Sunday, December 26, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 3 - Chapter 6

 Chapter 6

Long chapter ahead!

Choice 1
“Does this mean that Daren could perform better than the royal guard captain in the future?”
“Will this affinity help him when fighting against other aura manipulators?”
“What about the rest of our mages? Do you think they could learn aura manipulation too?”

Choice 2 R
Suggest that Rose should go back to sleep
Let Rose go search for the name of the plant.

Choice 3
“Don’t let her get to you, slowpoke! She’s only trying to annoy you!”
“His name is Barry, okay? Enough with the nicknames, already.”
“It doesn’t matter if he used to be called slowpoke or not. Nobody is going to call him that.”

Aura concealment check level 3

Choices will be a bit confusing after this. Sorry about that ehehe
*I did not go into detail of the choices in this chapter since it was too loooong and the achievements are what was important anyway. When I replay I will edit as I go. 

Choice 3.1 (If you did not kill Billy Bob)
"Actually, I think you should study this phenomenon right now and let us be on our way."
"Hey, you've got it all wrong! We never betrayed you! We were on your side all along!"
"How exactly are you planning to kill us when you can't even move your drones?"

Choice 3.1 (If you did not follow the Overseer in Chapter 4)
"Fine. In that case, no, you weren't clear enough yesterday."
"Fine. In that case, yes, you were clear enough yesterday."
"What happens if I don't answer the question?" (Choice 3.3)

Choice 3.2 (Did not follow Overseer)
Agree with Hadrik's plan.
Agree with Kate's plan.
Suggest calling Rose on the transceiver so she can freeze time for thirty seconds. (To Choice 7.1)

Choice 3.3 (Did not follow Overseer)
"Yes or no."
"Sorry, I'm not answering." 

You go to Choice 8 after this choice.

Choice 4 (If you followed the Overseer and killed Billy Bob)
“Trust me, we’re much better off not listening to him.”
“I guess we could go along with what he says, for now…”

Choice 5
Tell the shopkeeper that the password is to shut his whore mouth and to open the door.
Tell the shopkeeper that the password is a drunk orangutan wearing a party hat.
Tell the shopkeeper that I already gave him the password and that he said it was correct.
    Bluff check level 4
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: A natural liar 

Choice 6
“We were caught off-guard yesterday. Normally, we should be able to beat those two easily.”
“What are you talking about? We mopped the floor with them yesterday!”
“What we are expecting to accomplish is none of your business.”

Choice 7
Let him leave.
Tie him up.

Choice 7.1 (If you did not trust the overseer)
Take a closer look at the labels
    Ancient languages level 1
Take a closer look at the plants on the shelves instead
    Observation check level 1

Choice 8
“This is clearly not working. Can’t we focus on preparing for the fight instead?”
“Maybe we could go a little further down the road and try calling again from there?”

Choice 9
“Actually, the king of the underground is not our friend. He even attacked us this morning!”
“They only offered us temporary shelter. There’s no need to get them involved in this.”
“Hey, if you want to attack the kind of the underground, it’s fine by me. I never liked the guy.”

Choice 10
“Hey, Gontrok, are you going to just let him insult you like that?”
“Captain, you just interrupted a sacred duel! Do you have no honor?”
“Yeah, get out of the way, Gontrok! Only real warriors are allowed here!”

Choice 11
“You guys take care of him. I’ll go deal with the earth elementalist in the sky.”
    Magical sense check level 2
    Aura concealment check level 3
    If passed: Choice 11.1
“Okay. I’ll take care of the air elementalist elf in the meantime.”
Observation check level 3
    Reflexes check level 3

    Achievement unlocked: Nice assist
    Aura hardening check level 3
    If you fail: you die
“Alright, I’ll focus my attacks on him too, then.”

