Friday, December 3, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 2 - Chapter 1

Welcome back to Magium!

Here we are, Book 2! 

Personal advice, save your AJ games and use it when you need to keep going back for an achievement. But there will be achievements that requires you to have a certain choice in Book 1 so you will need to replay Book 1 a few times. Again, my advice, get the choice required, choose the Average Joe choices so you get it faster. But, if you don't mind exploring other options while you're at it, then by all means... ;) 

Since we can or cannot save Rose in the book 1 finale, all specific choices where she is alive will be marked R.
If she is gone and the revenant is in her body, the choice will be marked N.
This will carry on to the next books. 

Achievements: The achievements are listed below and how to get them.  This time I will be listing them in the order they appear in the game. The section below is the specifics to get them. You might need to restart the chapter several times or the game itself several times to get the achievements. According to the author, the achievements are designed to showcase most of the important variations in the story. There is a minimum 25 achievements to move on to the next book or you can pay to get the next book. 

 Chapter 1

Choice 1 N
Volunteer to deliver the news to the kids (Achievement unlocked: Bearer of bad news)
Stay silent

Choice 2
“Sure, why not?”
“I think I’ll pass, thanks.”

Choice 3 N
"Is this really the time and place to have a drink?"
"Shouldn't we be discussing what we're going to do with the kids, first?"
"If we're going to have a drink, then why not go all in and have some dwarven ale?"

Choice 4 N
Tell him about the revenant.
Tell him that Rose's body was incinerated by a fire elementalist mage.

Choice 5 R (But you did not sleep with her in Book 1, Chapter 11)
"You're married?" (Achievement unlocked: Long distance)
"Wait a minute. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that you were never married."

Choice 6 R
“Hey, now, don’t go writing me off before the tournament’s even started!”
“Actually, I was thinking that we could keep in contact by using Daren’s transceivers.”

Choice 7
“Sure, I’ll go.” (Achievement unlocked: Second piece of the puzzle)
“No, I’d rather stay here.”

Choice 8
“The guy was asking for it.”
“We didn’t kill him! We’re innocent!”
“We killed him because he placed absolutely no value on human life.” (Achievement unlocked: Half breed)

Choice 9
“What makes you think that we’ll simply agree to be led to the arena?”
“Real castle? How many castles do you have in this place, anyway?”
“So, what exactly are these events that we need to win in order be set free, then?”

Choice 10
“Actually, I think we’ve already filled our quota of rash actions for the week.”
“A few months is too long. Maybe we can take care of your Iessathi problem, instead.”

Achievements in this chapter:

Bearer of bad news - Volunteer to take the role that nobody wants to take.

Long distance - Find out the reason why Daren decided to create his enchanted transceivers.
~Rose needs to be alive and you did not sleep with her.
Remember that you sleep with her after saving Ella and you assure her
that you still have feelings for her in Chapter 11.

Second piece of the puzzle -- Find the second piece of the puzzle made by Varathia's greatest architect.

Half-breed - Find out an interesting detail about your lineage.
~I got this achievement even when I spinned Arraka.
If this doesn't work for you, then don't spin her. 

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