Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 3 - Chapter 10

 Chapter 10

Yaaay! All caught up. 

Choices from the path when you sided with rebels will be marked by U.
Choices from the path when you sided with the Overseer will be marked by O.

Choice 1
Accept to spin Arraka's amulet.
Don't spin Arraka's amulet.

Choice 2 U
"You may be right."
"Nah, I think he was lying through his teeth about not planning to kill us."
"I don't really care if we were right or wrong. I still don't like the guy."

Choice 2 O
"Yes, your majesty."
"Yes, my king."
"I hope you're joking."

Choice 3
"Hey, that's not a bad idea. I've actually been meaning to ask about this too!"
"I really couldn't care any less about those puzzle pieces right now."

Choice 3.1 - If you slept with Melindra and did not promise Leila
Accept Melindra's proposition (Achievement unlocked: Friends with benefits)
Decline Melindra's proposition

Choice 4
Tell Kate the truth about what's happening to me.
Tell Kate that it's just a normal headache and that she shouldn't worry about it. (You die)

Choice 5
Open my eyes. (You die.)
Ask Flower to check the whole surface of the cube, in case there are more shadows.

Observation check level 2
Reflexes check level 3
If you passed: Achievement unlocked: Third piece of the puzzle
If you fail: you die

Choice 6
Ask Flower if she can also check the inside of my sanctuary for shades before she leaves.
Let Flower leave

Choice 7
Offer Leila a biscuit.
Ask Leila if she knows the joke about the rock golem and the three-legged trampler.

Choice 8 - If you promised Leila in Chapter 8
Tell Leila that there's no need to apologize because she didn't do anything inappropriate.
Tell Leila that even though it was a little out of the blue, it wasn't a problem.
Kiss Leila out of the blue as well, and then tell her that now we are even. 

Choice 9
"I think you want me to absorb your soul and steal all you powers."
"I think you want me to use your technique to absorb the Magium."
"I'm getting the feeling that the soul absorption is not the thing you wanted to teach me."

Choice 10
"Maybe you're right. Maybe I should just concentrate on the God of Time."
"I just can't bring myself to trust him. He is too unpredictable."
"If I want to win this tournament, I will need to beat Eiden too, since he is a participant."
"I'm just trying to be extra careful. You never know what might happen."

Choice 11
"Don't worry, we're all his friends. Your husband is in good hands."
"Don't listen to him, he is delusional. He's just paying us to say we're his friends."

Choice 12
"Wouldn't it be a bad thing if they knew you, considering your history there?"
"Wait, shouldn't we at least decide what we're going to say to them beforehand?"

Choice 13
"Hey, we're not primitive creatures. Your face is a primitive creature!"
"Just to be clear, are you calling only Daren a primitive creature, or the rest of us too?"
"Hey, that's not a very nice thing to say. You should try being more polite."

Choice **
Invest points now
Invest points later

Choice 14
"So, am I to understand that we have Arraka to thank for our world not being destroyed?"
"Why are you assuming that the earthen races would lose against the banshees?"
"Why do you think that there are so few banshees out there right now?"

Choice 15
"I used the power of love and friendship."
"By talking things through, in a rational manner."
"I didn't need to. She figured it out on her own, eventually."

Choice 16
"Actually, I think Flower is right. Hadrik will be the one to lose, not Daren."
"I'm with Kate on this one. I just can't see Hadrik losing this battle."
"Are we all watching the same fight? It feels like it'll end in a draw to me."

Choice 17 
"I think he will be a great leader." (If Kelrim is alive - Achievement unlocked: No man left behind)
"I don't really care that much about him, to be honest."
"I think he was the least bad choice available at the time."

Choice 18 N
Try to reason with the revenant. (Achievement unlocked: Let's be reasonable!)
Threaten the revenant.

Choice 19 
Tell Kate that it's too dangerous to go there alone.
Say nothing, and wait to see how the team reacts to Kate's proposal.

Choice 20
"Yeah, she's just joking. Don't worry about it."
"Actually, believe it or not, she's telling the truth."

Choice 21
"Wait, so does that make me a Iessathi prince?"
"I thought my real parents were supposed to have fled Varathia before I was born."

Choice 22
Tell Meridith that everything began after the king of Ollendor blew up the caves.
Don't tell Meridith anything about the crystals.

Choice 23
Touch the Magium node. (Achievement unlocked: Forbidden knowledge)
Back away from the Magium node. 

Choice 24
"I think it would be better to mention it to Meridith."
"We should probably avoid mentioning any of this to Meridith, for now."

Achievements in this chapter:

Friends with benefits - Agree to enter a relationship with no strings attached with Melindra after the tournament.