Choice 11.1
Go back down. (To Choice 13)
    Aura concealment check level 3
    If you fail: you die
Keep going after the earth elemenalist.
    Strength check level 3
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: Peek-a-boo!
    To Choice 11.2

Choice 11.2
    Kill him.
    Try to convince him to make the boulders disappear. (You die)

Choice 12
Try to shoot the ambassador while the barrier is weakened. (You die)
Fly back to Kate and Illuna.
    Aura hardening check level 3 (If you did not trust the overseer and went down the road)
    If you fail: you die

Achievement unlocked: An assassin's credo

Choice 13
“I say it’s worth it. We’re going to need every possible defense against that many rocks.”
“Alright. Let’s keep the ice dome as a last alternative, then.”
    Toughness check level 4
    If you fail you die

Choice 14
Ask Arraka if she can help Kate cancel the captain’s aura technique like yesterday
Ask Daren if he can try summoning the sword with his uninjured hand instead
    Combat technique check level 2

Achievement unlocked: Time freeze enthusiast

Premonitions check level 2
(You do not get this check if Rose froze time)

Choice 15: If passed stat check
Tell Kelrim not to cast the nausea spell (Achievement unlocked: Guardian angel)
Don't say anything to Kelrim

Choice 15
“Then how about you actually avenge your captain instead of hiding like a wimp?”
“Can’t you just use your own teleportation device to cancel what Gontrok’s doing?”
“Yeah, Gontrok, don’t be a coward! Stay here and fight like a man!”

Choice 15.1 (If you did not kill Billy Bob)
Suggest getting closer to the drone, to investigate what happened. (Achievement unlocked: Curiosity killed the cat)
Suggest running as far away from the drone as our legs can carry us. 

Choice 16
Go and kill the ambassador
Leave the ambassador alone

Achievement unlocked: Average is my middle name (if you did not use any stats)

Choice 17
Drink a glass of dwarven ale with Daren and Hadrik
Don’t drink with them

Choice 18
Agree to take the next night shift with Leila
Tell her that I was planning to take the next night shift with Hadrik, to cheer him up

Achievement unlocked: Quarantine ender  

Choice 19
Try to see if I can hear anything from the tunnel leading to the teleporter room
    Hearing check level 4
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: Do you hear an echo?
Try calling my friends through the transceivers to tell them what happened

Achievements in this chapter:

A natural liar - Lie so well that you make someone question their own short-term memory.
   ~Follow the Overseer in Chapter 4.
~Either you or Kate kill Billy Bob to access the choices. 

Nice assist - Get help from someone that you've fought against in the past.
   ~Do not follow the Overseer in Chapter 4, which means Rose is alive in order to survive.
~Avoid answering his question twice.
~In Choice 11, go after the  get the necessary stats and this will trigger

Peek-a-boo! - Win a very complex game of hide and seek.

An assassin's credo - Find out what it means to be a true assassin from a skilled practitioner of the craft.
~Do not ally with the Overseer in Chapter 4. 
~In Choice 8, move farther down the road.
~Go after the ambassador but fly back to Kate and Illuna.

Guardian angel - Prevent someone from dying after seeing their death in a vision

Time freeze enthusiast - Experience the world being frozen around you two times in the same day.
~Of course, Rose needs to be alive at the end of Book 1. 
~Do not follow the Overseer in Chapter 4.
~Tell Rose to go to sleep in Choice 2 R.
~When the Overseer shows up after Choice 3, answer either yes or no and then ask Rose to freeze time.
~Survive the following choices and this will trigger at the right time.

Curiosity killed the cat - Be honest. Did you really fall for the trap, or were you aiming to get this achievement?
~Knock out Billy Bob in Chapter 4. 
~Survive the fight and pick the right choice.

Average is my middle name - Survive the trip to the surface without having any points invested in your stats.
~Choice 8, focus on the fight.
~Choice 11, go after the ambassador.
~Choice 13, have Kate make an ice dome. 

Quarantine ender - Help Daren save everyone from the quarantine area in the underground tunnels below Ollendor.
~Rose should be alive. 
~Have Rose awake to tell Daren what the herb is.
~Do not trust the Overseer.
~Pass the ancient language check at the normal shop or the observation check. 
~Survive and this will trigger when you go back to the tunnels. 

Do you hear an echo? - Listen to a conversation that is happening at the opposite end of a long underground tunnel. 

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