Monday, December 6, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 2 - Chapter 9

 Chapter 9

Choice 1 - If you slept with Melindra:
“Okay, maybe it was a little funny, but that’s beside the point!”
“No, I did not find their reactions to be amusing at all!”

Choice 2 - If you slept with Melindra
Ask her to cast a second energizing spell on me, after the side-effects kick in.
Ask her not to cast a second energizing spell on me

Choice 3 - If you did not sleep with Melindra and went on guard duty with Kate:
"Because I didn't want to kick her out like a dog, when she didn't have a place to sleep."
"Because I didn't want to waste any more time arguing with her."
"Because I figured I may as well come chat with you, given that I was already up."

Choice 4
“Maybe they found a detector, and they’re taking the pinecones to it.”
“Maybe they’re planning to take them to one of the sages.”
“Maybe they’re trying to go for quantity over quality.”

Choice 5
“Why do you care about these puzzle pieces so much?”
“Sounds like a good idea. Good luck.”

Choice 6 - If you slept with Melindra:
Let Melindra cast the spell
Don’t let Melindra cast the spell
    Reflexes check level 4
    If you fail you die

Choice 7 - If you did not sleep with Melindra:
“I don’t know. I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
“Yeah, I probably couldn’t last ten seconds against you in an actual fight.”

Achievement unlocked: Something is missing

Choice 8 - If you trigger the achievement
Don't apologize

Choice 9
“There’s no need for you to take another enchanter’s oath, Melindra.”
“Actually, that wouldn’t be such a bad idea.”

Choice 10
“If he really is that powerful, then why didn’t he just kill Tyrath until now?”
“Why does it sound to me like you’re making up excuses for losing in the still winter?”
“But why would Eiden be so much more powerful than regular stillwaters?

Choice 11
Volunteer to go with Flower (Choice 11.1)
Stay silent

Choice 11.1
Ancient languages check level 2

Tell them about Eiden’s spell (Passed stat check: Achievement unlocked: I'm a helper!)
Don’t tell him about Eiden’s spell

Choice 12
“So, how have things been going with Kate?”
“So, how do you like our little group, so far?”
“So, what have you been up to, lately?”

Choice 13 R
“Could you at least tell us what you know about time weavers in general?”
“Rose, do you remember what you were doing before the time froze?”

Achievement unlocked: Long live the king

Choice 13 N
Keep the channel open on my side.
Close to channel on my side too. 

Choice 14
Agree to drink with Hadrik
Tell him that I’d rather stay sober tonight

Choice 15
Tell him to turn his card face up (Achievement unlocked: Master of cards) (Appears if you stay sober)
Let the round continue normally

Achievements in this chapter:

Something is missing - Does this backpack feel lighter to anyone else, or is it just me?
~Do not secure your backpack in Book 1, Chapter 3.
~Do not sleep with Melindra in Chapter 8 and kick her out. 
This will trigger in the right moment.

I'm a helper! - Help the animals in the forest to complete their mission.

Long live the king! - Learn a shocking truth about the current state of affairs in Thilias.
~Rose should be alive at the end of Book 1.
~Do not offer to get rid of the Iessathi at the end of Chapter 1.
~Accept the Iessathi's offer in Chapter 2.
This will trigger at the right moment.

Master of cards - Win a card game against Hadrik

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