Third piece of the puzzle - Find the third piece of the puzzle made by Varathia's greatest continent.

No man left behind - Receive confirmation that every prisoner in the seredium towers has been rescued, including Alice's father.

Let's be reasonable! - Defuse a hostage situation by remaining calm and collected.

Forbidden knowledge - Find out the true nature of the Magium.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Delight Games Walkthrough - Witch's Saga 8

 Witch's Saga 8

A huge thank you to DJYOLO for making this guide!

Choice 1
Your uncle is possessed (Cool +1, Sanity -1)
It’s Grendel (Mana -2, Cool +1)
It’s Moloch (Mana -2, Cool +1)
It’s the crown (Cool +2, Sanity +1) 

Choice 2
Mild blast at yourself (Cool +2, Life -2, Mana -1)
Walk toward chasm (Sanity -1, Cool +2)
Threaten it (Sanity -1) (Redirected to other options) 

Sanity +1

Choice 3
Reach Out to Thomas (Mana -1)
Reach Out to Evelyn and Claypool (Sanity -2, Cool +1) (Mana -1) 

Choice 4
Show them the crown (Cool +1)
Say you don’t have it
Give Thomas a hug (Cool +1, Sanity +1) 

Choice 5
Use the crown (Sanity -3, Cool +1, Mana +2)
Cast a shield around yourself (Mana -3, Cool +2) (Sanity -2, Mana +2)
Tell them you mean them no harm (Cool +1, Life -3) (Sanity -2, Mana +2) (Achievement unlocked: Diplomat)

Choice 6
Make Evelyn speak (
Cool +1, Mana -2, Sanity +1)
Save your strength

Choice 7
Hide the crown
Fight the mad shadow (Cool +1, Sanity +1) 

Choice 8
Hurry to the palace (Cool +1) (Life -100) (You have died.)
Try to set up an ambush (Cool +2) 

Choice 9
Hide with Lavinia and Uncle John (To Choice 10A)
Hide with Thomas (Cool +1) (To Choice 10A)
Face them in the open (Cool +2) (To Choice 10B) 

Choice 10A
Raise a shield (Mana -3, Cool +1)
Hit them with a gout of flame (Mana -4, Cool +2) (Life -3) 

Choice 10B
“I do not know.” (Sanity -2)
“I killed them, I think.” (Cool +2, Sanity -2)
“They were driven mad and left.” (Sanity -2)
“They were consumed by the crown” (Cool +1, Sanity -1) 

Sanity -1

Choice 11
Take back control (Sanity -1, Mana -4, Cool +2)
Give it some power (Sanity -3, Cool +3) (Achievement unlocked: Super crushing move!)

Choice 12
Use Set’s shield as an oven (Mana -4, Cool +2)
Get inside the shield (Cool +1, Life -3)
Possess the mad shadow (Mana -1, Cool +1) (Skip Choice 13)


Choice 13
Possess the mad shadow (Mana -1, Cool +1)
Continue the fight (Life -100) (You have died.)


Choice 14
Step through the door (Sanity -3)
Ask Behenu to go first (Cool +2) (Choice 14.1)
Delay (Cool +1, Sanity -1) 

Choice 14.1
Keep holding the door (Sanity -1)
Crawl out the window 

Choice 15
Attack together normally (Cool +2, Mana -3) (Life -3)
Attack together using the crown (Sanity -3, Cool +3, Life -1, Mana -3)
Create a shield around you all (Cool +2, Mana -5, Life -3) (Sanity -2)
Create a shield with The Crown (Cool +2, Mana -5, Sanity -2)
Take cover! (Life -5) (Sanity -2, Mana +5) 

Sanity -1, Cool +1 

Choice 16
Attack Litchfield
Ignore him for now (Cool +1)
Try to convince him (Cool +1) 

Sanity -1 

Sanity +4

Choice 17
Go to your uncle (Cool +2, Sanity -3)
Go to Armaita (Sanity -2, Cool +2) 

Life -2, Sanity +1

Choice 18
Blow a hole in a mummy (Mana -2, Cool +2)
Shout at Litchfield to order them away 

Choice 19
Go for the Trine (Mana -2) (Life -100) (You have died.)
Blast the horde with fire (Mana -4, Life -3, Cool +1) (Life -1)
Raise a shield (Mana -4, Cool +2)
Try to decapitate them (Mana -6, Cool +3) (Life -1) 

Choice 20
Use strength spell (Mana -2, Cool +1, Life -2)
Try to convince Him 

Life -2

Choice 21
Gouge its eye sockets (Life -100) (You have died.)
Use a strength spell (Mana -2)
Blast it! (Mana -2, Life -3) 

Choice 22
“You need to save us now.” (Cool +1)
“Give me the crown.”
“Destroy these monsters” (Cool +2) 

Choice 23
Raise a shield (Cool +3)
Destroy your enemies in combat (Cool +1)
Fly out (Life -100) (You have died.)
Escape to another dimension (Cool +2)
**Checkpoint Reached (Only if you take this choice) (Bug?) 

