Friday, December 3, 2021

Magium Walkthrough Book 2 - Chapter 2

 Chapter 2

Achievements: The achievements are listed below and how to get them.  This time I will be listing them in the order they appear in the game. The section below is the specifics to get them. You might need to restart the chapter several times or the game itself several times to get the achievements. According to the author, the achievements are designed to showcase most of the important variations in the story. There is a minimum 25 achievements to move on to the next book or you can pay to get the next book. 

Choice 1
Tell him about the stat device
Don’t tell him about the stat device

Choice 2
Choose cell number three
Choose cell number five
Tell him that I don’t care either way

Toughness check level 2
Passed: Achievement unlocked: Come at me, bro

Not required if you pass toughness check:
Strength check level 2
Combat technique check level 2
Reflexes check level 2

Choice 2.1 - If passed toughness check:
“Well, we are part of the same team.”
“How about you apologize for attacking me first?”

Premonition check level 2

Choice 3 - If you pass premonition check
Act casually, without letting him know that I'm on to him.
Threaten him, in order to make sure that he'll be too scared to stab me in the back. 

Choice 3 - If you fail premonition check
“Thanks for letting me know.”
“Sorry, but I prefer to work alone.”

Choice 4
Accept to go inside her cell
Do not accept to go inside her cell

Choice 4.1 - Average Joe in Book 1
"I wanted to save them for an emergency."
"I wanted to see how long I could last on my own!"
"It's because I'm aiming to complete the 'Average Joe' Achievement." (Achievement unlocked: Fourth wall breaker) 

Choice 5
“What do you mean? Of course I knew that the device works better for Iessathi!”
“Actually to be honest, before coming here, I didn’t even know I was a Iessathi.”

Choice 6
Lie to the Iessathi about accepting the deal and betray them later.
Refuse the Iessathi’s offer
Accept the Iessathi’s offer (You do not get this choice if you offered to take care of the Iessathi problem in Chapter 1) (Achievement unlocked: The easy way out)

If you refuse, you will be asked again. You only get the achievement the first time they ask you. This choice has long term consequences as well. 

Hearing check level 3

Choice 7
Open the door
Tell them I’m not opening the door until I get an answer

Choice 8
Swim to the bottom of the lake to see if I can find a way to start the elevator
Ignore the elevator and go directly for the wooden cabin to start a fire

Choice 9
Tell her about Kate
Don’t tell her about Kate

Choice 10
Kill the creatures
    Strength check level 2
    Combat technique check level 3
    Reflexes check level 3

    If you fail: You die
Leave the creatures alone, and concentrate of finding a way out

Choice 10.1 - If you pass the stat check
Slice one of the rats with my dagger, when it comes close (Choice 10.2)
When the rats approach, get up slowly, so I don't scare them away (Choice 10.3)

Choice 10.2
Lure the griffins inside the gargoyle cell, and hold them off at the door.
    Toughness check level 3
    If fail: you die

Fight them in the tunnel, where there's more space to move around.
    Speed check level 3
    Strength check level 3

Choice 10.3
Try riding the griffin
    Toughness check level 3 
    Achievement unlocked: Griffin rider
    If you fail, you die
Kill the griffin directly

Achievements in this chapter

Come at me, bro! - Take all of your opponent's hits head-on, instead of trying to defend yourself.
~Toughness level 2 works even without the other stats.

The easy way out - Accept the help of a shady individual, without lying to him, in exchange for making your life easier in the arena
~Remember to accept the offer the first time you are asked.

Fourth wall breaker - Make a reference that your game character would have no way of knowing without breaking the fourth wall.
~Only in Average Joe path, meaning all stats are 0.

Griffin rider - Ride a griffin and live to tell the tale.

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