Monday, December 6, 2021

Magium Book 2 - Average Joe 2 Walkthrough (Very Extensive Guide)

 You know the drill, guys. 

If there is no choice in bold letters, it means there is no immediate effect of any of the choices. 

Note that in Average Joe path, Rose is dead since you need stats to save her in Book 1.

Let's go!

 Chapter 1

Choice 1 
Volunteer to deliver the news to the kids 
Stay silent

Choice 2
“Sure, why not?”
“I think I’ll pass, thanks.”

Choice 3 
"Is this really the time and place to have a drink?"
"Shouldn't we be discussing what we're going to do with the kids, first?"
"If we're going to have a drink, then why not go all in and have some dwarven ale?"

Choice 4 
Tell him about the revenant.
Tell him that Rose's body was incinerated by a fire elementalist mage.

Choice 5
“Sure, I’ll go.” 
“No, I’d rather stay here.”

Choice 6
“The guy was asking for it.”
“We didn’t kill him! We’re innocent!”
“We killed him because he placed absolutely no value on human life.” 

Choice 7
“What makes you think that we’ll simply agree to be led to the arena?”
“Real castle? How many castles do you have in this place, anyway?”
“So, what exactly are these events that we need to win in order be set free, then?”

Choice 8
“Actually, I think we’ve already filled our quota of rash actions for the week.”
“A few months is too long. Maybe we can take care of your Iessathi problem, instead.”

Chapter 2

Choice 1
Tell him about the stat device
Don’t tell him about the stat device

Choice 2
Choose cell number three
Choose cell number five
Tell him that I don’t care either way

Choice 3 
“Thanks for letting me know.”
“Sorry, but I prefer to work alone.”

Choice 4
Accept to go inside her cell
Do not accept to go inside her cell

Choice 5
"I wanted to save them for an emergency."
"I wanted to see how long I could last on my own!"
"It's because I'm aiming to complete the 'Average Joe' Achievement." 

Choice 6
“What do you mean? Of course I knew that the device works better for Iessathi!”
“Actually to be honest, before coming here, I didn’t even know I was a Iessathi.”

Choice 7
Lie to the Iessathi about accepting the deal and betray them later.
Refuse the Iessathi’s offer
Accept the Iessathi’s offer (You do not get this choice if you offered to take care of the Iessathi problem in Chapter 1) 

If you refuse, you will be asked again. 

Choice 8
Open the door
Tell them I’m not opening the door until I get an answer

Choice 9
Swim to the bottom of the lake to see if I can find a way to start the elevator
Ignore the elevator and go directly for the wooden cabin to start a fire

Choice 10
Tell her about Kate
Don’t tell her about Kate

Choice 11
Kill the creatures
Leave the creatures alone, and concentrate of finding a way out

 Chapter 3

Choice 1
“Who said that I escaped?”
“The ones who fought Tyrath before sound like a bunch of weaklings.”
“Do I seriously look like I’d need to run away from the likes of Tyrath?”

Choice 2
“What exactly have you heard about her?”
“Did you hear that she’ll grant you three wishes if you spin her by the chain?”
“Did you hear that she gets sick if you spin her by the chain? Let me show you!”

Choice 3
“Im going to tell it to you straight. I don’t see him holding a pen anytime soon.”
“I see that it didn’t take you long to adapt to our human ‘small talk’.”
“Could we stop calling them accountants? It’s beginning to sound confusing.”

Choice 4
“Well, it’s a bit hard to treat him like a dumb beast, when he can speak Common.”
“Yeah, to me, he’s no different from a harpy, a giant slug, or a banshee in an amulet.”
“Yeah, creatures and animals are all the same to me, to be honest.”

Choice 5
Propose to follow the blood trail (Choice 5.1)
Propose to avoid the blood trail 

Choice 5.1
Help him remove the arrow (You die)
Leave him to die

Choice 6
Hide the bodies
Leave the bodies where they are

Choice 7
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Actually, only one of them is my friend.”
“You can say that again…”

 Chapter 4

Choice 1 
“If you let us go, I won’t ask anything about that thing you are hiding behind your back.”
“Go ahead. The arena’s owner already knows what happened.”

Choice 2
“Oh yeah? Well, you tell her that her blue eyes make her look fat.”
“It’s okay. I know she means well!”
“What about Arraka? Was she not worried about me?”

Choice 3
“I supposed it couldn’t hurt to hear their opinions on the matter.”
“No, let them find their own information. We almost died to get ours.”

Choice 4
“If the game is called ‘shut your mouth’, then why are your lips moving?”
“That didn’t answer my question.”
“I’ve never heard of this game before. Could you please teach me the rules?”

