Monday, December 6, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 3 - Chapter 1

 Chapter 1

Choice 1
“Fine, fine, I’ll do the push-ups.”
“How about you do twenty push-ups first, and I’ll do mine right afterwards?”

Choice 2
“I also can only see the number nine when I look above Flower’s head.”
“Stop teasing her, guys! Flower can be whatever age she wants to be.”
“Listen, regardless of what her aura says, I think we can all agree on what her real age is.”
“Flower, why are you so fixated upon this number? We all know for how long you’ve lived.”

Choice 3
“I’ll take a look with Leila and Daren, and we’ll see what we can find.”
“I’d rather wait until we meet up with Leila’s father, so he can have a look.”

Choice 4
“Yeah, I have to admit that it would be pretty funny.”
“How about we get on with the meeting and drop the insults, for a change?”
“Is this the real reason why you accepted to help us? To humiliate the God of Time?”

Choice 5
Try to walk past her
Ask her if she can move aside
“Listen, if you want to confess your feelings for me, this might not be the best place.”

Choice 6
“Why, Kate, I didn’t know you cared!”
“Was I really looking that depressed?”
“Wait a minute. Is this your way of saying that you were worried about me?”

Choice 7
“But I want to worry about you!”
“Well, if you’re sure you can handle it, then I won’t press the issue any further.”

Choice 8 - If you told Arraka you will have a look at your stat device:
Leave the stat device as it is
Try to forcefully unlock the hidden stats (Achievement unlocked: No regrets)

From this moment, if you broke the stat device, every stat check will fail.

Choice 9
Do what he says
Ask him what it is that he’s trying to accomplish
“Want me to do a little dance too, while I’m at it?”

Choice 10
“You’re right. We already have enough things to worry about as it is.”
“I haven’t changed my mind. I still want to save the cities before the tournament ends.”

“Actually, I never really wanted to save those cities in the first place.”

Observation check level 4
Ancient languages level 4
If passed: Achievement unlocked: Password acquired

Achievements in this chapter:

No regrets - He who risks nothing can gain nothing.

Password acquired - You never know when a secret code might come in handy

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