Saturday, December 25, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 3 - Chapter 5

 Chapter 5

Choice 1
“Of course not.” 
“I mean, the cat’s out of the bag already, so I guess we might as well tell you.”
“Sure, we’ll tell you. For a price.” (Choice 1.1)

Choice 1.1
Confirm that the information from the Overseer has become irrelevant. (Achievement unlocked: Opportunist)
Tell him that ten gold coins is too small a sum to be worth any answer.

Choice 2
Call out to him and wish him a good evening
Don’t say anything to him
Mock him for having been reduced to escort duty

Choice 3
“Do you think that Flower’s ethereal knowledge extends also to ice magic?”
“Is Flower really that talented? How did she not become insanely strong by now?”
“Why don’t you tell Kate to unfreeze people if you’re so smart?”

Choice 4
“Do you not have any spells that could heal these people without requiring herbs?”
“Why do you think the lockdown will get worse?”
“Here’s hoping that the shopkeepers won’t charge extra for being open during lockdown.”

Choice 5
“Well, then stop feeling guilty!”
“It doesn’t seem to me like Flower is blaming you for what happened.”
“Well, to me it kind of feels like you are letting your guilt cloud your judgment.”

Achievement unlocked: The good old days (If Rose is alive)

Choice 6
“Is this why you just called her Illuna instead of Petal?”
“Then why are you still imitating Kate’s demeanor instead of acting like yourself?”
“Yes, you did. I’ve seen you having arguments with her multiple times.”

Choice 7
“What do you mean by near-immortality?”
“So, how do you wake her up if you need her while she’s asleep? Do you spin her amulet?”
“Does this mean that we can draw a fake moustache on her amulet and she won’t notice?” (Achievement unlocked: Challenge accepted)

Choice 8
“Sure thing. Let’s go.”
“Psst, Albert! You forgot to put on your fake smile when you asked us to come with you.”
“Your king can wait. First, we need to find Kerlrim.”

Choice 9
“I think the quality of the recording was very good.”
“I… guess the cat’s out of the bag?”
“I swear we were going to tell you about the fact that we killed the king’s brother!”

Choice 10
Try to listen very carefully, in order to hear Albert’s footsteps.
    Hearing check level 4
    Hearing check level 7
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: I can hear footsteps

Lie to Albert, telling him that I know where he is.
    Bluff check level 4
Try to concentrate and see if I can detect his aura with my magical sense.
    Magical sense check level 4
    Observation check level 4
    Aura hardening check level 4

Stand there and do nothing, hoping that everything will work out on its own.

Premonition check level 2

Choice 11
“Why did none of you attack Melindra and Leila during the test?”
“Why did you become a royal guard?”
“Do you and the royal guard captain have mage specializations aside from aura manipulation?”

Choice 12
“Hey, I’m sure we can wait two minutes for you to catch your breath!”
“Well, if you’re sure you’re fine then I suppose we should get going.”

Achievements in this chapter:

Opportunist - Why give away anything for free when you can make a small profit instead?

The good old days - Reenact one of the night shifts from the first days of the tournament.
~Again, Rose just needs to be alive and this will trigger at the right time.

I can hear footsteps - Listen carefully. The assassin is getting nearer.
~Rose needs to be dead.
~You need to get the secret code from Melindra in Book 2.
~Max hearing. 

Challenge accepted - Take on a challenge that not many mortals would dare to attempt. 

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