Choice 5
Ask if Wilhelm if he overheard the guards say anything about the arena event (Choice 5.1)
Tell everyone about what we found out in the caverns

Choice 5.1
Tell them the creatures’ weaknesses
Tell them nothing

Choice 6
Call after Kate
There’s no time. The two of them can talk more after the arena

Choice 7
Invest points now
Invest points later

Choice 8
Stay here and watch the fights 
Go read the notebook
Send Leila to bring me the notebook pages (This works if your backpack is not secured back in Book 1)

Choice 8.1
Warn him
Don’t warn him

Choice 9
“I think that’s a good idea.”
“That sounds like a terrible idea.”

Choice 10
“Is this really the time and place to be having this argument?”
“Actually, I think that Bruce would do just fine as leader.”
“I completely agree. I should be the one to lead the team, not Bruce.”

Choice 11
Charge at the creatures all by myself
Charge at the creatures and ask Leila to join me
Wait for the creatures to get further away from each other before attacking 

Choice 13
“Don’t worry, she can handle herself.”
“I guess we could wait here for a while, to see if she needs backup.” 

Choice 14
“Was that all? I was hoping to see a more impressive collection of creatures.”
“I don’t think they’re done. I haven’t even seen any griffins, yet.”
“Or maybe they’re only done with the small fry, and the show is just beginning.”

Choice 14
“If it comes down to it, then yes.”
“I’m… not sure…”
“She would not need my help. She could fight them all by herself, easily.”

 Chapter 5

Choice 1
“Wilhelm is not a threat. Let him do what he wants. It won’t make any difference.”
“We don’t have any rope. We could just tell him to keep his distance from us.”
“Let him fight with us. We’ll need all the help we can get against that troll.”

Choice 2
Try to cut the troll’s head off
Try to act as a decoy, so Leila can cut the troll’s head off
Go for a tactical retreat.

Choice 3
Observe in the battle between Leila and Velgos, in order to find his weaknesses
Lie to the mage, in order to convince him to act as a decoy
Cut the troll’s head off, while he’s busy fighting Leila

Choice 4
Leave the weapons there
Take one scimitar - If you chose this, go to the unexpected savior path to chapter 8
Take both scimitars 

Choice 5
“Who are you calling a peasant? Peasant!”
“Are you okay? Your face is all red. Maybe we should call a doctor.”
Finish off Daren

Choice 6
Refuse the duel
Accept the duel 

Choice 7
“Like hell, we will! That wasn’t the deal!”
“What is the emergency?”
“What about the penalty round? Do we still have to do that too?”

Choice 8
“Wait, are you talking about me?”
“Didn’t you lose against me the last time, though?”

Choice 9
Offer to pilot the aircraft
Offer to man the guns

Choice 10
Attack the dragon
Wait for a better moment to attack (You die)

Choice 11
Ask Arraka if Eiden is still hiding around here, invisibly
Don’t ask Arraka anything

Chapter 6

Choice 1
“Actually, I have a few more questions!”
“Go on, we’re all listening.”

Choice 2
“Why can’t you tell us who this person is? Is it someone we know?”
“Why would they lend us such a rare device for free?”

Choice 3
“The deal should not be considered over until the device is actually in our hands.”
“Melindra should swear that her friend with the device won’t try to hurt us, either.”

Choice 4
“Yeah, but make sure that you don’t mess with my stats!” 
“Actually, I’d rather keep my stat device, if you don’t mind.”

Choice 5
“What happens to the spirits that you absorb?”
“Is this the reason why you got banned from the magical plane?”

Choice 6
“Wait, you have different races in the magical plane?”
“The fox originated from the magical plane? How did she end up here, then?”

Choice 7
Threaten to spin her amulet until she gives me the answer.
Wait for her to stop laughing and then ask again.

Choice 8
Buy the cheaper crossbow - For unexpected savior path
Buy the expensive crossbow 

Choice 9
“He does have a point, though. I mean Azarius is pretty old.”
“Yeah, I honestly couldn’t imagine Azarius ever losing in a fair fight.”

Choice 10
Try to break the time freezing spell by stepping out of its range
Stand my ground and do not avert my eyes from Eiden

 Chapter 7

Choice 1
“I’d say that’s certainly a possibility.”
“I’d be more inclined to think that he linked himself to the spirit incorrectly.”
“I don’t think it’s related. He probably just got born this way.”

Choice 2
“Alright then. Go ahead and cast the spell!”
“I’ll pass. I really don’t like the idea of being vulnerable against suggestion magic.”

Choice 3
Bow my head and ask for help
“Fine, I’ll do it myself, then.”
“Hey, you’re the hero, not me. Isn’t saving cities supposed to be your job?”
“You know what? On second thought, screw the cities.”

