Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Zombie High 4

Zombie High Volume 4
There are many ways to earn highest rank. You may choose to purely go after the points, but I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read.

Life: 10, Infection: 0, Cool: 0, Humanity: 0
If your life points reach 0, you die. If your infection points reach 10, you turn into a VM.

Choice 1
Try to push your way to the front (Life -1)
Try to take control of the crowd (Cool +2)
Run for the loading dock (Cool -1)

Choice 2
Start killing them (Cool +2)
Delay and survey the situation.
Look for your dad (Cool -1)

Choice 3
Retreat (Achievement unlocked: Wise retreat)
Continue fighting (Humanity +2, Infection +1)

Choice 4
Attack with guns (Infection +1)
Attack with crowbars (Cool +2, Infection +1)
Retreat (Cool -1) (Redirected to other two options)

Choice 5
Attack with HFVMs from behind (Humanity +2, Life -2)
Join Zeta troops.

Choice 6
Shout to everyone.
Talk to commanding officer (Life -1)
Talk to sniper (Cool +2)

Choice 7
Run (Life -20, Humanity -2) (You have died.)
Go for the rifle (Life -2, Cool +3, Humanity +1)
Charge! (Humanity +1, Cool +2, Life -4) (Achievement unlocked: Suicidal tendencies)
Life +1

Choice 8
Join the crowd.
Climb to the surface (Cool +1)
Guard the hole (Humanity +3)

Infection +2

Choice 9
Use the car (Infection +1, Cool -1)
Use the bike (Infection +1)
Stay on foot.

Life -1

Choice 10
Go into the bank (Cool -1) (Redirected to other options)
Punch through using guns (Cool +2)
Punch through using crowbars (Life -1, Infection +1)

Choice 11
Shoot him (Life -3)
Duck back.
Put up your hands (Life -1)

Life +1

Choice 12
Negotiate. (Redirected to other two options)
Try to escape/Make a run for it (Life -100) (You have died.)
Do as he says.

Choice 13
Tell them who you are. (Achievement unlocked: Super honest!) (Life -100) (You have died.)
Make up a name and background.


Choice 14
Argue the moral case for aid (Infection +1, Life -1, Humanity +1)
Suggest the benefit for her (Cool +1) (Achievement unlocked: Diplomat)
Say you will leave (Life -1, Infection +1)

Choice 15
Attack with crowbar (Infection -20) (You have turned into a VM.)
Negotiate for safety (Life -1, Infection +2) (Achievement unlocked: Should have worked)
Go along with it for now.

Choice 16
Squeeze through (Life -1)
Remove some shards first (Cool +1)

Choice 17
Attack with crowbar.
Hurry past it (Infection +1)
Ask Lady Vegas to kill it (Infection +1)

Choice 18
Long hatchet.
Large sledgehammer (Infection +3)
Chainsaw (Cool -1, Infection +3)

Choice 19
Run in for a gun (Infection +3)
Keep going.

Choice 20
Try to use the mirrors (Life -1, Infection +3)
Do a restroom ambush (Life -1)
Throw the hatchet now (Infection +3)

Life -1

Choice 21
Shoot VM with Opal (Cool -1)
Use hatchet (Cool +1)
Let Tommy take care of it.

Choice 22
Urge him to stay here (Cool +2)
Follow close behind him.
Guard his flank (Humanity +1, Infection +1)

Choice 23
“I wonder who last touched that?” (Cool -1) (Cool +1)
Flirt using the barbie car (Cool +2) (Achievement unlocked: Flirt!)
Talk about playing Santa (Cool +1)

Life +6, Infection -4

Choice 24
Kiss him (Cool +2) (Achievement unlocked: Clumsy lover)
Roll over on top of him (Cool +1)
“You smell good too.” (Cool +3)
Now is not the time for this.

Choice 25
A secondary safety.
A bobby trap.
A tracking device (Cool +2)
A type of ammunition.


