Sunday, December 5, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 2 - Chapter 5

 Chapter 5

Choice 1
“Wilhelm is not a threat. Let him do what he wants. It won’t make any difference.”
“We don’t have any rope. We could just tell him to keep his distance from us.”
“Let him fight with us. We’ll need all the help we can get against that troll.”

Hearing check level 2

Choice 2
Try to cut the troll’s head off
    Speed check level 3
    Strength check level 2
Try to act as a decoy, so Leila can cut the troll’s head off
    Speed check level 3
Go for a tactical retreat.

Ancient languages check level 1
If pass: you can convince the ogres to join you

Choice 3
Observe in the battle between Leila and Velgos, in order to find his weaknesses
    Observation check level 3
Lie to the mage, in order to convince him to act as a decoy
Cut the troll’s head off, while he’s busy fighting Leila

Choice 4
Leave the weapons there
Take one scimitar
Take both scimitars 

Achievement unlocked: Divide and conquer

Choice 5
“Who are you calling a peasant? Peasant!”
“Are you okay? Your face is all red. Maybe we should call a doctor.”
Finish off Daren

Choice 6
Refuse the duel
Accept the duel (Choice 6.1)

Choice 6.1
Aim to kill him
Aim to incapacitate him

Choice 6.2
Take him by surprise and disarm him
    Speed check level 2
    Strength check level 1
    If you fail either one: you die

Take him by surprise and attack him directly
    Speed check level 2
Wait for him to make mistakes, then disarm him
    Reflexes check level 2
    Strength check level 1

Wait for him to make mistakes, then attack him directly
    Reflexes check level 2
    If you fail: you die

Choice 6.3
Kill him
Stab him in the right leg, but spare his life (Achievement unlocked: Public speaker)

Achievement unlocked: United we stand

Choice 7
“Like hell, we will! That wasn’t the deal!”
“What is the emergency?”
“What about the penalty round? Do we still have to do that too?”

Choice 8
“Wait, are you talking about me?”
“Didn’t you lose against me the last time, though?”

Choice 9
Offer to pilot the aircraft
Offer to man the guns

Choice 10
Attack the dragon
If manning the guns: combat technique check level 2
If you fail: you die
Wait for a better moment to attack (You die)

Choice 11
Ask Arraka if Eiden is still hiding around here, invisibly
Don’t ask Arraka anything

Achievements in this chapter:

Tribal dancer - Perform a tribal dance while dodging pillars of fire
~In Chapter 2, choose cell number 3.
~In Chapter 4, go the Not A Team Player Path (impress Bruce and have the two thugs killed).
~In Choice 1, tell Wilhelm to keep his distance.
~Do not pass the stat check of hearing/ancient language. 
~Do not let the ogres help you if you are given this choice.
~Finally in choice 3, lie to the mage and convince him to be a decoy.
Make sure you have 2 speed and you will be dancing. 

Divide and conquer - Win against the troll by turning his own allies against him.
~You just need to pass the hearing and ancient languages check.

Public speaker - Hold a speech in front of the area crowds, after one of your victories.

United we stand - Get Wilhelm and the gladiator that you fight against in the third round to join your team in the bonus round.
~Let Wilhelm fight with you in Choice 1.
Then choose to accept the duel. Choose to disarm the gladiator.
This will trigger in the right moment. 

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