Monday, December 6, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 3 - Chapter 2

 Chapter 2

Choice 1
“But will they let a bunch of armed strangers enter their city so easily?”
“What will we do if they don’t buy our story?”

Choice 2
“Uh, the guy we were supposed to meet didn’t tell us about any passwords.”
“The password is ‘shut your mouth and open the gate’.”
“We forgot the password.”
“The password is ‘a drunk orangutan wearing a party hat’.”
"The password is 'griffin beak'. (You get this choice if you acquired a password last chapter)

Choice 3
“What if we tried to get one of them drunk, instead?” (Choice 3.1)
“To be honest, I agree with Hadrik. We should just smash through their front gates.”
“I could try to eavesdrop on someone from afar.” (Requires Hearing 4)

Choice 3.1
“That’s a good idea! Let’s go, Hadrik!” 
“We can still wait for you to finish your drink. We’re not in THAT much of a hurry.” (Skip Choice 5)

Choice 4
Suggest that we ignore the goblins and head for the city.
Suggest that we go kill the goblins, just to be safe.
Suggest that we go talk to the goblins, and see what they want.
    If you eavesdropped in chapter 3 and acquired the password in chapter 1, the goblins will help you. (Choice 4.1)

Choice 4.1 (Then skip to Choice 6)
"Sounds good. Let's go!"
"It's fine, we're not in a hurry. You can go first instead."

Choice 5
Fly into the air and help Illuna take out the guards on the walls
    Observation level 4
    If you fail you die

Fly out of the barrier and try to distract some of the golems
    Reflexes check level 4
    If you fail you die

Make a run for it and try to distract the golems with my speed
    Speed check level 4
    If you fail you die
Fly out of the barrier and try to punch one of the golems in the face
    Toughness check level 4
    Strength check level 4
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: Metal golem slayer

Choice 6
“I am Felran, the strongest fire elementalist on the Eastern Continent!”
“My name is Cutthroat Dave.”
“My name is Barry.”
Stab the flying metal ball in the eye
    Premonition check level 3
    If passed: to Choice 7
    If failed: to Choice 6.1
Tell everyone that we should just ignore the metal ball and go on our way
    Premonition check level 3
    If passed: to Choice 7
    If failed: to Choice 6.1

Choice 6.1 
Let Kate shoot the metal balls
    Reflexes check level 4
    If you fail you die

"Maybe Daren should make a barrier for us first, just in case."
    Reflexes check level 3
    If you fail you die

Choice 7
“No, that’s not true at all!”
“Fine, you got us! Are you happy now?” (Achievement unlocked: I cannot tell a lie.)

Choice 8
“I think he just wants to see how things will play out. I doubt he’ll join in.”
“Even if there is interference from him, I don’t think it will be anything too major.”
“You think he might want to fight us?”

Hearing check level 3

Choice 9
Take Daren’s sword and try to run around Gontrok, buying some time.
    Speed check level 4
    If you fail: you die

Take Daren’s sword and try to fly around Gontrok, buying some time.
    Reflexes check level 4
    Combat technique check level 4
    If you fail both: you die

Go all out. (Requires max Strength, Speed, Reflexes, Combat Technique and Toughness)
    If passed: Achievement unlocked: Time to get serious
Try to provoke Gontrok and the captain into fighting each other (You do not get this choice if you lied to the droon)

Choice 10
“Maybe somebody else is also trying to assassinate the king.”
“Maybe Eiden tried to mess with the kind, to see how he’d react.”
“Maybe it was just a defective device, and the king teleported the guards for nothing.”

Choice 11
“What happened to your friends that set off the explosion? Are they all safe?”
“How did they manage to pull it off? Didn’t they have people guarding that place?”
“Wasn’t this a little risky, though? Why did your friends agree to do it just for us?”

Choice 12
“It’s because we heard that you guys are serving some really good bagels around here.”
“We only came here to do some trading. It’s all just one big misunderstanding.”
“We actually came here to kill the king of Ollendor.”

Choice 13
Call after the girl and tell her that we’ll find her family.
Stay silent.

Choice 14
“Wait, that’s not why I followed you here!”
“Alright. Lead the way!” (Achievement unlocked: Reckless)

Choice 15 
“I have to admit that I was wondering how Kelrim got to learn white magic.”
“Now that you mention it, I am a bit curious to know how a goblin ended up in a human city.”
“Actually, I can’t say that I care all that much, to be honest.”

Achievements in this chapter:

Metal golem slayer - Kill a large metal golem with your own hands.

Time to get serious -  Sometimes, you just need to pull out all the stops.

I cannot tell a lie. - Honest Barry is what they call you.

Reckless - Live up to your new nickname.

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