Sanity +2, Mana +2, Life +1

Choice 24
“Uncle John, put up a shield.”
“We should watch and learn.” (Cool +1)
“Might as well be friendly.” (Cool +1, Sanity +1) 

Choice 25
Work on convincing him (Cool +2, Sanity -2)
Stay quiet for now 

Choice 26
Ask if anyone has noticed the crown (Sanity -2, Cool +1)
Make small talk (Cool +1)
Stay silent and watch 

Choice 27
Let Jessica go and play
Tell her to stay with you (Cool +1) 

Sanity +1

Choice 28
Creep out of the room
Reconsider (Cool +1) 

Choice 29
Knock (Cool +1)
Blast the door down (Mana -2) (Sanity -100) (You went crazy) (Game over) 

Choice 30
“Yes, Tommy, come in, quick!” (Sanity -2)
“Where is the crown?” (Cool +1) 

Sanity -1

Choice 31
Wake Thomas up telepathically (Sanity -1)
Try to get some sleep 

Sanity +1, Life +2, Mana +3

Choice 32
Bring up this issue
Agree with Lavinia (Cool +1) 

Mana -1

Choice 33
Check the ghost world (Mana -1, Cool +1) (Redirected to other options)
Distract Thomas with a kiss to take the Crown (Sanity -1 Life -2) (Cool +2) (Sanity -1) (Sanity -1) (Choice 33.1)
Trust Thomas and take his hand (Achievement unlocked: Bittersweet ending) 

Choice 33.1
Put up a shield (Mana -3, Cool +1)
Go back (Cool +1, Sanity -1) (Redirected to other options)
Wait and see (Life -3, Sanity -1) 

Achievement unlocked: Happy Ending! (if you didn't Trust Thomas)

Final Points:
Cool x 30
Sanity x 10
No deaths = 100 bonus points

Final Ranks:
Unstoppable, crusher of evil! - 1300+
Spell casting prodigy - 1000+
A very promising witch - 700+
Apprentice - 500+
Not much talent, but alive - <500


Delight Games Walkthrough - Witch's Saga 7

Witch Saga 7

I would like to give a huge thanks to #DJYOLO for making this walkthrough!

Choice 1
Call out to them (To Choice 1.1)
Blast them from here (Mana -3)
Knock rocks loose (Mana -3)
Hide (Cool +1) 

Choice 1.1
Go down the stairs (Life -100) (You have died.)
Stay where you are (Cool +1) 

Choice 2
Raise a shield (Mana -4, Cool +2)
Dodge (Life -4)
Dodge using strength spell (Mana -2)
Use a blast spell (Mana -2, Cool +2, Life -1) 

Choice 3
Try to call a truce (Life -100) (You have died.)
Hold your position (Cool +1) 

Choice 4
Shield Thomas (Mana -3, Cool +2) (Achievement unlocked: Best Friends Forever!)
Attack Evelyn (To Choice 4.1) 

Choice 4.1
Flame strike (Mana -4, Cool +3)
Concentrated blast (Cool +1, Mana -2)
Blast pottery at them (Cool -1, Mana -2) 

Choice 5
Go find Eli (Cool +1)
Discuss the attack
Follow Evelyn and Claypool (Cool +2) 

Choice 6
Thomas comes with
Uncle John comes with (Cool +2)
Both come with (Cool -1) 

Mana +2, Life +1

Choice 7
“Yes, we saw him.” (Cool -1)
“No, but we will check.” 

Choice 8
Scout it out (Cool +2)
Stick together (Life -100) (You have died.) 

Choice 9
Continue deeper into the palace (Life -3, Sanity -1)
Stop and listen 

Choice 10
Continue on (Cool +1)
Go back for the others (Life -100) (You have died.) 

Choice 11
Go in for a closer look (Cool +1) (Life -100) (You have died.)
Attack (Life -100) (You have died.)

Choice 12
Take her hand (Sanity -1)
Reach for her crown (Sanity -2, Mana +1)
Step back (Sanity -2)

Choice 13
Stay quiet (Sanity -1, Sanity +1)
Speak to the crown (Sanity +1)

Choice 14
Politely suggest the Queen use the bath (Cool +1)
Shut up and get in 

Choice 15
Surface again (Choice 15.1)
Swim underwater to the garden (Sanity -2)
Stay where you are now (Cool +1) (Choice 15.2)

Choice 15.1
Backstroke there
Swim underwater (Sanity -2) 

Choice 15.2
Swim underwater (Sanity -2)
Surface first 


Mana +3, Sanity -1

Choice 16
“Where did we last meet?”
"Dance the Charleston” (Cool +2)
“Where did we first meet” (Cool +1) 

Mana -1

Choice 17
Say nothing
“This was the Queen’s favourite palace?” (Sanity +1)
“How was this world created?"

