Sunday, December 26, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 3 - Chapter 7

 Chapter 7

Choice 1
Tell the mysterious force that I need a few more minutes to rest.
Tell the mysterious force to go away and stop bother me.
Tell the mysterious force that its face is ugly and nobody likes it.

Choice 2
Ask Leila if she can teach me the massage technique, so I can use it on her
    Magical sense check level 2
Let Leila handle her headache by herself and go follow her

Choice 3
“It was probably Hadrik.”
“I think it was Gontrok.”

Choice 4
Attack Gontrok together with Leila, while he isn’t defending himself.
    Reflexes check level 4
    If you fail: you die
Try to convince Gontrok that our weapons are in fact as sharp as Daren’s sword.
    Bluff check level 4
    If you fail: you die

Try to find a way to defeat Gontrok without using any of our weapons.
Tell Leila that she shouldn’t take the bet and that we should fight Gontrok together instead.
    Reflexes check level 4
    Speed check level 4
    If passed: Choice 4.1

Choice 4.1
Focus on Gontrok's aura
    Magical sense check level 4
    Go to Choice 4.2
Ignore Gontrok's aura and focus on the fight

Choice 4.2
Perform the technique on Gontrok myself
    Combat technique check level 2
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: An honorable victory
Tell Leila to perform the technique on Gontrok while I keep him busy

Choice 5
“If you want to kill the king, then you’d better wait in line! We were here first!”
“What a coincidence! We want to kill the king too! Why don’t we join forces?”
“You’re going to kill the king? Perfect! Less work for us, then!”

Choice 6
“You’re not going crazy. His left hand definitely had five fingers before.”
“What are you talking about? His left hand has always had three fingers.”

Choice 7
“Alright, thanks for the heads up!”
“I appreciate the advice, but I’d rather be on the lookout for him just in case.”
“Sorry, but I don’t trust you one bit. For all I know, you may be secretly working with him.”

Choice 8
Close to secret door behind us.
Leave the door open.

Choice 9
Shoot the king in the head with my crossbow.
    Aura hardening check level 3
    If you fail: you die
Ask the king where Leila’s father is.

Choice 10
Shoot the king above his left knee and then shoot him in the head.
    Observation check level 2
    If you fail: Achievement unlocked: Sharpshooter (You also die lol)
Tell the Overseer that he should kill the king himself.

Choice 11
Don’t grab Leila’s hand. (Achievement unlocked: Paranoid) (You die.)
Grab Leila’s hand.

Achievements in this chapter:

An honorable victory - Defeat Gontrok without taking advantage of his bet with Leila.
~Pass the magical sense stat check in Choice 2. 
~Tell Leila not to take the bet.
~Pass the stat check to focus on Gontrok's aura.
~Perform the technique on Gontrok yourself and voila!

Sharpshooter - An achievement awarded only to those with unmatched crossbow skills.
~When I got this achievement I laughed out loud. I absolutely love the author's sarcasm.
~Fail the observation stat check. Look at you, Legolas!

Paranoid - The whole world is out to get you. You can't trust anyone. Not even yourself

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