life -7, Morale +1)
Try to capture one of the trio (Choice 10.1)

Choice 10.1
Use a firebolt (Mana -2, Life -3, Morale +1)
Charm one of them (Choice 10.2)
Cast sleep (Mana -4, Morale +2)
Attack with dagger (Life -5, Morale +1)

Choice 10.2
Charm one of the swordsmen (Morale +2, Mana -3) (To firebolt option)
Charm the lantern man (Mana -3, Life -3, Morale +1) To Firebolt)

Choice 10.3
Cast sleep (Mana -5, Morale +4) (Achievement unlocked: Super Crushing Move!)
Pretend you’re enchanted. (Choice 10.4)
Use illusion to distract (Choice 10.5)
Throw fire bolts (Mana -4, Life -2, Morale +2)

Choice 10.4
Fire bolt her (Mana -2, Life -2, Morale +2)
Fight with your dagger (Life -6, Morale +2)

Choice 10.5
Human children (Life -1, Morale +2, Mana -3)
Giant eagles (Mana -3) (To firebolt option)

Choice 11
Kill him.
Rescue him (Life -3, Morale +2)

Choice 12
Switch to a hooded lantern. (Life -3)
Keep the light of Alathia.

Choice 13
Ask them a few questions.
Ignore the demons (Life -3) (to Choice 16)

Choice 14
Sarandu the cunning.
Farnelias the indominable (Life -2) (Redirected to other options)
Delvach the chaotic.

Choice 15
Step out of the light (Life -100) (You have died.)
Stay in the light (Choice 15.1)

Choice 15.1
Follow the shadow.
Do not follow. (Life -2)

Choice 15.2
It’s a trap! Find another way out (Life -3)
Lightning bolt doors (Mana -4, Life -100) (You have died.)
Search for a key

Choice 16
Lightning bolt doors (Mana -4, Life -100) (You have died.)
Search for a key.


Morale +1, Mana +3, Life +2

Choice 17
Press against wall and wait.
Prepare fire bolt (Mana -2)

Choice 18
Prepare to attack.
Invisibility spell (Mana -4, Life -2, Morale +2) (Skip choice below)
Wait and see what happens (Life -2) (Redirected to other options)

Choice 19
Lightning bolt (Mana -2, Life -3, Morale +3)
Featherfall then flamefan (Mana -5, Morale +4)
Charge and use dagger (Life -5, Morale +2)

Choice 20
Take the amulets (Morale +1)
Leave them (Life -3)

Choice 21
Attack him. (Choice 21.1)
Find out more (Life -5)

Choice 21.1
Use dagger (Life -3, Morale +2)
Lightning bolt him (Mana -4, Morale +2)
Fire bolt him (Mana -2, Life -3, Morale +1)

Choice 22
Go through the door.
Turn and face the vampire (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 23
Quick fire bolt (Mana -2, Life -1)
Attack with dagger (Life -1, Morale +1)
Plead she not hurt Narissa.

Choice 24
Run (Life -2)
Prepare to be turned (Life -1)

Choice 25
Delvach the chaotic.
Saranadal the cunning.
Farnelias the indominable. (Game over. Farnelias consumes your soul.)

Choice 26
Vengeance for Reginold (Delvach: Life -3, Morale +5)/(Saranadal: Life -1, Morale +5)(Achievement unlocked: You became a vampire!) (Skip Choice below)
Love of Narissa (Delvach: Life-2, Morale +6/Saranadal: Morale +6)
Love of magic. (Game over.)

Choice 27
Destroy Narissa now (Life -1)
Ally with Narissa.
Leave (Life -4, Morale +1)

Choice 28
Feed on the boy (Morale -4, Life +4) (Achievement unlocked: Breaking Bad)
Do not feed on him (Morale +3)

Choice 29
Throw Cibah’s head out the door (Life -3, Morale +2)
Walk out back-to-back (Life -4, Morale +2)
Prepare fire bolt (Mana -2, Life -1, Morale +3)
Prepare lightning bolt (Mana -4, Morale +4)

Life +23, Morale +3

I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.


  1. Choice 1 open the curtain give a achievemnet G"for it"

  2. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong but I can’t get the Awk! Awk! Awkward! Achievement. Can anyone help please?

    1. Hi there. The choice usually leads to that achievement, but if you are playing the library some achievements are already done if you already got it. You can try checking your achievements list.

  3. For me it was Choice 9.1) Retreat further into shrine and pray that unlocked the "Should have worked" achievement.