Choice 4
“Actually, for all we know, he may also be visiting other groups of mags.”
“He seems to really enjoy messing with Daren’s head.”
“From what I understand, it may be because I’m a half-Iessathi.”

Choice 5 - If you offered to take care of the Iessathi in Chapter 1:
"What about the meeting room? Is there anyone inside it right now?"
"Can you sense any tunnels that are not on the king's map?"

Choice 5.1
"I think you're worrying over nothing."
"I agree. What if they already know that the king's servant was being followed?"

Choice 6
Attack the first Iessathi that gets close to me.
Wait for Leila's signal

Choice 7
Try to distract the Iessathi by telling him about Eiden's message
Wait for Leila's signal.

Choice 8
Kill the Iessathi. (You die)
Let her handle it.

Choice 9
Take the device. 
Refuse the king's offer.

Chapter 8

Choice 1
Try to convince Melindra to bring us down
Let Melindra deal with the situation however she wants

Choice 2
“What if we only ask her to demonstrate her powers, without fighting us?”

Choice 3
“Was this before the still winter? What was he being imprisoned for?”
“How did he managed to get imprisoned when he has all these powers?”

Choice 4
“I think that she’s a bit stuck up, but I doubt she’s a traitor.”
“Nah, she seems alright to me.”
“You mean, like an informant? It’s certainly possible.”

Choice 5
Fight the orcs and send Flower to look for the goblins

Go look for the goblin mages, along with Flower and Illuna

Choice 6
“Do all of the elite groups have the same team composition?”
“Does Tyrath have any teams that are stronger than these elite squads?”

Choice 7
“Did Fyron ever serve under the dragon, before he joined the free goblins?”
“How many types of monsters does Tyrath have under his rule, exactly?

Choice 8
“It is indeed.”
“Is this the part where you make fun of how common my name is?”
“That’s funny… Because you were calling me ‘half-Iessathi’ just a few hours ago…”

Choice 9
“What makes you say that?”
“You really weren’t kidding about pestering me, were you?”

Choice 10
“I guess you make a good point.”
“Or maybe other mages have been staying away from Thilias for some reason…”
“Don’t forget that there were also Iessathi in the city.”

Choice 11
“I didn’t say that!”
“Yes, that is exactly what I am saying.” (Choice 11.1)

Choice 11.1
Let her sleep in the tent.
Tell her to get out of the tent.
Let her sleep in the tent for a few hours, and go join Kate on her night shift.  

 Chapter 9

Choice 1 - If you slept with Melindra:
“Okay, maybe it was a little funny, but that’s beside the point!”
“No, I did not find their reactions to be amusing at all!”

Choice 2 - If you slept with Melindra
Ask her to cast a second energizing spell on me, after the side-effects kick in.
Ask her not to cast a second energizing spell on me

Choice 3 - If you did not sleep with Melindra and went on guard duty with Kate:
"Because I didn't want to kick her out like a dog, when she didn't have a place to sleep."
"Because I didn't want to waste any more time arguing with her."
"Because I figured I may as well come chat with you, given that I was already up."

Choice 4
“Maybe they found a detector, and they’re taking the pinecones to it.”
“Maybe they’re planning to take them to one of the sages.”
“Maybe they’re trying to go for quantity over quality.”

Choice 5
“Why do you care about these puzzle pieces so much?”
“Sounds like a good idea. Good luck.”

Choice 6 - If you slept with Melinda and did not want another energizer spell:
Let Melindra cast the spell
Don’t let Melindra cast the spell

Choice 7 - If you did not sleep with Melindra:
“I don’t know. I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
“Yeah, I probably couldn’t last ten seconds against you in an actual fight.”

Choice 8 - If you kicked Melindra out of the tent with an unsecured backpack:
Don't apologize

Choice 9
“There’s no need for you to take another enchanter’s oath, Melindra.”
“Actually, that wouldn’t be such a bad idea.”

Choice 10
“If he really is that powerful, then why didn’t he just kill Tyrath until now?”
“Why does it sound to me like you’re making up excuses for losing in the still winter?”
“But why would Eiden be so much more powerful than regular stillwaters?

Choice 11
Volunteer to go with Flower (Choice 11.1)
Stay silent

Choice 11.1
Tell them about Eiden’s spell 
Don’t tell him about Eiden’s spell

Choice 12
“So, how have things been going with Kate?”
“So, how do you like our little group, so far?”
“So, what have you been up to, lately?”

Choice 13 
Keep the channel open on my side.
Close to channel on my side too. 

Choice 14
Agree to drink with Hadrik
Tell him that I’d rather stay sober tonight

Choice 15
Tell him to turn his card face up
Let the round continue normally

 Chapter 10

Choice 1
Agree to drink with Nolderan
Refuse Nolderan’s offer
*You can choose to drink if you stayed sober in the previous chapter. If you are drunk, you will die when you fight the mammoth.