Choice 18
Your mother (Mana -2)
Thomas (Mana -2, Cool +1)
Uncle John (Cool +2, Mana -1)

Choice 19
Get a stronger connection (Mana -2, Cool +1)
Let it go (Cool +1) 

Choice 20
Focus on your uncle (Mana -1, Cool +1)
Ask Behenu about your uncle (Cool +1) 

Choice 21
Bring yourself closer to their world (Mana -1, Sanity -1)
Speak to Thomas telepathically (Cool +1)

Mana -1

Choice 22
Tell her about Grendel (Life -100) (You have died.)
Plead ignorance (Mana +1, Sanity +1) 

Choice 23
Invite her in
Rest (Sanity -100)

Choice 24
Reach out to Thomas (Mana -1)
Reach out to Grendel (Mana -1, Sanity -1) (Cool +2)
Try the ghost world (Mana -1, Cool -1) (Redirected to other options)
Stay awake and think (Cool +2)
Rest (Sanity -3, Mana +1) 

Choice 25
Tie bedding together (Life -1)
Use your strength spell (Mana -2, Cool +1) 

Choice 26
Run for the gate (Sanity -100) (You went crazy) (Game over)
Jump the wall (Mana -2, Life -1, Cool +1) 

Choice 27
Raise a shield (Mana -3)
Turn invisible (Mana -3)
Just run toward the chasm 

Choice 28
Manoeuvre while speaking (Cool +1)
Stay still as you speak (Life -2)
Use a blast spell (Mana -2, Life -2)
Use a cone of fire (Mana -4, Life -2) 

Choice 29
Use a blast spell (Mana -2, Cool +2)
Use a fan of fire (Mana -4, Cool +2)
Use a strength spell (Mana -2, Life -2, Cool +1)
Just try to take it (Life -100) (You have died.) 

Choice 30
Focus on the crown (Life -2) (Redirected to other options)
Run using strength spell (Cool +2, Mana -2, Life -3)
Just run (Life -6)

Sanity -2

Choice 31
Try to slow down time (Cool +1) (Choice 31.1)
Blast Grendel (Cool +2, Life -2) (Cool +2)
Try to go back to your world (Life -3, Cool +2)

Choice 31.1
Have the crown defend you (Sanity -2)
Escape this dimension (Cool +2)
Fight them (Mana -4, Cool +4) (Achievement unlocked: Super crushing move!)

Final Points:

Cool x 30
Sanity x 10
No deaths = 100 bonus points 

Final Ranks:

Unstoppable, crusher of evil! - 1000+
Spell casting prodigy - 800+
A very promising witch - 600+
Apprentice - 400+
Not much talent, but alive - <400

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 3 - Chapter 9

 Chapter 9

Choice 1
Ask Jack if he got the pendant from someone important to him.
Reassure Jack that we’ll make it out alive.
Don’t tell Jack anything.

Choice 2
“Fine, I’ll have the stable air currents then, please.”
“It’s okay, you can cast the same air currents as always. I’ll handle it.”

Choice 3
Tell the king of the underground that he and Gregory are just jumping to conclusions.
Tell him that we were contacted by the Overseer but refused to join his side.
Tell him that we’re planning to join the Overseer’s side in this fight. (This doesn't have any effect if you chose in Chapter 8 not to side with the Overseer)

Premonition check level 4 (If you sided with the Overseer)
  If passed: Kate doesn't get attacked by Albert
If fail: Kate becomes unconscious

Your stat device is unusable from this point.

Choice 4
Attempt to breathe (You die)
Don’t breathe

Choice 5
“Illuna, is that you?”
“Hey, you look pretty good for an elf spirit that is several hundred years old!”
“Wow, I was right. Your blue eyes really do make you look fat!”

Choice 6
“Sure. Just try to empty your mind. That works best for me!”
“You don’t actually need to stop thinking. Just don’t use words while you think.”
“Sorry, I’m doing it sort of instinctively so it’s hard to explain.

Choice 7
Ask Flower what is the best original food that she invented on the ethereal plane.
Ask Flower why she eats the same cookies every day if she can make any food she wants.
Ask Flower if she can replicate the biscuits from my hometown without the recipe.

Choice 8
Attempt to cast a fireball.
Attempt to shoot a gust of wind.
Attempt to create a water jet.

