Sunday, December 5, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 2 - Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Choice 1
“Actually, I have a few more questions!”
“Go on, we’re all listening.”

Choice 2
“Why can’t you tell us who this person is? Is it someone we know?”
“Why would they lend us such a rare device for free?”

Choice 3
“The deal should not be considered over until the device is actually in our hands.”
“Melindra should swear that her friend with the device won’t try to hurt us, either.”

Choice 4
“Yeah, but make sure that you don’t mess with my stats!” (Achievement unlocked: Secret code discovered)
“Actually, I’d rather keep my stat device, if you don’t mind.”

Choice 5
“What happens to the spirits that you absorb?”
“Is this the reason why you got banned from the magical plane?”

Choice 6
“Wait, you have different races in the magical plane?”
“The fox originated from the magical plane? How did she end up here, then?”

Choice 7
Threaten to spin her amulet until she gives me the answer.
Wait for her to stop laughing and then ask again.

Choice 8
Buy the cheaper crossbow
Buy the expensive crossbow (Achievement unlocked: Living on the edge)

Choice 9
“He does have a point, though. I mean Azarius is pretty old.”
“Yeah, I honestly couldn’t imagine Azarius ever losing in a fair fight.”

Choice 10
Try to break the time freezing spell by stepping out of its range
Stand my ground and do not avert my eyes from Eiden

Achievements in this chapter:

Secret code discovered - Learn  about a secret code that gives you a temporary bonus to your hearing stat

Living on the edge - Expend most of your budget with a single purchase.
~Do not take the gems in Book 1.
~Take only one scimitar in the previous chapter. 

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