Choice 2
Invest points now
Invest points later

Choice 3 - If you have the scimitar/s
Use the crossbow to fight the orcs
Use the scimitar to fight the orcs

Choice 4
Suggest that we back off, slowly, while facing the mammoth
Shoot the mammoth with the crossbow

Choice 5
Try to attack the wyverns
Aim to kill the orc riders first
Try to bribe the orcs into joining my side

Choice 6
Attack the eyes
Attack the nostrils

Choice 7
“What if they have a tracking spell cast on us?”
“They could also have scouts, scattered all around the continent.”

Choice 8
“I guess we could ask Arraka to regularly check for traps, on our way to Nolderan’s camp.”
“I think you’re worrying over nothing. Nolderan seems alright in my book."

Choice 9
“I guess so…”
“Pull you out of what?...”

Choice 10
“Yeah, Daren, you should quit the tournament. Less competition for me, that way.”
“Daren’s servant? Do you have any idea how many times I saved this guy’s neck?”
“Did anyone ever tell you that your dwarf henchmen look more intimidating than you?”

Choice 11
Go and pull her out of there immediately
Confirm that all the other mages are still inside the tornado, before pulling her out

Choice 12
Focus my attacks on the henchmen 
Go attack the sage, together with Hadrik 

Choice 13
Run towards the mages, and focus on attacking the elf
Run towards the mages, and focus on attacking the dwarves
Fly towards the mages, and focus on attacking the elf
Fly towards the mages, and focus on attacking the dwarves

Choice 14
Cheer for Daren
Insult the sage
Stay silent and watch the fight

Choice 15
“Would your barrier work more effectively if we huddled closer together?”
“Maybe you could try to use your sword to absorb the wind blades.”

Choice 16 - If you kept the channel open:
Activate the secret code 
Don't activate the secret code

 Chapter 11

Choice 1
Keep trying to talk to her
Grab her by the arms, and try to shake her out of the trance

Choice 2
Kneel before the God of Time
Stand my ground
Stand my ground and insult the God of Time

Choice 3
Try to get the God of Time’s attention, so he’ll focus on me, instead of Flower.
Leave the God of Time alone. He will surely stop by himself, eventually.

Choice 4
Attack the banshee right now, while she is still in the process of awakening (You die)
Wait for the banshee to attack my parents, before going in for the kill

Choice 5
Try to save my parents again
Let my parents die

Choice 6
Keep trying to save my parents
Let my parents die

Choice 7
“Both, I guess?...”
“The ones that are still inside their rituals, obviously.”

Choice 8
“Just what is it, exactly, that you are finding so funny?”
“Is this seriously what passes off as entertainment to you?”
“You really are starting to get on my nerves, you know that?”

Choice 9
“I thought you were just bored, and decided to bring me along on a whim.”
“I still don’t understand how you can find entertainment in such things…”

Choice 10
“But I want to see it!”
“I suppose it would be better to skip it, then.”
“Could you show me Diane’s discussion with her brother, instead, then?”

Choice 11
“What kind of test are you talking about?”
“Why would the Iessathi have direct access to the Magium?”
“How do you think the Iessathi might have gotten subconsciously linked to the Magium?”

Choice 12
“Then how about bringing us to the actual start of the Iessathi meeting?”
“Can we just skip directly to the important parts then?”

Choice 13
“I’d say not much, given what we’ve heard from Golmyck.”
“What I’m wondering is if she had a hand in the shutting down of the Beacon.”
“Well, Diane is no longer wearing a collar, so some things have definitely changed.”

Choice 14
“If you think she’s scared now, then you should have seen her earlier…”
“Trust me, if you’d have gone through what we just did, you’d be panicking like that too.”
“Actually, you have a pretty uneasy look too. Did something happen during your ritual?”

Choice 15
Place myself between the revenant and Daren, in order to defend her
Let Daren and Hadrik handle the situation

Choice 16
"Why is Ulruk so suspicious, when it comes to the God of Time?"
"Can't Ulruk just read the revenant's aura, to see if she's lying, like Eiden does?"
"How did the revenant manage to come here, if she was locked inside a temple?"

Choice 17
Try to explain to Flower that the revenant wasn't bothered by her
Let them sort their problems by themselves

Choice 18
“Never mind the history lesson. Any idea who might be attacking the city?”
“Should I take it that we are still in Varathia, then?”
“How do these towers work, exactly?”

Choice 19
Attack past-Arraka with my dagger (You die)
Try to stall for time, in the hopes that the others can come up with a plan

Choice 20
“Actually, we were sent here against our own will.”
“We came here to save you all from this great threat!”
“Sorry, we only came here on vacation.”

Achievement unlocked: Average Joe 2

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