Choice 9
Ice (Achievement unlocked: An introspective moment) (If Kate is conscious)

The choices will branch depending on which side you took in Chapter 8.

If you sided with the Overseer:

Choice 10
Teleport to Peter.
Teleport to the Overseer. 

Choice 11
“Nobody is trying to kill anyone. All we want is to defeat you and bring this war to an end.”
“Of course we’re trying to kill you. That’s what you get for plotting to assassinate us.”

Choice 12
Tell Flower to teleport us closer to the king and Peter this time.
Tell Flower that we should move in separate directions as soon as we teleport again.
Ask Flower if she can attack the king with a pillar of fire to break his concentration.

Choice 13 A 
Try making a roof out of stone and placing it over my head. (You die)
Wait for him to finish casting the spell.
Try to dispel the freezing rain before Peter finishes casting the spell. (You die)

Choice 13 B
Fight Peter together with the Overseer.
Let the Overseer fight Peter while I dispel all of Peter’s spells. (You die)

Choice 14
Counter him by doing exactly what Brinhorn did in the battle against Azarius. (You die.)
Use my own spells instead of copying Brinhorn, in order to throw Peter off. (You die.)
Begin by copying Brinhorn’s spells, but switch to my own spells later on.

Choice 15
Don’t let Peter’s taunts get to me and wait for him to make his move.
Fight Peter now with everything I’ve got. (You die)

Your stat device is now usable.

Choice 16
Attack Peter while he’s still distracted.
    Toughness check level 4
    If you fail: you die
Listen to the voice in my head and don’t cast any more spells for the time being.
    Aura hardening check level 4
    Toughness check level 4
    If you fail: you die

Achievement unlocked: High-value targets

Choice 17
Kill Peter and the king of the underground. (To Choice 17.1)
Spare their lives.

Choice 17.1
“I’ll tell him the truth.”
“I’ll tell him that there was no way to avoid killing them, and that they died in battle.”

If you sided with the rebels:

Choice 10
Teleport to Peter.
Teleport to the Overseer. (You die)

Choice 11
Tell the king to cancel his barrier and to attack the Overseer together with us. (You die.)
Tell the king to keep the barrier active a little longer, but to cancel it before it breaks. (You die.)
Tell the king to keep the barrier active until it breaks. 

Choice 12
Chop all its heads off at once. (You die if you did not learn fire attacks from Flower)
Burn it with fire.
Stab its heart.

The stat device is functional again at this point.

Choice 13
Tell Flower to teleport the rest of my friends to their own minds as well.
Tell Flower that she should teleport only Hadrik and then come back to us. 

Choice 14
Attack the Overseer on the ethereal plane, while he's distracted. (You die)
Fly towards the metal golem and keep it distracted until Hadrik wakes up. 
    If you asked Melindra to cast new currents on you in Choice 2:
    Observation check level 3
    Reflexes check level 3 
    If you fail: you die

Choice 15
Take cover behind Daren's shield.
Tell Daren that it would be better if we each fought two golems instead.
    Reflexes check level 2
    If you fail: you die

Achievement unlocked: No need for trinkets 

Choice 16/18
Open my eyes. (You die)
Keep my eyes closed.

Achievements in this chapter:

Consolation prize - A prize awarded for dying more than five times in the same chapter.
~Die five times. Duh.

An introspective moment - Take a moment to self-reflect and think about everything that you've achieved.
~Have Kate conscious either by siding with the rebels or passing the premonition stat check if you sided with the Overseer.
~Learn Ice attacks from her.

High-value targets - Defeat Albert, Peter and the king of the underground without asking the Overseer for help.
~Side with the Overseer in Chapter 8.
~Do not teleport to the Overseer in Choice 10.
~Follow the choices to survive.

No need for trinkets - Defeat the Overseer without making any use of your stat device.
~You can get this even without going on the AJ path.
~Do not pass any stat checks. 

Magium Walkthrough Book 3 - Chapter 8

 Chapter 8

Choice 1
“What if the Magium is the primordial plane itself?”
“Maybe the Magium is like an ancient guardian, tasked with protecting the fabric of existence.”
“What if the Magium is everything and nothing at the same time?”
“Maybe the Magium is the reason why the planes were separated in the first place.”

Choice 2
“Obviously, this would be the only logical choice. I was expecting you to say that.”
“It felt like you were about to puke when you said those last words. Are you alright?”
“Hey, thanks for the endorsement! I never knew you had such a high opinion of me!”

Premonition check level 4

Choice 3
“We’ll be joining your side, of course!”
“We’ve been working with the rebels from the beginning, so we will stay on their side.”
“I’m on whichever side helps us rescue the prisoners from the seredium towers.”
“Actually, I’d prefer not to get involved in this fight at all, if possible.”

