Saturday, December 4, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 2 - Chapter 4

 Chapter 4

Choice 1 - If you chose cell number 5 in chapter 2:
“If you let us go, I won’t ask anything about that thing you are hiding behind your back.”
“Go ahead. The arena’s owner already knows what happened.”

Choice 2
“Oh yeah? Well, you tell her that her blue eyes make her look fat.”
“It’s okay. I know she means well!”
“What about Arraka? Was she not worried about me?”

Choice 3
“I supposed it couldn’t hurt to hear their opinions on the matter.”
“No, let them find their own information. We almost died to get ours.”

Choice 4
“If the game is called ‘shut your mouth’, then why are your lips moving?”
“That didn’t answer my question.”
“I’ve never heard of this game before. Could you please teach me the rules?”

Choice 5
Ask if anybody/Wilhelm if he overheard the guards say anything about the arena event (Choice 5.1)
Tell everyone about what we found out in the caverns

Choice 5.1
Tell them the creatures’ weaknesses
Tell them nothing

Choice 6
Call after Kate
There’s no time. The two of them can talk more after the arena

Choice 7
Invest points now
Invest points later

Choice 8
Stay here and watch the fights (Achievement unlocked: A calculated risk) (Choice 8.1)
Go read the notebook
Send Leila to bring me the notebook pages (This works if your backpack is not secured back in Book 1)

Choice 8.1
Warn him
Don’t warn him

Hearing check level 3

Choice 9
“I think that’s a good idea.”
“That sounds like a terrible idea.”

Choice 10
“Is this really the time and place to be having this argument?”
“Actually, I think that Bruce would do just fine as leader.”
“I completely agree. I should be the one to lead the team, not Bruce.”

Choice 11
Charge at the creatures all by myself
    Strength check level 3
    Reflexes check level 3
    Premonition check level 1
Charge at the creatures and ask Leila to join me
    Speed check level 3
    Strength check level 3
    Reflexes check level 3

Wait for the creatures to get further away from each other before attacking (Skip choice 12)
    Observation check level 1
    Hearing check level 1

After this choice, Wilhelm will try to kill you if you didn't threaten him in Chapter 2. 

Observation check level 1
Reflexes check level 1
If failed: Wilhelm kills you

Without stats or if you fail the stat check, you need to either have Leila knock him out when she fights with you or the mage will knock him out as his way of paying his debt (if you choose cell number 5 in chapter 2).

Achievement unlocked: Intimidation successful

Choice 12
Try to bait the cobras into spitting acid on the marauders
    Strength check level 2
Ask Leila if she can deal with the tramplers, while we deal with the cobras
Focus on killing the manticore, first
    Strength check level 1
    Combat technique check level 1
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: Spear thrower
    Strength check level 2 
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: Trampler slayer

Achievement unlocked: Not a team player

Choice 13
“Don’t worry, she can handle herself.”
“I guess we could wait here for a while, to see if she needs backup.” 

Achievement unlocked: Who needs stats? (Works in AJ path)

Choice 14
“Was that all? I was hoping to see a more impressive collection of creatures.”
“I don’t think they’re done. I haven’t even seen any griffins, yet.”
“Or maybe they’re only done with the small fry, and the show is just beginning.”

Hearing check level 2
If passed: Achievement unlocked: An assassin’s motive

Choice 14
“If it comes down to it, then yes.”
“I’m… not sure…”
“She would not need my help. She could fight them all by herself, easily.”

Achievement unlocked: Hadrik saves the day

Achievement unlocked: Time stop

Achievements in this chapter:

Not a team player - Get two of the members from your division killed, through your actions.
~I have read the guide from fandom. I did not follow it but I still got the achievement:
~Impress Bruce with toughness level 2 in chapter 2.
This way he will come with you during the fight.
It wouldn't natter if you told them about the weakness or not if Bruce comes with you.
~Wilhelm gets knocked out by Leila or the mage (choosing cell number 5 in chapter 2) or you've intimidated him in chapter 2
~Choice 11: Charge at the creatures either alone or with Leila.
~Choice 12: Choose either except the first choice (baiting the cobras). This will result in Bruce leaving the thug members of your devision alone and they will die.

Intimidation successful - Manage to avoid an assassination attempt by intimidating your adversary into not attacking you.
~Pass the stat check (Premonition level 2) before choice 3 in Chapter 2.
Threaten him in Choice 3.
Go to Leila's cell in Choice 4.
This achievement will automatically trigger in this chapter.

Hadrik saves the day! - Witness Hadrik's second fight in the arena.
~Chapter 2, choice 10: Leave the creatures alone.
In Choice 8, stay and watch the fights to watch Hadrik's first fight.
If you didn't watch then you don't get this achievement. 

A calculated risk - Sometimes it's better to take small risks than to go the extra mile just to be completely certain.
~You need to pass hearing level 3 in chapter 2. It worked for me.
If it doesn't work let me know in the comments.

Trampler slayer - Defeat two tramplers by yourself
~Pass the stat checks and kill the manticores first.
If you pass the next stat check, this will trigger.

Spear thrower - Kill a manticore in mind-flight, by throwing a spear at it.
~Pass the stat checks, charge the marauders first in choice 12.

Who needs stats? - Win the first round of the arena without any points in your stats, and without help from the scythe wielding Iessathi.
~You can get this in the AJ2 route:
In chapter 2, choose cell number 5 so you will encounter the mage in choice 1.
Refuse the Iessathi's offer in chapter 2 choice 6.
Send Leila to get your notebook in choice 8.
In choice 11, wait before attacking.
The mage knocks out Wilhelm, and you will survive the first round.

Time stop - Witness Rose subconsciously casting a time freezing spell, for the first time
~Rose should be alive at the end of Book 1.
~In chapter 2, go to the path where you can ride or kill the griffin. Choose kill the griffin directly.
This achievement will automatically trigger.

The assassin's motive - Find out the assassin's reason for wanting to kill you in the arena

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