Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Delight Games Walkthrough - Oregon Trail (Prequel)

Hi! I've noticed that there are a few walkthroughs for CYOA stories of Delight Games. I think this may help someone who has little patience in starting the games over and over just to survive to the end of the book or to earn highest rank. 
I am not associated with Delight Games or to any of the authors or its developers. I do not own the game, just my phone, free time, and a lot of patience.

Oregon Trail (Prequel)

Summary: There are a million ways to die on the Oregon Trail. You play the part of a 15-year old girl setting off for the American Frontier in the 1800s. 
Danger, survival and maybe a little romance is in store for you!

At the end of the game, your Moxie score is multiplied by 20 and your Morale score multiplied by 30. You need 200+ to reach the highest rank (Pioneering legend!) There are many ways to achieve the highest rank. You can choose to prioritize Moxie points or Morale points as long as you reach the required score. I encourage you to explore the options as there are a lot of achievements and tidbits in the game, plus it’s more fun to read. There are no checkpoints in this series so if you want to go back you need to spend Luck or start over again.

Starting stats – Morale:3             Moxie: 0
There is no effect if your morale score reaches a negative value.

Choice 1
Go straight home. (Achievement unlocked: Super honest!)
Wait a bit. (Moxie +1)

Choice 2
Confess to beating up Nathaniel. (Moxie +1) (Choice 3A)
Start with Ms. Birch’s unfairness. (Moxie +2) (Choice 3B) (Achievement unlocked: You’re not gonna take it!)
Wait to see what Ms. Birch has to say. (Choice 3A) (Achievement unlocked: Pick your battles!)

Choice 3A
Just apologize. (Morale -1) (Achievement unlocked: Manners matter!)
Fight the injustice! (Moxie +1, Morale -2)

Choice 3B
Tell your parents she’s sweet on Nathaniel’s father. (Moxie +1)
Tell them she doesn’t send home other fighters. (Achievement unlocked: Strategist)
Admit Nathaniel ruined your dress. (Morale +1)
Accept it and drop it. (Morale -1)

Morale -1 (Unless you admit Nathaniel ruined your dress)

Choice 4
Try to reconcile with a joke. (Morale +1)
Try to reconcile with an apology. (Morale -1)
Give Eliza her space. (Skip choice 4) (Achievement unlocked: Wise retreat)

Choice 5
Try to reason with her. (Moxie +1, Morale -2)
Act happy for her. (Morale +1) (Achievement unlocked: Impersonator)
Keep your thoughts to yourself. (Morale -1


1 comment:

  1. Ngl this one is deceptively hard to get the top rank in. Cheers for this - prologues seem to be neglected by most people