Choice 4
“I’m fine with anything, as long as we get away from these crystals.”
“We should have a discussion with the rebels about who should be the next king.”
“We should ask the king what he is planning to do about the seredium tower prisoners.”

Choice 4.1 (If you passed the premonition stat check)
"That is precisely how I detected him, though."
    Bluff check level 4
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: Master of bluffing
"Of course I didn't detect him by sensing his aura."

Choice 5
“How about Albert?”
“I think Peter would make a fine king.”
“In that case, my vote goes for Breynan.”
“If you ask me, I think the king of the underground would be the best pick.”
"If a trustworthy king is what you're looking for, then Kelrim would by my choice." (If Kelrim is alive) (Achievement unlocked: An unusual candidate)

Choice 5.1 (If Kelrim is alive)
"Actually I was hoping we could talk some more about your humiliating defeat."
"Just on quick question. Did you and Horace serve as royal guards at the same time?"
"Yeah, we should probably talk about that."

Choice 6
“You’re right about the Overseer. We detected him through one of the crystals, earlier.”
“That’s good to know. We’ll try to be more careful around these crystals from now on.”

Choice 7
Agree with the Overseer’s plan of setting an ambush for the king of the underground.
Tell the Overseer we won’t help him set an ambush for the king of the underground.

Choice 8 (If you mentioned wanting to cheer up Hadrik in the previous chapter)
Take the night shift together with both Daren and Hadrik
Let Daren and Hadrik take the first night shift, and do the second night shift with Leila. (Go to Choice 10)

Choice 9
"Did you ever hear the joke about the rock golem and the three-legged trampler?"
"Let's talk about your love life, then. How are things with Arraka going?" (Achievement unlocked: A friend in need)

Choice 10 (If you are taking the night shift with Leila)
“Well, I think your voice sounds wonderful!”
“Ah, so that is the reason why your voice sounded so artificial and unnatural!”

Choice 11
Hold her hand and reassure her that I’m not going anywhere. (Choice 11.1)
Reassure her that I’m not going anywhere, but don’t hold her hand.

Choice 11.1
"I got it. Just the two of us, then. It's a promise." (Achievement unlocked: A heartfelt promise)
"I'm sorry, I... can't do that to my friends. They'd feel betrayed if I didn't invite them."

Achievements in this chapter:

Master of bluffing - Successfully bluff a living lie detector.

An unusual candidate - Convince Kelrim to become a candidate for the throne of Ollendor.
~Kelrim needs to be alive, duh. Refer to the previous chapters. 

A heartfelt promise - Make a promise with Leila that you will go on adventures together after the end of the tournament.
~Some guides say this will appear if you do not start any romance with any other characters. I'm not really sure what I did on my end, whether I did admit to Leila's father to be in relationship with either Melindra or Kate. 

A friend in need - Help cheer up a friend when he is feeling down.

Magium Walkthrough Book 3 - Chapter 7

 Chapter 7

Choice 1
Tell the mysterious force that I need a few more minutes to rest.
Tell the mysterious force to go away and stop bother me.
Tell the mysterious force that its face is ugly and nobody likes it.

Choice 2
Ask Leila if she can teach me the massage technique, so I can use it on her
    Magical sense check level 2
Let Leila handle her headache by herself and go follow her

Choice 3
“It was probably Hadrik.”
“I think it was Gontrok.”

Choice 4
Attack Gontrok together with Leila, while he isn’t defending himself.
    Reflexes check level 4
    If you fail: you die
Try to convince Gontrok that our weapons are in fact as sharp as Daren’s sword.
    Bluff check level 4
    If you fail: you die

Try to find a way to defeat Gontrok without using any of our weapons.
Tell Leila that she shouldn’t take the bet and that we should fight Gontrok together instead.
    Reflexes check level 4
    Speed check level 4
    If passed: Choice 4.1

Choice 4.1
Focus on Gontrok's aura
    Magical sense check level 4
    Go to Choice 4.2
Ignore Gontrok's aura and focus on the fight

Choice 4.2
Perform the technique on Gontrok myself
    Combat technique check level 2
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: An honorable victory
Tell Leila to perform the technique on Gontrok while I keep him busy

Choice 5
“If you want to kill the king, then you’d better wait in line! We were here first!”
“What a coincidence! We want to kill the king too! Why don’t we join forces?”
“You’re going to kill the king? Perfect! Less work for us, then!”

Choice 6
“You’re not going crazy. His left hand definitely had five fingers before.”
“What are you talking about? His left hand has always had three fingers.”

