Sunday, December 26, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 3 - Chapter 9

 Chapter 9

Choice 1
Ask Jack if he got the pendant from someone important to him.
Reassure Jack that we’ll make it out alive.
Don’t tell Jack anything.

Choice 2
“Fine, I’ll have the stable air currents then, please.”
“It’s okay, you can cast the same air currents as always. I’ll handle it.”

Choice 3
Tell the king of the underground that he and Gregory are just jumping to conclusions.
Tell him that we were contacted by the Overseer but refused to join his side.
Tell him that we’re planning to join the Overseer’s side in this fight. (This doesn't have any effect if you chose in Chapter 8 not to side with the Overseer)

Premonition check level 4 (If you sided with the Overseer)
  If passed: Kate doesn't get attacked by Albert
If fail: Kate becomes unconscious

Your stat device is unusable from this point.

Choice 4
Attempt to breathe (You die)
Don’t breathe

Choice 5
“Illuna, is that you?”
“Hey, you look pretty good for an elf spirit that is several hundred years old!”
“Wow, I was right. Your blue eyes really do make you look fat!”

Choice 6
“Sure. Just try to empty your mind. That works best for me!”
“You don’t actually need to stop thinking. Just don’t use words while you think.”
“Sorry, I’m doing it sort of instinctively so it’s hard to explain.

Choice 7
Ask Flower what is the best original food that she invented on the ethereal plane.
Ask Flower why she eats the same cookies every day if she can make any food she wants.
Ask Flower if she can replicate the biscuits from my hometown without the recipe.

Choice 8
Attempt to cast a fireball.
Attempt to shoot a gust of wind.
Attempt to create a water jet.

Choice 9
Ice (Achievement unlocked: An introspective moment) (If Kate is conscious)

The choices will branch depending on which side you took in Chapter 8.

If you sided with the Overseer:

Choice 10
Teleport to Peter.
Teleport to the Overseer. 

Choice 11
“Nobody is trying to kill anyone. All we want is to defeat you and bring this war to an end.”
“Of course we’re trying to kill you. That’s what you get for plotting to assassinate us.”

Choice 12
Tell Flower to teleport us closer to the king and Peter this time.
Tell Flower that we should move in separate directions as soon as we teleport again.
Ask Flower if she can attack the king with a pillar of fire to break his concentration.

Choice 13 A 
Try making a roof out of stone and placing it over my head. (You die)
Wait for him to finish casting the spell.
Try to dispel the freezing rain before Peter finishes casting the spell. (You die)

Choice 13 B
Fight Peter together with the Overseer.
Let the Overseer fight Peter while I dispel all of Peter’s spells. (You die)

Choice 14
Counter him by doing exactly what Brinhorn did in the battle against Azarius. (You die.)
Use my own spells instead of copying Brinhorn, in order to throw Peter off. (You die.)
Begin by copying Brinhorn’s spells, but switch to my own spells later on.

Choice 15
Don’t let Peter’s taunts get to me and wait for him to make his move.
Fight Peter now with everything I’ve got. (You die)

Your stat device is now usable.

Choice 16
Attack Peter while he’s still distracted.
    Toughness check level 4
    If you fail: you die
Listen to the voice in my head and don’t cast any more spells for the time being.
    Aura hardening check level 4
    Toughness check level 4
    If you fail: you die

Achievement unlocked: High-value targets

Choice 17
Kill Peter and the king of the underground. (To Choice 17.1)
Spare their lives.

Choice 17.1
“I’ll tell him the truth.”
“I’ll tell him that there was no way to avoid killing them, and that they died in battle.”

If you sided with the rebels:

Choice 10
Teleport to Peter.
Teleport to the Overseer. (You die)

Choice 11
Tell the king to cancel his barrier and to attack the Overseer together with us. (You die.)
Tell the king to keep the barrier active a little longer, but to cancel it before it breaks. (You die.)
Tell the king to keep the barrier active until it breaks. 

Choice 12
Chop all its heads off at once. (You die if you did not learn fire attacks from Flower)
Burn it with fire.
Stab its heart.

The stat device is functional again at this point.

Choice 13
Tell Flower to teleport the rest of my friends to their own minds as well.
Tell Flower that she should teleport only Hadrik and then come back to us. 

Choice 14
Attack the Overseer on the ethereal plane, while he's distracted. (You die)
Fly towards the metal golem and keep it distracted until Hadrik wakes up. 
    If you asked Melindra to cast new currents on you in Choice 2:
    Observation check level 3
    Reflexes check level 3 
    If you fail: you die

Choice 15
Take cover behind Daren's shield.
Tell Daren that it would be better if we each fought two golems instead.
    Reflexes check level 2
    If you fail: you die

Achievement unlocked: No need for trinkets 

Choice 16/18
Open my eyes. (You die)
Keep my eyes closed.

Achievements in this chapter:

Consolation prize - A prize awarded for dying more than five times in the same chapter.
~Die five times. Duh.

An introspective moment - Take a moment to self-reflect and think about everything that you've achieved.
~Have Kate conscious either by siding with the rebels or passing the premonition stat check if you sided with the Overseer.
~Learn Ice attacks from her.

High-value targets - Defeat Albert, Peter and the king of the underground without asking the Overseer for help.
~Side with the Overseer in Chapter 8.
~Do not teleport to the Overseer in Choice 10.
~Follow the choices to survive.

No need for trinkets - Defeat the Overseer without making any use of your stat device.
~You can get this even without going on the AJ path.
~Do not pass any stat checks. 

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