Choice 26
Give him more time (Cool -1)
Urge him to ditch the Uzi. (Choice 26.1)

Choice 26.1
Ball pool (Cool +1)
Between stuffed animals.
Giant dollhouse.

Choice 27
Take the shot (Infection +4, Cool +2)
Wait (Infection +2)/(Life -1, Infection +3, Cool +1) if you stuffed the Uzi between the stuffed animals/Cool +1, Infection +5 (if you chose giant dollhouse)

Choice 28
Go into Starbucks (Infection +2, Cool +3)
Get in the truck. (Choice 28.1)
Charge! (Life -1, Cool +2, Infection +1)

Choice 28.1
Shoot out the back window (Infection +1) (Life -1, Cool +2)
Mess with the truck more (Life -1, Cool +2)

Choice 29
Throw yourself into his arms (Cool -1)
Whisper “It’s dead.”

Choice 30
Confront the men (Life -20) (You have died.)
Steal rowboat.

Choice 31
Use your hatchet (Humanity -2) (Achievement unlocked: Breaking bad)
Draw Opal (Life -2)
Try to knock him out (Life -1)
Talk to him (Life -2, Humanity +1)

Choice 32
Tie her up. (Life -2)
Try to use her. (Choice 32.1)

Choice 32.1
Make a deal (Cool +1)
Keep her scared (Life -2)

Choice 33
Kill her (Humanity +1)
Throw her back in (Humanity -1) (Redirected to other two options)
Untie her and try to save her (Infection +1)

Choice 34
Sneak using anchor chain (Life -100) (You have died.)
Have Olivia help (Cool +1)

Choice 35
The bunker sector system (Life -2)
Mountains (Cool +1)

Choice 36
Let her go (Life -100) (Olivia sells you out.)
Tie her up and leave her.
Force her to come with. (Life -1)

Choice 37
Sneak up with hatchet (Life -2, Humanity -1)
Shoot the guard (Humanity -1)
Pretend to be maintenance (Cool +1)

Choice 37.1
Flirt (Life -1)
Question him.

Choice 38
Leave him (Humanity -1)
Cut him loose.

Choice 39
Get tough with a few threats (Life -1)
Reason with him.

Choice 40
Start chatting with them (Cool +1)
Use your hatchet on them (Humanity -2, Cool -2) (Skip to Checkpoint)
Keep walking.

Choice 41
Attack (Humanity -2, Cool -2)
Say transporting prisoner (Cool -1)
Say he is free (Cool +1)


Choice 42
The Chosen (Cool +1)
Reps from the bunkers (Cool -1)
Reps from another surface tribe.
The truth (Infection +3, Life -1)

Choice 43
Rick (aka The Father). (Infection +3)
Juliet (Rick’s first wife) (Cool +2)
Lavender (Rick’s redheaded wife) (Infection +3)
Ava. (Infection +3)

Choice 44
Tackle her (Infection +3)
Attack her with hatchet (Infection +1)
Shoot her (Life -1, Cool -1) (Choice 44.1)
Yell at her. (Choice 44.1)

Choice 44.1
Go for the headshot (Cool +2)
Close in with hatchet (Humanity +1, Infection +1, Life -2)

Choice 45
Rick with his speedboat.
Tommy and the sailboat. (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 46
Shoot him (Humanity -2)
“Bow to your Father!” (Cool -1)
“We’re going to find Getaway.”

Choice 47
The zoo. (Path A)
House on shore. (Life +4) (Life -6) (Path B)
Wreck (Path C)

Choice 47 Path A
Retreat back to Rick (Infection +2)
Attack (Infection +3)

Choice 47 Path C
Insist that you explore yourself (Humanity +2, Infection +3)
Let Ava explore. (Choice 47.1)

Choice 47.1 Path C
Jump out (Infection -2) (Life +4)
Push away from the ship. (Life +4)


I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of its developers. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.

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