Choice 7
“Alright, thanks for the heads up!”
“I appreciate the advice, but I’d rather be on the lookout for him just in case.”
“Sorry, but I don’t trust you one bit. For all I know, you may be secretly working with him.”

Choice 8
Close to secret door behind us.
Leave the door open.

Choice 9
Shoot the king in the head with my crossbow.
    Aura hardening check level 3
    If you fail: you die
Ask the king where Leila’s father is.

Choice 10
Shoot the king above his left knee and then shoot him in the head.
    Observation check level 2
    If you fail: Achievement unlocked: Sharpshooter (You also die lol)
Tell the Overseer that he should kill the king himself.

Choice 11
Don’t grab Leila’s hand. (Achievement unlocked: Paranoid) (You die.)
Grab Leila’s hand.

Achievements in this chapter:

An honorable victory - Defeat Gontrok without taking advantage of his bet with Leila.
~Pass the magical sense stat check in Choice 2. 
~Tell Leila not to take the bet.
~Pass the stat check to focus on Gontrok's aura.
~Perform the technique on Gontrok yourself and voila!

Sharpshooter - An achievement awarded only to those with unmatched crossbow skills.
~When I got this achievement I laughed out loud. I absolutely love the author's sarcasm.
~Fail the observation stat check. Look at you, Legolas!

Paranoid - The whole world is out to get you. You can't trust anyone. Not even yourself

Magium Walkthrough Book 3 - Chapter 6

 Chapter 6

Long chapter ahead!

Choice 1
“Does this mean that Daren could perform better than the royal guard captain in the future?”
“Will this affinity help him when fighting against other aura manipulators?”
“What about the rest of our mages? Do you think they could learn aura manipulation too?”

Choice 2 R
Suggest that Rose should go back to sleep
Let Rose go search for the name of the plant.

Choice 3
“Don’t let her get to you, slowpoke! She’s only trying to annoy you!”
“His name is Barry, okay? Enough with the nicknames, already.”
“It doesn’t matter if he used to be called slowpoke or not. Nobody is going to call him that.”

Aura concealment check level 3

Choices will be a bit confusing after this. Sorry about that ehehe
*I did not go into detail of the choices in this chapter since it was too loooong and the achievements are what was important anyway. When I replay I will edit as I go. 

Choice 3.1 (If you did not kill Billy Bob)
"Actually, I think you should study this phenomenon right now and let us be on our way."
"Hey, you've got it all wrong! We never betrayed you! We were on your side all along!"
"How exactly are you planning to kill us when you can't even move your drones?"

Choice 3.1 (If you did not follow the Overseer in Chapter 4)
"Fine. In that case, no, you weren't clear enough yesterday."
"Fine. In that case, yes, you were clear enough yesterday."
"What happens if I don't answer the question?" (Choice 3.3)

Choice 3.2 (Did not follow Overseer)
Agree with Hadrik's plan.
Agree with Kate's plan.
Suggest calling Rose on the transceiver so she can freeze time for thirty seconds. (To Choice 7.1)

Choice 3.3 (Did not follow Overseer)
"Yes or no."
"Sorry, I'm not answering." 

You go to Choice 8 after this choice.

Choice 4 (If you followed the Overseer and killed Billy Bob)
“Trust me, we’re much better off not listening to him.”
“I guess we could go along with what he says, for now…”

Choice 5
Tell the shopkeeper that the password is to shut his whore mouth and to open the door.
Tell the shopkeeper that the password is a drunk orangutan wearing a party hat.
Tell the shopkeeper that I already gave him the password and that he said it was correct.
    Bluff check level 4
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: A natural liar 

Choice 6
“We were caught off-guard yesterday. Normally, we should be able to beat those two easily.”
“What are you talking about? We mopped the floor with them yesterday!”
“What we are expecting to accomplish is none of your business.”

Choice 7
Let him leave.
Tie him up.

Choice 7.1 (If you did not trust the overseer)
Take a closer look at the labels
    Ancient languages level 1
Take a closer look at the plants on the shelves instead
    Observation check level 1

Choice 8
“This is clearly not working. Can’t we focus on preparing for the fight instead?”
“Maybe we could go a little further down the road and try calling again from there?”

Choice 9
“Actually, the king of the underground is not our friend. He even attacked us this morning!”
“They only offered us temporary shelter. There’s no need to get them involved in this.”
“Hey, if you want to attack the kind of the underground, it’s fine by me. I never liked the guy.”

Choice 10
“Hey, Gontrok, are you going to just let him insult you like that?”
“Captain, you just interrupted a sacred duel! Do you have no honor?”
“Yeah, get out of the way, Gontrok! Only real warriors are allowed here!”

