Monday, December 6, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 2 - Chapter 8

 Chapter 8

Choice 1
Try to convince Melindra to bring us down
Let Melindra deal with the situation however she wants

Choice 2
“What if we only ask her to demonstrate her powers, without fighting us?”

Achievement unlocked: Stillwater trivia

Choice 3
“Was this before the still winter? What was he being imprisoned for?”
“How did he managed to get imprisoned when he has all these powers?”

Choice 4
“I think that she’s a bit stuck up, but I doubt she’s a traitor.”
“Nah, she seems alright to me.”
“You mean, like an informant? It’s certainly possible.”

Combat technique check level 1
Reflexes check level 2
If you fail but have the cheaper crossbow and did not let Melindra tire herself:
Achievement unlocked: Unexpected savior

Choice 5
Fight the orcs and send Flower to look for the goblins
    Strength check level 3
    If you pass: Achievement unlocked: Tree wielder
    Speed check level 3
    If you fail: you die

Go look for the goblin mages, along with Flower and Illuna

Achievement unlocked: Side effects

Choice 6
“Do all of the elite groups have the same team composition?”
“Does Tyrath have any teams that are stronger than these elite squads?”

Choice 7
“Did Fyron ever serve under the dragon, before he joined the free goblins?”
“How many types of monsters does Tyrath have under his rule, exactly?

Choice 8
“It is indeed.”
“Is this the part where you make fun of how common my name is?”
“That’s funny… Because you were calling me ‘half-Iessathi’ just a few hours ago…”

Choice 9
“What makes you say that?”
“You really weren’t kidding about pestering me, were you?”

Choice 10
“I guess you make a good point.”
“Or maybe other mages have been staying away from Thilias for some reason…”
“Don’t forget that there were also Iessathi in the city.”

Choice 11
“I didn’t say that!”
“Yes, that is exactly what I am saying.” (Choice 11.1)

Choice 11.1
Let her sleep in the tent.
Tell her to get out of the tent.
Let her sleep in the tent for a few hours, and go join Kate on her night shift. (Achievement unlocked: A true gentleman) 

Achievements in this chapter:

Stillwater trivia - Find out important information about the stillwaters, and their origins.
~Choice 1: Pick Let Melindra handle the situation.

Unexpected savior - When you are in a pinch, help does not always come from where you'd expect.
~In Chapter 7, pick the cheaper crossbow.
~You will have this achievement in the AJ path or you do not have the stats for the stat check.
Choice 2: Say whatever. Do not let Melindra tire herself and she will save you.

Tree wielder - Who needs weapons, when you can just use trees as clubs?

Side effects - Experience first-hand the side effects of your protection spell.
~In Chapter 7, Choice 2: Let Illuna cast the protection spell on you.
This achievement will trigger at the right moment.

A true gentleman - Offer to take an extra night shift, in order to make sure that your lady guest gets a good night's sleep.

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