Choice 11
“You guys take care of him. I’ll go deal with the earth elementalist in the sky.”
    Magical sense check level 2
    Aura concealment check level 3
    If passed: Choice 11.1
“Okay. I’ll take care of the air elementalist elf in the meantime.”
Observation check level 3
    Reflexes check level 3

    Achievement unlocked: Nice assist
    Aura hardening check level 3
    If you fail: you die
“Alright, I’ll focus my attacks on him too, then.”

Choice 11.1
Go back down. (To Choice 13)
    Aura concealment check level 3
    If you fail: you die
Keep going after the earth elemenalist.
    Strength check level 3
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: Peek-a-boo!
    To Choice 11.2

Choice 11.2
    Kill him.
    Try to convince him to make the boulders disappear. (You die)

Choice 12
Try to shoot the ambassador while the barrier is weakened. (You die)
Fly back to Kate and Illuna.
    Aura hardening check level 3 (If you did not trust the overseer and went down the road)
    If you fail: you die

Achievement unlocked: An assassin's credo

Choice 13
“I say it’s worth it. We’re going to need every possible defense against that many rocks.”
“Alright. Let’s keep the ice dome as a last alternative, then.”
    Toughness check level 4
    If you fail you die

Choice 14
Ask Arraka if she can help Kate cancel the captain’s aura technique like yesterday
Ask Daren if he can try summoning the sword with his uninjured hand instead
    Combat technique check level 2

Achievement unlocked: Time freeze enthusiast

Premonitions check level 2
(You do not get this check if Rose froze time)

Choice 15: If passed stat check
Tell Kelrim not to cast the nausea spell (Achievement unlocked: Guardian angel)
Don't say anything to Kelrim

Choice 15
“Then how about you actually avenge your captain instead of hiding like a wimp?”
“Can’t you just use your own teleportation device to cancel what Gontrok’s doing?”
“Yeah, Gontrok, don’t be a coward! Stay here and fight like a man!”

Choice 15.1 (If you did not kill Billy Bob)
Suggest getting closer to the drone, to investigate what happened. (Achievement unlocked: Curiosity killed the cat)
Suggest running as far away from the drone as our legs can carry us. 

Choice 16
Go and kill the ambassador
Leave the ambassador alone

Achievement unlocked: Average is my middle name (if you did not use any stats)

Choice 17
Drink a glass of dwarven ale with Daren and Hadrik
Don’t drink with them

Choice 18
Agree to take the next night shift with Leila
Tell her that I was planning to take the next night shift with Hadrik, to cheer him up

Achievement unlocked: Quarantine ender  

Choice 19
Try to see if I can hear anything from the tunnel leading to the teleporter room
    Hearing check level 4
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: Do you hear an echo?
Try calling my friends through the transceivers to tell them what happened

Achievements in this chapter:

A natural liar - Lie so well that you make someone question their own short-term memory.
   ~Follow the Overseer in Chapter 4.
~Either you or Kate kill Billy Bob to access the choices. 

Nice assist - Get help from someone that you've fought against in the past.
   ~Do not follow the Overseer in Chapter 4, which means Rose is alive in order to survive.
~Avoid answering his question twice.
~In Choice 11, go after the  get the necessary stats and this will trigger

Peek-a-boo! - Win a very complex game of hide and seek.

An assassin's credo - Find out what it means to be a true assassin from a skilled practitioner of the craft.
~Do not ally with the Overseer in Chapter 4. 
~In Choice 8, move farther down the road.
~Go after the ambassador but fly back to Kate and Illuna.

Guardian angel - Prevent someone from dying after seeing their death in a vision

Time freeze enthusiast - Experience the world being frozen around you two times in the same day.
~Of course, Rose needs to be alive at the end of Book 1. 
~Do not follow the Overseer in Chapter 4.
~Tell Rose to go to sleep in Choice 2 R.
~When the Overseer shows up after Choice 3, answer either yes or no and then ask Rose to freeze time.
~Survive the following choices and this will trigger at the right time.

Curiosity killed the cat - Be honest. Did you really fall for the trap, or were you aiming to get this achievement?
~Knock out Billy Bob in Chapter 4. 
~Survive the fight and pick the right choice.

Average is my middle name - Survive the trip to the surface without having any points invested in your stats.
~Choice 8, focus on the fight.
~Choice 11, go after the ambassador.
~Choice 13, have Kate make an ice dome. 

Quarantine ender - Help Daren save everyone from the quarantine area in the underground tunnels below Ollendor.
~Rose should be alive. 
~Have Rose awake to tell Daren what the herb is.
~Do not trust the Overseer.
~Pass the ancient language check at the normal shop or the observation check. 
~Survive and this will trigger when you go back to the tunnels. 

Do you hear an echo? - Listen to a conversation that is happening at the opposite end of a long underground tunnel.